The Fine Line Between Stubbornness and Stupidity
Via: TᵢG
Critical Thinkers
6 years ago
Stubbornness isn’t necessarily bad and can in fact be a virtue. Sometimes, as history has shown, people do the right thing by remaining steadfast to their beliefs. Take General Charles de Gaulle,...
Why do we believe things that aren't true?
Via: TᵢG
Critical Thinkers
6 years ago
In summary, the speaker holds that human beings are not super great at holding mountains of detailed information. Rather, we rely upon others as trusted sources. In this way we 'know' far more...
How Long Would It Take To Travel To The Nearest Star?
Via: TᵢG
Critical Thinkers
6 years ago
This is just an interesting article that gives one perspective on the inconceivably vast size of our known universe.
On Life and Free Will
Via: TᵢG
Critical Thinkers
6 years ago
Professor Sapolsky is a highly regarded hard core researcher and professor of neuroendocrinology at Stanford University. His latest book: Behave (behavioral biology) is an incredible journey...
Why the universe seems so strange
Via: TᵢG
Critical Thinkers
6 years ago
This well conceived talk illustrates the difference between our intuitive view of reality compared to a far more complex reality per the findings of modern science. One of several interesting...
A Journey To The End Of The Universe
Via: MrFrost
Critical Thinkers
6 years ago
This guy explains in a very simple way, how big the universe really is. He presents in a fact driven way, why humans traveling to the stars is, in many ways, may simply be out of our reach,...
Determinism vs Free Will
Via: TᵢG
Critical Thinkers
6 years ago
We have had several thread-sourced discussions on free will. This short video provides a good baseline that might make future discussions on free will more productive.
Searching? Expect Science to Reveal God, But Not to Prove Him — Science Doesn’t Do That
Via: XXJefferson51
Critical Thinkers
6 years ago
Tom Gilson Is there a God? How would a searcher find Him? Is there any proof for God’s reality? Atheists commonly say that if there’s a God, science should be able to prove He’s real. I can see...