No more B&W photos from my Canon F1 here with me, but some fishing photos taken with that camera by my ex-wife at our lakeside home.
Teachng my young son how to fish, taken from the balcony. That was a great spot for still-fishing for bass - the shallowness dropped down deep with weeds growing along the side of the slope - the bass liked to hang out there.
On my dock with rod in one hand and a Heineken in the other - a great combination.
I took this photo of our lakeside 4-season home while in my canoe. We also had a kayak and 2 snowmobiles.
LOL. When I was a kid I learned how to swim in Lake Ontario and I survived. The lake where those photos were taken is very deep, home to lake trout, but got warmer in the summer than Lake Ontario ever did.
Marvelous. Really marvelous. And all those trees surrounding the house. . . so cozy, and a little frightening at night I'd bet! What a treat as a photo, all the same!
Alone, as you want to be. How delightful! And on windy days: sleep 'for days.' But, oh at night. . . what stalks in the wee hours. . . did you hear that *crack*?!
Although it was forest all around I didn't have a fear of wild animals there. Once in a while, with the kids in the back seat, we would drive to the area dump at night to watch the bears rummaging for food scraps,
I love telling stories, and I have to tell this one again - an exception to what I said above. Before we bought our lakeside home, my best friend, who had the lakeside home 4 cottages away, who got us to buy ours so we could be neighbours, before we both owned those homes he rented a cottage on the lake and we spent a weekend there. It had no bathroom, just an outhouse out back. In the middle of the night I had to use it, and while I was sitting in it I heard a bear growling, and I was afraid to step out of it but sat that for at least an hour listening to the growling, and when it stopped I ran to the cottage. What I found out is that it wasn't a bear, but my friend snoring.
Is it a pit bull? I stepped out of the store the other day (maybe a week or two ago- you know how the days 'run together' as we get older), and behind the stanchion to the building somebody had 'parked' their grayish pit bull and it was a 'pounder.' Startled, missing a step in that direction, and with a WTH I headed off in a new direction to my car. But, dang it all, one look back over my shoulder and my honest conclusion was whether quietly sitting, tranquil, "machine" of a beast was. . . really pretty. Immediately, I wondered if it was a female for its gentle demeanor or if pit bulls truly have been given a bad 'rep.'
One thing for sure: That dead stare gives away nothing. And it an attention getter.
We had lavender and several other annuals that bloom in the front lawn along with cactus and I mean for real, you get those 'light' BB and then you can get the 'loaders' and what is most interesting is how they really seem to cooperate with the presence of. . . me about with my earphones on and all. (I can only tell they are there when I see them with the earphones in.)
That's a real beauty, Mac. I remember my Paternal Grandfather catching those when I sent fishing with him and my Grandmother. They both loved lake fishing from their boat, and it was always fun to see the variety of the fish they caught.
The new shrimp tank. 29 gallons with rocks found on a local beach. It took me 3 days to move all the shrimp over from the old tank.
My "fish room" corner of the basement. It's starting to take shape, but right now it's function over fashion. I'll be able to start working on making things look nice this fall.
More work on tanks this weekend when I can squeeze the time in. Some new plants and some old plants need to get planted.
I kept a fish tank. Funny, bought it for young family members (now adults). Of course, I ended up with the 'care, maintenance, and feeding of water beings' - just because. Any, it all came to a 'head' once they started dying off—taking a little piece of my heart with them each time. (Sigh.) I wish you well. Been there: Got T-shirts:Owner of a "broken" heart over it! Best wishes Ender! Best of wishes indeed!
Many years later. . . I occasionally have a dream about aquarium fish or 'bowl' fish (which I have not had for years now) and in the dream/s I am frightened and asking myself how could I have forgotten to feed the fish so long?! In the dreams I am desperate to feed the fish. And then, I wake up.
That's the story of my only venture in keeping fish. I had 4 goldfish, one all gold, two spotted and one all black, whom I called "Blackie". One day I looked and saw only 3, and Blackie looked happy and a little bigger. A few days later there were only two and Blackie was a lot bigger, then only one and Blackie was very fat. I guess a better name for Blackie would have been "Cannibal".
in my last aquarium, 3 decades ago, I let my son add his albino african frog. I couldn't figure out why all the fish were disappearing until I watched it inhale one of my tiger barbs. frog eventually ate all the fish and then escaped the aquarium. I found it still alive on the carpet and then turned it loose in the toilet, since I figured it owed me about $100+. to the gulf of mexico the hard way.
