Jonathan Livingston Pigeon-Poo,


By:  Jonathan Livingston Pigeon-Poo,  •   •  12 years ago  •  5 comments


  • The Paula Deen Flap, "Much Ado About Nothing", authored by William Shakedown,illustrates how sensitive America has become to words. The issue is often defined as who used it; how did they it used and in what context.

  • Some words are appropriate for usein "Rap" music, when, for instance,a former convict, on his way to going back toprison for drug dealing, extortion and gang banginguses the "N" word in his lyrics; it's considered poetry.


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Jonathan Livingston Pigeon-Poo,
Freshman Silent
link   author  Jonathan Livingston Pigeon-Poo,    12 years ago

Little by little the entire alphabet is becoming personae non gratis! First it was the N-word, which I agree is hurtful, gross and despicable. Then, it was the B-Word, often used to describe Ann Colture, the Fox TV B-Word.Today, it is improper, impolite to use the R-Word as in referring to our retarded past president, George W. Bust. We can't use the C-word, which I love, or, the Slut word, which is meant often as a compliment.

What prohibitive word do you miss the most?

Jonathan Livingston Pigeon-Poo,
Freshman Silent
link   author  Jonathan Livingston Pigeon-Poo,    12 years ago
Jonathan Livingston Pigeon-Poo,
Freshman Silent
link   author  Jonathan Livingston Pigeon-Poo,    12 years ago

Suz: Who is Elwin Wilson?

I agree with your assessment - Paula Deen should be forgiven for her comments. This is all "Much Ado About Nothing" and a deliberate shake down for money by disgruntled former employees.

Words, especially the n-word can be devastatingly hurtful to African American children and is a stinging racial slurs that can last a life time. It is rarely used in public, private or polite society. But, Afro-American have not abandoned its use nor condemn those in their community who use it like seasoning to spice up their often incomprehensible, inarticulate conversations that are deliberately designed to prevent non black, straight people and law enforcement from understanding what is being communicated.

Afro-American/Blacks/Negroes/Colored Folks/Colored People/People of Color would better be served, in my humbled by the weathering of decades, byfocusing on the nearly uncontrolledcriminal behavior in their community and less on what someone allegedly what someone said about a black armed robber - in private.