Hunter Biden must appear in court for child support case, Arkansas judge rules | Just The News
By: Madeleine Hubbard (Just The News)
An Arkansas judge has ordered first son Hunter Biden to appear for all court hearings related to the child support case filed against him by the mother of 4-year-old child.
"From now on ... I want both of your clients at every hearing I conduct," Independence County Circuit Judge Holly Meyer told attorneys for Biden and the mother, Lunden Roberts, during a virtual hearing Monday, according to mediareports.
"I will no longer allow us to excuse clients because it is interfering with the progress of litigation, which is taking way too long to get over simple points."
Roberts' attorneys on Friday called for the judge to hold Biden in contempt for not complying with the court's orders and answers discovery, which is the process of exchanging information about evidence and witnesses that will be presented at trial.
The judge's decision means Biden must attend a court date scheduled for May 1 in Batesville, which will focus on Roberts' motion to hold President Biden's son in contempt.
The hearing will also focus on Biden's motion to prevent former Trump administration aide Garrett Ziegler from testifying about the contents of the Biden's laptop, which reportedly contains tax records.
A DNA test showed "with near scientific certainty" that Biden fathered Roberts' daughter, Navy Joan Roberts, Meyer said in 2020.
Biden requested for his child support payments to be readjusted in September. Roberts, a former stripper, asked Meyer in January for her daughter to use the Biden surname, which Hunter Biden objected to.
Meyer scheduled a bench trial in the case for this July.
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I wonder how daddy is going to intervene on this.
I am sure the IRS, FBI, and DOJ have already looked long and hard at the judge's and plaintiff lawyer's records and history.
The fact the case is still progressing means they couldn't even plausibly fabricate anything.
Give them time. They'll pull something out of their 4th point of contact. And just as in the past, everybody will laugh at it and he'll still have to appear.
It's been four years and the scumbag Grandparents have made no effort to visit the child, maybe Joe is waiting until she is old enough for him to shower with her?
Last Christmas the First Lady Jill Biden was on video hanging Christmas Stockings for six grandchildren, but did not hang one for Navy Roberts. Even after a DNA test confirmed that Hunter is the father, that family refuses to acknowledge the child. Can you imagine the outrage if this was Eric or Donald Jr who was the father?
Jill and Joe showed off the same "family values" during their first WH Christmas in 2021, too.
They showed their vile, despicable concept of "family values" by not hanging a WH Christmas stocking for this little child of Joe's bloodline. They don't even have to fill it as they would for the others. Why do they continue to publicly punish this innocent girl?
Hunter hiding in the White House driving a sports car worth six figures while try to ditch paying his kid's support. Biden family values I guess.
Remember when progressives used to make fun of the Palins? Don't get more trashy than the Biden family.
Democrats also trashed the Bush daughters.
Nothing is off limits for Democrats.
But mention one of their royally divine families that have a D behind their name and they will destroy their safe spaces and anything else around them in protest.
Imagine the outrage if this was one of the Trump clan? There would be far more comments here; and every last one of them would want the offending Trump impoverished and imprisoned.
I remember reading about the Obama daughters and their illegal drug and alcohol misconduct. MSM basically called it girls will be girls, but when it was the Bush twins, the media felt it was a major national Page One calamity worthy of jail time.
Just another day in the Dem Hypocrisy Media.
I still don't give a rats ass about Hunter Biden, but everyone should be held accountable for their actions.
What are you doing with rat asses?
Medical experiments