Heading to the Forested Mountain & the Fishin' Hole in the Morning, so, Posting the Three Day Weekend Article Tonight
Red Fox Kit
© A. Mac/A.G.
Red-bellied Woodpecker, Male
© A. Mac/A.G.
Northern Cardinal, Female
© A.Mac/A.G.

Looking forward to all the good stuff we get to see each week.
Have already enjoyed the good stuff you've posted above.
Beautiful photos Mac. I will have a special project for this weeks artwork. It is of a Tribe that is little known to most people in America. I have some finish work to do yet, so it will be posted tomorrow.
Here is the special artwork for this week as I promised....I hope you enjoy it.
This is a Shinnacock Warrior...
The Shinnacock Tribe is one that is not well known by most Americans. This is their Nation's Seal;
The Shinnecock Indian Nation is a federally recognized Tribe of historically Algonquian-speaking Native Americans based at the Eastern end of Long Island, New York. This Tribe is headquartered in Suffolk County, on the southeastern shore. Since the mid-19th century, the Tribe's landbase is the Shinnecock Reservation within the geographic boundaries of the Town of Southampton. Their name roughly translates into English as "people of the stony shore". Much of their artwork and jewelry involves various shells and other items from the ocean which makes them very unique.
That is excellent, Raven Wing. And, thank you for posting the very interesting information about the Shinnecock Indian Nation.
Thank you, G. So many Tribes here in America and other countries that are well known, so I wanted to let folks know more about lesser known Tribes.
What a beautiful painting of one of our warriors. It makes me proud.
And also thank you for the history of my people.
Although the Shinnecock are a recognized tribe by the US government with the 4th largest Pow Wow in the US, most people who are not east coasters don't know about us, so I am glad you included that background.
Thank you, Perrie. And you are very welcome. There are so many Tribes in America that are not well known across the country. So I like to do a little introduction of some of them to our folks here on NT. The Shinnacock have a very interesting history, and have made notable contributions to Long Island.
I am very glad that you like it, and that it makes you feel proud. (smile)
A well-decorated image - he must have been a very brave warrior.
Thank you, Buzz. The Shinnacock were indeed very brave Warriors. They were able to hold their own against some of the larger, more aggressive Tribes in the nearby areas.
Evening Mac..great to hear you are out and about and on the move.
Autumn has well and truly got us now and Winter is making its presence felt already. I don't get snow where I live but the cold has arrived. Tonight I am expecting rain hail thunderstorms and 90kph winds... can't wait..😖😖😖
Enjoy your travels stay safe and hope Mrs Mac is going well as I am...🐨🐨🐨
Hope you are doing well, shona1; Mrs. Mac is doing well over all with the expected side effects of her chemo.
Evening Mac. yes going very well thank you. Have good days and some not to flash but you get that. Far as I know as of June the trips to Melbourne drop from once a month to one every 3 months. All medications and infusions stop other than the lenilidemide. So I am looking forward to that. A change of scenery is good for the soul so hope you are both enjoying the break. Take care and safe travels.
have fun on the fishing trip, Mac!
Heading to the water in about 30 minutes. Thanks.
What can I say but perfect birdies and a great shot of one of your babes that warms my heart. Well done!
Not the best pic but I came upon this guy sunbathing on a sandbag on a local trail.
Alligator or Fence Lizard.
I have a good many small lizards that hang out around my porch area. There is a male and female, and periodically, a few tiny little ones as well. The adults know me as I have lived here for some time, and the little ones will finally get to know me as well. My Yoda Girl kitty likes to sit by the window and talk to them. When I open the sliding glass door the little ones will climb up on the screen and look inside. Once in a while one of the little ones will get into the house by accident. Then the Mother will climb up on the screen to let me know she is missing a kid. So I open the door and let her come in to retrieve her child. After a while they will both go out the door.
I really love having them around, and being able to enjoy one of the many great gifts from Mother Nature. (smile)
That's so awesome. I'm glad your kitty doesn't hurt them.
Evening Raven..yes having nature around does wonders for the soul. The other morning I was talking to my neighbour at the front door.
I heard clomp clomp on the fence...sure enough along comes the Koala. I said Morning Fozzy how ya going?? He stopped looked at me and continued on. He is heading for the gumtree out the front.
10 minutes later the female Koala is screaming her head off. I went out gave him a mouthful and he went up the other branch...
