Bubba Gump Got Nothin' on Mrs. AMac's Shrimpin' Dinner ~ Creative Arts Three-Day Weekend
May Peace Return to Ukraine & the Perpetrator of War Crimes be Brought to Justice
Tonight's Dinner … Created, Prepared and Served by my Wife (I did the dishes)

First Things First … Go to the Link and Enjoy the Article.
New Artwork: Abstract Expressionism, "Coming Apart at the Seams”
© A. Mac/A.G.
A/noon Mac...
"Coming apart at the seams"..rather poetic for Putin...
Prawns (shrimp) yum..the dish looks great....well done Mrs Mac....
Very creative and inspiring. The different colors in both sections are very intriguing. A great abstract artwork, Mac.
They just showed 2001 again on TV here, and that image would have been a fitting addition to the space trek to Jupiter. As for your wife's shrimp dinner, I'll forgive her for making me drool on my keyboard and run to the kitchen for something to quell the rumble in my stomach.
Love the colors.
Cool. I really like the glowing light effect at the center.
Dawn in my part of the World this morning...
Peace and I wish that for Ukraine..
Not my photo...
That's beautiful, shona. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.
Oh what a beautiful morning - isn't there a song that says that?
Umm morning has broken by what was Cat Stephens I think??
It's from the Broadway show and movie Oklahoma (LINK) ->
I'm going to vary from my usual artwork, and post a poem that I wrote in October 1969. I may have posted it some ago, but, some members may not have seen it. I hope you don't mind my posting it again, as the events of the world today remind me of that time.
Each time I look upon you
Waving In the Wind
I thank the Creator above me
For this land I live in.
You stand for all mankind
Whatever their race of creed
And men have come from foreign lands
Because you stand for what they need.
Many men have carried you
Upon the battlefield
And when they met their enemy
To them they would not yield.
And in these days you’ve been defaced
Been spit upon and burned
As there are those who’d see you gone
And never be returned.
But, many men have died for you
And many more will die
Because you stand for all free men
And for them you’ll always fly.
So this we pledge to all our enemies
That in spite of all their endeavor
We’ll always fly and die for
Your Stars and Stripes……… .
All I can say is WOW.
Thank you, Veronica.
you're a multi dimensional artistic talent RW.
Thanks, dev.
Stirring and wonderful, Raven Wing!
Thank you very much, G.
Inspirational, RW.
Thank you so much, Dig.
Raven, you ARE a poet, and we didn't know it. How lovely. Even though I'm a Canadian I have always had the greatest respect for the American flag and anthem, and despised those who claim their so-called freedom of expression to, as you say, deface, spit upon and burn it, or not stand for the anthem, because they are NOT symbols of an administration for the time being, they are, as Woodie Guthrie wrote and sang it, symbols of THIS LAND "From California to the New York island, From the redwood forest to the Gulf Stream waters". I have personally travelled to and seen all those places and many more and I always appreciated the land of America. Most of my life was spent within an hour's drive of the USA, and not only have I travelled throughout it, including Hawaii, but I even owned a home in Florida for some years.
Thank you very much, Buzz. I wrote a few such poems and short children's stories back in the day. I turned a few of those poems into songs, mostly for my own kids, but, a few of them were lost when my old computer went belly up. This poem was backed up on a CD at the time so it was saved.
It was sunny and in the 70s on Monday so we took an Uber ride for over an hour to a mountain top to see the Spring flowers at the Nan Shan Flower Park (shan = mountain). Finally a chance to use my camera and I took about 100 photos. I don't intend to post all of them but now I'm posting 10 that were taken in the park, will post another more unusual bunch that I took inside the huge horticultural building next weekend, and the following weekend ones I took of the Chongqing downtown from the mountain top during a misty sunset and dusk. So for all of you who are still mired in the snow and ice and thermal rivers, deprived of the colours and beauty of Spring, here we go....
The blooming trees were beautiful, but could not compare to my wife.
Next weekend, the photos from inside that huge horticultural building.
