Very lovely photos Mac. They remind me of visiting the Shenandoah Valley and Mountains in winter when I lived in Warrenton No Virginia. I am not fond of snow or cold, but, I really did enjoy seeing it first hand when I visited both during the winter. Seeing the small rivlets hugged by snow along their shores and listening to the tinkling sound of the rivlets as they more along.
Ah, memories of snow, and the beauty of a pure white blanket silently covering the landscape. What was for me the most beautiful thing about winters in Ontario was when there was a freezing rain that caused the landscape to sparkle like a crystal paradise on a frigid sunny day.
This photo is of the last snow I saw in China, when I was living farther north in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, around 8 or so years ago.
Thanks. The windowpane effect was to save you from feeling cold or shivering when looking at the scene. You could be inside a room warmed by a crackling fire in a log-burning fireplace.
Thank you so very much, Buzz. And the windowpane effect does indeed let me feel very warm against the cold look of the outside. And not much beats a warm fireplace on a cold day.
We very rarely got snow in Ft Worth TX where we lived for several years when I was young, so we sometimes went to visit my Maternal Grandparents in Independence MO where they always got a lot of snow in winter. It was a lot of fun to play in for a short while, but, being a Beach Bunny, it did not take long for me to need to go back inside. One year as I was visiting there was a really strong snow storm and when I walked off the porch I sank waist deep in snow.
Nope......not going to play in that! Zip Zip Zip, back in the house I went.
We don't get snow in L.A. except the surrounding mountains. I posted a couple of photos before from last winter. Here are a couple more:
Our current weather forecast is for 10 days of strong Santa Ana winds, which are warm winds blowing off the desert, although sometimes they can a bit chilly. It is quite windy today. It also means that we won't be getting rain anytime soon. I think this photo that I took at Joshua Tree National Park in one of our desert areas near Palm Springs is more appropriate for Southern California for now:
Morning gs..yes we are expecting 24oC here today and warmer over the weekend...I love summer but dread the return of the bushfire season...your photos are beautiful..are the fires out now that were burning through California??
Thank you, Shona. The huge fires that were all over the news have been out for a while, but unfortunately, we are having some new fires in Southern California that started last night. The Santa Ana winds create a serious fire danger, especially since it has been very dry with no rain.
The link is a report on the current fire situation.
Great photos G. I live in the Inland Empire East of Los Angeles, and I can see Big Bear and other nearby mountains with snow on them from my front porch during the winter. Very beautiful to see, especially, on a nice clear day. It is also something to see when the winds are really blowing hard up on the mountains as the snow is also blowing across the sky creating a rainbowish veil of colors.
Here is a picture I took of the mountains near Fontana CA when I lived there a couple of years ago. The photo was taken from my car while stopped at a red light.
Those mountains are only about a 45 minute drive from where I lived. The snow was from a brief snow episode the day before, so there is not as much snow as it usually gets, which brings the snow level down to about the 4,000-5,000 ft level. Some of our mountains here in So Cal are 10,000-12,000 ft. And some of the desert on the east side of the mountains also gets snow.
That happens at Big Bear mostly, which is the higher mountain that can be seen from where I live now. But, they can only be seen on a very bright sunlit day, when the winds over the mountain are strong, and blowing in a direction where the snow is blowing where I can see it. It doesn't happen often though. So that makes it special when it does happen.
It's not so unusual for snow to be on mountains even in warmer climates. Even Chongqing, which is in south central China sees snow on mountains in the area. On a video about Chongqing posted on the Discovery group there is a scene of many people skiing there. As well, I took this photo of distant snow-capped mountains to the west, towards Tibet, when I climbed the holy Buddhist Mount Emei in Sichuan Province, just north of Chongqing.
By that way, that's an interesting rock pile - made me think of the time I travelled to see Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention perform at the Rock Pile auditorium in Detroit. They performed his song "It Can't Happen Here". Unfortunately they have been proven wrong.
There are many amazing rock formations at Joshua Tree. I used to go camping there with my friends when I was younger and sleep out under the stars. When I took this photo I was camping out at a hotel.
I have the first Mothers of Invention album from when I was in high school. "It Can't Happen Here" was one of my favorite songs. I saw them perform the soundtrack for Frank's movie "200 Motels" with the L.A. Philharmonic at UCLA, and another performance about six months later in Santa Monica when they did some new material Frank had written. Frank Zappa was a genius.
I have a Great-Niece who lies there with her family, and she used to send me pictures when she first moved there.
My Mother had a schoolmate who moved there after WWII ended and we traveled there a couple of times. My Mother was born and raised in Lancaster CA, and so was I, and when she was younger she used to ggo all around the desert towns, cities with her Father, who was a truck driver who delivered produce to many of the scattered towns around the deserts.
Joshua Tree is one of my favorite places. If you visit there in the spring after a rainy winter, and you're lucky, you might see the entire desert blooming. The desert floor looks like blankets of flowers everywhere. I was there for a long weekend one year and it kept getting more and more every day. One of the most spectacular things I have ever experienced.
Yes indeed it is. I visited there a couple of times with my Mother, as it is not that far from Lancaster CA. And the desert for as far as the eye can see is covered with all different kinds of flowers, as well as the blooming cacti.
