I am curious about something. You've said that you couldn't post photos you took with your new phone, but you are able to do so with your old phone. Is the process that different?
Sorry, I recall your saying something about a problem you had posting photos, but maybe it was only because you were away on vacation without a computer.
Beautiful photos, EG. Reminds me of my trip to the Arboretum in Atlanta a few years back. The first one does look like there should be a Gnome sitting beside it. (smile)
The orange ones are listed as poisonous, but I've read online that in Europe some people par boil them twice to leach out the toxicity and then eat them. I don't know of the others. I think the first image is okay to eat, but know nothing of the ones in the middle image.
I have always loved mushrooms, but never picked and ate any I saw growing. I once had a neighbour who used to go out to find and pick morel mushrooms, and gave me some - they were delicious.
A great image, and a fantastic frame. You know that I've never been afraid to offer my honest opinion. The frame is so fantastic it almost overtakes the focus on and interest in the image. Perhaps if it were not so stark, but of a more muted colour taken from the image it would blend and direct attention more to the image.
Perhaps if it were not so stark, but of a more muted colour taken from the image it would blend and direct attention more to the image.
Great feedback, Buzz. And glad you like the artwork. For a good contrast color for the frame, what color in the subject would you suggest?
You and others here know I truly appreciate feedback, as I always have an open mind and like to hear suggestions from others on how they see things. It is such feedback that helps me grow and improve in my artwork. So never hesitate to offer your feedback for me. It really is appreciated.
Let's see how the orange colour in the image works, and if not that I'm curious about whether the light blue-gray colour would be too light. It's just the black that I thought was too stark.
Ah yes, here is an example of a Magritte painting...
However, the Dali painting of A Couple With Their Heads in the Clouds has a special meaning for me. In my wild pre-marriage days I was spending time with a hippie chick and for Hallowe'en we painted our faces like the figure on the left of Dali's painting, blue sky with white clouds, (which is similar to the Magritte figure on the right), wore masks and silver robes with hoods. We, along with a few friends crashed a stranger's house party, and the host came over and yanked our masks off, was shocked by our painted faces, then went and got a pistol - yes a real gun, and threatened us so we couldn't leave fast enough.
These days I'll avoid the whole USA. Right now I'm living in a country where NO residents have guns. Only the military, SWAT Police units (ordinary police don't carry guns), even bank guards don't have them.
I'll be periodically sending you some pistol parts mixed in with other metal parts, for a future visit by me. please find me a black wig and some clothes that blend in with the current fashions there.
That really is a beautiful artwork, Mac. The contrast between the blue background and the B/W effects of the fish, and the gradient framing makes a great combination.
Morning..This is Mr Fozzy in my tree the other day...Mum and bub Fozzy have moved over to another street as he will try and kill the Joey...She is safe saw her yday with bub munching away on the gum leaves...
I did not take this photo..but another of my favourites..An Echidna...They eat ants and often found along side the roads looking for ant hills...Have heaps of them around here...
Like a porcupine...very hard and strong.. if under threat they burrow into the ground and raise them..get spiked and it is extremely painful..sigh much the same here with everything..stings, spikes, snaps and bites..but we love it ..
Have not got out with my camera recently so I'm posting the Autumn leaves photos I have, most you've seen, some recently, but it's all I've got. While looking at them you can listen to Nat King Cole sing Autumn Leaves.
Beautiful essay on the awesome wonders of Mother Nature. There is a very tall and full tree across the street from me, and its leaves turn so beautifully each Fall. There are mostly Palm trees around our area here where I am, so it is really a treat to watch the leaves of the 'big tree' gradually turn and eventually fall off. As my apt faces the street I get a lot of the falling leaves blown into my front yard area each Fall. So I get to enjoy seeing the changing colors laying out across the street, and in my own front yard. A sight to enjoy.
Don't know if the "energy" of the Group is losing steam, or, if it's just a blip in interest. I'm trying to think of something to energize things and would very much like suggestions.
For a while when interest was very high we were seeing a lot of DIY projects and people's artwork and writings. I think that we have fallen away from that and it could be part of the problem.
I am sorry I have not been posting. I have had things on my mind lately. I also haven't been doing much, so not much picture taking. Living a boring sheltered life....Haha
Lots of understanding Ender. We are aware of your situation and not all days are good ones. No problem there. We just enjoy what you post when you can.
