Excellent photos of a very photogenic area. I was once in the upstate Hudson Valley area when a friend took me to visit Pete Seeger and his wife Toshi on board their yacht the Clearwater that was moored in the Hudson River upstate.
This is another flea market find. A small statue with creepy, hollowed out eyes. I took the photo of it in front of a fake fireplace and heavily edited it. Kinda looks like a demon child in hell now. Happy Hal-o-ween..
Thanks Buzz. I gather that you saw the various animals in the image as well. The subject of the artwork is a Shaman, and the animals represent the various Spirit Guides.
Sunrise on Gull Lake in the Haliburton Highlands Lake District of Ontario, a photo taken while sitting on my dock, drinking Gull Lake coffee (a mug of 1/3 Baillie's Irish Cream and 2/3 strong fresh brewed coffee - needed no sweetener), listening to the call of the loons echoing through the mist from farther up the lake, and now and then the splash of a fish jumping to catch a winged insect flying low on the water surface. A memory never to be forgotten.
Sunset on the Yellow River, the cradle of Chinese civilization, taken while returning to Zhengzhou after touring a 1,000 year old Buddhist Temple north of the river.
Sunrise over the Sichuan Institute of Art, taken from my smaller balcony. It is a magnificently beautiful campus across the road from where we live, where I have taken many photos that have been posted on thenewstalkers.
Sunset over the mountains, taken from my larger balcony. We have walked to those mountains, and, again, I have taken and posted here many photos from that area.
LOL! My problem is my keyboard, my fingers and spell check argue over who is right. That dang spell check is such a smarty pants and thinks it knows what I want to write.
'Henry' is one beautiful bird, and a great photo by your neighbor. It looks like the #2 hole is a favorite of several of the local wildlife. Thanks for sharing.
Eagles, Blue Jays, Cardinals, Penquins - what's with all these birds in sports? Here are some suggestions: The Cleveland Crows, the Washington Wrens, The Rochester Robins, The Los Angeles Larks, The Seattle Starlings, The Houston Hummingbirds, The Boston Bluebirds, The Orlando Owls, etc etc etc
Thanks Buzz. I wanted to do something a bit different with the background and framing. I didn't want to over do with the colors and ruin the effect. So I am glad to know that you think it is OK.
To Native Americans the Eagle is their protector. It is the most Sacred and honored animal above all others.
The young men in most, if not all, Native American Tribes are not considered adults until they are 25 years old. Their most esteemed merits are then awarded with an Eagle feather, which they wear near the top and in the middle of their heads, as it is one the most prized awards. This tradition can vary from different Tribe.
Wonderful photos, G. They say very much what America is about.
I went and visited the Marten Luther King, Jr. Museum in DC in 2008, and it was very interesting. I learned a lot more about the family and what the movement was about. Much about MLK was disparaged and misrepresented for many years and much of the information was covered up back during the movement. So I found a great amount of information I had never known before. I also visited the MLK monument as well. A trip well worth taking.
The first time I was in Washington the Lincoln Memorial was the thing that impressed me the most - I stood there for a long time, reading the engraved words, and just looking at him in awe of who and what he was.
Thanks for the beautiful photo Mac. I have never seen one like that before. That is one of many great things about this group. I, and maybe others here, get to see and learn about things that I have never seen before. It not only expands my knowledge, but, furthers my appreciation for the Creator's wondrous gifts that he provides for us.
It depends on the Tribe. Some revere them as being Sacred, some consider them as being bad. Some don't believe in them at all. It just depends on the belief of the Tribe. That is why some are called the Fire Bird and some Phoenix. Same thing, just a different name.
Much like the Raven. Some Tribes consider them Sacred and a Birth Totem, other Tribes consider them to be tricksters and bad omens. It just depends on the beliefs of the different Tribes.
Ahhh....such a peaceful and tranquil looking place. Beautiful photo Buzz. It is just what I need right now. I just got back from grocery shopping and stocking up for a while, and I am exhausted. This is really soothing mah tired. (smile)
Both are beautiful, Buzz. And indeed it is very serene and relaxing. The addition of the bright Lotus blossoms gives it a touch of Mother Earth at her best.
