Glad (iolus) & Mad (as hell) ~ Creative Arts Three Day Weekend
GLADiolus Flowers
© A.Mac/A.G.
MAD as Hell about the Assholes who are Killing Americans with Intentional Disinformation
© A. Mac/A.G.

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Sorry I'm late; overzealous gym workout to blame.
As for the COVID stuff; the family had a Disney trip planned for next week; WEN HAD TO CANCEL BECAUSE MY WIFE'S IMMUNO-COMPROMISED situation would put her at great risk in Florida, where the Governor has made it THE COVID HOTSPOT OF AMERICA!
Otherwise, post your creative stuff as always.
Sorry about your cancelled trip. I like the statue of Walt and Mickey
It is not covid that keeps me away from DL. It is the outrageous prices.
what's the admission now into the world's biggest and most expensive gift shop?
Between $208 and $325 per person.
Glad I did it a few times back when my kids were little, and maybe it was more affordable.
yikes. they'd need to pay me that much just to stand and wait in the ride lines.
Morning Mac.. disappointing but better to be safe than sorry..Yes I tend to keep a low profile and avoid crowds. In my State Victoria we are now down to 3 infections and they are related to an outbreak. Lock down restrictions are easing and back to just wearing face masks..stay safe and stay well.
Very sorry that you had to postpone your family Disney vacation, but, avoid crowded places these days, even when vaccinated, to help protect your Bride and yourself from unexpected exposure.
As Scarlett O'hara from "Gone With the Wind" said...."Tomorrow is another day"...
Have to feel sorry for you having to cancel having a good time, and for Kavika having to live in a State governed by that miserable excuse for a human being.
We were going there to celebrate our 50th anniversary.
Quite an achievement.
Wishing you and your Bride a very happy 50th Anniversary!
Anoon..a wonderful achievement in this day and age.. congratulations and I wish you many more..🎉💥🎊
My congratulations. With my ex I only made it to our 35th, With the present one, we're aiming at 13, so in total only 2 behind you.
We have a couple of these hawks in our neighborhood and I see them high up in this dead tree on our evening dog walks. Not too sure what kind of hawk it is, but it's smaller. I think it's a peregrine, as there has been a program in the area for them for several years now. Since the sun was going it down and the bird was very high up, it's hard to tell for certain though.
Those are great photos, EG.
Really great photos, EG. And it was very nice of the birds to pose for you as well, (smile)
Birds of prey are so cool. A few weeks ago a hawk made a kill right in my backyard. He was down on the ground with his wings spread out over his kill, but by the time I got the camera he was gone.
A Pop Art Butterfly
© G. Gam 2021
Very nice G.
Thanks, Raven Wing.
Yup. Pop's right out at yuh.
Cool! I see the face of some kind of monster on the left.
I had to remove some gladiolus bulbs from a planting bed I replanted this spring. I just stuck them in a planter and didn’t think much about them. They came out with a vengeance like they never did before. Apparently they like their new home, and so do the bees.
Awesome pic ! Looks like the bee is taking a pollen shower.
Great photo, Hal. Looks like the bee is caught in the grasp of the flower pistols. Your editing technique is really good.
And I like the photo.
From my travels, an impressionistic look at the beauty of tropic islands. This is one in a series I am working on.
© G. Gam 2021
Oops. Typo. I meant to say "tropical" islands.
Is this a painting?
No, it's a photo I took. Being creative working with certain effects tools gave it an impressionistic quality and made it look like a painting.
It looks just like a painting. Well done
That's a beauty, G. Looks like it could be a great travel poster for tropics. Well Done!
Thanks much!
Excellent rendition. Looks like a superbly restful place to be - I could stand staying in that little white cottage just over the beach on the left.
We're on our way!
Nova Scotia - Lobster traps
Nice to see you here! Now, if someone will just post a photo of a bowl of melted butter and a bib with the picture of a lobster … oh! wait … here we go.
How's that?
© A. Mac/A.G.
