Sheriff Rebuffs Atheists, Won't Remove Bible Verse from Office: 'We Need More Jesus,' He Says
By: Michael Foust
The secular progressives war on the expression of theistic belief and hope drags on. Their demand is unreasonable. It’s good that the sheriff has a backbone and is resisting the vile evil that is FFRF.
Sheriff Rebuffs Atheists, Won't Remove Bible Verse from Office: 'We Need More Jesus,' He Says
A North Carolina sheriff is rejecting calls from an atheist organization to remove a Bible verse from a sheriff's office wall, saying in a new social media post, "We need more Jesus."
At issue is a Bible verse featured prominently on an office wall of the Columbus County (N.C.) Sheriff's office. The verse Philippians 4:13, which says, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me," is displayed on the wall in black letters. The Freedom From Religion Foundation, in a December 6 letter to Sheriff Jody Greene, asked him to remove the verse, arguing that it violates the U.S. Constitution.
"The Establishment Clause prohibits government sponsorship of religious messages," the letter said. "The Supreme Court has said time and again that the 'First Amendment mandates government neutrality between religion and religion, and between religion and nonreligion.'"
The Bible verse, the group asserted, "alienates" the citizens in the country who are not religious. The Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) calls itself an organization of "atheists, agnostics and skeptics of any pedigree."
In a December 21 Facebook post, Greene said he will not remove the verse, which he said has helped encourage and inspire members of law enforcement.
"The verse is one of my favorite Bible verses, and it seemed fitting for all the adversity I have had to endure," Greene wrote. "It is very motivational to me and my staff. Here at the Sheriff's Office, we work hard in everything that we do. Before we execute a search warrant, or any service that puts our people in immediate harm's way, we ALWAYS go to the Lord with a group prayer. ALWAYS!"
Referencing overdoses, drugs and violence within the country, Greene added, "We need more Jesus and less politics."
"I would like to thank the folks for all the phone calls and messages of support," Greene wrote. "Five of our County Commissioners and our House of Representative Brendon Jones have also called with their support. … I will not waiver on my stance and Christian beliefs."
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Sheriff Rebuffs Atheists, Won't Remove 'In God We Trust' from Patrol Cars
What if I told YOU that you can be a believer and not bash Atheism?
Examples such as the hate group above FFRF make that harder to do since their whole reason to exist is to bash belief and the real people who believe.
Turn that around and then you’ll really have something
It is a SHAME that you could visit this subject of 'bashing' while bashing someone.
The FFRF is a vile organization led by truly evil people waging a war against those of us who believe who desire to snuff out any expression of said belief that they can get at.
You are bashing (even before you comment), figure it out! Using Christianity as a pretext to bully, be cruel, and licentious is not right. 'Prick' conscience. Drop your rocks! Times of refreshing are staring us down!
The Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) does need to stand down in its 'assault' on the freedom of expression constitutionally granted to religion (i.e., "houses of worship"). However, were those men and women have taken no 'confession' to abide and obey —you (and I) submit that we have such confession publicly known to all. While interpretations range wide in some passages across denominations and non-denominations (Christianity), our 'rules' are narrow in the area of living in peace with others as much as it lies within us.
ROMANS 12: 18.
I’m not bashing. It is and has been they who have always been doing that. Many of them live for doing that to us. FFRF is one of their tools to do that to us. The article didn’t bash secular progressives, it reported about a true leader willing to stand up to their intolerance, intimidation, and bullying by refusing to surrender to their demands.
Yes, you're bashing and you're doing so daily. That you do not recognize its form and fashion, is astounding, 'servant' of the most high God. Such an appetite, too!
The fascist bigoted bullies of the FFRC who the seed is about deserve bashing when they go into places nowhere near where they live to intimidate believers into stopping their expressions of what they believe in.
Jefferson, do not malign good people alongside the bad! Careful! Reprobate minds are possible, and I would not wish that on anybody!
Thought question: Will there be (former) atheists in Heaven?
So you suggest that FFRC seeks to "deprogram" Christians and other people of faith? Is that right? What is the role of the Church (you participate in) when it seeks to convert wholly unconverted folks? Or, legislate people into 'doctrinal' ways of living? Please explain the distinction in your own words.
I never said they want to do deprogramming of believers but now that you mention it, it wouldn’t surprise me if that is the intent of some. As to sharing values with the unconverted, that is a must though it’s done only through persuasion not coercion. A coerced believer is not what God wants. As to legislation. Specific doctrinal ways of any church should never ever be made into law through government at any level.
(My interrupted comment continued)
That is what a level of separation of church and state is to prevent. Generic things like what this story is about or an opening prayer at a public meeting, or the secular progressives greatest anathema, nativity scenes in a public square or the expression of the true meaning of Christmas on Christmas Day, a paid federal holiday by the way is another matter.
You are correct, God does NOT want people compelled in a pretense of believing. If that should be the case, we know God's power to compel is irresistible. And it is clear, that all legislation seeks to set some standard of morality: reward for good conduct; penalty for bad behavior.
There will be former atheists in Heaven. There will be no former theists Jew, Muslim, Christian who later became atheists there. Not a single solitary one. Not that such a person would ever want to be there.
