SHORE Thing, a FLUKE … or BOTH on Creative Arts Thursday/Friday
After more than a year of my wife's CANCER DIAGNOSIS, her BONE MARROW TRANSPLANT, $130,000+ and growing CHEMO MEDICATION … my wife and I got to spend a couple of days at the New Jersey shore. Barring a cure for Multiple Myeloma, life will never return to "normal," but, for now, we're doing OK.
Ventnor, New Jersey, Beach & Surf
© A. Mac/A.G.
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The fish image atop the article is a Fluke (a.k.a. Summer Flounder). It was the only fish I caught in the surf this trip … it is back where it came from, to live another day.
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Good to hear that Mrs. Mac is up to traveling and enjoying the seashore.
Not a photo of the ocean but it still is quite beautiful. ''Fire Lake''
Beautiful photos of the ''shore'' and the fluke.
I think I've seen that beautiful location once before.
Yes, you have.
These aren't the ocean either but also very nice.
First of the Lake Michigan shoreline from the south coast of the Upper Peninsula.
And the southern coastline of Lake Superior taken near Munising, MI.
Overcast days when both were taken, but it's amazing how much you can brighten up a shot with a good picture program.
Hummies are gone for the year.
I love Munising.
I love the way the lake almost forms a heart shape, and the way the sun reflects into the water. Beautiful.
Isn't that Table Lake, where you can sit on your deck and enjoy the sunsets?
Yes Buzz, it's Table Rock Lake in MO. Photo taken from my front deck.
I call it ''Fire Lake'' because of the color and Bob Seager.
Love those pic's. Could be most places near me.
Good to see you, Vic!
It took a Flounder in the sand to finally capture my eye!
Glad to hear you and your bride are doing OK.
Your beach/sky pictures are beautiful.
Those are very beautiful photos. The clarity of your photos is astounding. What type of camera do you use?
I am very sorry to hear that your wife has been ill. I hope only the best for her.
Thank you for your good wishes, G.
I use a Nikon D500 and Nikon lenses.
The photos of your and your Bride's trip to the shore are indeed very beautiful. Very serene and peaceful. The dancing waters and sun-filled skies are so inviting.
Glad to hear that Mrs Mac is doing better, and moving on with life.
Many prayers and Blessings to you both.
Wonderful photos, A.Mac. I'm glad that you took seriously my comment that including something man-made adds something to a photo, at least a kind of reference if nothing else.
You must continue to live your lives - my sister-in-law was in remission for about 35 years and during that time never looked back.
This NT system is so weird - I posted my comment in reply to A.Mac's first comment, and 13 comments intervened.
A/noon Mac...Hmmm so far all my treatment including bone marrow transplant, scans, MRI's, hospital stays is zero...The tablets I am on would have cost $20,000 a month but the Federal Government has put them on the PBS, so they are free for everyone..No...I guess life will never be the same for either of us, but I consider myself very lucky when I see and hear of other people far worse off health wise etc. Please pass on my best wishes to Mrs Mac and she probably does the same as me..One day at a time and you have good days and not so good..But that is the nature of the beast and just make the best of it..For me I love the sea and I am drawn to it like a moth to a light..I can't wait for the weather to warm up and start hitting the waves again...I can't use my boogie board anymore but will get a rubber surf mat and once again I will be riding the waves..Amazing your beach photos are exactly what I have here and would swear that is where they were taken ...No matter where you go in the world, the sea is still the same and the beach scenes..Take care and stay safe the both of you...
My favourite beach...where I head each summer...
Good to see you and to take in all you wrote.
Nice to be "On The Beach" in Australia - WITHOUT radiation.
Yes when I read that book in my teen years it certainly put the wind up me...Think a movie was done as well on it...I have to be on the coast could never live inland I am afraid...Even today it is only 13oC had hail, rain and wind but I am going for a drive out to this beach..Sea air does wonders for the Spirit...roll on Summer...
Yes, it was a movie with Gregory Peck, Ava Gardner, Fred Astaire.and Anthony Perkins.
Here's more bird pics. It seems like I've been getting my money's worth from the new zoom.
I'm working a deal with guy on an aquarium forum to purchase two of his off camera flashes and a controller he was going to put on EBay. That aught to open a whole new dynamic in my photography... provided I learn how to use them! LOL.
You really are getting some wonderful photos with your new zoom.
Thank you.
Fine work, EG!
All of your bird pics have been a real treat!
Love them zooms...
Near Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia
Looking good GG.
We're off and running and lookin' good!
Albeit not the ocean, it is the Caribbean Sea.