I really enjoy seeing your paintings, and would like to see them again. There is something new to see each time that got missed the first time. I don't have time to create artwork for multiple postings here, so I post some of the older ones that some may not have seen before, and so that are a bit more recent to help fill in each weekend.
I already made suggestions - challenges as to subject or format; illustration of quotations, lines from or titles of poems, titles of books or movies; posting of photos and asking for captions. A member long ago challenged us as to use of a specific colour in a photo.
How about a photo that has an interesting story about the subject or about taking that particular photo - tell the story as well. Here is an example of what I mean....
When I was a little kid, my mother left me during some days with her parents, who had a shop on York Street in Hamilton, Ontario, the city in which I was born and grew up. They lived over the shop. I used to walk down the street to Dundurn Castle, a historical mansion that had been turned into a museum. (Back in those days young kids were safe when out on their own.) Behind it was a hillside overlooking the marshalling yards for the T.H & B (Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo) Railway, as you can see above. I used to spend many hours sitting on the hillside, watching the trains shunting. Around 30 years later, with my brand new 35mm Canon F1 SLR (film camera) I drove the 42 miles from Toronto where I was then living to Hamilton, went to the spot behind Dundurn Castle where I used to sit as a kid, and took this photo - to record forever some of the happy days of my childhood.
And an example of illustrating lines from a poem/song: From the song 'Autumn Leaves' for which I posted a link in the introduction of my Autumn photo series above.
"Since you went away, the days grow long, and soon I'll hear old winter's song. but I miss you most of all, my darling, when Autumn Leaves start to fall."
The long shadows and darkening colours indicate the lateness , and the leaves on the ground signal Autumn as winter approaches. The empty bench illustrates the loneliness, the missing of a companion. What might be considered an anomoly is the expression "the days grow long" since the days grow shorter as winter approaches. However what it is actually expressing is an emotion, how long the days seem without the person who went away.
Unless it's too much of a burden on you as the moderator, maybe going back to keeping the page open like it was before. More people seemed to have an opportunity to participate.
It’s that time of year again. My wife has dozens of storage tubs filled with seasonal decor, but her favorite is fall. There are probably 100 pumpkins throughout the house.
I agree...it truly is FANTASTIC! Looks like I could just reach in and pick that candy cane off the Christmas tree in the back. And the color variations in the frame and the warm orange glow around the photo is a great touch. Very well done, Hal.
Very nice, Mac. Lots of excitement with the happy colors. And it looks like a Wolf enjoying the excitement in the upper middle of the painting. Very well done!
Thanks, Raven Wing. The image in the blue circle is a fortress or possibly representation of the Great Wall. When I was playing around on my phone last night a group of images I had never seen before appeared above what I was working on. It allows you to click on one of the images and edit it into the picture below that you are working on, but I have no idea how to change the color, or even find that particular image again. It's a mystery to me.
Thanks for the info, G. From what I can make out it looks like an outline of something, but, I can't tell what it is. But the rest is really very nice.
Not to worry. I tried zooming in and it is more visible. I run into situations like you describe and learned to bookmark the various pages of the sites where I find helpful idea while I am working on visual lessons for those who seek my help with PT or other MS programs and find something I was not really searching for until I am done with the lesson just in case I need to double check something or forgot what I was looking for. Some backups I just delete, but, some I keep just in case I need/want to refer to them again. It's a good lesson to learn just in case.
I sometimes do look up and save instructional websites, but for the images I mentioned, I don't even know what they are. They just showed up when I was trying to check out an effect on my phone. Trying it today, different images are there, not the ones from last night, and they are not easy to work with. It's strange. The images in the other two circles, including the butterfly, are always available as part of another aspect of the effects tools on my phone.
Good one. Don't despair about this group losing popularity. Already 115 comments, 32 images, posts by 11 members and it isn't even Sunday yet. Such results are just a dream concerning my movies, Discovery and Jane Austen groups, and my Confucius group has never reached this level.
It took me a while to get an idea of what to do with the challenge artwork, but, after an hour or so of trial and error I finally came up with an idea and spent more than another hour putting it together. Just for fun....
It looks like the one Brahma is checking the pigs out, just to make sure they don't get too close. As the Brahmas live out in the open fields it is likely they get a variety of different 'visitors', so perhaps they are used to sharing their space with different species.
