Jonathan Livingston Pigeon-Poo,

Write RUPERT MURDOCH'S Tomb Stone Epitath: "The Man Who Destroyed Journalism"

By:  Jonathan Livingston Pigeon-Poo,  •   •  12 years ago  •  6 comments

Write RUPERT MURDOCH'S Tomb Stone Epitath: "The Man Who Destroyed Journalism"


What will Rupert Murdoch head stone read? "Here beneath, lies the man that turned Journalism to Fiction, Fiction to Hate, Hate to Unprecedented Profits".

Murdoch, the CEO of News, Inc., has delivered us FOX TV NETWORK NEWS - "An Unfair and Unbalanced", MEAN AND LEANHATE MACHINE , grinding out Republican Talking Points with a stable of unstable Witches and Warlocks: Ann Coulter, Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, the "Bitches"; and, Dick Morris, Harold Cain, Newt Gingrich, Bill ("Oh, Easily Riled Up") O'Reily; Sean Hannity, (the catholic alter boy still denying that his priest molested him after all these years), and, Roger Aisle's, the gargoyles gargoyle and a former Nixon adviser, who is still soiling America after all these year as General Manager of the Fox's Hate Factory.

Almost single handily,RupturedMurdoch lowered the bar for Journalism to Yellow Journalism to Gossip and, finally , toFiction, that ignites friction through out America as the black plague of deathdid in the Middle ages.Republicans are still trying to turn back the clock, now they want toreturn to the glorious day when the Church ruled and the world was flat and dark.

Today, Journalism is broken, sold to the highest bidder and turned into camps of propaganda, where their revel in making up the news, eaves dropping on folks to get a better story; publishing half-truth, miss-truth, junk science and Hate Spew Anti-Government commentary and stories.

When Death Comes A Knocking -will Rupert Be A Rocking, or, pleading that he was only "doing his job", living up to the Journalistic Code:


Write your epitaph for America's Most Hated Man. Here are some of mine:

  • Here Lies The Thing That Killed Journalism!
  • His Mother Never Did Love Him And Neither Should You.
  • Gossip, Is Too, Journalism!
  • Fox TV Faux News Makes Money - Lots of It. End of Story!
  • The Man Who Married Hate And Re-branded it Conservative Politics.

Enjoy yourself, get it off your chest. Tell this Vulture Capitalist what you think of him and


jrBlog - desc
Jonathan Livingston Pigeon-Poo,
Freshman Silent
link   author  Jonathan Livingston Pigeon-Poo,    12 years ago

There was a time and place in America when Journalism was known as the Fourth Estate and newspaper spent money on investigations, fact checked, verified stories sources and stood my their journalists even if they were imprisoned.

A time before Fox TV Network News turned Journalism into Fiction, fiction to facts; fact to Republican Talking Point.

Now the Witch is nearly dead. Write her epitaph and get that 800 pound Gorilla Glue Juice off your ass. Don't Diet - Vent!Smile.gif

Junior Quiet
link   cobaltblue    12 years ago

Can I bring my other one over here?

Here lies Rupert Murdoch
Deader than dead
Instead of phone hacking
He should have been jacking
Off with his head

Junior Quiet
link   cobaltblue    12 years ago

You are as handsome as ever. Breathtaking. Your wit, wisdom and playfulness excite me! Yer somethin' special, Jonathan.

Jonathan Livingston Pigeon-Poo,
Freshman Silent
link   author  Jonathan Livingston Pigeon-Poo,    12 years ago

" . . . you are handsome as ever . . ."


I was aware that your sight was failing, but, I am sorry to hear that your standards are, too. LOF!Tongue.gif

Jonathan Livingston Pigeon-Poo,
Freshman Silent
link   author  Jonathan Livingston Pigeon-Poo,    12 years ago

You, of course, have my full permission to do whatever you want to do to this site, or, anywhere in between. Our kind, must stick together orShirley we will get stuck somewhere else.Tongue.gif

Jonathan Livingston Pigeon-Poo,
Freshman Silent
link   author  Jonathan Livingston Pigeon-Poo,    12 years ago

This is the man that your parents warned you about!