Thank you G. I wanted to depict the some of the highest ranking members of Native American Tribes. The Chief, the Priest/Shaman, and the Medicine Man/Woman. Some Tribes have a different hierarchy, but, many of them are similar to the one I have shown.
It's near impossible to distinguish the male from female Catbird … at least by sight alone. The male Catbird uses his loud song to proclaim his territory. He uses a softer version of the song when near the nest or when a bird intrudes on his territory. The female may sing the quiet song back to the male … I can't tell you which on this one.
Thank you Buzz. There is a lot of action in the background so I didn't want to over do with the framing. So I just stuck with very tame framing that would not clash with the primary Image, but, would also compliment it.
Fall in … but anything creative from any season will be just fine.
Great photos, as usual
Beautiful landscape photos Mac. Mother Earth has such wonderful artistic talent to be able to provide such awesome sights just waiting for us to see.
Beautiful photos Mac.
Wonderful photography - I especially admire the last one, which I assume used three layers.
Yup … three layers.
Walking a path in 2016
That is really nice.
Wonderful photo EG. Reminds me of the Shenandoah Mountains. So full of a variety of robust colors during the fall.
A superb shot because of great colours, but in my opinon a MAGNIFICENT shot, because of the image of a man in it and the composition.
October sunrise...
A real winner of a shot!
A new edit on this old photo...
The Aerial bridge. Love it.
That's a real beauty EG. The reflection on the water produces such awesome colors.
Could it be that I love photos that include water like yours because I'm an Auquarian?
Three views of the Hudson River Valley in the spring 2016.
beautiful view!
Thanks EG. I took those photos from the living room of my uncle's house.
Wow! Such wonderful sights to behold. Very nicely done G.
Great photos G.
Excellent photos of a very photogenic area. I was once in the upstate Hudson Valley area when a friend took me to visit Pete Seeger and his wife Toshi on board their yacht the Clearwater that was moored in the Hudson River upstate.
Sunset on the number 2 hole. Stone Creek Country Club.
Awesome Kavika. The sunset itself is beautiful, but, the reflection from it adds even more beauty. Well done!
that's a great photo. If you were playing, wasn't it getting kind of dark to see where your ball ended up?
I wasn't playing Buzz. I was just golf carting around looking for photo opportunities.
Well you did find a very good one.
… FORE photo opportunities … and, while carting around, were you the DRIVER?
Had to WEDGE that comment in …
… although it's not up to my usual PAR …
… 'COURSE … I'm not the GREEN PUTTER-arounder I once was.
Back (around) nine (at the very STROKE).
Great come back Mac. Sounds like you play gold the fair way.
You get GREAT sunset photos!
Very nicely done Hal. A great find and excellent editing.
Your choice of unusual items, and ability to edit photos of them to perfection, is beyond compare.
Something for Thursday....
Striking image Raven Wing
Thanks G. This was a bit harder for me to layer. She is a Shaman.
It's strange, but I found that this image actually GREW on me - I kept seeing more in it, but the focus still remained the face. Excellent.
Thanks Buzz. I gather that you saw the various animals in the image as well. The subject of the artwork is a Shaman, and the animals represent the various Spirit Guides.
Taking it into late night Thursday …
© A. Mac/A.G.
Beautiful Mac. But, what kind of bird is it? I can't make it out from the head.
Thanks for the info Mac. I don't think I have ever seen one of those before, Truly a beautiful bird.
Sunrise, Sunset, Sunrise, Sunset....
Sunrise on Gull Lake in the Haliburton Highlands Lake District of Ontario, a photo taken while sitting on my dock, drinking Gull Lake coffee (a mug of 1/3 Baillie's Irish Cream and 2/3 strong fresh brewed coffee - needed no sweetener), listening to the call of the loons echoing through the mist from farther up the lake, and now and then the splash of a fish jumping to catch a winged insect flying low on the water surface. A memory never to be forgotten.
