1984, Wasn't.

Canyon Run

By:  1984, Wasn't.  •   •  12 years ago  •  3 comments

Canyon Run

This is another test of techniques and touches. Let's see what happens.

An article that posted photos inspired me to get off my butt and take a drive.

I live in a densely populated area on the north end of L.A. County, I am also minutes away from the Angeles National Forest and the Cleveland National Forest. I have lived here for 12+ years and never entered these domains. Almost criminal.

I took a ride to find a tree, because I could, I never found the tree, I found so much more, including a bit of myself that I was sure I lost.

Let's take a look of the old world. All images copyright 1984 wasnt.

37_blogs.jpg?width=750 Just another day at the stoplight. This was a Monday, it made it a little sweeter to me. I was off and everyone else had someplace they HAD to be. I did not. I was going where the road took me and with a little luck where Google maps told me to go. Either way I did not care, just makes getting home a tad easier.

38_blogs.jpg?width=750 Why mobile devices should be and are illegal while driving. nothing good can come from it.

From that stoplight, there is about 2 miles of civiliazation. Then just hills and desert. Newsflash! Southern California is a desert. William Mulholland figured that out about 200 years ago, that is another article I have brewing. Anyway, back to the run. Before I could out of sight of the stoplight, some rocks caught my eye. They seemed out of place, I was able to turn out into a driveway, which presented some photo ops on their own merit.

39_blogs.jpg?width=750 Not The pic I was looking for, but it was really clear so I will call a happy accident. Beautiful property, flags everywhere, and no admittance signs. My chunk of the USA, to the death. I do not disagree with that outlook. And I don't where to go from there except to the next picture.

I stopped here because of these rocks, I like rocks.

40_blogs.jpg?width=750 These egg shaped features caught my eye as out of place. I can engage with geologist's later, it's a picture. And I look forward to the rock expects, Dowser, are you ready for a throwdown ?

I have more images, would not want you to be underinformed but we have to party.

I actually made it into the boundries of the National Forest, The first image is of rocks. I like rocks. The wonder comes from, how was this rock formed, and how did it get to the place where it is presented to me ? Those are the questions that make for insomniac geologists.

But wait, I need another photo, I spent most of the day to take photos, I have to share more.

41_blogs.jpg?width=750 Hard to grasp looking at sedimentary rock which was formed horizontal, and is now at a 30 degree angle. The violent earth events that made this happen, I can comprehend, I can not comprehend if they happened with modern society on top. I digress, this is about pictures and posting. But it is not. This Is my blog, I get to say where it goes.

Wow, that was a touchstone moment. I have full control of my content

More photos


I have an issue with more photos, that's why this is test.

Enjoy for now.


jrBlog - desc
Broliver "TheSquirrel" Stagnasty
Freshman Silent
link   Broliver "TheSquirrel" Stagnasty    12 years ago

If you look on a geological map of your area, which I can't help but imagine might even be online, you will probably find out the age of these rocks. The exact causes that led to them being in the positions which they are now might be problematic, but we can generally get pretty close, especially knowing the area.

1984, Wasn't.
Freshman Silent
link   author  1984, Wasn't.    12 years ago

I have USGS shortcuts on my desktop, and a USGS pen pal. I have the tools and the talent, just not the time. Or the drive to rehash someone else's reports, which are fascinating no doubt and post a compilation. I prefer to stay with the broader strokes and provoke thought from the non experts by just saying this is cool, and imagine what it took to make it happen. To perhaps open a mind to what it is more than a pile of rocks.

I don't have it tonight,

Nigel Dogberry
Freshman Silent
link   Nigel Dogberry    12 years ago

I remember these photos from the vine. These photos are clear and sharp. I don't even own a digital camera, except for the one in my phone.