Honeymoon in St. Croix USVI, May 2009
I know, generally people post without themselves in the photos, but those are some of my favorites just because of how wonderful it was there and how much fun we had.
A Mac, sorry to hear about your wife; glad she felt well enough to go to the beach though.
I appreciate your sharing personal, good times photos; they make the article more a "family-friendly" one.
Also, thanks for your kind comment.
It's okay to post photos with yourself in them - it makes it so much more personal. And you gave us both front and back views. LOL
Very true.
One for Thursday....
Reminds me of slot canyons in Utah.
Yes, it does.
Quite beautiful Raven, the mystical Fancy Dancer.
I have used some images of those in the backgrounds. They are truly fascinating, and work very well with the Native American themes.
Thanks Kavika. I'm glad that you like it.
Wonderful colors.
Thank you G.
"Take me on a trip upon your magic swirlin' ship" (Mr. Tambourine Man - Bob Dylan)
That fits very well, Buzz. Thanks!
I'm Heron you'd like some shore images...
Great photos, pat.
Shore thing.
A bird on a rail - nice shots
Family photo of Red with some guy on the beach at St. Pete Beach, FL in 2019.
That's a really great photo.
Ya never know what ya might find on the beach. Red really knows how to pick 'em!
Yeah, she's hot for those beach boys.
Me too. I love to sit and watch the guys play sand volleyball in their speedos.... and drool.....
Oh yeah? I like the beach volleyball girls, but nothing beats the surfer girls! mean budgie smugglers...
"To each their own", said the Maid as she kissed the cow.
A budgie smuggler? Wha'sat?
Not sure how the budgies feel about that.
A/noon Raven..that is what we call speedos..because it looks like a guy has stuffed two budgies down his front...there is also another term but not sure I can put it on here..Might get kicked off..Ahhh what the dangerously..Also called "d-ck stickers"...Oh and a guy up north Queensland just got chomped on his head and shoulders here by a Croc....he is OK though..we breed them tough here...
Ahh...I see. I have seen a few of those situs myself. Makes me laugh sooo hard, as it sooo obvious that they are 'stuffing', all the while they are prancing around smiling like a Cheshire cat.
Yep. He's SOME GUY!!! to have won that beautiful woman. are talking about the one and only 'Surfin' Shinob' ,
Dammit, Red took another photo of the beach boy. I'm going to have to have a long talk with that girl.
Ha! That beach boy sure looks pretty happy about it. Look at that big smile.
Emm.....better put Red on a leash. (grin)
Exactly RW.
Blarney Castle gardens, County Cork, Ireland
What a lovely stream and surrounding area. I would find myself lazily sitting next to the stream in its peaceful essence, and listen to its song as it wandered along its way. Beautiful!
We were amazed at how beautiful the Blarney Castle gardens are. After kissing the Blarney Stone (I did, but my wife didn't want to), we spent at least 2-3 hours wandering around the grounds. Before we went to the Castle we had lunch at a great inn across the road. It was a wonderful afternoon.
Sounds like it was very enjoyable. I have always wanted to visit Ireland and Scotland. But, real life got in the way of my being able to do so.
Perhaps in my next life. (grin)
Great scene, G.
Makes one want to just sit by the creek and day dream.
I'm glad you like it Kavika.
You have to kiss the Blarney Stone upside down. The legend has it that it gives a person the gift of eloquence and persuasiveness. That might be very beneficial if one was a lawyer...
Perfection! Nice composition, color, exposure.
Thank you so much! Coming from you that really means a lot to me.
Remember the Poison Garden at Blarney Castle? My sis and I were there in 2012. We both kissed the Stone I was a bit surprised at both of us - she is a germophobe, and I have a fear of heights, but we both managed.
And this one is also from Ireland - Rossbeigh Beach. It was probably in the mid-60s, and the water was freezing, but people were swimming. I dipped a toe in the water, and opted to stick to land.
Yes, I do remember the Poison Garden. Didn't you love the Castle and gardens?
My wife is a nurse (now retired), which is why she wouldn't kiss the Stone, since so many other people were. Another germaphobe.
Yes, loved it. My sis and I joke (well, we're half joking, anyway) about retiring in Ireland.
And one of my favorite shots from that trip. From somewhere on the Ring of Kerry.
We would be more than happy to go to Ireland again. We spent two weeks there, but there is still a lot that we didn't see. Beautiful place and about the friendliest, nicest people anywhere.
Nice photos. We went around the Ring of Kerry. So much fun. I will have to post some more of my Ireland photos.
Aren't they? We felt so at home there. We were only there a week, and stayed mostly along the Atlantic coast. I'd like to see the rest of the country. And I think I could retire there, if they'd have me.
