Atheists at the Creation Museum
Via: TᵢG
Religious and not News Chat
6 years ago
A way to virtually tour the Creation Museum and get a dose of Young Earth Creationism.
Who Created God?
By: al Jizzerror
Religious and not News Chat
6 years ago
Theists believe God created the universe. Many theists believe in creationism although some now call it "intelligent design". So the next logical question is "who created God?" Can "atheist...
Slavery in the Bible is Disingenuous
Via: TᵢG
Religious and not News Chat
6 years ago
Matt was very triggered in this video. Not the presentation I would prefer, but he made points that I have made using examples I have used and got the kind of response I have witnessed. In...
Ricky Gervais And Stephen Go Head-To-Head On Religion
Via: TᵢG
Religious and not News Chat
6 years ago
Ricky in his usual soft-delivery of brutal candor offers a clear description of agnostic atheism (i.e. the position of most every atheist) and demonstrates why he is an agnostic atheist. Here is...
Online supplier of abortion pills defies FDA order to stop providing them in US
Via: Gordy327
Religious and not News Chat
6 years ago
As abortion becomes increasingly inaccessible in parts of this country, a Dutch physician is defying the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s order to quit providing abortion pills using the...
Alabama Lawmakers Vote to Effectively Ban Abortion in the State
Via: Gordy327
Religious and not News Chat
6 years ago
MONTGOMERY, Ala. — The Alabama Senate approved a measure on Tuesday that would outlaw almost all abortions in the state, setting up a direct challenge to Roe v. Wade, the case that recognized a...
No, Mayor Buttigieg, God isn't a progressive
Via: XXJefferson51
Religious and not News Chat
6 years ago
You can almost hear the gears turning in the heads of campaign managers for Democratic presidential hopefuls. They’re thinking Mayor Pete Buttigieg may have been on to something when he claimed...
A Serious Question: How is abortion anyone's business?
By: Gordy327
Religious and not News Chat
6 years ago
Over the last several months, there have been news reports of certain states trying to prohibit or severely restrict abortion rights, impose legal penalties for women seeking abortion, and even...