Zappa was a genius but unfortunately no longer with us.
He died in 1993 and was only 52. Tragic. Imagine what more he could have created.
I read an article today that discussed a new Frank Zappa documentary that just came out. It got great reviews.
I used to drive by Frank's log cabin on Laurel Canyon in the Hollywood Hills sometimes when I would go into Hollywood. It was previously the home of Tom Mix, the old cowboy movie star. I'm not sure how long Frank lived there. The house is no longer there. It was across the street from Harry Houdini's house, which is also no longer there.
Morning. Only ever saw snow when I was living in England and had a ball. It always looks spectacular and snow scenes really do look beautiful especially at Christmas time. But give me sun sand and surf any day... keep warm over there..
For those of you who believe that it's doesn't snow in Australia here is a photo of a Roo just outside Orange NSW, Australia. Some of my kids moved there from Darwin and the West Australia. They were not ready for snow...LOL
Morning Kavika..our snow fields from what I have been told are meant to be bigger than Europe's..I don't get snow where I live but about 3 hours north of me it snows once every blue moon...always a shock to the system when it does..but it soon melts... great photo by the way..
It snows in Orange NSW every winter and as your aware Canberra gets a lot of snow. In fact, I went skiing there with my oldest granddaughter, she was 15 and had never seen snow...LOL
That is beautiful Hal. Did you add your own touches to the photo? It is very well framed and accented. The accenting gives the sinister face an even more sinister appearance.
Thank you. Yes, this is another photo I took and edited. It’s a Mongolian wood carving, one of five similar ones in my collection. I do all the editing on my phone with photoshop and PicsArt aps. Here’s the original:
Your Cousin Luther Walks the Horse does not mince words describing the weather. With that kind of weather there is no need for anything more to be said. Short and to the point. Job well done.
LOL. All very familiar sights from my childhood and youth, having been born and grown up in Hamilton,Ontario, probably only about 40 or 50 miles as the crow flies west of Buffalo.
A wild Kolala came into a house in Adelaide and climbed up their Christmas tree. Surprised by the unusual visitor, Amanda McCormick, who lives in Coromandel Valley near Adelaide, southern Australia, called local koala rescue organization 1300Koalaz.
LOL. Not only do I know that song well, but I lived it. I was once robbed of something by someone (and I think I know who it was) who came in through the main floor powder room window of my home when I wasn't home, only took one product, which was something I could not report to the police.
A/noon Kavika..In the town where I live we have had them down on the wharves, in clothes, electrical and hardware shops. They walk down the footpaths, on the roads and try to get into people's houses. I have them out the front of my house in the gumtrees and they grunt and snort especially during mating time. Yes they will go for you if they feel threatened and trying to tell some people this goes in one ear and out the other.
Everyone is very protective of them here. We hold up traffic while they cross the road, leave out water during the Summer as they do drink water. It is heart breaking to see them on the sides of roads knocked over by cars and the loss during the bushfires was devastating. But slowly they are being released back into the bush again as the gumtrees are sprouting new growth.
This Koala I think decided to bring some Christmas Spirit into the World, as it has been a pretty grim year and I think he/she has succeeded..
This Koala I think decided to bring some Christmas Spirit into the World, as it has been a pretty grim year and I think he/she has succeeded..
With the virus out of control here and the millions without work and many without food it's going to be a terrible winter and this story and photo of the Koala put a smile on my face and I'm sure it did for many others.
Tomorrow's your anniversary? Have a happy one - after 49 years you should be pretty attached. We have this in common - tomorrow is our 12th anniversary.
Thank you shona1. Although last year we went out for a Peking Duck dinner, this year, because it is also her mother's birthday, she is having family here and is cooking up a delicious (guess what...) Chinese dinner.
Yum love Chinese food though from what I have heard it is totally different to what we have here...maybe post some photos if you can... anyway hope you both enjoy your day...hmm nearly midnight here and don't think I will get any sleep.. side effect of a drug I have to take every Friday..but will go with the flow and see what happens..hoo roo for now..
As it happens, it ended up being a lunch of only me, my wife and my mother-in-law so no special meal today. And you're right, Chinese food in western countries is usually quite different than is common in China.
A/noon..Oh well never mind I am sure you still enjoyed good food and good company anyway. When you see Chinese food on TV etc made over there totally different to what we have here. Got talking to our restaurant owner here and he said ours has been adapted to Western tastes..shame in away as it not authentic. But must admit his crispy duck in Hoisin?? sauce is brilliant...(phew no paragraph breaks)..
Evening Mac. Happy anniversary well for us it is nearly today. I wish you both many more to come. I know the road for Mrs Mac has been a long one these last one and a half years...but she is not alone on the has many bumps along the way but it is easier travelled with family and friends and Mrs Mac has both in bucket loads. Enjoy the day breath in the new memories of family and friends. With grace and courage you will travel far together along the road of life.Happy anniversary to you both from across the sea...
