Colorado Democrats introduce bill banning sales of 'assault weapons' | Just The News
By: Derek Draplin (Just The News)
Colorado Democrats have introduced a long-awaited bill that would ban the sale or purchase of "assault weapons" in the state.
House Bill 23-1230, introduced Friday night by Rep. Elisabeth Epps, D-Denver, and Sen. Rhonda Fields, D-Aurora, adds to a list of firearm restriction bills that Democratic lawmakers have introduced this legislative session.
"A ban on knowingly manufacturing, importing, purchasing, selling, offering to sell, or transferring ownership of an assault weapon … in Colorado is in the best interest of the citizens of our state," the bill's legislative declaration reads.
The bill defines "assault weapons" by certain features - such as whether they have threaded barrels, pistol grips, or flash suppressors - rather than by manufacturer and model.
Violating the law, which would take effect on July 1, 2023, would be a class 2 misdemeanor, according to the bill's text. The proposed ban exempts individuals in the military and law enforcement.
Republicans in the legislative minority pledged to fight against Democrats' "legislative assaults" on the Second Amendment last month after bills were introduced to establish a three-day waiting period on gun purchases and raise the minimum age for firearm purchases to 21. Other bills seek to bolster the state's "red flag law" and lift liability protections for firearm manufacturers.
Rocky Mountain Gun Owners, a Second Amendment advocacy group, said in a statement it will fight the bill "in the legislature and in the courts."
"Gun bans, like this, are a direct infringement of both the United States and Colorado Constitutions and have been shown to have no positive effect on crime rates or deterrence of mass shootings," said Taylor Rhodes, the group's executive director.
"We are going to launch the largest legislative and legal opposition campaign this state has ever seen," he added.
So in true ignorant, uneducated Democrat fashion they CAN'T define what an "assault weapon" is but rather go after "features". Many of which are standard in firearms.
This is comical as I own a Mossberg M702 Tactical Plinkster that has all the features mentioned above. And btw, it fires .22 LR caliber rounds and comes with a whopping 10 round magazine! All the more reason I am so glad I live in the state of Arizona.
My AR15's (yes, plural) have flash suppressors and when those are removed they have threaded barrels. Like yours, my Mossberg has a pistol grip as well and holds 10 .12 gauge shells. Bought that after using it in Afghanistan clearing buildings.
I forgot to mention I bought a after market 50 round mag. Not illegal in AZ either.
That alone is enough to make a lliberal cry.
If they are a dyed in the wool anti gun variety, I sure hope so.
Exemptions means this isn't a ban. What is being legislated are restrictions on civilian possession. And restrictions on features, particularly cosmetic features, will only change the shape of the firearm. And if the language isn't carefully worded, the restrictions will apply to tools as well as firearms. Nail guns could be classified as assault weapons.
Stop trying to address the problem by pandering to the ignorant. The problem of gun crime is directly caused by criminals. The spate of criminal justice reforms will nullify the value of restrictions on civilian possession of firearms with these features.
You are 100% correct, try issuing a law with a Mandatory Minimum Sentence if you commit a crime with a gun and they scream racism!
Features that actually make the weapon easier and safer to use.
These laws are almost always entirely stupid. Maybe they should outlaw murder. Oh wait . . .
Gee, I guess some of life’s problems might be a little too complicated and nuanced to be solved by whatever laws that pandering legislators can craft on the back of a napkin.
Makes one think that just maybe gun control isn't about reducing gun violence as it is more about control...