Lobster used to be food for the poor:
"lobster was considered a poverty food or as a food for indentured servants or lower members of society in Maine , Massachusetts , and the Canadian Maritimes . Some servants specified in employment agreements that they would not eat lobster more than twice per week, [68] however there is limited evidence for this. [69] [70] Lobster was also commonly served in prisons, much to the displeasure of inmates. [71] American lobster was initially deemed worthy only of being used as fertilizer or fish bait, and until well into the 20th century, it was not viewed as more than a low-priced canned staple food. [72]"
As a former contract negotiator and enforcer, in such agreements, I can state from experience, important details are often found in each CLAWS!
Looks like a restaurant I would love to try. The biggest, freshest lobster I ever ate was in a restaurant on the outskirts of Provincetown, Cape Cod.
That's been a source of conflict between the First Nations and the colonials the last while, has it not?
Nova Scotia - Fish blood bath
Nova Scotia - Rum Barrel Barn
Although I've travelled Canada from Vancouver to Montmorency Falls, PQ, I've never been to the Maritimes. However, in the USA I've been to much of the Atlantic coastal areas.
One of my beautiful geraniums:
Those are real beauties. They will brighten any garden.
A very vibrant red.
A new waffle shop opened up across the street from my office this week. I'm gonna be 300lbs by Christmas...
This is the Braffle (without the raspberry jam) a brat wrapped in a waffle. OMG!!
That looks good.
The flavors are a work of art!
I bet....YUM!!!
crap, now what? I can't in good conscious put mustard on a waffle.
OMG there's a french pastry shop soon to open about two blocks from my house, oh nooooo.
I bet maple syrup is GREAT on those. I want to make a homemade version now.
Mac, this information was announced yesterday.
ORLANDO, Fla. — Walt Disney World will soon require masks while indoors and on Disney transportation, regardless of vaccination status. ... All Cast Members and guests ages 2 and up will be required to wear masks and face coverings indoors starting Friday. The update in policy includes entering and throughout attractions.
That was the action that made the family decide the risk of infection, even though my wife is vaccinated, is too great. All has been rescheduled for a later date in the hope that vaccination numbers will greatly increase and policies change accordingly.
Hello Friday! A different aspect of White Buffalo Calf Woman. I hope you enjoy it.....
that's great RW.
Thank you very much dev.
That is really great, Raven Wing.
Thanks G.
What's not to enjoy?
Thank you Buzz.
Wonderful, RW.
Thanks Dig.
Been busy throughout the day and hope to post and comment more actively tomorrow. Keep it going and thanks to all.
Dig's flowers are many-splendoured things, and did the wren just hear its name called?
That's just how it came back out of the birdhouse. There are newly hatched chicks in there and they've been feeding them constantly. I was trying to get a shot of them bringing food in, but they were blurry, so I had to settle for one of them exiting. Didn't have time to try for more, I was losing the light and still had some yard to mow.
It took the male that built the nest in that birdhouse so long to attract a female. He's been standing on top of it singing his bleeding heart out all summer long. He's the wren singing in the video I posted a couple of weeks ago. I was starting to feel sorry for him, but two days ago I finally noticed feeding activity, so I guess his persistence finally paid off.
Great photos, Dig. As always.
Gorgeous flowers, Dig. And sweet little bird to go with them. Great photos all.
Landscapes I have seen and photographed throughout this country and over the years.
Green, green, it's green they say
On the far side of the hill
Green, green, I'm goin' away
To where the grass is greener still
(Green, Green - The New Christy Minstrels)
Beautiful photo essay, Buzz.
Nice! I love that song, too.
Beautiful shots, Buzz.
Public Service Announcement … mask design.
Thanks for the reminder, Mac. And well presented.
Even if you are not infected, you might also want to wear the mask to make the people around you feel more comfortable, knowing that you do not believe in spreading the virus like the antivaxxers and antimaskers do.
Storm clouds gathering over Ormond Beach, FL
Great photo, Kavika. The agitated look of the waves seem to reflect the mood of the incoming storm clouds.
In my neck of the woods that is usually the only time we get any waves...
My Grandfather use to go swimming when a hurricane was coming. Said it was the only time we had a surf. Haha
Of course they don't let people do that any more.