All good but a side effect of tablets I have to take every is 2.30am here and I am bright eyed and bushy tailed..back to Melbourne this Thursday for treatment a 5 hour trip one way..but at least the trips are once a much virus here now in Australia virtually so things a lot safer..but as we know and have seen overseas that can quickly change..warm regards to you both and stay well and safe too...
Thank you. Unfortunately when I had to install an updated Windows 10 in place of my dead Windows 7 I lost the best free editing site I ever had, because the same one for Windows 10 is nowhere near as good. All the decent free editing sites are so complicated I no longer have all the options I had before. The second and fourth photos were done with the old one, and the first and third with the new program.
That is why I stick with Win7. As a Microsoft Technical Beta Tester since Win98 I was able to pretest all of the Windows software before release, including Win8, Win8.1 and Win10. I enjoyed being able to be to test them and all the related features, but, they were all more or less geared for use with the newer on-line features that I do not have need of, or don't have the necessary devices to work with.
I always downloaded the beta copies to a separate drive on my HD to test them so that I don't mess up any of my other important work.
Plus, like you, they did not work well with the important software that I need to use for my work, nor with copies of some of my older documents that got skewed when I opened them in those Windows software. And many of the on-line programs I used would not work with them either, even after the Windows software when live.
When I was finished Beta Testing each of the new software I just copied it of to a CD to back it up and then deleted it from my HD.
Oooho....what piercing eyes. They are warning eyes to not get too close. It really is a beautiful Wolf. My Father was of the Cherokee Wolf Clan, so they have a special meaning for me.
Thank you very much G. They really are beautiful. The Barrel Cactus also have beautiful blossoms of various colors. And combine all the various types of cactus and other kinds of flowering growth across the desert makes for an awesome sight.
This was in our backyard, but the sharp spines were just too dangerous and we removed it. I accidentally brushed against it a couple of times when I was watering, and OUCH!
Some cacti can have some really hard spines. My Parents had one growing on their yard that was there when they bought the property. They loved cactus, but, this one had spines that would pierce metal garbage cans, and even the sides and bed of a pickup truck. It was next to the a/c unit outside and when they needed to have it serviced the repairman refused to work with it as the cactus spines were just too big a threat to his safety.
So I called around to find someone to remove the dang thing. I finally found someone and they got the dang thing out and removed the roots as well so it would not grow back.
My husband and I planted 4 Cleveland pear trees at our old home in PA. They were the prettiest trees I ever had. A beautiful white display in the spring, green all summer ,then in the fall they were a vibrant red.
That is a very beautiful tree G. I love the smell of the pear blossoms. There was a cherry tree that grew wild along the fence next to my property years ago, and when it bloomed it was such a wonderful aroma. And we got to pick the cherries from the tree as well.
Our trees are ornamental pear trees. They do not bear fruit and the flowers have no aroma. They are very beautiful. They were in full bloom the first time I saw the house, and they were one of the reasons I fell in love with the property immediately. We saw the house on a Sunday and closed the deal by Tuesday.
That really is messy. My Maternal Grandmother had a Cherry tree in her back yard and when the blossoms fell off it was a real gooy mess to clean up. But, my getting to eat some of her cherry pie and fresh cherries from her tree was all worth the clean up (grin)
Such beautiful photos Buzz. Thank you for sharing them with us. Your wife is indeed a very beautiful lady, then and now from the photos with her you share with us now and then. I wish you and your beloved Bride many more happy years to come.
Wish I could see what you posted, Vic, but I cannot view even jpg format if it is just copied and posted here from a source I cannot open. It would be necessry for you to copy the picture to your computer picture library, make sure it is saved in jpg or png format, and than post it here from your computer library, and then I can see it. Normally I have no problem seeing the photos that anyone takes themselves.
Okay thanks Vic - I now see A.Mac was able to do it. You're right, it's an excellent photo. This is the first time I've seen you post anything on this group - you should do it more often, and I'm sure we'd all like to see some of your OWN photos.
Displaying the attachment, the close relationship between the warrior and his horse - in a "fancy" frame. He looks a bit like Nicolas Cage, who was posted with Adam Beach in Windtalkers.
Thanks Buzz. He may look like Cage, but, not the case. This artwork is meant to show the bond between a Native American Warrior and his War pony. They War pony wears his symbolic War Paint as given to him by his Warrior. Often of the same colors, but, they can be different colors as well.
The Warrior and his War pony both risk their lives in battle, and both depend on each other to survive, so the bond they share with each other is much more than just a liking for each other, itis a trust that is built up over time and the experiences they share.
Here is some reading material about it. The major Chinese ethnicity are the Han Chinese with about 93% of the population but there are 55 different ethnic societies, or groups, in China, each of which has its distinct traditional culture, dress and language - you could compare them to the different Indian tribes.
Here is a photo I took in the Three Gorges Dam Museum in Chongqing of a diorama that shows examples of the different dress of the major minority ethnic societies, or groups.
Thank you very much for the additional information and the link Buzz. I have read about the Han and how they fought several other countries early in its history at that time. Many of the Chinese historical movies reveal a great deal of the ups and downs of Han. A very interesting country and people.
Thanks Buzz. It just proves that the Fathers in the animal kingdom are not so much different from human Fathers when it comes to protecting their mates and children.