Shrimp are fragile creatures. This wasn't my first attempt at shrimp keeping and tossing them in with my Betta fish when I got the first 11 youngsters probably wasn't the brightest idea either. I got very lucky.
I think these things are getting a little bit easier to manage with the amount of people on the internet on forums and facebook groups. I still find a lot of misinformation, scammers and idiots too though.
The shrimp tank is lovely, EG. You have put a lot of work in designing your tanks and the fish you put in them, for a combination that is both beautiful and healthy for the fish. Looking forward to seeing your finished fish room later in the fall.
Thank you. I have put in the time, effort and money for this hobby to succeed. I lost my male cockatoo cichlid yesterday. I was redoing that tank on Saturday evening and I think he got over stressed and injured when I tried to put the pair back into the tank.
You give so much energy, time, and devotion to learning about, welcoming into your home life, and inevitably loving somebody who is adorable in every way and they depart from you. I am sorry for your loss and this set-back!
So very sorry for your loss, EG. It is hard to lose a dear pet, no matter what kind they are. They bring us so much joy, and seem to enjoy life in your beautiful tanks, which makes all the effort worthwhile.
Lots of work to do. I saw a used 250 gallon tank (72" x 25" x 26") with stand and equipment for sale locally for $850. I really wish I could get it, but I don't think I could get it in the basement!
All this talk about aquariums reminds me of the show on National Geographic Wild, "Fish Tank Kings." I used to enjoy watching the building of such custom tanks for clients.
Thanks Raven! Sometimes, I know (or feel) I can be a bit 'much.' I felt 'compelled' to make the observation because it is . . . true! He is handsome, for sure.
One of my favourites as well - I look forward to watching any movie he's in. How many actors can get away with being the POTUS and God, a lifer, and an old boxing coach, let alone so many other characterizations. He's in constant demand for narration due to his voice and delivery.
What is that anyway? Why do we see familiar shapes in clouds? I ask this, because though not as much anymore, I can still go out back and look up and 'journey' through what is passing over ahead. . . until I 'force' myself to end it. Is it daydreaming? What is it called we're doing when that happens?
I don't know about anyone else, but, for me it is a time-out from reality to let my imagination run free and see what it comes up with. I loved laying on a blanket in the back yard and watching the clouds present me with their own artwork. Especially, on a mildly windy day. One minute I see on thing, and within minutes they have morphed into something else for me to guess what it is. I still enjoy sitting out on the patio and watching the clouds pay their mind games.
Mind games. . . now that is interesting an a bit enlightening. Because that does occur! I love those windy days when I can imagine our California 'lows' bringing in a good old-fashion "belly washer." Of course, it is just clouds and my imagination. Nuh-uh, we ain't getting nothing out them clouds. Maybe. . . the Sierras.
But, sometimes you look at the darkening skies and the heavy clouds coursing by and you think my goodness that one is taking on a. . . tail? Are we about to have a tornado—NOPE! All is clear.
Threatening clouds add to the mystique that is dry California! Next time it happens, something different and impressive 'up there' in the sky I will use my phone to take pictures! Yeah, I will!
The mountains and foothills are only about n hour or so from me, and in the summer there are always clouds lingering over them. Some take on many different shapes. Today was one of the days when the low clouds looked like they were dancing. A lot of fun to watch.
This is an image I created using one of my photos of the "Neptunbrunnen", a fountain depicting the Roman god Neptune and other sea deities, located at the Schobrunn Palace in Vienna, Austria, that I turned into a transparent image and superimposed over a photo I took of the interior of one of Vienna's historic Catholic churches. From an art historical analysis, it could possibly be said to represent the lingering influence of the old religion on the newer religion, or symbolize the syncretism (amalgamation) of the religious traditions in Europe, but I just thought it looked sort of cool.
"I came where the river Ran over stones; My ears knew An early joy. And all the waters Of all the streams Sang in my veins That summer day." — Theodore Roethke
Morning Kavika...nice and fat and would go well in the roasting dish...has to be a tad warm for them to do that..
3oC here at the moment expecting 12oC for the day. Thank goodness there are only 4 weeks of winter left.. heater on dark and gloomy this morning more rain on the way..
