I'm starting a new blog for stories that may or may not rate a seed of their own but are still worth mentioning.
We start with affirmative action for rich white MAGA's
BREAKING: In the DEI hire of the century, Buckley Carlson, son of Tucker Carlson, is joining Vice President J.D. Vance's office as deputy press secretary. MAGA opposes helping minorities but has...
Native Nations have always known this day would come. The tribes stand on the edge of a knife. Our right to citizenship and, by extension, our tribal lands is now in question.
Trump's birthright citizenship executive order went into effect in the first days of his administration. This executive order opened the door for the deportation of illegal immigrants. Immediately, the question of...
And so it begins
By: Veronica • Generic • 169 comments • one month ago
This is what I have been worried about right along. Men wanting women to be property once again & to be happy that way.
November 23, 2024
Hi, everyone.
Get this. In late July I was weed whacking around a flower bed. I had to bend over to move a loose rock out of the way, and promptly got stung on the hand by a ground wasp. What are the chances I would bend over right there where a nest was? I should have played the lottery that day.
I think they were red paper wasps. I'm lucky I only got stung...
Dream Team or simply a Shit Show
By: Robert in Ohio • life choices • 73 comments • 3 months ago
A simple survey on the latest announced cabinet picks
1. Is it a dream team or a shit show?
2. Which pick shocked you more than all the others?
3. Which of the nominees do you think will fail to get 50 votes in the Senate?
4. Is this "shock and awe" so that when some of these picks are withdrawn, the replacement nominee will look so much better that they will sail through confirmation?
How Democrats Could Have Won, Easily.
By: Sean Treacy • Op-Ed • 88 comments • 3 months ago
Despite outspending Republicans two to one, having a legacy media that promoted their preferred talking points and running against a historically unpopular candidate, Democrats managed to miss what should have been a layup. Some simple choices could have avoided it.
1. Biden should have pardoned Trump in 2021. This shouldn't be a shock to anyone but Trump's entire brand and appeal is being...
Ok...he won. I accept it.
My brief analysis is this: If Harris could stay on topic about her policies instead of always wanting to tear him down, I think she might have done better. I would rather hear about what she intend to do about the border, fix inflation, and strengthen our ties with our allies. What were her foreign policies?
Michele Obama once said when they go low, we go high. Harris...
The big night is finally here. It is Election Day 2024. Who will win?
What are you feeling about the way the votes are being tabulated?
How Much is a College Degree Worth?
By: Robert in Ohio • life choices • 76 comments • 3 months ago
I came across this chart on Facebook the other day and wondered what you folks would think about the subject, both the assigned values to certain degrees and the value of a college education in current society.
I, personally, am against the process of forgiving student loans. If a person signs a loan agreement and then fails to live up to that agreement, then in my view their word is of no...
nypost.com /2024/11/02/us-news/nj-woman-rips-off-top-votes-in-bra-after-being-told-to-ditch-maga-gear/
NJ woman rips off top, votes in bra after being told to ditch MAGA gear
Deirdre Bardolf 5-6 minutes 11/2/2024
Now that’s a vote of confidence!
A New Jersey woman tore off her top, swung it like a lasso in defiance and voted in her bra after being told she couldn’t...
Why the Dem/Leftist “Cheney Firing Squad” Propaganda Should Push Undecideds To Trump.
So, once again we have an isolated sliver of something Trump said being manipulated into saying something he didn’t actually say. Before going further, let’s get what he actually said out there so we have the context. Yes, I know. Context schmontext is the attitude of many here but it matters to many others.
When asked about Liz Cheney campaigning for Harris, Trump said, “Well, I think it...