Thanks. Yours, too. Mine were taken with an older digital camera, and some didn't turn out so well - like the ones I took on the Waterford Crystal tour. They didn't quite catch the details. But a misty day doesn't need good resolution.
Don't know why I can't open your photo. I've had the same problem with many that Kavika has posted, but not all.
This monument is entitled ''Kindred Spirits''. It honors the long history between the Irish people and the Choctaw Tribe of Oklahoma. Their relationship dates back to the Irish Potato Famine.
It's located in Cork, Ireland.
Try again, Buzz. I saved it to my hard drive, then reposted from there. I seem to have lost some image quality, though.
I think that we are doing a great job promoting Irish tourism!
I will look through my Ireland photos tomorrow to see if there other nice ones I can post on here.
That is a very beautiful monument. It wasn't there yet when we were in Cork.
Okay, that worked. A nice membory.
I don't think anyone puts as much meaning to feathers as Native Americans / First Nations.
Probably the Russians..that is what we tend to say here when things go wrong...
The highest honor we can receive is to be awarded the Eagle feather. Birds of all types have a deep spiritual meaning to us and the eagle is on the top of the list. The symbol of the Ojibwe people is the mythical Thunderbird. If you are awarded an eagle feather by your tribe it is with you for the rest of your life. You are sure that it is always protected and when you walk on the eagle feather is placed upon your body.
One can receive no greater honor.
aren't NA's the only people allowed to possess eagle feathers in the US?
Yes, that is correct. The process of getting them is lengthy and complicated.
I found out you can't even pick them up off the ground. no enormous fine levied. >whew<
Very nice, almost a story-book quality.
Thank you!
I could sit by that stream for hours - just meditating.
It seems like several people have that idea. I guess that next time I will have to take a group photo!
Beautiful. I've always wanted to visit Ireland.
You should. You will have a great time.
Keep it going. Headed to the mountains in the morning assuming all is well here.
One more for Thursday.
© A. Mac/A.G.
That shore is a nice photo.
I will sand others as long as no one BEACHES about them. I'll be DUNE it later, but for now, this must TIDE you over as I WAVE good bye.
No one out puns me.
Now that is an understatement of the first water.
You're not just kidding.
Tried to come up with a new theme for today - how about water wheels?
Ooops. That was kind of sparse, so this goes round and round as well:
" and the painted ponies go up and down"
Thank you........Joni.
I love water wheels. There are some really ornate ones out there, and they make such a beautiful sight when they are spinning.
Nice tri-fecta!
a yellow and pink rose
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.
With notable exceptions …
Well, at least she's kind of pink.
What a beautiful rose. The color combination, along with the furling of the petals, is very elegant.
Wow. That is one of the most beautiful roses I've ever seen.
Really beautiful
Here is a little something new for this Friday's creation. I hope you enjoy it.
Outstanding illusion of a receding, bowl-like area encompassing/surrounding the subject!
Thank you Mac. I am reaching deep inside my 'me' and trying to express who it is I really am. In doing so I am letting myself test all the waters, and challenging what comes up to reach even further.
I am sometimes a bit reluctant to reach too far, as I don't want to confuse those who are not familiar with the Spiritual aspect of Native American artwork. Too much ambiance surrounding the primary subject can turn an otherwise pleasing artwork into a confusing 'roundabout', so to speak. So I try to go with the gusto, but, with cogitation for the primary subject and overall creation.
I most want those here to be able to somewhat relate to it, and to enjoy and appreciate its message. The feedback from you and others here is a great resource for me, and I truly thank you for taking the time to do so.
Now that is quite unique.
Thanks Kavika. I am very glad you like it.
Fantastic creation Raven Wing
Thank you G. I am glad you like it.
Now, THAT is sensational.
Thank you Buzz. I'm really glad you like it.
More Ireland:
Blarney Castle, County Cork
Ross Castle, Killarney, County Kerry
Lough Leane, Killarney National Park, County Kerry
Water wheel at the Jameson Distillery, Midleton, County Kerry
WoW!! That is some water wheel! That is HUGE! I can imagine the very large wake that would make as it turns. Whew!!
Great photos G. I love the old castles and palaces of days of yore. Not so ornate in their coloring, but, their construction and design speaks of its purpose and history. I didn't get to accomplish my dream of becoming an archaeologist in this life, so hopefully, I will be able to do so in my next life and spend my life digging in the bowels of Mother Earth to find all the lost treasures that have eluded us for so long.
Thank you Raven Wing.