When I was a young girl we visited my Paternal Grandparents in Sulpher Springs TX in a somewhat rural area, and there was a large fenced field just as a few yards from their house. My Brother and I noticed there was as cow (Bull actually, but, we didn't know the difference at that age) and I wanted to give it an apple. So we each picked a nice ripe apple and headed to the field. We climbed through the rail fence and started walking toward the cow at the other side of the field. We got about half way across and the cow started loping toward us. We thought they saw the apples and wanted them. But, the closer it got the more we noticed it was angry, not hungry, so we turned tail and ran back across the field and got back through the fence just as the cow caught up with us. It snorted and stamped its feet at us as if to tell us not to come there anymore, or else. I tried to give it my apple but it turned and walked back across the field to t he shade.
I ran back to the house crying, not because I was that scared, but, my feelings were hurt that it did not want my apple. (grin)
Several years ago when we first bought our house in Jacksonville on a pond and a preservation behind it, we had a group of wild pigs that would come out at night and root through all of the neighbors yards looking for grubs. Thankfully, at the time, my yard was not yet very healthy, so they just skipped over me.
My neighbors had to resod their yards because of the damage.
On another note, Kavika, I was in your neck of the woods yesterday. We had family come from Ohio for the touristy thing so we took them to Sea World and EPCOT, then to Tamp at the Hard Rock. Went through 301/441 through Ocala to get back. I never tire of seeing the horse farms when we go there.
We also make sure we hit a Mexican restaurant called La Hacienda on exit 352 on 75, I believe, on the way back. Real good food
Wild pigs can mess up a lawn in a hot minute, armadillos can turn a lawn upside down in no time, we have a few armadillos around here.
I love the horse farms, I was riding before I could walk.
Oh yeah, La Hacienda on hwy 40 and 75. There is a Mexican market next door. We eat there and shop at the market quite often. I know some of the people there and they call me ''El Indio''. Funny story how that came about.
Currently sitting at the local micro-brewery enjoying a Mexican hot chocolate stout on the patio. Weather is awesome, people out and about. I just took this random photo with my iPhone in portrait mode, and edited it with photoshop and PicsArt. Ever wonder how many photos you end up in, in some strangers phone?
Thanks, Buzz. It depicts the vision of a dream-like world as seen through a Dream Catcher. The myriad of Butterflies flowing from the Dream Catcher speaks of a time when Mother Earth and all that dwells upon her will finally find peace and tranquility.
I never saw anything like that at the hotels I stayed in while traveling on business when I owned my own company. But, I found a lot of towel bunnies resting on the bed at some of the hotels I stayed in. There was always plenty of towels in the rooms so I didn't have to disturb the bunnies. (grin)
Fall in!
Beautiful pictures, Mac. It is beginning to look and feel like fall here too.
How I love your autumnal photos!
It's a subject for which many FALL, and, once posted, one from which one seldom LEAVES.
Went out on a LIMB with that, but, it enabled me to BRANCH out.
I don't see any garden gnomes in these photos... (all taken with my iPhone 11 Pro Max last Saturday)
I just got the iPhone a couple of weeks ago, I'll be taking photos with it soon. The camera is really wonderful.
This photo was taken with my old phone.
The gang taking a mid-day break.
Nice! I look forward to seeing what you capture. I still use photoshop for color correction and editing.
I'll have to learn how to use photoshop.
I can show you all the basic any time you need.
Thanks, I'll contact you when I have some photos to start with.
Great photo, Kavika. Looks like a good spot for an afternoon nap.
Looking forward to seeing the photos from your new iPhone.
Me too.
I am curious about something. You've said that you couldn't post photos you took with your new phone, but you are able to do so with your old phone. Is the process that different?
I didn't say I couldn't post photos with my new phone, Buzz. It works the same as my old phone.
Sorry, I recall your saying something about a problem you had posting photos, but maybe it was only because you were away on vacation without a computer.
Yes, that was it Buzz. Posting photo from a cell phone is challenging, especially for old guys.
For old gals too...(grin)
Those are fantastic pictures EG!
Beautiful photos, EG. Reminds me of my trip to the Arboretum in Atlanta a few years back. The first one does look like there should be a Gnome sitting beside it. (smile)
Those are great shots of some very fancy mushrooms. Any that are poisonous?
The orange ones are listed as poisonous, but I've read online that in Europe some people par boil them twice to leach out the toxicity and then eat them. I don't know of the others. I think the first image is okay to eat, but know nothing of the ones in the middle image.
