
Social-justice programming for every college student

Via:  CB  •  last year  •  11 comments

By:   Nicholas Giordano (New York Post)

Social-justice programming for every college student
The SUNY "Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice" requirements do nothing more than cultivate division, distort reality, eliminate the power of the individual and insult any fair-minded person.

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Doubting Thomas' Lazaretto

Below from the New York Post is 'high' praise for SUNY [State University of New York] Chancellor John King on December 8, 2022:

With John King as SUNY chancellor, New York gets a solid force for excellence in education

Post Editorial Board

December 8, 2022 6:46pm

See link to high praise article:

Then comes the

Social-justice programming for every college student

February 1, 2023 6:24pm

(The "seeded article below.")

That did not last long, eh?

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

By Nicholas Giordano


Hans Pennink

The social-justice warriors are pushing full steam ahead with their plans to turn our classrooms into indoctrination dens. The State University of New York system, in which I'm a political-science professor, just announced expanded "Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice" [DEISJ] requirements for every degree program starting in fall 2023.

That's right — DEISJ classes are required to earn a degree, even in departments outside liberal arts such as math, science and engineering.

These initiatives do nothing more than cultivate division, distort reality, eliminate the power of the individual and insult any fair-minded person. DEISJ is a cultural movement, not an academic discipline, inhibiting academic freedom and doing little to prepare students for the workforce.

This curriculum has no place in education. Americans — parents, students, employers — need to defend our nation's academic institutions, which are critical to forming a citizenry equipped to uphold our republic through economic productivity and civic engagement.

DEISJ drives are a cancer spreading throughout American institutions. To meet SUNY's requirements, students must master specific criteria for spotting and responding to "dynamics of power, privilege, oppression, and opportunity" in all aspects of the past and the present.

As the largest university system in the country, with 64 institutions serving nearly 1.3 million students, SUNY is clearly doing its part to create a new generation of public virtue signalers. Unfortunately, it's just one of many higher-education institutions that would rather students master DEISJ's core components than prepare for a lifetime career. The University of Massachusetts, Drake University, Brandeis University, Villanova University and the University of California system are among the many schools adopting this radical framework.

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SUNY says DEISJ courses "must explicitly address how institutional and societal structures lead to inequities across groups." Such learning outcomes push the narrative that America is, and will continue to be, a systemically and institutionally racist country. The framework ignores the great strides made over the last two centuries and doesn't allow any debate.

As a political-science professor, I can say that DEISJ desecrates the American identity and makes a mockery of our national motto, E Pluribus Unum — Out of many, one. From many different people, from different places, we create one nation united by core values such as liberty, self-government, equality and individualism.

Instead, DEISJ initiatives promote a victimhood culture and encourage tribalism by putting identity above country in the name of equity. Their objectives are intellectually shallow and ideologically driven as they mischaracterize America and our history. Even worse, they foster resentment and bitterness towards our country, which has provided so much opportunity despite our past sins.

Higher-education institutions should focus on equipping students with the ability to think critically, developing interpersonal skills and preparing them for the labor market. Given enrollment declines, a trend showing no signs of abating, parents and students should use the power of the purse and choose schools that value sound academic principles over woke ideology.

Alumni can also play a role in defeating DEISJ. Alumni giving makes up 23% of the money colleges and universities raise. Alumni should seriously reconsider their contributions if their alma maters continue to pursue an ideological agenda.

And corporations account for 13% of all college and university contributions. Employers can also withhold cash and continue to look at alternative ways to vet talent — some, like Google, Tesla, Bank of America, General Motors and IBM, have dropped degree requirements, and more are likely to follow. Colleges cannot afford to lose their support.

DEISJ is a lucrative multibillion-dollar industry peddling propaganda and division that we must root out of our education system. Over the last two decades, faculty like me have witnessed the collapse of academia and a drop in academic standards. We can and we must stand up to this madness and say enough is enough. Our country depends on it.

Nicholas Giordano is a political-science professor at Suffolk Community College and a Leadership Institute Campus Reform Higher Education fellow.


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Professor Principal
1  seeder  CB    last year
The SUNY "Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice" requirements do nothing more than cultivate division, distort reality, eliminate the power of the individual and insult any fair-minded person.
If some conservatives think they are individuals, and not a collection of 'pack' runners, let me burst there bubble right here and now! Some conservatives are heavy into group-think. Just look at all the internal jargon and adjoining talking points spewing from this 'Post' article. Look at it!
What some conservatives don't want is social justice, because it will redistribute social awareness in conservative circles where such conservatives want to be in control of the policy-making of exclusion of any and all who do not 'toe' the conservative line. Just think about it, some conservative have a political 'ranking' system and it is not objective but is selective by giving high marks to conservatives who stay in line with its base (hatreds) while forcing any one who is not toeing the line out of the party.
Hey Some Conservatives you want to write and talk about division, we can do that! Just look at who is "in" your party and who is "out" since 2017!
Drinker of the Wry
Senior Expert
1.1  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  CB @1    last year


Professor Principal
1.1.1  Texan1211  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @1.1    last year


Professor Principal
2  Texan1211    last year

The author made some good points.

