Fox Outing (No, I Don't Mean Not "Out-foxing") on CREATIVE ARTS Three Day Weekend
For years, I've been observing and photographing a family of Red Foxes in the woods behind my house; here's a photo one of this year's kits; there are at least three I've seen this week.
© A. Mac/A.G.

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Oh! In case anyone missed it … I caught and released this beautiful RAINBOW TROUT last week; it would be a tragedy had you not seen it's picture …
Otherwise … it's that time again! Post what you will.
I love both the photos and if I remember correctly this is the third season of new kits.
I think that's correct, but at my age, the years simultaneously run together and fly bye. You're probably correct.
nice catch! catch and release for me too.
It's a beauty! Can't wait to do some trout fishing myself next month
But you can catch yourself anytime you like. 😂😂😂 Sorry it is 3am here and I could not resist.
Nighty-nite, Shona.
Afraid I am bright eyed and bushy tailed..side effect of dexamethasone.. one of the cancer drugs.. happens pretty well every Friday night when I take is the nature of the beast... could be worse..
Take care sweetie. I hope you are able to get some rest soon
Thanks trout..all good and a day at a time. Just scoffed off a piece of pizza and passionfruit sponge...think I can feel sleep coming on. The cat is beside me so I have got my fur covered hot water bottle..nite nite...
I love your baby fox. That was some catch! Well done Mac!
I saw it - it made me hungry. LOL Love the little fox photo - have never seee one so young.
All the usual birds are back in the yard at lunch on Wednesday.
Nice group, EG!
Great photos, EG.
I love me my birdies! Great job!
Do you know the birds? I know the second and third but I don't know what the first one is. Looks a finch of some sort
It appears to be a juvenile House Finch.
They all seem to be posing with the same "I don't care" attitude.
Last night's sunset taken from my lanai. Stone Creek, Ocala FL.
2 iron. where's the green?
It's a good 3 wood to the GC from my house.
meh, you've always lived some part of your life out of bounds.
I'd say that is a very true statement.
that's the rare human quality I admire so much. life is art too.
Umm what is a lanai please?
"Lanai" is the Hawaiian word for patio, porch or balcony. It is also the name of one of the main Hawaiian islands.
Ah you mean a Verandah..with you now gs...thank you.
Verandah would be the equivalent of a lanai, shona.
Beautiful catch at just the right time, Kavika. Love it!
Yet another coulorful end of the day in Kavikaland.
This week's iris
Thanks, dev.
Absolutely gorgeous..
Thank you, shona. Irises are very beautiful flowers.
Yes we have them here. I have got purple ones but they finished flowering long ago..gone into Autumn now. that peach colored Iris. All ruffle edged....looks like royalty. Very nice G.
Thanks, Raven Wing
I picked this up at an antique store the other day. Normally I don’t include too many iconic or recognizable faces in my art collection, but this style of art is so unique that I didn’t have anything like it. Someone (likely) had a 3d digital model of Mt. Rushmore that they digitally sliced into many cross sections, much like how an MRI works. Each slice was then cut out of sturdy cardboard and the whole thing assembled. Back in the day this is how architects constructed the landscapes around their physical building models. Most people would probably walk by this without a second glance, but it brings me joy to expand my art collection with a new type of media.
It’s unfortunate that I can’t get photos to upload here without losing a lot of resolution. These look much better in my photo library than they do here.
Very unique, I like it.
Are you saving them as "jpegs" and posting them in "original size"?
I do everything on my iPhone - I don’t even have a pc anymore. If I do as you suggest this is what I get:
Update: That does look better but when I’m uploading it it is enormous on my screen. Does it look better on your end?
Looks good!
Very interesting type of artwork indeed, Hal. I would think the majority of people would not understand the meaning behind that kind of artwork, nor appreciate it.
Great find indeed, Hal.
I'm having the same resolution problem. Thanks for the explanation enabling us to understand how that work was most likely created - expanding knowledge is so important when one reaches the age when knowledge starts to slip away. The detailed image makes me think of the terraced hillside farms in China.
I have been having fun with a few of my photos. I think this would come under the category of 21st Century Neo-Pop Art.
© G. Gam
Definitely west coast pop art.
That sounds good.