The Irish castles were, of course, not meant to be ornate. They were built primarily for political and military purposes. The building of the great stone castles in Ireland began 100 years after the Norman invasion of England in 1066. Interestingly, the original purpose and function of the Irish castles was 1) to act as a power base in Ireland, 2) to overawe and frighten the indigenous population, 3) to provide a safe retreat for Irish noble families, and 4) as symbols of wealth and political power. Many are now just ruins, but some are intact, and are even hotels, with nice interiors.
Funny story. We took a cab from our hotel in Cork to tour the Jameson Distillery. The cab driver told me that the tour ends in the tasting room where the tour guide will ask for volunteers for a tasting session. He told me to raise my hand quickly if I wanted to volunteer because they only pick a few. The tour was very interesting. When we got to the tasting room at the end of the tour, as soon as I heard the guide begin to ask "Would anyone like to..." my hand shot up before the sentence was even finished! I was picked and I got to learn to taste the difference between Irish whiskey, Scotch whisky (they spell it differently) and the American kind.
Sounds like a very interesting and informative event, especially, when it came to the tasting part. Many years ago the young man I was dating at the time had a Cousin who was visiting from Ireland. He had only arrived a few days before, and it was fascinating to listen to his stories about Ireland and its history.
He had also brought a bit of Irish whiskey with him, and although we were not old enough to legally imbibe, we were eager to taste it. I am not very alcohol tolerant, so I only took a sip or two just to sample the taste. I got heady just from the smell of it as it neared my lips. It was quite mellow and had a very robust tang to it.
That is a fantastic series of photos. The water wheels I posted would be jealous of the one you posted.
Thanks much. Don't show them and they won't know the difference.
Keeping it going …
© A. Mac/A.G.
The majesty of Mother Earth, and the fury of Father Sky, as they meet upon the shore.
Fences sure add a lot to a landscape - as do great clouds. That photo gives me the feeling of an impending storm - the bent vegetation, the darkened image, the growing cloud cover. Reminds me of when I was a kid on the screened porch of my grandmother's bayside cottage, seeing the rustling leaves of the tall poplar trees flip over to show their silvery side, and the waves on the bay starting to crest, all due to the growing westerly wind.
Very, very beautiful
Here is one that some of you may have seen before, but, it may be new for the newcomers to our site.
Quite a wonderful creation.
Thanks Buzz. I had a fun with this one. It gave me so much to work with, and it was a real challenge to find the right one.
That is really unique and beautiful.
Thank you G. It's a very unusual subject, very active, so I had to be careful not to over do and make it too busy. So I kept the framing simple to let the subject be the focal point.
Good to see that THURSDAY/FRIDAY has move into Saturday! So, here's my contribution.
Perhaps, some may like it enough to FALL for the beauty it portrays.
© A. Mac/A.G.
Beautiful Mac. It reminds of the many trips along Skyline Dr in the Shenandoah Mtns. in No Virginia during the fall. The panorama is breath taking.
NIce to see what I miss a lot here - the colours of Autumn surrounding reflections of clouds on the mirror-surface of a still pond.
Fantastic. The reflection of the clouds in the water is spectacular.
Something for Saturday...
Is she holding vegetables/fruit? Is there special significance to the image?
Vegetables? Fruit? (smile)
Eh.....Buzz......she is holding her baby in her arms. Do you not see her thumb next to the baby's ear while holding its head?
Other than showing the love of a Mother for her child, there is no other significance to the image. I just thought it depicted how most all Mother's feel about their children.
LOL. Unfortunatley my vision has for the past year been waning. I take special eye-drops all day long because I'd rather not undergo eye-surgery, so forgive me for the veil I must pierce in order to discern details. Only now do I see the line of the top of the child's head and the ear, but what I was seeing was a number of bulbous items BELOW her thumb. If you were to focus on that, you might see what I saw.
No worries Buzz. (grin) I remembered your saying you were having vision problems, and your veggies and fruits were just so funny. Hope you don't mind my little funnin' with you.
Actually, I have a similar problem, so I truly understand how easy it is to not see something that clearly right off. It's sort of like...I see, but, I don't see. (grin)
Beautiful image Raven Wing
Thank you G. (smile)
Great photos Buzz. I find Chinese masks fascinating. The Chinese are so very detailed in design, color and execution of their work it is just mind boggling.
I have read that most of their artists, designers and engineers are most all trained from childhood in order to perfect their varied talents, as I feel sure that even the greatest artists did not just learn their very high level of talent within a few days, weeks, months or years.'s where the heart is.
More masks by the dozen....
Thanks Buzz. Those are quite interesting.
Cheaper by the dozen?
Always cheaper to buy in bulk.
Those are very interesting.