Evening..a spectacular display Buzz.. Spring is in the air as Autumn has arrived here...
Dinner and a show!
I love tulips. I can't wait for ours to bloom
These make me long for my Spring flowers to pop their little heads out of the ground.
Beautiful stuff. It was spring-like here a few days ago, but today I woke up to some light snow and freezing temps, damaging the few crocuses and hyacinths that had started coming up.
Beautiful flowers all, Buzz. And you are correct, none of them are as beautiful as your Mrs.
My best March photo taken back in 2017 from the roof of my office building. I got it printed poster size and it's hanging in my office.
That looks like an oldie, beautiful shot.
I recall seeing it when you posted it before - I thought it was a great shot back then, and now, seeing it again, I like it even more. This time I paid more attention to the shops that are in the lower left of that photo, and what it did was rekindle a memory of my childhood. My maternal grandparents had a dry goods (work clothes) shop in the city of my birth that resembled those shops, and my parents, poor at the time, lived with them in their residence above the shop. The first year of my life was spent there, after which my father could afford to buy our own home, but because both my parents worked during my earliest days, I spent many childhood days back at the shop and the residence above. My most vivid memories (besides the time I ran away because my grandfather was mad at me for some reason - but that's a whole other story) was of their bronze statuette of Rin Tin Tin and the very old Victrola upon which I played their 78 rpm records of Mares Eat Oats and Does Eat Oats and Little Lambs Eat Ivy, and Mr. Gallagher and Mr. Shean (Absolutely, Mr. Gallagher, Positively Mr. Shean).
That plate looks mighty fine. YUM YUM!!!!!
I wish I had a picture today. I got nothing and there are so many beautiful contributions.
Andrea Cisternino the face of courage, love, and caring rescuing a dog wounded in the Russian shelling in Ukraine.
To date four of these volunteers have given their lives staying behind to protect the shelters and the zoo.
Brave, courageous, heroic. Our esteem for the Ukrainian people continues to rise.
I had to laugh a bit when I saw Mac's food photo because I had just taken a similar one of some very delicious soup with shrimp and hard boiled eggs my wife made. It looks like both households eat well!
Then, I created a few different versions of the photo, including this one:
Always good to see "variations on a theme" here in the Group articles! One good image deserves another.
Great variation of the original photo, G. A real beauty.
Thanks, Raven Wing.
Damn, now I'm hungry again - so now I'm going to make my breakfast, and I'm not going to take a photo of my Australian oats porridge with banana slices, bird eggs, gojo berries, cinnamon and brown sugar. You can just picture it in your mind or check out the recipe on the 5 Ingredients or Less group.
Morning Buzz...now the big question do you put salt in your porridge??
No, should I?
It has always been a great debate between the Scots and English...do you or don't you..
I do as I have English heritage... It does make a difference to the porridge...a couple of shakes when cooking it...
I'll give it a try next time. The brown sugar still okay with it?
I use white but what ever you like.. brown is fine...will have to have a snuffle around in the cupboard now as I have porridge when the cooler months arrive....which is now...
What a coincidence. I hardly ever eat shrimp.
Cool abstraction of the photo.
"The Path with a Heart" - Abstract Representation of a Yaqui Indian Metaphor
© A. Mac/A.G.
That's real winner from all sides, Mac. A very interesting change of colors across it all. And an enchanting triangular framing as well. Very artistic and intriguing, really challenges the mind.
Well done!!
An interesting perspective.
I’ve been too busy with work to take photos this week, so I took this photo of a wall hanging in my house from my favorite recliner five minutes ago while eating lunch. I do love the PicsArt app.
Lovely photos, Hal. Very interesting and well done!
Fascinating. They have a bit of a French aspect to them.
Considering "variations on a theme", last week Mac posted his very nice cactus flower image. I did not have a chance to post one I have with cactus flowers from our garden, so here it is.
I have always loved the wide variety of cactus flowers. Your artwork does them justice. Very nicely done!
There will be cacti in my next weekend's photos.