It is really a very amazing ceremony. I saw one when I was visiting my adopted Cherokee Grandparents on the Cherokee Rez when we lived in Pawhuska OK. Even being just a young girl at the time I was mesmerized while watching. I have never forgotten how it made me feel even though I was just watching.
Smudging is a sacred ceremony of Indigenous people conducted by Elder Shamans using various herbs tied into knots known as 'smudge sticks'.
The techniques and substances used during the ceremony can vary among different Tribes. It is a ceremony for cleansing the Spirit, helping with depression, grief, anger, resentment, feeling unwell, and to chase away negative energy. The smudge sticks are placed in a bowl or other type of container and set on fire, then the fire is quickly subdued to produce the smoke necessary for the ceremony.
It is a very sacred part of Indigenous peoples traditions and culture.
Many more people in the ocean than in the pool. I like both and since the ocean is 84 degrees it's as warm as the pool and the salt water is very good for these old bones.
The best time to go fishin' … is any time you can.
Great photos, Mac. Beautiful scenery in both.
A good time to take great photos like you do as well.
No more B&W photos from my Canon F1 here with me, but some fishing photos taken with that camera by my ex-wife at our lakeside home.
Teachng my young son how to fish, taken from the balcony. That was a great spot for still-fishing for bass - the shallowness dropped down deep with weeds growing along the side of the slope - the bass liked to hang out there.
On my dock with rod in one hand and a Heineken in the other - a great combination.
I took this photo of our lakeside 4-season home while in my canoe. We also had a kayak and 2 snowmobiles.
Beautiful and fun looking photos, Buzz.
looks great, but brrrr! you can have those canadian water temperatures...
LOL. When I was a kid I learned how to swim in Lake Ontario and I survived. The lake where those photos were taken is very deep, home to lake trout, but got warmer in the summer than Lake Ontario ever did.
Marvelous. Really marvelous. And all those trees surrounding the house. . . so cozy, and a little frightening at night I'd bet! What a treat as a photo, all the same!
It was exceptionally private. On one side a cottage was far up on the hill and on the other side it was hundreds of feet away.
Alone, as you want to be. How delightful! And on windy days: sleep 'for days.' But, oh at night. . . what stalks in the wee hours. . . did you hear that *crack*?!
Although it was forest all around I didn't have a fear of wild animals there. Once in a while, with the kids in the back seat, we would drive to the area dump at night to watch the bears rummaging for food scraps,
I love telling stories, and I have to tell this one again - an exception to what I said above. Before we bought our lakeside home, my best friend, who had the lakeside home 4 cottages away, who got us to buy ours so we could be neighbours, before we both owned those homes he rented a cottage on the lake and we spent a weekend there. It had no bathroom, just an outhouse out back. In the middle of the night I had to use it, and while I was sitting in it I heard a bear growling, and I was afraid to step out of it but sat that for at least an hour listening to the growling, and when it stopped I ran to the cottage. What I found out is that it wasn't a bear, but my friend snoring.
Early morning mist on hole #2 , Stone Creek GC. Ocala, FL.
Spectacular sunrise, Kavika. And the GC looks like a fun place to be.
Was this shot planned? In other words did you plan ahead for it? Or did you catch the morning on the 'fly'? With a phone camera, perhaps?
A Native American Dancer......
A lovely well composed image.
Thank you, Buzz.
"What did you call me?"
''what'' I know I heard the treat bag being opened.
Is it a pit bull? I stepped out of the store the other day (maybe a week or two ago- you know how the days 'run together' as we get older), and behind the stanchion to the building somebody had 'parked' their grayish pit bull and it was a 'pounder.' Startled, missing a step in that direction, and with a WTH I headed off in a new direction to my car. But, dang it all, one look back over my shoulder and my honest conclusion was whether quietly sitting, tranquil, "machine" of a beast was. . . really pretty. Immediately, I wondered if it was a female for its gentle demeanor or if pit bulls truly have been given a bad 'rep.'
One thing for sure: That dead stare gives away nothing. And it an attention getter.
looks more like an "oh shit!" to me ...
This is my "bumble bee bush". When we bought the house 6 years ago this bush was covered with BBs and it was wonderful to see.
Beautiful bush, Veronica. Add to that the also beautiful Bumble Bees and it is an amazing thing to see.
We had lavender and several other annuals that bloom in the front lawn along with cactus and I mean for real, you get those 'light' BB and then you can get the 'loaders' and what is most interesting is how they really seem to cooperate with the presence of. . . me about with my earphones on and all. (I can only tell they are there when I see them with the earphones in.)