Why on earth would  "Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice" requirements be mandated for every degree?

How will that better prepare scientists, biologists, computer system specialists, engineers, doctors, or lawyers?

Professor Principal
2.1  seeder  CB  replied to  Texan1211 @2    last year

It's a social thing. You may not know this, but citizens on different paths in life have been existing (rather poorly/loosely) in this country for. . . hundreds of years. And certain groups in our 'numbers' are not very consenting to the whole of sharing the country. Indeed there are groups in our country seeking/striving to undermine their fellow citizens. It is incredibly bad because by legal definition. . . and constitutionally, any person born here or naturalized is a citizen of this country entitled to all the rights and privileges of even the most 'SENIOR' of citizen families!

Turning the lives of innocent "Americans" into political 'punting' perpetually is wrong.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice are good words. It is a shame that some conservatives see them as a threat to progress. Unless, progress is not what conservatives strive to see in this country.

Why on earth would  "Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice" requirements be mandated for every degree?

To prevent some conservatives in the 'lot' from packing themselves into courses which don't teach social 'betterment' skills that work to bring people together—taking for granted there are conservatives who are constantly looking for their next political fight in which they vainly labor to 'own' liberals, in my opinion.

It would seem this Chancellor wants SUNY students to finally 'bond' over issues which knit them together and not just have "tribes" populating his/on campus.

Professor Principal
2.1.1  Texan1211  replied to  CB @2.1    last year
It's a social thing.

So no real value added to the degree, but, boy, it sure makes some liberals feel good, eh?

Professor Principal
2.1.2  seeder  CB  replied to  Texan1211 @2.1.1    last year

Cut the crap about 'feelings' because unless you come here for a 'paycheck, benefits, or both' you are here for. . . personal satisfaction. So that conservative myth is exposed and terminated!  As for real value, yes, the value will accumulate in the degree program since it is a required course for any degree! 

As usual some conservatives are here to fight for doing nothing new/progressive and staying on a course that is mediocre at best! Shame, too. But shame is 'under the bus' of today's conservative party too now. Even though some conservatives can not win over society by being shameless and sitting in the squalor of chaos that in inevitably brings forth.

Some conservatives come here with a pretense of wanting a deepening relationship with black people as a whole or in increasing percentages while presenting the same old tired 'playbook' which lacks anything people of color can accept in the name of inclusion. That is, people of color, coming from a long history of lack in this country want a culture of widening inclusion; all some conservatives offer is a faux alternative of widening exclusion of those who will not become conservative, or to be more precise, what I like to call Some Conservaties/MAGAn conservatives!

Professor Principal
2.1.3  seeder  CB  replied to  CB @2.1    last year

And this is your opportunity to discuss indepth the subject: Diversity/Equity/Inclusion/Social Justice unimpeded by distractions as we seen to the only two members in here. What you do with this opening/space remains an open question! jrSmiley_100_smiley_image.jpg

Professor Quiet
2.1.4  Ronin2  replied to  Texan1211 @2.1.1    last year

The value is in leftists' virtue signaling heads; and the universities' pocket books. That can now charge students for require courses many would never take.

Any student enrolled in those universities should be able to demand a full tuition refund; so they can find a university that cares about their educational and career goals.

Those that want to stay and support the new woke program are of course free to do so.

Professor Principal
2.1.5  seeder  CB  replied to  Ronin2 @2.1.4    last year

"Virtual signaling" can you define what the phrase means to you as a conservative. Thank you.

I agree a total or partial refund should be afforded each student in a time 'window' to remove themselves from SUNY, in accordance with signing agreements.

Professor Principal
3  seeder  CB    last year
As a political-science professor, I can say that DEISJ desecrates the American identity and makes a mockery of our national motto, E Pluribus Unum — Out of many, one. From many different people, from different places, we create one nation united by core values such as liberty, self-government, equality and individualism.

What do conservatives have against social justice, beyond it being progressive and a strong desire to demonize anything done by liberals? In the quote above the last sentence sounds "triumphant' but it has never been the case in this country that we are one! Why? Because there have always been some conservatives who have schemed to divide us. It is mere projection from the conservative side of the aisle to try to claim they are "peace-makers" and love unity with their fellow citizens: Just look at their policies!


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