
In My "Racially" un - "ENTITLED" Offense - a reflective perspective!

By:  Moonchild63  •   •  12 years ago  •  0 comments

In My "Racially" un - "ENTITLED" Offense - a reflective perspective!

As I thought about what to write for my BLOG this week, I thought about Jeff from the National Socialist Movement - I saw Jeff on D. L. Hugley's "Endangered Species" comedy show. D.L. had a thought to put the Black Man on the "endangered species list "- for various reasons and he met with Jeff in his headquarters -The "National Socialist Movement" is a Nazi organization and D. L. had asked Jeff if "Black people had done anything good" where Jeff was concerned and Jeff stated "They made Peanut Butter!," and yes he said it with a straight face and he was serious!Although this was not the first time I had heard this coming out of supposed sane and adult people's mouth and it probably wouldn't be the last either -I thought this ideaology that Black people thought, reacted and lived in this state of osmosis in which they used one brain and were responsive accordingly would make a good BLOG subject, but then as ludicrous as Jeff's statement was or that Nazi's would sit in judgement of anything or body - I heard something - EVEN MORE LUDICROUS COME OUT OF THE MOUTHS OF SUPREME COURT JUSTICE'S!

IN MY "RACIALLY" un - "ENTITLED" OFFENSE Justice Scalia and Roberts have either been on another planet or they are NEW to this one. Just a few short months ago "WE" had an election and apparently they missed the long lines, the elaborate ballets meant to discourage people from voting, the siege upon the courts to disenfranchiseearly, absentee or other types of voting- &billboards that threatened voters with prosecution orfliers sent out with the wrong date to vote on them, which doesn't even coverredistricting in States by the party that fears they have outlived their usefulness or at the very least their previously workable strategies to get votes.

On the day of the inauguration arepresentative was undermined in his State by having a vote called in his absence - on the surface it appeared un-premediated (kinda like Congress and it's four years ofOBSTRUCTION - wink, wink!!!), yet it was not& these fellow rep's not only sought to undermine the absent representative they sought to do so by redistricting within his OWN district. Voter's Rights Act (VRA) is a "Racially Entitled" piece of legislation Justice Scalia said - like Jeff with a straght-face and loved the gasping effect that followed, yet where was the outrage for all the aforemention -NO WHERE TO BE SEEN!

During the campaignthere werehanging chairs (and not for decoration), nooses on/off posterboard anddolls that hung in effigysymbolizingLYNCHING the PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA - it was treated like an everyday occurance by everyone - as far as I was concerned and I still to this day am having difficulty with it, yetJustice Roberts claims that the South has changed perhaps he should go there & be amongst HIS people because the succession talk that came from the re-election of the first African-American President, which supposedly heralds this transformation into a world & nation devoid of DISCRIMINATION (and everything previously mentioned was just my imagination!) per the Justice's thus the commentary, yet to me these actions, languageand behaviours show me and the nation the seething underbelly of DISCRINIMATION withinand denotes -CLEARLY THAT SECTION 5 is very much still needed! Our president is unprececented within his presidency -I will give the Justice's and the BIGOT BRIGADE that - he is a first in many ways other than just coloring and has set precedent for it - most threatened, most obstructed, most hated, most maligned.... yep, I for one just feel the over-all LOVE OF MY RICH "RACIALLY ENTITLED" PRESIDENT & LIFE here in America!

Justice Scalia claims that G. W. Bush and Congress - when they re-authorized for another 25 years the Voter's Rights Act in 2006 - after much consideration, debate and evidence was at best a photo-op and at worst they WERE INTIMIDATEDby the reason it was being radified and that the unanamious vote given by the Senate 98-0 was a fluke or more pomp for the circumstance! Those who died for this to be a reality wouldn't think so northose who have watched in furry, outrage orstunned silence don't either - for these things are occurring in 21st century America and not in the 60's! Rep. John Lewis was there for this Supreme insult - he who had been beaten about the head with a billy-club, stomped by a horse and hospitalized for walking from Selma, Alabama to the capital of Montgomery to demonstrate re: the denial of rights for Blacks to register to vote- although after emancipation and during reconstruction in 1870 Black people had the right to vote, yet some later felt that the Blacks (though that's not what they were called then) were keeping them from public serviceor theirkeeping such cushy positions - SOUND FAMILAR?

So strategies were employed and voting became risky business that could cost youmore than liberty and the unequal(as Jim Crow was in effect then - you know the "separate but equal" theory!) pursuit of happiness- IT LITERALLY COST ONES LIFE and presently if bigot's, successionist & Jeffwith his National Socialist Movement had their way - although Jeff claims non violent (wink, wink)means -for this new life he'd like to give us!After Selma in 1965 LBJ (President Lyndon Baines Johnson)went on TV and registered complaint (which at the time was more than a little unprecidented) and then made this legislation - the VRA (Voter's Rights Act) to ensure that these tactics, strategies and actions were illegal under Federal Law - yet as "WE" have seen everything with some that was old - is now new again, but EVERYTHING that was previously deplorable, illegal or immoral!!!

So IN MY "RACIALLY" un - "ENTTILED" OFFENSE the Justice's stand like those indays of old giving with one hand and taking with the other(Black people are use to this type of ENTITLEMENT from those who through preceived privilege can when convenient do as they please to others) within this CONSTITUTIONALLY DEMOCRATIC society, yet as another Judge says Scalia/Roberts etc. just - "DON'T PISS ON MY HEAD THEN TELL ME ITS RAINING!" when you are doing it - have the balls,if not courage- likeyou did when yougave "ENTITLEMENT" to corporationsover & above the PEOPLE - along withan extra voice and vote- by endowing them INDIVIDUALITY within yourCITIZEN'S UNITED ruling!


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