“Like water which can clearly mirror the sky and the trees only so long as its surface is undisturbed, the mind can only reflect the true image of the Self when it is tranquil and wholly relaxed.” ― Indra Devi
A dreary rainy Sunday morning here - needs a little colour. From the Emperors' Summer Palace, a sample of the hand painted decor of the inner eaves of one of the longest covered walkways in the world.
Beautiful artistry, Buzz. Their artwork always tells such great stories. Good framing too, brings the artwork forward without distracting from it. Well done!
LOL. OMG. I just got totally mixed up on which arttcle to post that comment - I first posted it here. I thought this was the most recent T/F one and now discovered it wasn't. Then later on I opened the right more recent one and wondered how my comment had disappeared, and posted it again with a little more commentary. Then I saw that I posted it first here. I think I must be losing it.
Plow into it with your Creativity!
snow thanks!
I had to put on long pants and a flannel shirt for the first time in 7 months.
Very lovely photos Mac. They remind me of visiting the Shenandoah Valley and Mountains in winter when I lived in Warrenton No Virginia. I am not fond of snow or cold, but, I really did enjoy seeing it first hand when I visited both during the winter. Seeing the small rivlets hugged by snow along their shores and listening to the tinkling sound of the rivlets as they more along.
Very peaceful, and it made me feel very happy.
Ah, memories of snow, and the beauty of a pure white blanket silently covering the landscape. What was for me the most beautiful thing about winters in Ontario was when there was a freezing rain that caused the landscape to sparkle like a crystal paradise on a frigid sunny day.
This photo is of the last snow I saw in China, when I was living farther north in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, around 8 or so years ago.
Very nice photo.
Thanks, edited to have a windowpane effect.
Beautiful picture Buzz, and adding the window pane effect is awesome. Very well done!
Thanks. The windowpane effect was to save you from feeling cold or shivering when looking at the scene. You could be inside a room warmed by a crackling fire in a log-burning fireplace.
Thank you so very much, Buzz. And the windowpane effect does indeed let me feel very warm against the cold look of the outside. And not much beats a warm fireplace on a cold day.
Winter in Lampe MO. where I no longer live.
We very rarely got snow in Ft Worth TX where we lived for several years when I was young, so we sometimes went to visit my Maternal Grandparents in Independence MO where they always got a lot of snow in winter. It was a lot of fun to play in for a short while, but, being a Beach Bunny, it did not take long for me to need to go back inside. One year as I was visiting there was a really strong snow storm and when I walked off the porch I sank waist deep in snow.
Nope......not going to play in that! Zip Zip Zip, back in the house I went.
That is an amazing photo.
Brilliant.. love the deer...make a good Christmas card...
Indeed it would. Looks like a husband and wife team searching the snow for grass down under, or other types of foodies.
We don't get snow in L.A. except the surrounding mountains. I posted a couple of photos before from last winter. Here are a couple more:
Our current weather forecast is for 10 days of strong Santa Ana winds, which are warm winds blowing off the desert, although sometimes they can a bit chilly. It is quite windy today. It also means that we won't be getting rain anytime soon. I think this photo that I took at Joshua Tree National Park in one of our desert areas near Palm Springs is more appropriate for Southern California for now:
Morning gs..yes we are expecting 24oC here today and warmer over the weekend...I love summer but dread the return of the bushfire season...your photos are beautiful..are the fires out now that were burning through California??
Thank you, Shona. The huge fires that were all over the news have been out for a while, but unfortunately, we are having some new fires in Southern California that started last night. The Santa Ana winds create a serious fire danger, especially since it has been very dry with no rain.
The link is a report on the current fire situation.
Great photos G. I live in the Inland Empire East of Los Angeles, and I can see Big Bear and other nearby mountains with snow on them from my front porch during the winter. Very beautiful to see, especially, on a nice clear day. It is also something to see when the winds are really blowing hard up on the mountains as the snow is also blowing across the sky creating a rainbowish veil of colors.
Here is a picture I took of the mountains near Fontana CA when I lived there a couple of years ago. The photo was taken from my car while stopped at a red light.
Those mountains are only about a 45 minute drive from where I lived. The snow was from a brief snow episode the day before, so there is not as much snow as it usually gets, which brings the snow level down to about the 4,000-5,000 ft level. Some of our mountains here in So Cal are 10,000-12,000 ft. And some of the desert on the east side of the mountains also gets snow.
That's a great photo. It would be really interesting to see the snow blowing across the sky as you described.
I drove to the top of the hill near our house to get the best photos of the snow.
That happens at Big Bear mostly, which is the higher mountain that can be seen from where I live now. But, they can only be seen on a very bright sunlit day, when the winds over the mountain are strong, and blowing in a direction where the snow is blowing where I can see it. It doesn't happen often though. So that makes it special when it does happen.
It's not so unusual for snow to be on mountains even in warmer climates. Even Chongqing, which is in south central China sees snow on mountains in the area. On a video about Chongqing posted on the Discovery group there is a scene of many people skiing there. As well, I took this photo of distant snow-capped mountains to the west, towards Tibet, when I climbed the holy Buddhist Mount Emei in Sichuan Province, just north of Chongqing.
