Preserving the Very Worthy Art of Someone Who will Forever be Unknown to Me
Restoration & Derivative Image © A. Mac/A.G. ~ Image Originator Unknown
Digitizing, restoring and preserving works of art and photographs is intense, tedious work requiring a number of skills … and, in my opinion, if the originals have quality and significance, often, a process that may literally save in perpetuity, the work of an artist whose identity might well be obscured forever. I recently acquired literally thousands of photographs from a liquidated estate … the liquidator expressed his pleasure in "wanting them gone" since "no one seemed to know what to do with someone's old Kodachrome slides at a time when who the hell would had slide projectors and screens and viewed pictures on computer monitors!"
Uhmmm, I know!
Assured by an attorney specializing in copyrights law, this for the second time upon such an acquisition, that because I own the originals, consequently, I control the copyrights.
I'll be busy for, speculatively a year or two, saving what among the first hundred, would have been tragically destined for a landfill along with several thousand others.
Above, is one of the slides I transformed to a digital painting while saving a scan of the original, and, the slide itself.

Show your creativity and share your commentary.
A great job of restoring a beautiful picture, A.Mac. I, for one, do own a Kodak Carousel slide projector, a 5 X 5 beaded screen, and many slides, but unfortunately they are all back in storage in Toronto.
very nice amac
Very nice.
A little bit of an N.C. Wyeth quality.
That is really nice.
This photo doesn't have the beauty of yours but this is what we are facing in Florida from Hurricane Ian. This is just one of many marinas in SW FL.
A significant piece of photo journalism!
It's not my photo, Mac. It's from the internet and a photographer with a local paper in Florida.
That such a sad sight - and I'm sure that even after they are all untangled, the damage to the boats will be significant.
If you look at the boat just behind the guy taking a photo and look at the hull you can see the extensive damage to the body/fiberglass there is a good chance that saltwater got into the cabin and engine compartment. The damage will be extensive and very costly if it can be repaired.
Many of the boats are stacked on others that are below the water line and they total losses.
yikes. knowing the prices of some of those floating cash toilets, it looks like the boat insurance company executives will be utilizing the act of god clauses on the many denial of coverage letters.
There are dozens of marinas that look as bad or worse than this one, devan. Then there is all the boat that was docked in front of people's houses that just shattered.
A huge loss. What a mess.
G, Buzz just told me that I had put an impasse on our comments. I looked it was there, of course, I deleted it right away. I have no idea how that happened and it is something that I would never do.
I apologize for it and have no idea how it happened.
I didn't see it. I would have assumed it was a mistake. No need to apologize.
And I didn't use my best excuse, ''old age''....LOL
I hate to say it but I wondered why people didn't move their boats.
Here they load out of the marinas. The bigger boats they move to calmer waters.
I guess no where to go really as Florida is basically a peninsula.
Doing it in reverse - not restoring a vintage photo, but turning a current photo into a vintage one.
Of course one must pick the correct subject for the image in order to make it appear vintage. There were no modern subway stations when the vintage aspect of this image appears.
What a great technique.
That is totally cool.
Evening.... Spring has sprung..
My bluebells..
But Mother Nature still flexes her muscles just to keep us on our toes..
Is that a bird bath in the second photo? Would you like me to enlarge your photos?
Morning...yes go for it..I use my mobile phone to be honest I am not sure how big the photos are..
Okay, made it a little easier to check out the details. For example, I had missed what looks like some little animal under what I thought was a bird bath.
Nothing wrong with your eyes buzz..
It's a wombat..aka bulldozer on legs..
Yes it's a bird bath under a silver birch tree in my backyard...
Thank you for you help, will try to remember to make the photos larger when I upload them as they look ok on my mobile..
Playing peek-a-boo with a little bird
I, of course, haven't been out much in awhile with my camera. Other than vacation I just haven't been out. I have updated my smart phone to the iPhone 14 Max Pro which has some camera upgrades I'll be exploring soon. It supposed to have 42 megapixels with a RAW file format. This is somewhat misleading. The pixels are actually 12 quad pixels (12 x 4 = 48) and some really, really good computational computing.
I've also purchased a new 3 axel gimble for the iPhone. With the new phone's 4K 30 (& 60) frames per second Cinematic option I plan to do some video updates on my aquariums. It will take me some time to get used to how it all works. Plus I have only the basic knowledge of video editing. Stay tuned...
As a person who refuses to buy an iPhone, looking forward to the fruit of your efforts.
I know you won't be able to use YouTube, but I think I have an alternative for you to see any of my videos.
I can watch mp4, and I have no trouble watching the ones Dig posts.
Dig uploads his videos here to NTs. I have my own YouTube channel - not that I ever do anything with it, but I thought I might start doing more. The idea is to post in one place where everyone can watch and not 2 or 3 places. Video takes a long time to upload.
The Royal Palace, Nuku'alofa, Tongatapu Island, Kingdom of Tonga - Series of 3
© G. Gam
Sadly G, it doesn't look like that today after the volcano erupted.
I read that waves flooded parts of the grounds of the Royal Palace, but I didn't know that the Palace itself was damaged.
Flooding and minor damage, G. Some of grounds took a beating as well.
I saw videos of the flooding the day the volcano erupted. It looked pretty intense. The satellite video of the eruption itself was astounding.
Your first and third images make me think my eyes are going flooey, but I really like the middle one.
OK, thanks. You know I'm experimenting a lot. Trying different things. I like the results.
Last night's sunset. Stone Creek, Ocala FL.
This morning's sunrise over the GC. Stone Creek. (photo by the SC photo club)
Morning...the beginning and the end of a day. Hard to beat...
The photos speak of peace and quiet, a massive contrast from what just happened in Florida.
Sadly, that is true Buzz.
A bit of philosophy via a visual metaphor.
© A. Mac/A.G.
Walk on in. The allure is irresistible.
My city, Philadelphia, has had the good sense to preserve natural spaces like this.
© A. Mac/A.G.
Interesting also is that Philadelphia figures a lot in the movies, such as The Philadelphia Story, Philadelphia, The Young Philadelphians, Rocky, and so many more.
Somehow the article was locked … I have no idea how as I did not lock it. Anyway … let's catch up.
Sweetgum Leaves in Autumn
© A. Mac/A.G.
That's as real beauty, Mac. Very Spiritual, and is a great bow to Fall. Reminds me of the turning of the leaves in the Shenandoah Mountains in No. VA.
Isn't that the second time that happened? I think I noticed the first time and unlocked it myself.
I have no idea. Glitches happen I guess.
But a glitch is a sometimes thing - it's unusual that it happened twice to this group. You should tell Perrie about it.
Will do.
Tonight's launch from the Space Coast I believe that it was a Spacelink launch, but I'm not positive.
Talk about over the moon.
Photo by the SC photo club.
New "poster" image.
© A. Mac/A.G.
That is spectacular.
I am flattered and I thank you.
Is it a restoration or did you take that photo? Either way it's absolutely superb.
Wondering if the unexplained locked article yesterday has kept members from posting.
The past couple of days I've had some strange things happen. On here an Impasse that I never posted and I had to remove it. Then yesterday every comment, over 50 on one of my articles Impasse appeared on every single comment. It's been bizarre for the last couple of days.
It all took place while I was sleeping, so the only way I knew about it was when you remarked about it.
Just another sunset at Stone Creek.
OMG. I've run out of superlatives.
Just found this locked again and I DID NOT LOCK IT.
It's 5:03 PM EDST. I WILL CLOSE THE ARTICLE NOW and hope this situation is resolved by this coming Thursday.