
In My Snowbound Oblivion: A Reflective Perspective

By:  Moonchild63  •   •  12 years ago  •  0 comments

In My Snowbound Oblivion: A Reflective Perspective

As I sit In My Snowbound Oblivion , I wonder (if they could that is!) do snowflakes -no two are the sameSmile.gif argue about - who's more beautiful, fluffy or substantial ? Are is falling together to form a glittery blanket - a destiny they edure stoically!

Being from the Mid-West, which was hit (as they say) with a winter storm - 9inches or moreof the fresh fluffy stuff. The bulk of it falling yesterday as Iwatched in wonder at the way the combined flakes made drifts withwaves on top - reminiscent of those made by pebbles that once thrown - skim across the water makingripples that look like thewaves upon this fresh falling snow.

A day or so ago, I introduced my BLOG or at least its impending -nessSmile.gif & ended with a quotation from "The Prophet" by Kahlil Gibran! I wish to continue with that author, book and inspiration as - In My Snowbound Oblivion uponwistful consideration ofaforementioned ponderings of the fallingfrozen, uniqually individualunits -functioningtogether -an analogy or comparisonformed a convenient segway:

" You are the way and the wayfarers. And when one of you falls down he falls for those behind him, a caution against the stumbling stone.

Ay, and he falls for those ahead of him, who though faster and surer of foot, yet removed not the stumbling stone ."

We are the way & the wayfares - as the snow is for the ground it falls upon - giving nourishment that will linger into another season and help what comes after to flourish. When one flake falls it helps the forming for the flake that comes after - not begrudgingly, but naturally.

The snow functions as a unit that falls individual, yet together to form the blanket, I now gaze upon. We (like the snow flake) together are greater than the sum total whole, yet when we are standing alone - We are not less than the sum of the whole.

These Stumbling Stones that exist in our society where the way is obscured by wayfarer's ahead who have - not only - not removed the stumbling stone - they have thrown more & who presently (unlike the snowflakes working in unison to blanket the ground with life sustaining H2o) seem content to leave only the stumbling, stumbled or fallen where they are - if you get my reflective perspective - In My Snowbound Oblivion .

We have political situation,financial situation(s - sequester)& the over all situations (polarization under both and then some!) that exist where - stumbling stones of humanity - are concerned, yet sticking with the snow theme- considering the amount of snow that fellfor some it may be an impediment to getting aroundsoothers will check on them & help where need be; if an area is non passable someone will alert another to the slickness or the undrivable condition of the road & so on. No matter how WE tend to get in our own way or block the way of another by not reaching back and removing the stumblling stone or alerting a wayfarer to such a stone - We are also at times like that unique snowflake falling ahead or behind another, yet together forming a blanket of drifts with waves to reflect uponGrin.gif


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