She definitely does not like him..think he would have learnt by now, but he is a bit slow on the uptake..🐨🐨🐨
Indeed it is fun to interact with the various animals around us. The Koala does seem to be a bit slow in getting the idea that the lady Koala does not like him at all. However, maybe he just keeps hoping she will change her mind at some point if he keeps trying. Timing is everything. (big grin)
No, Yoda Girl does not hurt them. She is curious about them, and tends to want to play with them than to attack them. Especially the little ones that scurry around. I can tell when they are around as she will sit and chatter at them as she watches them. They stay pretty close to their Mother, so if they feel threatened they will run to her. It is interesting to watch the interaction between them and Yoda Girl.
When I was a kid I used to find and put into a paludarium (both land and water surfaces) salamanders that are probably a very distant cousin of your critter.
No apologies needed, Pat. It's a good shot.
Animals I've encountered in China (other than cats and dogs and what I've seen in the Luoyang and Chongqing Zoos):
On the sacred Buddhist Mount Emei, monkeys (they will steal things from the people there, so you have to hold your belongings tight).
Also on the Mount Emei, the only chipmunk I've seen in China.
And the panda bear I nicknamed FDR for visual reasons, at the Chengdu Panda Experimental Center in Sichuan Province.
Why did I nickname him FDR?
Great photos, Buzz. That little Panda does indeed look like FDR. (hee hee)
The FDR photos are great...
The Black Belly Whistling Ducks are still hanging out in Stone Creek. They actually do whistle I heard them today, they are very cool critters.
They are really beautiful ducks. What does their whistle sound like? Is it high pitched?
It's a high soft sound, not shrill at all. It was followed by shorter whistles. Very different I've never heard anything quite like it from a duck before.
That sounds really interesting. They are a very unique duck. I have never heard a duck whistle, so I would love to hear them. There are just sooo many different and interesting species that Mother Nature provides for us.
Evening...we have whistling ducks here too. Look very different to yours and they have a shrill sound when on the wing.
Is that a second female behind the male in the middle ?
It sure looks like it could be, Pat. It does not look like it has the coloring on the beak, the ring around the neck, and its feathers are very plain. Things that are normally indicative of females compared to the ornate looks of the males.
I thought that it was, pat but I googled it and both males and females have brilliant colors the one with less coloring and the gray beak is a juvenile.
I also found out that they migrate to Mexico in the winter months but in Florida, some have become year-round residents.
I learned two new things today.
Me too!
Can they whistle "Dixie"?
They are modern ducks so they don't whistle Dixie but they do whistle ''Dock on the Bay''..
Okay, then as the expression goes, they ain't just whistling Dixie.
The happy clematis.
Well, yeah, it certainly does look happy.
That is fantastic!
Quite the beautiful specimen!
Love the filter and frames, has a storybook quality.
That's a beauty, Hal. The blossoms are so lush and bright.
look into my eyes... give me the cookies...
You'll have to come here to get them.
He's about to hypnotize you with those eyes.
The butterfly escaped from its frame!
"Butterflies Are Free"
© G. Gam 2021
"Butterfly Migration"
© G. Gam 2021
Wow very cool effect! I really like it
Thanks, Perrie
Those photos are great, G.
Thanks, Kavika
Now those are CREATIVE!
Thank you! Your photography and artwork have been a tremendous inspiration to my creative efforts.
Those are beautiful butterflies. And the effects you used are awesome, G. You are getting to be quite the professional!
Thanks much, Raven Wing. Your teaching has a lot to do with my development.
You are most welcome, G. (smile)
Your concept for the top photo is fantastic, super-creative.
Thank you, Buzz
I think it's been about 6 weeks now that I've had this little 6g tank up. I've gotten more plants...
Re-setup this 29g. I just put these really large cryptocoryne plants in at lunch. I think they may be way too big and I'll have to rethink this.
Next to the 29g here is a 10g I'm going to move the guppies to as soon as it's ready for them.
I currently have 6 tanks going but 2 of them don't have fish in them yet.
There are some beautiful plants in those tanks, EG.
That looks beautiful, EG.
Those are beautiful tanks, EG. What fish would not be happy in any of them? (smile)
Are you sure you're leaving enough room for the fish?
I've asked myself that same question... LOL. I think so.