I have always loved mushrooms, but never picked and ate any I saw growing. I once had a neighbour who used to go out to find and pick morel mushrooms, and gave me some - they were delicious.
Wow, these don't even look real!
Great job.
These are textbook worthy, biological/morphological gems! Excellent work!
Crepe Myrtle and Butterfly
© G. Gam 2021
Covered Bridge, Kyoto
© G. Gam 2021
Beautiful artwork G. The top one is really very pleasing to the eye in color variation and subject.
Thank you, Raven Wing.
Great shots, G.
Thanks, Kavika!
Love the bridge shot - bridges make great photo subjects.
Thanks, Buzz. Yes, they do make great photo subjects.
Maybe I'll make that my next weekend topic.
Your photos keep getting better. Love both of these.
Thank you, Perrie.
that butterfly picture is an album cover.
"Gsquared's Greatest Hits"
Album title.
Friday is here once again......and Fall is just a few days away. Time for some fun music and dance....
That is really nice.
Thank you G.
That is a beauty, RW.
Thank you very much, Kavika. I'm really very glad you like it.
A great image, and a fantastic frame. You know that I've never been afraid to offer my honest opinion. The frame is so fantastic it almost overtakes the focus on and interest in the image. Perhaps if it were not so stark, but of a more muted colour taken from the image it would blend and direct attention more to the image.
Great feedback, Buzz. And glad you like the artwork. For a good contrast color for the frame, what color in the subject would you suggest?
You and others here know I truly appreciate feedback, as I always have an open mind and like to hear suggestions from others on how they see things. It is such feedback that helps me grow and improve in my artwork. So never hesitate to offer your feedback for me. It really is appreciated.
Let's see how the orange colour in the image works, and if not that I'm curious about whether the light blue-gray colour would be too light. It's just the black that I thought was too stark.
I'll try that next time and see how it works. Thanks for the suggestion.
Beautiful Raven.
Thanks Perrie, very glad you like it.
Thanks dev. Is there enough red in it for you? (grin)
you do know my taste in art.
Off to a great start!
A piece of "decorative" art.
© A. Mac/A.G.
Very cool! Love the contrast of color to black and white.
Kind of a blend of Dali...
...and Picasso...
...is it not?
It is indeedy, although if I remember correctly the Dali was partly inspired by Magritte.
Ah yes, here is an example of a Magritte painting...
However, the Dali painting of A Couple With Their Heads in the Clouds has a special meaning for me. In my wild pre-marriage days I was spending time with a hippie chick and for Hallowe'en we painted our faces like the figure on the left of Dali's painting, blue sky with white clouds, (which is similar to the Magritte figure on the right), wore masks and silver robes with hoods. We, along with a few friends crashed a stranger's house party, and the host came over and yanked our masks off, was shocked by our painted faces, then went and got a pistol - yes a real gun, and threatened us so we couldn't leave fast enough.
Huh? You mean you were not welcome guests? (grin)
It's hard to feel welcome when someone points a gun at you.
avoid texas.
These days I'll avoid the whole USA. Right now I'm living in a country where NO residents have guns. Only the military, SWAT Police units (ordinary police don't carry guns), even bank guards don't have them.
I'll be periodically sending you some pistol parts mixed in with other metal parts, for a future visit by me. please find me a black wig and some clothes that blend in with the current fashions there.
Well, if you want to "fit in" you can have this outfit cause I don't intend to get married again...
Or how about this T-shirt? Although I bought it, I've never worn it. It could prevent you from getting into any trouble with the government here.
That really is a beautiful artwork, Mac. The contrast between the blue background and the B/W effects of the fish, and the gradient framing makes a great combination.
Morning..This is Mr Fozzy in my tree the other day...Mum and bub Fozzy have moved over to another street as he will try and kill the Joey...She is safe saw her yday with bub munching away on the gum leaves...
Adorbs! I have to see one of these in real life sometime soon. Waiting for the end of the pandemic.
Such a cuddly creature - toddlers should love the toys. Pandas are the big thing here, of course.
Yes my brother and I had toy koalas when we were kids.. love pandas as well..🐨🐼
I did not take this photo..but another of my favourites..An Echidna...They eat ants and often found along side the roads looking for ant hills...Have heaps of them around here...
Are those spines like a porcupine or are they soft?
Ooops, should have read your reply to Perrie first.
