Newsflash: The Earth's Temperature Is Still Going up
Via: Que
Climate Change & Environment
10 years ago
environment climate-change global-warming john-mccain co2 noaa george-will congressman-lamar-smith tom-karl Conservative politicians and columnists...
Snowball-Throwing, Climate-Denying Senator May Crash Paris Climate Talks
Via: Que
Climate Change & Environment
10 years ago
Seeded by Que2646 VIEW ORIGINAL ARTICLE: | Care2 Causes Seeded on Sat Oct 31, 2015 11:25 AM At the Copenhagen climate conference, Sen. Inhofe was not allowed to...
The Paris Climate Conference: Pope Francis and CEOs Urge Action
Via: Que
Climate Change & Environment
10 years ago
By Que2646 On his world tour, Pope Francis called on world leaders to address climate change in November at the Paris Climate Conference. It is not just religious leaders and...
Financier Plans Big Ad Campaign on Climate Change
Via: Jerry Verlinger
Climate Change & Environment
10 years ago
By NICHOLAS CONFESSORE A billionaire retired investor is forging plans to spend as much as $100 million during the 2014 election, seeking to pressure federal and state officials...
Climate Change Is Destroying Our Food
Via: Jerry Verlinger
Climate Change & Environment
10 years ago
When you think of climate change, you think of the weather. Summers where the sun bakes the parched land with the ferocity of an oven, winters where snow deposits climb higher than your house,...
Truly Bad Advice on Climate Change
Via: Jerry Verlinger
Climate Change & Environment
10 years ago
Eugene Linden On Wednesday, April 9, The New York Times published one of the most exasperating op-eds I've yet read on climate change. Ted Nordhaus and Michael Shellenberger wrote...
Scientific Journal Article About Global Changes
Via: Dowser
Climate Change & Environment
10 years ago
I found a scientific paper that really doesn't reach that many conclusions, just a factual reporting of the changes in snow cover and ice within the cryosphere. While exceedingly LONG and boring,...