And do you still hear the music of their buzzing? Buzz wants to know.
Striped Bass
© A. Mac/A.G.
That's a real beauty, Mac. I remember my Paternal Grandfather catching those when I sent fishing with him and my Grandmother. They both loved lake fishing from their boat, and it was always fun to see the variety of the fish they caught.
How did it ever get that name? LOL
those are really fun to catch, all released. where I used to fish for them, the average size was 7.5 lbs.
The reel deal. Largemouth bass, Red Lake, MN.
WoW! That's a great catch, Kavika. A real beauty.
LOLOL. Of course holding it out at arms' length towards the camera doesn't make it look bigger than it really is, right?
The new shrimp tank. 29 gallons with rocks found on a local beach. It took me 3 days to move all the shrimp over from the old tank.
My "fish room" corner of the basement. It's starting to take shape, but right now it's function over fashion. I'll be able to start working on making things look nice this fall.
More work on tanks this weekend when I can squeeze the time in. Some new plants and some old plants need to get planted.
I had those ghost shrimp at one time. I had an obviously pregnant one. Then they all kept disappearing, I didn't have much luck with them.
I kept a fish tank. Funny, bought it for young family members (now adults). Of course, I ended up with the 'care, maintenance, and feeding of water beings' - just because. Any, it all came to a 'head' once they started dying off—taking a little piece of my heart with them each time. (Sigh.) I wish you well. Been there: Got T-shirts:Owner of a "broken" heart over it! Best wishes Ender! Best of wishes indeed!
Many years later. . . I occasionally have a dream about aquarium fish or 'bowl' fish (which I have not had for years now) and in the dream/s I am frightened and asking myself how could I have forgotten to feed the fish so long?! In the dreams I am desperate to feed the fish. And then, I wake up.
That's the story of my only venture in keeping fish. I had 4 goldfish, one all gold, two spotted and one all black, whom I called "Blackie". One day I looked and saw only 3, and Blackie looked happy and a little bigger. A few days later there were only two and Blackie was a lot bigger, then only one and Blackie was very fat. I guess a better name for Blackie would have been "Cannibal".
gulp, gulp, gulp ...
in my last aquarium, 3 decades ago, I let my son add his albino african frog. I couldn't figure out why all the fish were disappearing until I watched it inhale one of my tiger barbs. frog eventually ate all the fish and then escaped the aquarium. I found it still alive on the carpet and then turned it loose in the toilet, since I figured it owed me about $100+. to the gulf of mexico the hard way.
Shrimp are fragile creatures. This wasn't my first attempt at shrimp keeping and tossing them in with my Betta fish when I got the first 11 youngsters probably wasn't the brightest idea either. I got very lucky.
I think these things are getting a little bit easier to manage with the amount of people on the internet on forums and facebook groups. I still find a lot of misinformation, scammers and idiots too though.
The shrimp tank is lovely, EG. You have put a lot of work in designing your tanks and the fish you put in them, for a combination that is both beautiful and healthy for the fish. Looking forward to seeing your finished fish room later in the fall.
Very well done, and a pleasure to see.
Thank you. I have put in the time, effort and money for this hobby to succeed. I lost my male cockatoo cichlid yesterday. I was redoing that tank on Saturday evening and I think he got over stressed and injured when I tried to put the pair back into the tank.
You give so much energy, time, and devotion to learning about, welcoming into your home life, and inevitably loving somebody who is adorable in every way and they depart from you. I am sorry for your loss and this set-back!
So very sorry for your loss, EG. It is hard to lose a dear pet, no matter what kind they are. They bring us so much joy, and seem to enjoy life in your beautiful tanks, which makes all the effort worthwhile.
Looks kind of fishy to me.
We just had some live shrimp delivered to us a few minutes ago, they are wiggling around in a big bowl, ready to be cooked for lunch. Yum.
Sorry, but I'm not a follower of "catch and release" - unless they were undersized or too bony like sunfish, I was more of the "catch and eat" crowd.
It looks great, EG. I'll be looking forward to photos of the ''new and improved basement tank sanctuary,''
Lots of work to do. I saw a used 250 gallon tank (72" x 25" x 26") with stand and equipment for sale locally for $850. I really wish I could get it, but I don't think I could get it in the basement!