By that way, that's an interesting rock pile - made me think of the time I travelled to see Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention perform at the Rock Pile auditorium in Detroit. They performed his song "It Can't Happen Here". Unfortunately they have been proven wrong.
That photo is really great.
There are many amazing rock formations at Joshua Tree. I used to go camping there with my friends when I was younger and sleep out under the stars. When I took this photo I was camping out at a hotel.
I have the first Mothers of Invention album from when I was in high school. "It Can't Happen Here" was one of my favorite songs. I saw them perform the soundtrack for Frank's movie "200 Motels" with the L.A. Philharmonic at UCLA, and another performance about six months later in Santa Monica when they did some new material Frank had written. Frank Zappa was a genius.
I have a Great-Niece who lies there with her family, and she used to send me pictures when she first moved there.
My Mother had a schoolmate who moved there after WWII ended and we traveled there a couple of times. My Mother was born and raised in Lancaster CA, and so was I, and when she was younger she used to ggo all around the desert towns, cities with her Father, who was a truck driver who delivered produce to many of the scattered towns around the deserts.
Thanks, I have many wonderful vews from that mountain climb - they were posted either here or on Discovery group.
Yes, Zappa was a genius but unfortunately no longer with us.
Joshua Tree is one of my favorite places. If you visit there in the spring after a rainy winter, and you're lucky, you might see the entire desert blooming. The desert floor looks like blankets of flowers everywhere. I was there for a long weekend one year and it kept getting more and more every day. One of the most spectacular things I have ever experienced.
Yes indeed it is. I visited there a couple of times with my Mother, as it is not that far from Lancaster CA. And the desert for as far as the eye can see is covered with all different kinds of flowers, as well as the blooming cacti.
He died in 1993 and was only 52. Tragic. Imagine what more he could have created.
I read an article today that discussed a new Frank Zappa documentary that just came out. It got great reviews.
I used to drive by Frank's log cabin on Laurel Canyon in the Hollywood Hills sometimes when I would go into Hollywood. It was previously the home of Tom Mix, the old cowboy movie star. I'm not sure how long Frank lived there. The house is no longer there. It was across the street from Harry Houdini's house, which is also no longer there.
Tom Mix's (and later Frank Zappa's) log cabin in the Hollywood Hills:
Harry is good, you have to wonder how he made a house disappear.
It burned down, if it was his house. At least, that was the legend. I remember my mother calling it Houdini's house. This article is pretty interesting: WILD ABOUT HARRY: The true story of the Laurel Canyon Houdini Estate (
A log cabin is what could be expected for Tom Mix to live in.
Here is a prior posted artwork...
Morning Raven..stunning..
Good morning to you as well shona, and thank you for your very kind words on my artwork. It is so good to see you with us more often.
A very colourful image, surrounded by an "innie-outie" frame. LOL
Just for you Buzz.
Morning. Only ever saw snow when I was living in England and had a ball. It always looks spectacular and snow scenes really do look beautiful especially at Christmas time. But give me sun sand and surf any day... keep warm over there..
Same here shona. No Snow Bunny me.
For those of you who believe that it's doesn't snow in Australia here is a photo of a Roo just outside Orange NSW, Australia. Some of my kids moved there from Darwin and the West Australia. They were not ready for snow...LOL
Morning Kavika..our snow fields from what I have been told are meant to be bigger than Europe's..I don't get snow where I live but about 3 hours north of me it snows once every blue moon...always a shock to the system when it does..but it soon melts... great photo by the way..
It snows in Orange NSW every winter and as your aware Canberra gets a lot of snow. In fact, I went skiing there with my oldest granddaughter, she was 15 and had never seen snow...LOL
Good morning to you Shona.
That is such a great photo Kavika. And so very nice of that Roo to pose for you to take its picture.
LOL. What a great photo!!! One doesn't see THAT very often.
That is really a great picture.
Another piece of wall art. I have several of this style, but haven’t found another to add to my collection for years now.
That is beautiful Hal. Did you add your own touches to the photo? It is very well framed and accented. The accenting gives the sinister face an even more sinister appearance.
Thank you. Yes, this is another photo I took and edited. It’s a Mongolian wood carving, one of five similar ones in my collection. I do all the editing on my phone with photoshop and PicsArt aps. Here’s the original:
Oh my! That hardly looks like the same subject. Your editing skills are really awesome! They would be two different subjects. Very well done indeed!
You can find them here - this one hangs beside our door to guard it.
That is really a great deterrent to unwanted visitors for sure.
I like that one. I think it belongs in my collection.
How much are you willing to pay for it? I don't recall how much it cost me.
This was back in November 2014 know as Snovember:
Wall of Snow: This is taken from downtown Buffalo looking at the Southtowns:
This was the same day looking out my office window:
This was 10 minutes away from my office:
This was my driveway the next day, I live in the Northtowns:
And this is a video of the snow wall:
The weather report from Crystal ND a few years ago. My cousin Luther Walks the Horse reporting.
The HIGH temp for the day was 25 DEGREES BELOW ZERO.