Like a porcupine...very hard and strong.. if under threat they burrow into the ground and raise them..get spiked and it is extremely painful..sigh much the same here with everything..stings, spikes, snaps and bites..but we love it ..
One more before Saturday
© A. Mac/A.G.
Makes the word "tanglewood" come to life.
Great photo, Mac. The varied 'Autum Leaves' on the ground make the bright blue of the brook stand out even more.
Have not got out with my camera recently so I'm posting the Autumn leaves photos I have, most you've seen, some recently, but it's all I've got. While looking at them you can listen to Nat King Cole sing Autumn Leaves.
Evening Buzz.. absolutely stunning..we really don't get Autumn leaves here..all the eucalyptus trees are ever green...
Beautiful essay on the awesome wonders of Mother Nature. There is a very tall and full tree across the street from me, and its leaves turn so beautifully each Fall. There are mostly Palm trees around our area here where I am, so it is really a treat to watch the leaves of the 'big tree' gradually turn and eventually fall off. As my apt faces the street I get a lot of the falling leaves blown into my front yard area each Fall. So I get to enjoy seeing the changing colors laying out across the street, and in my own front yard. A sight to enjoy.
Those are really nice photos.
Don't know if the "energy" of the Group is losing steam, or, if it's just a blip in interest. I'm trying to think of something to energize things and would very much like suggestions.
For a while when interest was very high we were seeing a lot of DIY projects and people's artwork and writings. I think that we have fallen away from that and it could be part of the problem.
I am sorry I have not been posting. I have had things on my mind lately. I also haven't been doing much, so not much picture taking. Living a boring sheltered life....Haha
Lots of understanding Ender. We are aware of your situation and not all days are good ones. No problem there. We just enjoy what you post when you can.
I really enjoy seeing your paintings, and would like to see them again. There is something new to see each time that got missed the first time. I don't have time to create artwork for multiple postings here, so I post some of the older ones that some may not have seen before, and so that are a bit more recent to help fill in each weekend.
I already made suggestions - challenges as to subject or format; illustration of quotations, lines from or titles of poems, titles of books or movies; posting of photos and asking for captions. A member long ago challenged us as to use of a specific colour in a photo.
How about a photo that has an interesting story about the subject or about taking that particular photo - tell the story as well. Here is an example of what I mean....
When I was a little kid, my mother left me during some days with her parents, who had a shop on York Street in Hamilton, Ontario, the city in which I was born and grew up. They lived over the shop. I used to walk down the street to Dundurn Castle, a historical mansion that had been turned into a museum. (Back in those days young kids were safe when out on their own.) Behind it was a hillside overlooking the marshalling yards for the T.H & B (Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo) Railway, as you can see above. I used to spend many hours sitting on the hillside, watching the trains shunting. Around 30 years later, with my brand new 35mm Canon F1 SLR (film camera) I drove the 42 miles from Toronto where I was then living to Hamilton, went to the spot behind Dundurn Castle where I used to sit as a kid, and took this photo - to record forever some of the happy days of my childhood.
And an example of illustrating lines from a poem/song: From the song 'Autumn Leaves' for which I posted a link in the introduction of my Autumn photo series above.
"Since you went away, the days grow long, and soon I'll hear old winter's song. but I miss you most of all, my darling, when Autumn Leaves start to fall."
The long shadows and darkening colours indicate the lateness , and the leaves on the ground signal Autumn as winter approaches. The empty bench illustrates the loneliness, the missing of a companion. What might be considered an anomoly is the expression "the days grow long" since the days grow shorter as winter approaches. However what it is actually expressing is an emotion, how long the days seem without the person who went away.
I like trainyards
Unless it's too much of a burden on you as the moderator, maybe going back to keeping the page open like it was before. More people seemed to have an opportunity to participate.
It got to be somewhat tedious and I did not want to go a day or more when I couldn't give it the attention it deserved.
I like Buzz's ideas but ultimately, it's up to the Group members to participate. Let me give it some thought.
I didn't intend for my ideas to replace the existing concept, but that they be made a part of it as additions to it, i.e. like "part 1, part 2, etc."
As I said, if it's a burden on you, disregard my idea.
I kinda agree with Gs. I can't remember when anyone was a problem.
Well, I take that back, I remember several things.
Beside the point! Haha
Still people of all stripes just admired what was here. I liked it open.
Plus you welcomed everybody.