Then why shouldn't you be mindful of how not to demonize them now? Clearly, atheists are not evil spirits sent out into the world. They simply are not believers in God and assorted sacred books and so they speak from their perspective accordingly . That is, from the perspective of people agreeable to serving under a constitutional contract, and without any regard to religion. As such, when atheists speak truth and not lies, no one should use truth as a pretext to malign them.
Surprisingly (for you maybe) I am going to AGREE with the meme. The sentiment is and can be REAL. Likewise, don't be provocative in baiting atheists so as to bash some of them.
The truth is police can "meme" whatever works to get staff positive-thinking through each day of the one of the most unplanned skilled job in this country, and anywhere in the world.
I am willing to bet that for a believing Christian that verse alone among a book of scriptures, has kept this or that officer calm in the midst of a single or more 'storms.'
In this life, there are values which lend themselves to 'give and take.' We must never loose sight of this one thing. That is, a proper separation of church and state should not give license to leave commonsense and practicality out!
Atheists .... a more angry group is tough to find.
The evidence of that exists here in great abundance. In addition, the offending group in the article makes a point of traveling to remote places in rural and exurban heartland flyover country and finding expressions of religion they can try to intimidate locals into giving up with threats of bicoastal urban secular progressive elite lawyers bankrupting them if they don’t give in to their intimidation.
It's a new year: A time of refreshing. Everybody! DROP YOUR ROCKS AND COME OUT INTO THE SUNLIGHT OF DAY!
May God grant everyone a pappy, peaceful, prosperous, and healthy new year!
Make it so. Help to make it a reality, Jefferson!
Yes, because they so often post anti-Christian seeds and make unprovoked comments like "Christians... a more angry group is tough to find." /s
Nope, not even close but if thinking that helps you sleep at night, by all means, keep thinking it. Sleep is important
Christmas Day was a great example of atheist intolerance on one of our two most Holy Days. The war on Christmas is very real.
Well thanks for confirming that it's not atheists constantly posting the hateful seeds.
Indeed, and if you think I ever lose sleep over what you or any other Christian thinks then perhaps you should speak to a professional about that and other acute delusions.
Oh please, one seed about the truth behind the holiday's origins isn't an anti-Christian or anti-Christmas seed. In fact the vast majority of the posts I saw on those seeds from atheists or those on the left were admissions they celebrate the holiday in their own way and don't really care about the origins because it comes down to being whatever you make of it. And the other seed was a believer accusing non-believers of attacks on their faith they failed to be able to prove.
Pointing out where a holiday tradition started is not an attack on faith, it's simply a discussion of religious history.
Only in the minds of those desperate to be victims so they can claim they are being persecuted for their faith when in reality nothing could be further from the truth. When I was growing up Christmas held a monopoly on American society and the public squares during November and December. Now it has to share like 2% to maybe 5% of the attention with other faiths. Now in between Christmas songs at the mall you might hear a Hanukah song, oh no!
My experience here at this place is exactly that which Sparty on said. He’s exactly right.
lol ..... the denial is strong in this one.
so angry, thanks for showing us more empirical evidence of the premise I was making
Not my comment, try again
see above
see above
My stance on that here has been crystal clear. I could care less what anyone else believes or doesn’t believe. Show me articles I’ve started on NT intended to bag on Atheists and I’ll be happy to apologize for them. But you won’t find Atheists making that offer because they tend to be the kings and queens judging others. Not the other way around.
The articles started by haters of faith here on NT are plentiful. Which simply reinforces the point I was making. Atheists tend to be a very angry group and I’m simply never afraid to point that out. Not ever and atheists typically don’t like that. Which is understandable considering how angry many of them are.
That is proven here on NT again and again and again and again ....... look no further than this seed for proof of that.
The thing is that he went on about some article that was never the one that was an issue to me when he veered from what you said to what I said. You are exactly right about all that you said in your reply to him and about what goes on here.
Depends upon the type of crowd you're hangin' with bro!
True, I don’t hang with either side of that crackpottery so I wouldn’t know mon.
You have to respect the rules a little, especially as a cop. If this sign is in his personal office, or even the station’s break room, I don’t think we even have a conversation. But if it’s in a place the public accesses a lot, then yeah, I can see where there might be a problem, legally.
I think it’s actually tough call, though, because even though Jesus is explicitly in the quote, the sheriff has also stated that proselytizing is not the point of the passage.
The point is to encourage and inspire the officers, and not to push Christianity at the public. I think there’s a real argument to be made that that doesn’t violate the Establishment Clause.
Say what now? Always? I guess I know who not to rely on in an emergency.
Dispatch: 9-1-1, what’s your emergency?
Helpless Victim: Hey I got some crazy guy trying to break into my house. Send the cops right away.
Dispatch: OK, we’ll be right there. We just need to get everyone together for group prayer, first. But when that’s done, we’ll take care of you. Good luck!
His statements are missing the nuance I believe to be there. For example, 'I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me.' Paraphrased. Is a statement about fortification (of personal will) in a time of stress, strain, and upheaval. It is internal to a believer's need. Group prayer is situational in nature. That is, factors like time. . .and place are taken into account. I trust. (Anything else would be indulgent, superfluous, and as Jesus might put it: 'No time for being on your knees: Get up and go handle your 'business'!)
When there is a 911 emergency call the prayers would be silently thought as they were on their way to save lives and do justice.
Biblically, the form taken is labeled: "continual prayer." Something we Christians tend to do (non-stop) in our spirits (inner sanctums).