Your Cousin Luther Walks the Horse does not mince words describing the weather. With that kind of weather there is no need for anything more to be said. Short and to the point. Job well done.
Articulately reported!
In another part of the country a bitter winter day, January 2020, in St. Pete Beach, FL.
Where are my ''short johns''....LOL
Beautiful sunset Kavika. It reminds me of Ft Myers beach and the one at Sanibel. The sunsets there are also truly awesome.
That is too funny, unless you live there I guess.
Wow that is some snow wall! Looks almost like a Haboob of snow! Thanks for sharing that awesome photo and video.
Nice series, lady in black.
The snow wall is amazing. I have never seen anything like that.
LOL. All very familiar sights from my childhood and youth, having been born and grown up in Hamilton,Ontario, probably only about 40 or 50 miles as the crow flies west of Buffalo.
Here's another for Thursday....I hope you like it.
She is beautiful!
Thank you G.
Come on, R.W., what's not to like?
Thank you very much Buzz. I'm glad that you like it.
And another .....
He appears to be radiating either energy or wisdom, or both.
That is a Buckeye wood burl in the background, Buzz. The background and subject seem to blend well.
This photo is for Shona.
A wild Kolala came into a house in Adelaide and climbed up their Christmas tree. Surprised by the unusual visitor, Amanda McCormick, who lives in Coromandel Valley near Adelaide, southern Australia, called local koala rescue organization 1300Koalaz.
I saw that story today. Cute, but can be dangerous with sharp teeth and claws if they get riled.
Yes, they can but are actually are fairly docile.
How did it get into the house? Of course Christmas in Australia would be summertime there, so maybe a door or window was open.
It came in ''through the bathroom window'' ....From the song by the Beatles and Joe Cocker.
LOL. Not only do I know that song well, but I lived it. I was once robbed of something by someone (and I think I know who it was) who came in through the main floor powder room window of my home when I wasn't home, only took one product, which was something I could not report to the police.
A/noon Kavika..In the town where I live we have had them down on the wharves, in clothes, electrical and hardware shops. They walk down the footpaths, on the roads and try to get into people's houses. I have them out the front of my house in the gumtrees and they grunt and snort especially during mating time. Yes they will go for you if they feel threatened and trying to tell some people this goes in one ear and out the other.
Everyone is very protective of them here. We hold up traffic while they cross the road, leave out water during the Summer as they do drink water. It is heart breaking to see them on the sides of roads knocked over by cars and the loss during the bushfires was devastating. But slowly they are being released back into the bush again as the gumtrees are sprouting new growth.
This Koala I think decided to bring some Christmas Spirit into the World, as it has been a pretty grim year and I think he/she has succeeded..
With the virus out of control here and the millions without work and many without food it's going to be a terrible winter and this story and photo of the Koala put a smile on my face and I'm sure it did for many others.
Last one for me tonight.
Tomorrow, my wife and I will celebrate our 49th anniversary.
Which says a great deal about her tolerance level.
Hickory Run, Pocono Mountains, Pennsylvania
©. A. Mac/A.G.
That is a very lovely photo Mac. It looks like a nice walk through the forest along the wandering rill.
A Very Happy Anniversary to Mac and Mrs. Mac.
Nice sepia effect.
Tomorrow's your anniversary? Have a happy one - after 49 years you should be pretty attached. We have this in common - tomorrow is our 12th anniversary.
Merci Madame - Fen and I thank you very much.
Happy anniversary for tomorrow buzz.. hope you both enjoy your day. Are you going to do anything special?? Enjoy what ever you do..
Thank you shona1. Although last year we went out for a Peking Duck dinner, this year, because it is also her mother's birthday, she is having family here and is cooking up a delicious (guess what...) Chinese dinner.
Yum love Chinese food though from what I have heard it is totally different to what we have here...maybe post some photos if you can... anyway hope you both enjoy your day...hmm nearly midnight here and don't think I will get any sleep.. side effect of a drug I have to take every Friday..but will go with the flow and see what happens..hoo roo for now..
Happy Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Buzz
As it happens, it ended up being a lunch of only me, my wife and my mother-in-law so no special meal today. And you're right, Chinese food in western countries is usually quite different than is common in China.
A/noon..Oh well never mind I am sure you still enjoyed good food and good company anyway. When you see Chinese food on TV etc made over there totally different to what we have here. Got talking to our restaurant owner here and he said ours has been adapted to Western tastes..shame in away as it not authentic. But must admit his crispy duck in Hoisin?? sauce is brilliant...(phew no paragraph breaks)..
Oops, forgot to say that two of my wife/s nieces showed up as well, and slept over.
Evening Mac. Happy anniversary well for us it is nearly today. I wish you both many more to come. I know the road for Mrs Mac has been a long one these last one and a half years...but she is not alone on the has many bumps along the way but it is easier travelled with family and friends and Mrs Mac has both in bucket loads. Enjoy the day breath in the new memories of family and friends. With grace and courage you will travel far together along the road of life.Happy anniversary to you both from across the sea...
Thank you, and, good to see you, shona1. Please continue to keep us apprised as to how you are, and, be safe and well.