Now back to the artwork.......
There's that stained glass effect!
Thanks, Mac. From beginning to end, this one just screamed A. Mac!!
Thank you, G.
I recall seeing the expression "Through a Window, Darkly" but in your case it would be "Through a Window, Beautifully".
Thanks Buzz. Glad you like it.
How about a pair of fanciful Sea Monsters?
© A.Mac/A.G.
Yes, aptly entitled. But are they making love or attacking each other?
Little bit of both.
There's a little resemblance to Praying Mantises, in which case, either love or war, there will end up being only one of them.
great depth.
That's a great artwork, Mac. Perfect for B/W. Whatever they are, they are beautiful.
Everything about that is awesome, including the frame.
Anyone see Kavika tody?
Anoon..yes he is snuffling around...
“Sometimes I go about in pity for myself, and all the while,
a great wind carries me across the sky.”
— Ojibwe saying
And a great saying it is. While the ominous dark clouds do their best to snuff out the daylight, they have not yet been able to succeed. Beautiful.
Retro-esque edits.
I'm old enough to remember when ''retro'' was reality.
And I'm older than that.
I guess that means retro was 2 decades into the future to you then?
I don't want to go back to the future, I want to go back to the early 1950s.
yuck. give me '67-'77 please.
I suppose those who are younger than I am might feel that way.
I'm sure you can. We have a member who resides there with his man-crush Perry Mason.
... the washed up mozzarella salesman, his brain never left the 50's.
Both are amazing stop-action birds in flight photos.
Let me depart from the figurative to the representational.
Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park, Utah/Arizona
© A. Mac/A.G.
That is very Spiritual and so very beautiful. There is no human being who can best Mother Earth, Father Sky and Mother Nature. Many have tried, but, as of yet, no human being has been able to out do their outstanding creations.
Thank you for sharing this awesome photo.
What a stunning photo...
That is a beautiful photo. On another article I had posted a screen-shot from the end of the movie Windtalkers, in which Adam Beach is carrying out in front of his wife and son a memorial ceremony for Nicolas Cage in Monument Valley.
Winter sunrise on Devils Tower, Wyoming. A sacred site to many of the Plains tribes and it is known to them as ''Bear Lodge'' or Bear Lodge Butte.'' (Mato Tipila in Lakota) To see it in person is a very spiritual experience.
The legend of Devils Tower...
It is the first National Monument in America.
Photo from the internet.
Anoon....Mother nature at her best and guarded for millenium by the keepers of the Land...
One for Daylight Savings Time … or … just Sunday.
A Hilltop at Twilight, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania
A. Mac/A.G.
That is a real beauty, Mac. Love the array of colors as they expand across the sky, while the outstretched limbs of the leafless tree welcomes the early evening stars.
Very Spiritual and inspiring. Well done, Mac!
To be listened to while viewing that photo (LINK) ->
Never thought of it Buzz, but Tony Williams & the Platters, Twilight Time, goes perfectly with the photo.
Music from my era.
Sunset over Stone Creek, Ocala, FL. December 25th, 2021.
This photo was so good it was in the Ocala newspaper. It was taken by a Stone Creek resident.
What a fantastic end to Christmas day 2021..
We are very lucky in our parts of the world to get brilliant sunrises and sunsets...
Yes, we are, shona and it's great.
I think the Ocala sunsets must beat the ones you used to watch over the lake in your home up north.
We had some great sunsets on Table Rock Lake, MO. but Ocala is even better.
Evening.. slightly off topic but precious cargo is heading your way from OZ..
A little lad is heading to New York for cancer treatment...$600,000 was raised here to send him across to you..
We know you will look after him and do all you can to welcome him and his family...he is such a long way from home..
Thank you New York and thank you America...from Australia with love.🇦🇺♥️🇺🇲
Oh yes he said he wants to see the statute of Liberty...and I hope his wish comes true..
If he's going to New York City it will be hard for him to miss it.
We will do our very best for the little lad, shona.