Investigators score big win as Treasury turns over secret bank records flagging Hunter Biden deals | Just The News
By: John Solomon (Just The News)
Deal ends weeks of foot dragging over Suspicious Activity Reports.
The Biden Treasury Department ended weeks of foot dragging Tuesday by agreeing to provide congressional investigators with access to secret bank records that flagged suspicious overseas financial transactions involving Hunter Biden and the first family.
House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chairman James Comer announced the deal to let his investigators access the so-called Suspicious Activity Reports in a secure reading room.
"After two months of dragging their feet, the Treasury Department is finally providing us with access to the suspicious activity reports for the Biden family and their associates' business transactions," Comer said Tuesday morning.
"It should never have taken us threatening to hold a hearing and conduct a transcribed interview with an official under the penalty of perjury for Treasury to finally accommodate part of our request. For over 20 years, Congress had access to these reports but the Biden Administration changed the rules out of the blue to restrict our ability to conduct oversight," he added.
The deal comes just a few short weeks after Comer secured the cooperation of longtime Hunter Biden business partner Eric Schwerin, a development described as a major breakthrough in the probe to determine if Hunter Biden's overseas business dealings with controversial figures in China, Russia, Ukraine and other countries compromised his father's policy work as vice president and president.
Comer said he expects the bank records to show just how much the Biden family profited from overseas business deals secured in the shadows of Joe Biden's official government work.
"According to bank documents we've already obtained, we know one company owned by a Biden associate received a $3 million dollar wire from a Chinese energy company two months after Joe Biden left the vice presidency," Comer said.
"Soon after, hundreds of thousands of dollars in payouts went to members of the Biden family. We are going to continue to use bank documents and suspicious activity reports to follow the money trail to determine the extent of the Biden family's business schemes, if Joe Biden is compromised by these deals, and if there is a national security threat," he added. "If Treasury tries to stonewall our investigation again, we will continue to use tools at our disposal to compel compliance."
Comer demanded back in early January that Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen turn over the bank records and last week called on a Treasury Department official to appear for a transcribed interview to explain why the Treasury Department had not provided the requested information. That appearance has been postponed by the deal announced Tuesday.
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Aren't these the deals the left keeps telling people don't exist and Twitter censored? Looks like it.
And what does that have to do with Biden's suspicious activity? Lets keep it on topic.
It questions Comer's actions.
Again what does that have to do with Biden's suspicious activity?
My mistake, I thought Comer was mentioned 7 times in the article ... he was only mentioned 6 times.
You're doing everything you can (and failing) to distract from the real topic of the article which is Biden's suspicious activity.
Weren't the Democrats until just recently in charge of the House? Are they still in charge of the Senate?
Removed for context - sandy
It is no ones fault but their own that they failed on so many fronts.
Democrats are great at accusing others what they are actually guilty of.
Their go to whining and crying really have nothing to do with the suspicion of Biden's corruption.
No it doesn't. But that is how they deflect.
[Deleted] If Democrats had turned up anything even remotely like what the Biden family has done; charges would already have been filed.
Nope, this has nothing to do with the Federal debt limit. Just because the House has Biden by the short hairs doesn't mean Treasury will suddenly become more accommodating. Everyone knows that the Federal regulators will sacrifice the economy to save Biden's political legacy.
The next question -- what is Hunter Biden's ties to Silicon Valley Bank? The timing seems appropriate to distract from how the Federal financial gurus monitor banks. Look squirrel!! And, in this case, Biden holds the nut. Making Hunter Biden responsible for the collapse of the banking system might persuade Republicans to bail out the banks.