Sunset on the Yellow River, the cradle of Chinese civilization, taken while returning to Zhengzhou after touring a 1,000 year old Buddhist Temple north of the river.
Sunrise over the Sichuan Institute of Art, taken from my smaller balcony. It is a magnificently beautiful campus across the road from where we live, where I have taken many photos that have been posted on thenewstalkers.
Sunset over the mountains, taken from my larger balcony. We have walked to those mountains, and, again, I have taken and posted here many photos from that area.
Beautiful photos of the various sunrises and sunsets. Father Sky really provides us with some very awesome artwork.
Thank you, RW. I value your compliments, those of a most creative artist.
Thank you Buzz. And I yours. I truly appreciate your feedback on my artwork, as it helps to keep my artistic juices flowing. (smile)
Terrific photos
Thanks G.
Here is a not so old one to carry over to Friday...
Eye candy.
Thanks Buzz. And our description is perfect. (grin)
That should read "And your description is prefect".
LOL. I knew what you meant. I've been having a lot of trouble with typos and dislexic spelling lately myself.
LOL! My problem is my keyboard, my fingers and spell check argue over who is right. That dang spell check is such a smarty pants and thinks it knows what I want to write.
Words that I spell in British/Canadian English like :labour, neighbour, honour, travelling, get red-lined as if I've made a spelling mistake.
Very beautiful
I'm very glad you like it G.
One of our neighbors took this photo of ''Henry''. He lives near the lake on the number 2 hole and comes to visit them in their back yard.
'Henry' is one beautiful bird, and a great photo by your neighbor. It looks like the #2 hole is a favorite of several of the local wildlife. Thanks for sharing.
Such a great picture.
What's his handicap?
Too many birdies.
Good come back!
No eagle this week?
No eagle this week?
Another good comeback!
The Eagles play the Cowboys this coming Sunday night.
Otherwise …
© A. Mac/A.G.
Beautiful Eagle G. Lovely colors.
Eagles, Blue Jays, Cardinals, Penquins - what's with all these birds in sports? Here are some suggestions: The Cleveland Crows, the Washington Wrens, The Rochester Robins, The Los Angeles Larks, The Seattle Starlings, The Houston Hummingbirds, The Boston Bluebirds, The Orlando Owls, etc etc etc
Opening shot for Friday.
Female Northern Cardinal
© A. Mac/A.G.
Beautiful photo of a beautiful bird Mac. Great close-up.
Yet another disappeared comment. Oh well, here we go again.....
Caption for that photo: "I was once a Bishop, now just waiting for my new red robes."
Tiger Swallowtail
Great shot G. Butterflies are soo pretty, they really brighten the sky when they are in flight.
Good catch.
And I didn't even use a butterfly net... Haha
Here is a new one for Friday.....including an Eagle.
Watching over her? Very effective framing, and perfectly co-ordinated,
Thanks Buzz. I wanted to do something a bit different with the background and framing. I didn't want to over do with the colors and ruin the effect. So I am glad to know that you think it is OK.
To Native Americans the Eagle is their protector. It is the most Sacred and honored animal above all others.
That is very interesting to know. Great image!
The People's House
Good photo G. Is this a recent photo?
Thanks Raven Wing. The photo is from spring of 2016.
Thanks G. I noticed there were no face masks on anyone, so I just wondered.
I once had a tour of it. I was surprised the tour guide made note of the burning of it in 1812.
Touring the White House was really a thrill. We were very excited. Our tour was self-guided.
Wonderful photos, G. They say very much what America is about.
I went and visited the Marten Luther King, Jr. Museum in DC in 2008, and it was very interesting. I learned a lot more about the family and what the movement was about. Much about MLK was disparaged and misrepresented for many years and much of the information was covered up back during the movement. So I found a great amount of information I had never known before. I also visited the MLK monument as well. A trip well worth taking.