I also agree with Gs too as I know what it is like to have open seeds.
I guess my point is, yours are usually, most likely, almost always, cordial. And I thank you for that.
Remember this one?......
LOL. I sure do. Loved it then, love it now.
Thank you Buzz. Glad that you still like it.
Thanks G. I really enjoy working with the children. Their faces and personalities show through no matter what is going on around them.
I've done a lot of new paintings in preparation for a local festival on October 2nd. I will begin to post some.
© A. Mac/A.G.
8" x 8" Canvas Board
That's a real beauty, Mac. Lots of color variations and patterns. Thank you for sharing it with us.
what depth, almost 3D. excellent.
That one is a home run - can we nickname you "Jackson"?
Finished variation.
© A. Mac/A.G.
That one is excellent. Love it.
You should send that one to MOMA.
A very nice variation at that. I like the way you have varied the colors from dark at the top to lighter as you go down to the bottom. Very well done!
I appreciate the kind words; thank you.
It’s that time of year again. My wife has dozens of storage tubs filled with seasonal decor, but her favorite is fall. There are probably 100 pumpkins throughout the house.
I agree...it truly is FANTASTIC! Looks like I could just reach in and pick that candy cane off the Christmas tree in the back. And the color variations in the frame and the warm orange glow around the photo is a great touch. Very well done, Hal.
I really like that picture.
My wife always makes sure that I have a small pumpkin every year. We don't carve it. I just enjoy having one around.
Here is a DIY project that I did a few years back. It's a turtle lamp made of willow, basswood, and birchbark.
The turtle is held in high esteem in our culture.
That is a superb creation.
Thanks Buzz.
Outstanding example of functional art; the semi-abstract rendering of the turtle is perfection.
Thanks Mac.
I love it. Very well combined. Well done!
Very nice carving.
One more for Saturday to lead us into Sunday.....
The Leonardo da Vinci effect.
Thank you, Buzz. I feel honor to be compared to da Vinci's effect.
That is terrific, Raven Wing.
Thank you G. I'm glad you like it.
One more painting before Sunday.
© A. Mac/ A.G.
Very nice, Mac. Lots of excitement with the happy colors. And it looks like a Wolf enjoying the excitement in the upper middle of the painting. Very well done!
• COPY the following graphic
• EDIT, CHANGE, MODIFY it in any way your software allows you to do so
Anyone may comment or critique the posted, modified images: be constructive, complimentary but not unduly critical or negative.
No winners, no losers … just share your image.
Let's start with this and see where it goes.
That’s the idea! Thanks for showing the way,
Very interesting. I like that.
I did this on my cel phone last night.
Good additions, G. Very interesting, although I can't read what's on the blue one. Cute butterfly too.
Thanks, Raven Wing. The image in the blue circle is a fortress or possibly representation of the Great Wall. When I was playing around on my phone last night a group of images I had never seen before appeared above what I was working on. It allows you to click on one of the images and edit it into the picture below that you are working on, but I have no idea how to change the color, or even find that particular image again. It's a mystery to me.
Thanks for the info, G. From what I can make out it looks like an outline of something, but, I can't tell what it is. But the rest is really very nice.
It shows better of you zoom in on that part of the picture. I wish it was more readily discernible.
Not to worry. I tried zooming in and it is more visible. I run into situations like you describe and learned to bookmark the various pages of the sites where I find helpful idea while I am working on visual lessons for those who seek my help with PT or other MS programs and find something I was not really searching for until I am done with the lesson just in case I need to double check something or forgot what I was looking for. Some backups I just delete, but, some I keep just in case I need/want to refer to them again. It's a good lesson to learn just in case.
I sometimes do look up and save instructional websites, but for the images I mentioned, I don't even know what they are. They just showed up when I was trying to check out an effect on my phone. Trying it today, different images are there, not the ones from last night, and they are not easy to work with. It's strange. The images in the other two circles, including the butterfly, are always available as part of another aspect of the effects tools on my phone.
That is so great!
Love the blueberry and lemon-orange pies, not so sure about the other two. LOL
That is really awesome, Hal. Great framing as well. Well done!
Good one. Don't despair about this group losing popularity. Already 115 comments, 32 images, posts by 11 members and it isn't even Sunday yet. Such results are just a dream concerning my movies, Discovery and Jane Austen groups, and my Confucius group has never reached this level.
I don't have anything to post at the moment, but everyone's stuff looks great!