All good but a side effect of tablets I have to take every is 2.30am here and I am bright eyed and bushy tailed..back to Melbourne this Thursday for treatment a 5 hour trip one way..but at least the trips are once a much virus here now in Australia virtually so things a lot safer..but as we know and have seen overseas that can quickly change..warm regards to you both and stay well and safe too...
Happy 49 years together and many more to come!
Let me ease the chill of the season a bit and post some warm weather shots.
Cool photos!
LOL. Not cool, warm. Was that a pun?
Yes, of course.
Very nice photos Buzz. Great framing on them all. Well done!
Thank you. Unfortunately when I had to install an updated Windows 10 in place of my dead Windows 7 I lost the best free editing site I ever had, because the same one for Windows 10 is nowhere near as good. All the decent free editing sites are so complicated I no longer have all the options I had before. The second and fourth photos were done with the old one, and the first and third with the new program.
That is why I stick with Win7. As a Microsoft Technical Beta Tester since Win98 I was able to pretest all of the Windows software before release, including Win8, Win8.1 and Win10. I enjoyed being able to be to test them and all the related features, but, they were all more or less geared for use with the newer on-line features that I do not have need of, or don't have the necessary devices to work with.
I always downloaded the beta copies to a separate drive on my HD to test them so that I don't mess up any of my other important work.
Plus, like you, they did not work well with the important software that I need to use for my work, nor with copies of some of my older documents that got skewed when I opened them in those Windows software. And many of the on-line programs I used would not work with them either, even after the Windows software when live.
When I was finished Beta Testing each of the new software I just copied it of to a CD to back it up and then deleted it from my HD.
A sincere "THANK YOU" for the good wishes, and, for continuing to make CREATIVE ARTS THURSDAY/FRIDAY the vibrant, civil feature it has become.
And, to get Friday rolling …
© A. Mac/A.G.
Black Timber Wolf, northern Minnesota.
Photo by Conrad Tan
More winter, the Great Snowy Owl, northern Minnesota. Photo by Conrad Tan.
Oh wow! That is so beautiful. What a wonderful shot.
Oooho....what piercing eyes. They are warning eyes to not get too close. It really is a beautiful Wolf. My Father was of the Cherokee Wolf Clan, so they have a special meaning for me.
A very lovely photo Mac. Very nicely framed and tinted. Well done!
For the two very distinguished gentlemen, Mac and Buzz, and for your wives, of course, Happy Anniversary!
Raven Wing mentioned cactus flowers:
Thank you very much G. They really are beautiful. The Barrel Cactus also have beautiful blossoms of various colors. And combine all the various types of cactus and other kinds of flowering growth across the desert makes for an awesome sight.
This was in our backyard, but the sharp spines were just too dangerous and we removed it. I accidentally brushed against it a couple of times when I was watering, and OUCH!
Some cacti can have some really hard spines. My Parents had one growing on their yard that was there when they bought the property. They loved cactus, but, this one had spines that would pierce metal garbage cans, and even the sides and bed of a pickup truck. It was next to the a/c unit outside and when they needed to have it serviced the repairman refused to work with it as the cactus spines were just too big a threat to his safety.
So I called around to find someone to remove the dang thing. I finally found someone and they got the dang thing out and removed the roots as well so it would not grow back.
Wasn't "Cactus Flower" a movie?
I think that one starred Goldie Hawn if I'm not mistaken.
You're not mistaken.
"Cactus Tree" was a song by Joni Mitchell. Remember that one?
I don't know it from the title, but I might if I heard it sung. I'm not as familiar with here later songs as I am with the earlier ones.
"Cactus Tree" was the final song from her first album.
Ornamental pear tree (real window panes!):
My husband and I planted 4 Cleveland pear trees at our old home in PA. They were the prettiest trees I ever had. A beautiful white display in the spring, green all summer ,then in the fall they were a vibrant red.
Our ornamental pear trees bloom in December and January. We have several in the backyard and one in front. They are beautiful.
That is a very beautiful tree G. I love the smell of the pear blossoms. There was a cherry tree that grew wild along the fence next to my property years ago, and when it bloomed it was such a wonderful aroma. And we got to pick the cherries from the tree as well.
Our trees are ornamental pear trees. They do not bear fruit and the flowers have no aroma. They are very beautiful. They were in full bloom the first time I saw the house, and they were one of the reasons I fell in love with the property immediately. We saw the house on a Sunday and closed the deal by Tuesday.
I've had many lovely fruit trees and enjoyed having the fresh fruit to eat. Makes the upkeep and loving care with it. (smile)
Very nice window shot of the pear tree G.
Thanks, Raven Wing. I thought it made an interesting photo.
Indeed it does. It sort of looks like it wants to come inside. (grin)
It might, but it can't. When the flowers drop off it is really messy, especially all the flowers that fall in the pool.
That really is messy. My Maternal Grandmother had a Cherry tree in her back yard and when the blossoms fell off it was a real gooy mess to clean up. But, my getting to eat some of her cherry pie and fresh cherries from her tree was all worth the clean up (grin)
LOL. Not to be mistaken for my edit-provided fake ones.
Friday is here so it's time for a new creation...I hope you enjoy it.