The first time I was in Washington the Lincoln Memorial was the thing that impressed me the most - I stood there for a long time, reading the engraved words, and just looking at him in awe of who and what he was.
I don't know who the top left picture is.
It is our hero, Martin Luther King, Jr.
The photo was taken at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial in Washington, D.C.
Vote as if your life depended on it, because it does!
Done and done.
I would if I could. LOL
Not a "chip and putt," but a Chipping Sparrow …
© A. Mac/A.G.
A thank you to all who come to these threads and make them work so effectively, civilly, & with great talent.
Keep it going into Saturday.
Thanks for the beautiful photo Mac. I have never seen one like that before. That is one of many great things about this group. I, and maybe others here, get to see and learn about things that I have never seen before. It not only expands my knowledge, but, furthers my appreciation for the Creator's wondrous gifts that he provides for us.
Interesting background.
One more to take us into Saturday....and staying with the bird theme....
The Fire Bird
The Firebird, perhaps named after YOUR Fire Bird.
Very well could be Buzz. It is also known as the Phoenix. And IIRC, there is a car named also named Phoenix. (grin)
A city in Arizona too. LOL
See....it's a very popular bird. (grin)
Are there legends involving the Fire Bird? I assume there are.
It depends on the Tribe. Some revere them as being Sacred, some consider them as being bad. Some don't believe in them at all. It just depends on the belief of the Tribe. That is why some are called the Fire Bird and some Phoenix. Same thing, just a different name.
Much like the Raven. Some Tribes consider them Sacred and a Birth Totem, other Tribes consider them to be tricksters and bad omens. It just depends on the beliefs of the different Tribes.
I mentioned walking to the mountains in my "sunsrise, sunset" post above.
Ahhh....such a peaceful and tranquil looking place. Beautiful photo Buzz. It is just what I need right now. I just got back from grocery shopping and stocking up for a while, and I am exhausted. This is really soothing mah tired. (smile)
A little more peaceful serenity for Sunday, also within walking distance.
Both are beautiful, Buzz. And indeed it is very serene and relaxing. The addition of the bright Lotus blossoms gives it a touch of Mother Earth at her best.
Let's take this into Sunday and the return to Standard Time.
Pennypack Creek, Philadelphia, PA … just down the road from my house.
© A. Mac/A.G.
What a lovely and serene place. All the various colors and reflections really enhance the Spirituality of the photo. Very well done, Mac.
Very reflective.
Nice neighborhood!
Another to take us into Sunday....and the first day of November.
Another winner.
Thanks Buzz. I'm pleased that you like it.
That is great. Did you have a story in mind with that image?
Thank you G. I wanted to depict the some of the highest ranking members of Native American Tribes. The Chief, the Priest/Shaman, and the Medicine Man/Woman. Some Tribes have a different hierarchy, but, many of them are similar to the one I have shown.
That is one of my favorites.
Thanks Kavika. I am very happy that you like it.
A Juvenile Catbird for Sunday.
© A. Mac/A.G.
A beautiful little bird, Mac. Is that a male or female?
It's near impossible to distinguish the male from female Catbird … at least by sight alone. The male Catbird uses his loud song to proclaim his territory. He uses a softer version of the song when near the nest or when a bird intrudes on his territory. The female may sing the quiet song back to the male … I can't tell you which on this one.
Thanks for the clarification Mac. It sounds as if it is a bird of its own feather.
Audubon Society. Interesting to see how the shadow of its beak falls over its chest.
It is truly in the catbird seat!
One more to take us into Monday....
Very nicely blended image, and framed perfectly.
Thank you Buzz. There is a lot of action in the background so I didn't want to over do with the framing. So I just stuck with very tame framing that would not clash with the primary Image, but, would also compliment it.
Pay It Forward (is the name of a movie about giving to others)
Stoned by Love
Very sweet photo, and a beautiful frame. Well done Buzz!
Merci madame
I think this is a good time to add one more.......
Blazing and amazing. Of course good things come from California, like votes for Biden.
Thanks Buzz. This is one of my favorites.