I did some kayaking at my lakeside home, but my kayak certainly wasn't as decorative as that one. In all the time(s) I spent in Florida, I don't remember ever seeing a manatee.
Morning Buzz...no it is all natural...there are limestone, sandstone and basalt cliffs all around here..
Over thousands of years the sun, sea and rain erode the cliffs... there is even a petrified forest where you can still see the remains of tree trunks in the ground. They are so old they have turned to stone..
When I was a kid my parents on a trip south toured the American Petrified Forest and brought me a piece of petrified wood as a souvenir. I don't know if they broke any laws by doing so, or any legendary taboos like I did by bringing home a piece of lava rock from Hawaii.
You may think my comment a little strange, but I think that by putting the birds in the picture you added motion and life to the woman who appears to be still and meditating.
Will see it differently; the birds are a foil to the contemplative stillness of the subject, and, by that contrast, emphasize. the subjects apparent moment of deep introspection, when thought rather than action constitutes the moment's significance.
One other function of the birds, that being visual; their placement prevents the viewer's eye from leaving the frame. It's somewhat similar in function to a repoussoir element … although spatially in the background rather than foreground. And the birds also add a plane implying a layer of distance.
In two-dimensional works of art , such as painting , printmaking, photography or bas-relief, repoussoir is an object along the right or left foreground that ...
When I first saw the picture, my eye went very quickly to the birds, which is why I tried to make them an issue in my comment. I also thought of "balsnce" at the time.
Thank you all for your very kind words. I so wish I could spend more time with you all, but, clocks don't stop running, and I am truly exhausted.
Please know I miss you all, and being here with you. The project is taking more time than I had hoped, but, they are taking longer to get me the important information I need to identify the switches, signals, and other equipment and their locations on the sections. However, there is some daylight peeking in ahead.
Take care and stay well....I hope to be back before long.
Hey, are you still doing your splatter/streak (not sure what the style is really called) paintings? I was wondering about that the other day.
I stopped the acrylic abstracts for now; I'm spending a lot of time in my head trying to imagine using the same or similar techniques to paint scenics that are somewhere between representational and abstract … I'm afraid to proceed for simultaneous fears of failure and success. I know that makes no sense, but, until I get out of my head and back to the paint, I'm stuck in between.
Since there are photos on here of some oaks here is one in Lamar TX, estimated to be between 1100 and up to 2,000 years old. The crown is 88 feet across and the base is 35 feet around. I took this photo in 2016. It's known as ''Big Tree'' it's a coastal live oak, and it is magnificent.
It looks like the tree I posted above. I don't know anything about the one I photographed - its age, what kind it is, but next time I'm over at the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute I'll check to see if there's a plaque - they're usually in Chinese and English.
Here's the first bee render from above printed on glossy photo paper, framed, and hung on a wall. I upped the vibrancy before printing, which changed the colors a bit, and now I wish I hadn't done that. Live and learn, I suppose. You can open it in another tab for a larger view if you want.
It's time!
A/noon Mac..
Love the photo of the sunset..and the birds flying over head..
Hope all going well with you and Mrs Mac..
I am off for a walk along the beach...
Thanks for the good wishes Shona, hope you are doing well yourself.
Nice colours on that fishing silhouette.
Kayaking on the Silver River, it was difficult to get the manatee to pose for photos.
Dugongs one of my favourites...
Great photos Kavika..
I did some kayaking at my lakeside home, but my kayak certainly wasn't as decorative as that one. In all the time(s) I spent in Florida, I don't remember ever seeing a manatee.
Rock formations on the cliff face here..
I did not take this photo...
Interesting formations. Do you think they're natural or man-made?
Morning Buzz...no it is all natural...there are limestone, sandstone and basalt cliffs all around here..
Over thousands of years the sun, sea and rain erode the cliffs... there is even a petrified forest where you can still see the remains of tree trunks in the ground. They are so old they have turned to stone..
When I was a kid my parents on a trip south toured the American Petrified Forest and brought me a piece of petrified wood as a souvenir. I don't know if they broke any laws by doing so, or any legendary taboos like I did by bringing home a piece of lava rock from Hawaii.
Just an odd collection of photos taken over the years, some of which you've probably seen before.
I love the photo of the mountainside.
Morning sunrise, Stone Creek, Ocala FL.
You had to live through a cloudy day? Surely it cleared by noon.
Dusk from the hillside
That's a beauty, EG.
Mundane photo in my kitchen, testing out the new iPhone. Maybe I should should work for Martha Stewart’s advertising department.
