White House spokesman walks out of presser when faced with Hunter Biden question | Just The News
By: Ben Whedon (Just The News)
White House National Security Spokesman John Kirby walked out of a press briefing on Friday after a reporter asked him a question related to President Joe Biden's alleged involvement in his son's business dealings.
Whistleblower testimony published Thursday documented a WhatsApp message that Hunter Biden sent to Henry Zhao, a Chinese Communist Party official, asking as to the reason for an unfulfilled commitment. In the message, Hunter claims to be waiting alongside his father for an explanation.
Newsmax White House Correspondent James Rosen asked about the message and whether its contents undermine the president's claims to have been uninvolved in Hunter's dealings.
"No and I'm not gonna comment further on this," was Kirby's curt reply. When Rosen attempted to follow up, he cut him off, saying "James... let me save you some breath."
"I am not gonna address this issue from this podium. I am not gonna do it," he added, to the audible consternation of the press pool. Kirby subsequently collected his effects and walked out the room.
"Thanks guys! Have a great weekend!" he shouted.
Chaos ensues in the White House briefing room after @JamesRosenTV asks Biden spokesman John Kirby about the explosive whistleblower allegations in the Hunter Biden criminal investigation.
Kirby refuses to comment and walks out of the room. pic.twitter.com/YTXU8saNLi
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) June 23, 2023
The testimonies of two IRS agents who had worked on the Hunter Biden investigation became public yesterday. Both individuals attested to the discovery of the WhatsApp message, suggesting it constituted evidence that the president may have been involved in Hunter's dealings that were the subject of investigation.
"I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight. And, Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father," the message reads.
Rosen read that message aloud to Kirby, who stormed out rather than comment.
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How very adult of the Biden Administration.
They will probably come out with a press release or their "historic" press secretary will tell us all about Biden Administration being transparent.
It’s indefensible. So they jut won’t talk about it and will rely on the MSM to essentially ignore and if they do address it, to parrot the lies the partisan hacks in congress and pundits make up.
Sounds like the Big Guy is in on the take. Unhappily for Biden crime family, this mess is not going to be going away, no matter how much they try to deny and deflect.