Thank you!
Totally pop art. Totally Cool Man! Great job!
Thanks, Perrie!
Great work, G. I truly admire how you are expending your artwork abilities. Isn't it fun? (smile)
Thanks again. Yes, it is fun.
GG - I am really impressed. That is an absolutely FANTASTIC editing job to create a truly superb work of art. I love it.
Thank you very much.
Speaking of West Coast pop art here are some murals in Indian Alley, Los Angeles, CA.
Those are great!
WoW!! I have not heard of this area in Los Angeles. I will have to try and get down there to see it myself. It will be worth the trip from Riverside to Downtown Los Angeles. I have not been there since I had my own business there several years ago, so I am anxious to see this great area of Native American artwork.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful display.
You'll enjoy it and it's a Historial Landmark.
Thank you for the reference, Kavika. It is wonderful that it has been designated an Historical Landmark. A true honor for sure.
Creating an attractive makeover - converting plain, even ugly, into a virtual art gallery, a historical place of memory and beauty worth viewing.
There are some very large Native American Tribes near the Los Angeles and San Diego areas that have large Casinos on their Reservations, and they make great contributions to the local communities. They also help support other nearby Tribes that are unable to afford Casinos of their own. Their POW WOWs are important traditional events that the public are welcome to attend. I will be glad when the COVID-19 is behind us so that they can hold their wonderful POW WOWs once again.
Meatball thought that the murals were great.
Such a sweet smiley face. Love it!
Okay, okay Meatball, whatever you say.
A bit different version of White Buffalo Calf Woman....
Looks very much like an engraving that could be the reverse side of a coin, and/or a logo or avatar. Very nice.
Thank you very much for the very nice compliment, Mac. I truly appreciate it.
AGAIN what I posted disappeared, and I already forgot what I posted then. I'll try again....
Your creation can only be described by me as "precious" - a profound image wrought in gold.
I hope that this time NT will permit my comment to remain.
Thank you very much, Buzz. As always, your very nice compliment is truly appreciated.
That is a wonderful image, Raven Wing.
These are murals from Little Earth which is a Native American neighborhood in Minneapolis and is part of the Phillips area where George Floyd was killed. The American Indian Movement was formed there in 1968 on North Franklin Ave for the same reason that led to the riots over George Floyd death.
Each year when I go back to Minnesota I visit relatives and friends there. It's going home for me.
Those are beautiful. It is so great that there is a group that will keep the heart of the Native American people alive, and our history and culture from being totally lost.
Thanks you for sharing, Kavika.
Beautifies and serves as a reminder of America's REAL history more effectively and more so than Indian Alley.
A reprise, no surprise, Back to basics - B&W from my distant past.
Photos taken many decades ago with my Canon F1 film SLR, enlarged and developed in my home darkroom, B&W and some sepia tinted B&W :
The TH&B (Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo) Railway marshalling yard behind historic Dundurn Castle in the city in which I was born and grew up. When I was a little kid I would walk from my grandfather's Dry Goods Store down the street and sit on the hillside overlooking the trains shunting, and around 30 years later drove the 40 miles from my Toronto home to take this photo from that very hillside - a memory of my childhood.
During my weekend wild hippie days I drove up to a remote central Ontario area of communes, housing a mix of local hippies and American draft dodgers, and saw this farm for sale, talked my client the manager of a Rock group and one of its musicians into buying the farm where these very solid barns were located, and then since they rarely used it, I spent many weekends there in the farmhouse, warmed in winter by a wood-burning pot-bellied stove and an antique wood cookstove and froze my b...s running to the outhouse.
My buddy, my cat Fidget, accompanied me on those weekend trips to hippie-land, and he enjoyed sitting in the farmhouse window watching the birds.
A woodland trail in early Spring or late fall next to that farm.
And while up there I saw a wonderful tight little modernized bungalow with a drilled well, indoor plumbing and septic system (unusual up there) set back from the road on 300 acres containing a clean 35 acre spring-fed lake, 65 acres cleared and the rest forest. Where the road in met the rural municipal gravel road, where I was standing to take this photo, was an abandoned brick one-room schoolhouse that would have made a great studio. It was for sale for $15,000 because the occupants were old and wanted to move to the local village. I could have afforded it, but had I bought it I'm sure my life would have turned out very different - for example drawing a local's will, paid for with a couple of dressed chickens and a dozen eggs.