It took me a while to get an idea of what to do with the challenge artwork, but, after an hour or so of trial and error I finally came up with an idea and spent more than another hour putting it together. Just for fun....
LOL, the kitty in the corner...
Yeah...the kitty was a last minute addition. Glad you like it.
Very cute.
Thanks G. The face on the blue image is because he is not as round as all the others, so he is wondering what happened to him. (grin)
Thanks for my first big smile of the morning.
Wild pigs join the Brahmas, the odd couple.
That is really interesting. I would have thought that the Brahmas would have chased them away.
The pigs don't seem to bother the brahmas at all. We see this quite often, but it does seem strange.
It looks like the one Brahma is checking the pigs out, just to make sure they don't get too close. As the Brahmas live out in the open fields it is likely they get a variety of different 'visitors', so perhaps they are used to sharing their space with different species.
When I was a young girl we visited my Paternal Grandparents in Sulpher Springs TX in a somewhat rural area, and there was a large fenced field just as a few yards from their house. My Brother and I noticed there was as cow (Bull actually, but, we didn't know the difference at that age) and I wanted to give it an apple. So we each picked a nice ripe apple and headed to the field. We climbed through the rail fence and started walking toward the cow at the other side of the field. We got about half way across and the cow started loping toward us. We thought they saw the apples and wanted them. But, the closer it got the more we noticed it was angry, not hungry, so we turned tail and ran back across the field and got back through the fence just as the cow caught up with us. It snorted and stamped its feet at us as if to tell us not to come there anymore, or else. I tried to give it my apple but it turned and walked back across the field to t he shade.
I ran back to the house crying, not because I was that scared, but, my feelings were hurt that it did not want my apple. (grin)
LOL, run for the fence.
I had no idea there were wild pigs in Florida, alligators yes, manatees yes, but wild pigs?
Oh, we sure do have wild pigs, bobcats, Florida panther, black bears, Florida Lynx lots of wild life in the sunshine state.
Several years ago when we first bought our house in Jacksonville on a pond and a preservation behind it, we had a group of wild pigs that would come out at night and root through all of the neighbors yards looking for grubs. Thankfully, at the time, my yard was not yet very healthy, so they just skipped over me.
My neighbors had to resod their yards because of the damage.
On another note, Kavika, I was in your neck of the woods yesterday. We had family come from Ohio for the touristy thing so we took them to Sea World and EPCOT, then to Tamp at the Hard Rock. Went through 301/441 through Ocala to get back. I never tire of seeing the horse farms when we go there.
We also make sure we hit a Mexican restaurant called La Hacienda on exit 352 on 75, I believe, on the way back. Real good food
Wild pigs can mess up a lawn in a hot minute, armadillos can turn a lawn upside down in no time, we have a few armadillos around here.
I love the horse farms, I was riding before I could walk.
Oh yeah, La Hacienda on hwy 40 and 75. There is a Mexican market next door. We eat there and shop at the market quite often. I know some of the people there and they call me ''El Indio''. Funny story how that came about.
Great photo, Hal, and truly awesome editing.
Now THAT'S something that never crossed my mind before, Your photo is unique.
Here is a recent repeat for Sunday....
Perfection; a spiritual masterpiece.
Thank you, Mac.
Interesting, and interesting even more that I don't recall seeing it before - can you explain what you depicted?
Thanks, Buzz. It depicts the vision of a dream-like world as seen through a Dream Catcher. The myriad of Butterflies flowing from the Dream Catcher speaks of a time when Mother Earth and all that dwells upon her will finally find peace and tranquility.
Maybe I should have known. We have always had this dream-catcher on the wall over our bed.
That's really beautiful, Buzz.
Thank you very much, G. I'm very glad you like it.
© A. Mac/A.G.
Very serene scenery. I can almost hear the brook singing its happy song as it flows over the rocks and makes it way through the woods.
Now this is functional art.
They had a great sense of humour. Did you ever watch the movie "Bruce Almighty"? Here is a scene from it...
I did see it and it was hilarious
I never saw anything like that at the hotels I stayed in while traveling on business when I owned my own company. But, I found a lot of towel bunnies resting on the bed at some of the hotels I stayed in. There was always plenty of towels in the rooms so I didn't have to disturb the bunnies. (grin)
Let's give this another hour before I close it.
Thanks to all.
I'll try to come up with more challenges.