A really fine still life!
I want some of those cookies.
Too late. (urp!) The wife makes a fine Nestle Tollhouse chocolate chip cookie.
Morning Hal ..very nice kitchen and biscuits...put the kettle on for a cuppa, I will be right over...
It's before breakfast here, and you just caused big pangs in my stomach.
For Presidents' Day --
Nice photo. Somewhere in New England? I think I have an old jigsaw puzzle of that coastal town, or one very similar.
Is that a historical sailing ship, G?
Hi, Dig. Thanks! I took the photo in Rockport, Massachusetts, which was a really great place to visit.
I don't remember the specifics of that ship, but it seems like everything there is historic! I have a lot of color photos from there, also.
© A. Mac/A.G.
My contribution for this week........
Morning Raven..
Love the colours, has a feeling of peace and serenity about it...
Hope your project is going well and you are taking time out for yourself and Yoda..
You may think my comment a little strange, but I think that by putting the birds in the picture you added motion and life to the woman who appears to be still and meditating.
Will see it differently; the birds are a foil to the contemplative stillness of the subject, and, by that contrast, emphasize. the subjects apparent moment of deep introspection, when thought rather than action constitutes the moment's significance.
I prefer your interpretation to mine.
One other function of the birds, that being visual; their placement prevents the viewer's eye from leaving the frame. It's somewhat similar in function to a repoussoir element … although spatially in the background rather than foreground. And the birds also add a plane implying a layer of distance.
When I first saw the picture, my eye went very quickly to the birds, which is why I tried to make them an issue in my comment. I also thought of "balsnce" at the time.
Thank you all for your very kind words. I so wish I could spend more time with you all, but, clocks don't stop running, and I am truly exhausted.
Please know I miss you all, and being here with you. The project is taking more time than I had hoped, but, they are taking longer to get me the important information I need to identify the switches, signals, and other equipment and their locations on the sections. However, there is some daylight peeking in ahead.
Take care and stay well....I hope to be back before long.
I'll save you a seat up front.
Evening Raven...
Light at the end of the tunnel so to speak....
You might have that real railroad going before I get my model railroad rebuilt
You might have that real railroad going before I get my model railroad rebuilt
It could come down to train-ing.
One more for the night.
Now that's a tree!
© A. Mac/A.G.
So is that....
I've been playing around with artistic filters to maybe make some printable and frameable wall art.
These are sample mockups from today of a backlit downy woodpecker. The first is the original photo, the rest are the artistic filter renderings.
Can you guys imagine any of these hanging on someone's wall, or maybe in an office or a waiting room-type setting?
I like #1,#6 and #7.
Cool. Thanks.
Absolutely. People have different tastes, and any one of those, or even a series of them, could be marketable.
A nice array demonstrating the possibilities in the digital era!
There's so many different ways to modify things it's mind blowing.
Hey, are you still doing your splatter/streak (not sure what the style is really called) paintings? I was wondering about that the other day.
I stopped the acrylic abstracts for now; I'm spending a lot of time in my head trying to imagine using the same or similar techniques to paint scenics that are somewhere between representational and abstract … I'm afraid to proceed for simultaneous fears of failure and success. I know that makes no sense, but, until I get out of my head and back to the paint, I'm stuck in between.
Wow, that's pretty cool, Dig.
Fun, too. It's easy to get drawn into it.
Cool series of photos, Dig.
One good image often deserves another.
Iteration 1
© A. Mac/A.G.
Iteration 2
With more likely to follow.
© A. Mac/A.G.
Those are great.
I see a face in that cloud.
Since there are photos on here of some oaks here is one in Lamar TX, estimated to be between 1100 and up to 2,000 years old. The crown is 88 feet across and the base is 35 feet around. I took this photo in 2016. It's known as ''Big Tree'' it's a coastal live oak, and it is magnificent.
It looks like the tree I posted above. I don't know anything about the one I photographed - its age, what kind it is, but next time I'm over at the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute I'll check to see if there's a plaque - they're usually in Chinese and English.
More potential wall art.
Original photo – some stuff from last year's garden.
Original photo – honeybee on hyacinth from last spring.
Here's the first bee render from above printed on glossy photo paper, framed, and hung on a wall. I upped the vibrancy before printing, which changed the colors a bit, and now I wish I hadn't done that. Live and learn, I suppose. You can open it in another tab for a larger view if you want.
Tomorrow being Presidents’ Day, I’ll keep the article open most of the day.