The photo was taken at Shalom Park which is right next to our community. They just opened a golf cart path that we can use to get there from our complex. It's a stunningly beautiful park and was donated by the owner of the retirement community, ''On Top Of The World'' which is right next door to Stone Creek..
What a beautiful area, Kavika.
The Hebrew word "Shalom" translated to English means "peace", so such a park is meant to be a place in which a person can find peace.
Capturing the beauty of a lotus...
Photography class at the Schuan Fine Arts Institute...
Setting up the wedding photos....
Alex, Vice-Principal at the school where I taught, and who, with his wife, became a couple of our best friends in China.
Alex's Nikon and lens that I borrowed from him to take this photo which I used as the intro photo for an article I wrote and posted on the previous NT movie group about movies about photographers and photography (examples: Blow Up, Rear Window...).
Keeping the beauty alive forever...
Photo from exactly half a century ago - guess who that photograper is...
Who's that handsome devil ???
You're at least half right, a devil he was, and the glassiness of his eyes could have been caused by what was in the ashtray by his elbow.
Is that where you got the name "Buzz" ?
LOL. No, I got that nickname decades previously, during WW2 when we kindergarten kids at school would run around the schoolyard with our arms stretched out making buzzing sounds pretending we were Spitfire fighter planes. My mother saw me doing it and nicknamed me "Buzzy", which was picked up by our family and friends, but I didn't like it so was known throughout school by my real name but when I got to high school, the "BUZZY" comic book about a high school kid was popular so I became Buzzy, but eventually shortened it to Buzz. So I've actually had that nickname since I was 4 years old.
The Male mate of the Female Northern Cardinal posted atop the article.
© A. Mac/A.G
If that's what a Cardinal looks like, what does the Pope look like?
We're off to a fine start; quality, variety and volume. Thanks to all.
Yesterday's wildflowers and sunset. Stone Creek Ocala, FL.
Great photos, Kavika. Those wildflowers are so very bright and cheerful. They will lift the Spirits of all who see them.
The range of colors of the setting sun is simply awesome. Just 'picture perfect', as they say.
Zhouzhuang, China
© G. Gam 2021
Very nice, G.
Thank you, Kavika.
A great photo, G.
A gondolier similar to what one might see in Venice. The Suzchou and Zhouzhuang area just suffered a couple of deadly devastating tornadoes.
This morning in Stone Creek, Bhramas at the fence looking for a handout.
Great photo.
Those are really handsome 'hump backs'. Do they usually get handouts? They do look like they are anxiously waiting for something.
Not often but they do get an apple from time to time so they are ever hopeful that the apples will become a regular part of their diet.
It's good that if and when they are given something other than their normal diet, it is something that is natural and good for them.
They look like a group of little kids standing at the curb waiting for the ice cream truck. (grin)
LOL. What are you feeding them?
The ranchers don't want us to feed them since they are naturally raised and they are not injected with hormones, everything that they are fed are natural. The odd apple they said was OK.
An artwork for Saturday......
MSBA = Making Saturday Beautiful Again.
Thanks Buzz. This is one of my very first creations.
Fishin' was poor but the sunset was nice.
© A. Mac/A.G.
Beautiful, Mac.
Yes, very nice.
What an awesome sunset. The last of the suns rays across the water is really beautiful. Great shot, Mac.
Thank you; better ones to come when I get back to my regular computer. This was the first on the memory card.
Here is one to take us into Sunday.....
A Phoenix Spirit Guide.....
Evening Raven..Absolutely gorgeous...You really do know how to brighten people's lives with your magnificent creations..Thank you..
Thank you so very much for your kind words. I am very glad that you like it. My hope in sharing my Native American and other Indigenous people's creations, is to show more of their history, traditions, culture, religious and Spiritual beliefs, in the hopes of others having a better understanding of our varied way of life. As well as just for enjoyment they bring to others. (smile)
Very beautiful. Risen from the ashes?
Thank you Buzz. Indeed it has risen from the ashes.
This is one I posted some time ago, and have done a bit of editing on...
She is a Mayan Queen...
The best of my last night's sunset photos.
© A. Mac/A.G.
Good, Better, BEST. And if you take a letter that sometimes means "nothing" out of "GOOD", what do you get?
His name.
Give that man a cigar.
Another outstanding number of creative contributions! A big THANK YOU to everyone. I will close it down Monday morning and look forward to the coming Friday.
The final sunset for this week's article. Last night Stone Creek, Ocala FL.
A fitting finale