Republican gets instant karma:Voters revolt at town hall
We have too many kids growing up in single parent households. IT'S THE GUNS!
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I know it's a You Tube video and this happened in 2019, but it shows you people are getting fed up at their elected leaders
all we have to do is stand back and watch the OG/GOP and maga morons fuck each other up for the next 5.5 months. just watching the face and body language of that pathetic thumper and human urinal, mike johnson, grovel at the feet of his false idol trump in NYC was the epitome of public humiliation. bear false witness much, mike? what a maga wimp...
This video is really about the woman running against the incumbent US Rep in NW Arkansas. But this guy has been sitting on his ass for 13 years and hasn't done a goddamned thing for Arkansans. That goes for all 4 mealy-mouthed, lilly-livered. pasty white, MEN who are in DC supposedly representing the good people of Arkansas.
dontcha know? elected office is for white male republicans with no legitimate business skills...
He's not in my district so I can't vote for his opponent. But I hope she wins. We need to send fresh blood to Washington
I've found the majority of republicans pretty revolting ever since Newt Gingrinch
Poor kitty just saw newt's photo
you don't think inbred southern white supremacists deserve representation in DC? /s
I can't deny them that. Tho I do wish I could do brain implants
let me know when you have an inventory and I'll start identifying the defective ones... /s
that's gonna be a long list
something like 25 million names...
we may have an opportunity in several months...
Hmmmm....time to go to Medical School...3 years...time spent in residency...2 to perform brain transplants...priceless
pffft, OJT...
uh, implants and transplants are 2 different things...
elected office for most on the right is a road to personal riches, not public service...
I hear the Abby Normal ones are good.
That went well /S
by his own logic, why would he be an anti-choice republican?
I believe a lot of republican incumbents will be having a rough time in public this election cycle...
I hope so. Rational and sane and decent people have had enough of their shit.
expect a lot of "by invitation only" and virtual town halls...
confrontation and hard questions posed by constituents are terrifying to maga sycophants...