Soi did it rain? I don't recall seeing another photo that so well displays the receding wave conflicting with an incoming one.
Not only did it rain we got one heck of a thunder/lightning storm.
A Guy I occasionally fish with in the Poconos.
© A. Mac/A.G.
A really great photo, Mac. The clouds and sun's reflection on the water make for a beautiful background for you and your fishing companion to enjoy.
An excellent photo.
Peace and tranquility.
I really don't have anything new that I could add right now.
Everyone's pics look fantastic as usual.
Just having you here with us to enjoy all the beautiful artwork on display here on NT is great fun for us all, Ender. Your many great comments regarding them are an inspiration to many of us.
I am still waiting for my coffee table book of your art.
Thanks Ender.....I'm still trying to find the time to create one.
And Saturday is upon us once again....
A Brave whose power appears to radiate.forming a holy surrounding.
Thank you Buzz.
Awesome. Is the spear point is metal or stone?
I absolutely love stone tool artifacts. Have you ever thought about including some in your artwork? Close ups of nice ones with really apparent flake scars would be a cool aesthetic. Maybe a scene of Clovis hunters and mammoths, with a detailed point or two visible in the foreground somehow.
I actually play around with making stone points. I'm quite the amateur, but I just ordered a few pieces of high quality stone and Clovis replicas are my next hobby project (whenever I get around to it). I love the really old Paleo ones, and Clovis artifacts are more than twice as old as Stonehenge or the Pyramids.
Well, in that case … since you made your point, I aim to please.
A. Mac/A.G.
Whenever I see or hear someone using the phrase "we aim to please" I think of the note written on the wall above a urinal that says "We aim to please - You aim too, please."
That kind of sign pisses me off.
LOL. Nice turn of a phrase.
That's a really cool photo. Is it from a museum or something? If not, and those points are yours, I think I'll just fall out of my chair and die of jealousy.
Well, urine the minority with that.
Thanks Dig. The spear head would be made out of metal.
I have a small collection of stone arrow heads that I have collected during my journeys into the mountains here in So Calif, and while scouting in the Shenandoah Valley and Mountains in No Virginia, which is the homeland of my Maternal Cherokee ancestors. I spent 4 years living in Warrenton VA while doing research of my Cherokee heritage, as well as in the No Carolina region that is the homeland of my Cherokee ancestors on my Father's side.
I did what is called a Reunion in the Shenandoah Mtns. to reunite with my ancestors there, and it was an extremely Spiritual experience. IT helped me to find inner peace and who I really am.
That is an awesome display, Mac. Thank for sharing it with us.
Top of the Rock in Missouri, Ozark Natural History Museum.
This photo was taken a few years ago off the coast of Kona (The Big Island). While we were snorkeling green sea turtles showed up. Not the best of photos but it was taken underwaters.
Kona, on the Big Island - a reminder of deep sea fishing off the Kona coast on the vessel Kona Queen, where I caught a Mahi Mahi that the hotel prepared for us for a delicious dinner,.
Still some Saturday left; keep ‘em coming.
This photo was taken in 2008 from a helicopter on the Hilo side of the Big Island.
That's an amazing waterfall, Kavika. Great photo.
I like doing poster art now and again.
© A. Mac/A.G.
Just awesome, Mac. Very well done.
I sat out with the camera this morning.
Cone flowers.
Indigo bunting.
Juvenile robin (spotted like a thrush but with red on the breast).
Juvenile red-bellied woodpecker (almost no color on the head).
Adult and juvenile cardinals.
Learning what the feeder is for.
Wren with baby food.
Great group of images!
Great photos, and a great look into nature . Well done Dig.
WOW!!! You have an amazing place, with such fantastic photo possibilities, and you take full advantage of it.
Great photos, Dig.
One more for Sunday....
Interesting, but you'll have to explain it to me.
It is a Shaman conjuring up various Spirit Guides and/or Spirit Totems, Buzz.
An exceptional visual metaphor for the power of totem-attributes of an image protagonist!
Thank you Mac.
Thanks for the good wishes and,, for another great article!