When we first married my ex-wife and I took a trip to England and Wales during Christmas, and I was quite taken with this view of a sheep farm in the hills as we drove through north Wales. So many of the photos I've taken are back in storage in Toronto, unfortunately.
A sailboat in the Ottawa River, just behind Canada's House of Parliament in Ottawa, Canada's capital. I printed this photo after enlarging it in my darkroom, on a special silvery photo-paper.
A blast from my past - memories are made from these - although you may have seen me post them previously.
The entirety has a classical look and feel; strong and intense in a way that can only be achieved without the "distractions" of color!
I never tire of seeing them, Buzz. While they are not of my past, I, and perhaps others, can appreciate the time frames they represent.
You have a really good eye for framing a shot.
Unfortunately I no longer have access to the site where I was able to provide great frames.
Nice photos. Fidget must have been a very cool guy.
He surely was - read all about it....
Fidget also appears as one of our many Kitty of the Month photos for the Cat-Adorers Group here on NT, as Buzz has so graciously provided his photo for us to use.
If there are any others here on NT who would like to have one or more of your own fur babies to share the Kitty of the Month spotlight, please send me a copy of a photo of them by Private Note, or post their picture in the Cat-Adorers group with your permission to add them to our list. All our special representatives take turns each month in random selection. We would love to add them.
The link isn't working.
That's strange, I just tried it and it worked for me. And it most likely worked for Raven Wing and A.Mac who both thumbed up the comment with the link. Try reopeing NT and trying again.
It's working for me G. I just tried it again and it opened right up.
It still says The Page You Requested Is Not Found.
Try this link G and see if it will work for you..
btw....are you on your phone or PC?
Neither link works for me.
Sorry, I just realized why you couldn't open either link to the article. It is posted on the Cat Adorers group which is a private group, and you are not a member.
Sorry, I just realized why you couldn't open the article. It is posted on the Cat Adorers group which is a private group, and you are not a member.
I just figured out that Gsquared and Kavika were unable to open the article because it is posted on the PRIVATE GROUP, Cat Adorers, and they are not members, so I solved the problem by copying the article and pasting it to PNs to them.
That's likely what is happening, Buzz. I did think of that, but, was not sure if that was the reason G and Kavika could not open the link.
Thanks for the reminder.
And a good idea to send them the info for Fidget by PN.
Thanks, Buzz.
Great start to our "THREE DAY"! Thanks, all the way around. Saturday approaches.
I find the Red Fox to be a fascinating creature.
© A.Mac/A.G.
Kudos to NT's local Mangelsen.
I think that Mac is impersonating Mangelsen or Mangelsen is impersonating Mac.
It's difficult to tell by the photos each takes.
Thomas Mangelsen photo, ''Red Fox''.
I'm a big fan of Mangelsen/Mac and have one of his beautiful photo books.
LOL - PERFECT, Kavika.
You flatter me, gentlemen, for which, I thank you.
© A. Mac/A.G.
Some of us here don't get to see foxes that dwell in our words, and I truly appreciate your sharing your wonderful photos of them here for us to enjoy. Thank you!
Here is a replay....some of the newer Members may not have seen it. For those who have, I hope you enjoy it again.
Always a pleasure to see the Raven Dance again.
Thank you, Buzz. I am glad you enjoy it.
That is very interesting.
Thank you G.
We are nearing Sunday and looking good!
Spring comes to my place of worship.
There's a huge black bear that comes to this spot now and again … but … it's such a spiritual place, I look around before going into this part of the woods … listen for any rustling … and enjoy the view, the smells in the air, the sound of the brook … and, after a few minutes, quietly leave to a more open area. Some moments in time are worth whatever risk may exist within them.
© A. Mac/A.G.
A very beautiful place, Mac, and indeed, very Spiritual. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Sunday it is....
A clever blend of symbolism in an interesting frame.
Thanks Buzz. Glad you like it. Doing some experimenting with the framing techniques.
That is very beautiful.
Thank you very much G.
Closing shop for this week. Thanks to all.