Perfect overlapping plane implementation, RW; the pale blue sky in perfect spectral-opposite harmony with the skin tones of the subject!
Thank you Mac. I truly appreciate your feedback. (smile)
Wow. Spectacular image.
Thank you very much G.
Good work. I like the fact that the person is shown standing in waste-high flora.
Thanks Buzz.
Taking it into Saturday.
© A. Mac/A.G.
Great shot Mac. The snow hugging the edge of the river really enhances the look of the flow of the river.
Let's take this into Saturday for sure...
Very nice, quite unique
Thanks Buzz. One of my accidents that actually turned out pretty good. (grin)
Memories of my wedding - the civil one exactly 12 years ago, and the traditional one the following January.
Signing our application at the Wedding Bureau
The civil ceremony - no guests or witnesses
The traditional wedding ceremony in January in front of our guests, which was followed by a banquet
Happiness is.....a gorgeous wonderful wife.
In traditional garb for our wedding album
Such beautiful photos Buzz. Thank you for sharing them with us. Your wife is indeed a very beautiful lady, then and now from the photos with her you share with us now and then. I wish you and your beloved Bride many more happy years to come.
Very fine series of photos, Buzz.
May I add one, not taken by me?

It's just to good to ignore.
Courtesy of the OddBeardieCouple/Harry Foster:
A Waxwing who has obviously eaten way too many crabapples.
Hey, Vic,
Beautiful addition to the thread (and thank you for including the photo credit).
Wish I could see what you posted, Vic, but I cannot view even jpg format if it is just copied and posted here from a source I cannot open. It would be necessry for you to copy the picture to your computer picture library, make sure it is saved in jpg or png format, and than post it here from your computer library, and then I can see it. Normally I have no problem seeing the photos that anyone takes themselves.
I know there is a way to do it, I'll try.
If you are not able to get it to Buzz, I may, with your consent, try to send it to him via Private Notes.
Otherwise, let me post one for now.
White-throated Sparrow
© A. Mac/A.G.
Okay thanks Vic - I now see A.Mac was able to do it. You're right, it's an excellent photo. This is the first time I've seen you post anything on this group - you should do it more often, and I'm sure we'd all like to see some of your OWN photos.
Here is one for Sunday...
Displaying the attachment, the close relationship between the warrior and his horse - in a "fancy" frame. He looks a bit like Nicolas Cage, who was posted with Adam Beach in Windtalkers.
Thanks Buzz. He may look like Cage, but, not the case. This artwork is meant to show the bond between a Native American Warrior and his War pony. They War pony wears his symbolic War Paint as given to him by his Warrior. Often of the same colors, but, they can be different colors as well.
The Warrior and his War pony both risk their lives in battle, and both depend on each other to survive, so the bond they share with each other is much more than just a liking for each other, itis a trust that is built up over time and the experiences they share.
I'll add a Sunday special as well...girls of the Zhuang ethnic culture who live in a district of Guanxi Autonomous Region.
Very nice photo Buzz. What is an ethnic culture? Is is like an ceremony of some kind?
Here is some reading material about it. The major Chinese ethnicity are the Han Chinese with about 93% of the population but there are 55 different ethnic societies, or groups, in China, each of which has its distinct traditional culture, dress and language - you could compare them to the different Indian tribes.
Here is a photo I took in the Three Gorges Dam Museum in Chongqing of a diorama that shows examples of the different dress of the major minority ethnic societies, or groups.
Thank you very much for the additional information and the link Buzz. I have read about the Han and how they fought several other countries early in its history at that time. Many of the Chinese historical movies reveal a great deal of the ups and downs of Han. A very interesting country and people.
Sunday is here and time for another creation;
A Great Eagle protecting his mate and chick.
A terrific image, very aptly framed, and thanks for explaining it.
Thanks Buzz. It just proves that the Fathers in the animal kingdom are not so much different from human Fathers when it comes to protecting their mates and children.
And one for Monday - a small hotel next to the school where I taught for six years.
Very nice Buzz. Excellent choice of framing.
And, one for Monday upon which to reflect.
A. Mac/A.G.
“Like water which can clearly mirror the sky and the trees only so long as its surface is undisturbed, the mind can only reflect the true image of the Self when it is tranquil and wholly relaxed.” ― Indra Devi
Yeah, what that person said!
Very beautiful, Mac. And very cold looking. (grin)
I'll add one for Monday as well...
There is something peaceful about that image and frame.
Thanks Buzz. I was hoping that is how it would appear.
A dreary rainy Sunday morning here - needs a little colour. From the Emperors' Summer Palace, a sample of the hand painted decor of the inner eaves of one of the longest covered walkways in the world.
Beautiful artistry, Buzz. Their artwork always tells such great stories. Good framing too, brings the artwork forward without distracting from it. Well done!
LOL. OMG. I just got totally mixed up on which arttcle to post that comment - I first posted it here. I thought this was the most recent T/F one and now discovered it wasn't. Then later on I opened the right more recent one and wondered how my comment had disappeared, and posted it again with a little more commentary. Then I saw that I posted it first here. I think I must be losing it.