All this talk about aquariums reminds me of the show on National Geographic Wild, "Fish Tank Kings." I used to enjoy watching the building of such custom tanks for clients.
A new one for Friday.....
Handsome man. I hope no one minds my saying so!
Who would mind your saying that? It is simply a compliment, and I agree he is indeed handsome man.
Thanks you, CB.
Thanks Raven!
Sometimes, I know (or feel) I can be a bit 'much.' I felt 'compelled' to make the observation because it is . . . true! He is handsome, for sure.
A nice image nicely put together.
Thank you, Buzz.
Sea Monsters in the sky. The photo was taken last week at St. Pete Beach (Long Key) on the Gulf Coast of FL just south of Tampa.
Monsters of the sea all in a row, basking in the light of the evening glow.
A real beauty, Kavika.
I can see them. I can see 'monster heads and tails! Now that's a thing of beauty!
When you were a kid did you ever lie on your back looking up at the clouds and identify images from them? Those fit your description.
Yes, I did many many times.
As did I. Kids develop a knowledge of imagination that way.
The Magic of Belle Isle Quotes
I really enjoy Morgan Freeman, a great actor.
One of my favourites as well - I look forward to watching any movie he's in. How many actors can get away with being the POTUS and God, a lifer, and an old boxing coach, let alone so many other characterizations. He's in constant demand for narration due to his voice and delivery.
What is that anyway? Why do we see familiar shapes in clouds? I ask this, because though not as much anymore, I can still go out back and look up and 'journey' through what is passing over ahead. . . until I 'force' myself to end it. Is it daydreaming? What is it called we're doing when that happens?
I don't know about anyone else, but, for me it is a time-out from reality to let my imagination run free and see what it comes up with. I loved laying on a blanket in the back yard and watching the clouds present me with their own artwork. Especially, on a mildly windy day. One minute I see on thing, and within minutes they have morphed into something else for me to guess what it is. I still enjoy sitting out on the patio and watching the clouds pay their mind games.
Mind games. . . now that is interesting an a bit enlightening. Because that does occur! I love those windy days when I can imagine our California 'lows' bringing in a good old-fashion "belly washer." Of course, it is just clouds and my imagination. Nuh-uh, we ain't getting nothing out them clouds. Maybe. . . the Sierras.
But, sometimes you look at the darkening skies and the heavy clouds coursing by and you think my goodness that one is taking on a. . . tail? Are we about to have a tornado—NOPE! All is clear.
Threatening clouds add to the mystique that is dry California! Next time it happens, something different and impressive 'up there' in the sky I will use my phone to take pictures! Yeah, I will!
The mountains and foothills are only about n hour or so from me, and in the summer there are always clouds lingering over them. Some take on many different shapes. Today was one of the days when the low clouds looked like they were dancing. A lot of fun to watch.
How nice.
This is an image I created using one of my photos of the "Neptunbrunnen", a fountain depicting the Roman god Neptune and other sea deities, located at the Schobrunn Palace in Vienna, Austria, that I turned into a transparent image and superimposed over a photo I took of the interior of one of Vienna's historic Catholic churches. From an art historical analysis, it could possibly be said to represent the lingering influence of the old religion on the newer religion, or symbolize the syncretism (amalgamation) of the religious traditions in Europe, but I just thought it looked sort of cool.
Vienna Study - Mythology
© G. Gam
Another scene from Vienna, a stunningly beautiful city.
Vienna Study 2
© G. Gam
Things of beauty for 500. . . .
Ha! Thanks, CB.
Both are amazing images, G. Your editing prowess is growing an a very good pace.
Very well done indeed.
Thank you very much, Raven Wing.
Excellent photography. Could anyone say the top image was blasphemous?
Thanks, Buzz. Maybe a devout pagan would object.
Random bug.
Now that is a very interesting photo, Hal. Definitely an intriguing closeup.
Is it a praying mantis?
Nope, it's an atheist grasshopper.
Thanks for my first laugh out loud of the morning.
We have a master gardens club in Stone Creek and there is a large area dedicated for their use.
This is one that is growing sunflowers.
And they do look like happy smiling faces in the sunshine. Great photo, Kavika.
Smiling faces is what they have always reminded me of, Raven.
He had better be protective of them - there's a shortage of sunflower oil.
Very healthy 'specimens' for shooting with a camera! In the prime of life that bunch!
The photo was taken at St. Pete Beach (Long Key) of a morning sunrise last week.
Beautiful photo, Kavika. The sun sneaking up under the ominous dark clouds and its bright glow is truly awesome.
One for Saturday.........
Morning Raven...
Fire and ice...
Thanks, shona.
A stunning "Dances With Fire" image.
Thank you very much, Buzz. A perfect name as well.
"I am haunted by waters.”
― Norman Maclean, A River Runs Through It and Other Stories
© A. Mac/A.G.
That looks soo refreshing. I'd love to go wading in that stream.
It looks to be coursing fast: a fast running stream!! Look at the froth!
Yes, and makes it look so inviting.
"I came where the river Ran over stones; My ears knew An early joy. And all the waters Of all the streams Sang in my veins That summer day." — Theodore Roethke
You know it's hot when the ducks get on your patio looking for shade. Stone Creek, Ocala, FL.
Morning Kavika...nice and fat and would go well in the roasting dish...has to be a tad warm for them to do that..
3oC here at the moment expecting 12oC for the day. Thank goodness there are only 4 weeks of winter left.. heater on dark and gloomy this morning more rain on the way..
Is that a frangipani in the pot?
Evening shona,
Our ducks on the pond are basically pets since they are so used to humans.
It's 35.5C here today a bit on the hot side.
I believe that it is a frangipani, it's my neighbors house so I'm not positive.
Cute little waddlers. I guess the pond water is not that cool. Great photo, Kavika.
OMG!!! Dinner has been delivered to the door.
They are not Peking Duck.
The one on the left is Peking.
Even for a White-breasted Nuthatch, the Longest Journey Begins with but a Single Step
© A. Mac/A.G.
That is a darling little bird. Beautiful colors, and a great shot. Good timing and well done.
You "BUTted" into what the "Father of Yoga" Patanjali wrote 2500 years ago.
Sunday is here already.....
A Shaman conducting A Smudging Ceremony
What type of ceremony is "smudging"?
I had the privilege of witnessing a smudging ceremony when I used to be a volunteer cook at Toronto's Native Men's Residence.
That's a huge pot of spaghetti with meat sauce ready to be served.
It is really a very amazing ceremony. I saw one when I was visiting my adopted Cherokee Grandparents on the Cherokee Rez when we lived in Pawhuska OK. Even being just a young girl at the time I was mesmerized while watching. I have never forgotten how it made me feel even though I was just watching.
Smudging is a sacred ceremony of Indigenous people conducted by Elder Shamans using various herbs tied into knots known as 'smudge sticks'.
The techniques and substances used during the ceremony can vary among different Tribes. It is a ceremony for cleansing the Spirit, helping with depression, grief, anger, resentment, feeling unwell, and to chase away negative energy. The smudge sticks are placed in a bowl or other type of container and set on fire, then the fire is quickly subdued to produce the smoke necessary for the ceremony.
It is a very sacred part of Indigenous peoples traditions and culture.
I hope this helps.
It does help indeed. However, forgive my naivete, is the ritual similar to what people do who 'cleanse' houses (specifically of bad spirits)?
There are indeed many traditions and cultures around the world that use a similar ceremony with various substances. Yours is a good example.
I have seen the cleansing ritual done for/in real estate properties. Thanks for sharing, Raven !
One more for Sunday....
A Goddess of Fire
Fabulous - the image, the frame,,,,is the heat wave prompting all these fiery images?
Thank you, Buzz.
You might be right.
Sunrise at Ormond Beach, Florida today (Atlantic side) at 6:34 AM
6:44 AM
6:54 AM
AHHHHH! (Smile.)
A truly beautiful sunrise, Kavika. And the rising suns' reflection across the water is really amazing. Great timing!
A view from our balcony at Ormond Beach, FL. A pigeon sitting on the rail enjoying the view and three Pelicans flying by.
Looks like the people there prefer the pool to the ocean. How about you?
Ya never know what is lurking in the ocean waters, so I would likely join those in the pool.
this image! Nice sharing!
Many more people in the ocean than in the pool. I like both and since the ocean is 84 degrees it's as warm as the pool and the salt water is very good for these old bones.
Restored Image from a Magic Lantern Glass Slide
© A. Mac/A.G.
A very impressive image, Mac. A great restoration. You're a true artistic Master.
Thanks to all for another successful week! See you Thursday.