
Best Wishes to All for a Healthy, Safe Holiday & Prosperous New Year

By:  A. Macarthur  •  3 years ago  •  46 comments

Best Wishes to All for a Healthy, Safe Holiday & Prosperous New Year

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Swiss Alps

© A. Mac/A.G.

Article is LOCKED by moderator [A. Macarthur]


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A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
1  author  A. Macarthur    3 years ago

First-things-First; Check the article at the link below.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
1.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  A. Macarthur @1    3 years ago

Thanks for the link.  Will there not be an opportunity next weekend to wish all a happy, healthy, prosperous and safe new year?  If not, consider that done by me now.  In the meantime have a happy, healthy and safe holiday.

That is a mignificent image of the Alps. 

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
1.1.1  author  A. Macarthur  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @1.1    3 years ago

I will have family obligations next week and most likely not post an article until after January 4th.

Professor Principal
1.1.2  Gsquared  replied to  A. Macarthur @1.1.1    3 years ago

A. Mac, I hope you and your family have a great holiday and the best possible New Year.  And a very special thanks to you for hosting this great, great article every week.  As you know, it is a huge inspiration for me and for all of us.

Professor Principal
1.1.3  Gsquared  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @1.1    3 years ago

How is Hanukkah in China?

Professor Principal
1.1.4  devangelical  replied to  A. Macarthur @1.1.1    3 years ago

you deserve more than a few weekends off for what you do here every week. MC/HNY

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
1.1.5  author  A. Macarthur  replied to  devangelical @1.1.4    3 years ago

That’s kind of you to say & I thank you.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
1.1.6  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Gsquared @1.1.3    3 years ago

It isn't, but yesterday I celebrated DongZhi Festival.

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
1.1.7  Raven Wing   replied to  A. Macarthur @1.1.1    3 years ago

A truly awesome and Spiritual picture of the Swiss Alps, Mac. You have created a great masterpiece. Job well done!

Split Personality
Professor Guide
2  Split Personality    3 years ago

Thank You AMAC, Best Wishes to you and yours as well.

Professor Principal
3  Ender    3 years ago

Season's greetings...



I have this one ornament that cracks me up. It is suppose to be pinecones yet it looks like poop....Haha



Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
3.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Ender @3    3 years ago

Nice ornaments.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
4  Buzz of the Orient    3 years ago

Photos some of which may have been posted before, but now edited and cleaned up.  They are from all my years and many of the places I've been over the past more than 16 years.

1.  That is actually a bedroom.  The girl is sitting on the bed, and I have no idea why a bedroom would be outside unless its on display as a kind of museum piece.



2.  I think I did post this one before.



3.   I'm sure I posted this one before.



4.  This was near the school where I used to teach English.



5.  A photo I took in the gated community around the corner from us now where the big lotus pool is where I've taken many photos.  



6.  The Global Mall in Chengdu, said to be one of the biggest malls in the world and contains a huge swimming pool.



7.  Misty veiw from the top of a mountain near Luoyang.



8.   This as in Kaifeng, one of China's past Dynasty Capitals. 


Raven Wing
Professor Participates
4.1  Raven Wing   replied to  Buzz of the Orient @4    3 years ago

They are all very interesting and beautiful photos, Buzz. 

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
4.1.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Raven Wing @4.1    3 years ago

Thank you Raven.

Professor Quiet
5  shona1    3 years ago


Christmas in Australia...🐨

How we usually feel on Boxing Day..

Hope everyone has a great Christmas with family and friends...a happy and healthy New Year and around the World...Peace...🎄🎄🎄🎄

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
5.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  shona1 @5    3 years ago

I guess you don't dream of a white Christmas.

Professor Quiet
5.1.1  shona1  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @5.1    3 years ago

Evening..ah nope!!..after watching the news tonight with what Wyoming was coping...think I will stick to sun, sand and surf..not a snow flake in sight..🏖️🌊🏊☀️🦈

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
6  Raven Wing     3 years ago

To one and all .......


A blessed Kwanzaa.....


And a very.....


Wishing all......


Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
6.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Raven Wing @6    3 years ago

Health and Happiness to you as well, Raven.

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
6.1.1  Raven Wing   replied to  Buzz of the Orient @6.1    3 years ago

Thank you, Buzz.

Professor Principal
7  Kavika     3 years ago


This morning sunrise a pleasant day before the chill tonight.


 'Twas the Night Before Ojibwe Christmas

'Twas the night before Niibaa-anama’egiizhigad, when all through the wiigiwaam 
Not an awakaan was stirring, not even a waawaabiganoojiinh; 
The moccasins were hung by the smoke hole with care, 
In hopes that Miigiwe Miskwaa Gichi Inini soon would be there; 
The abinoojiinhyag were nestled all snug in their nibaaganan, 
While visions of ziinzibaakwad danced in their nishttigwaan; 
And nimaama in her moshwens, and I in my makadewindibe, 
Had just settled down for a long biiboon zhiibaangwashi, 

When outside the wiigiwaam there arose such a clatter, 
I sprang from the nibaagan to see what was the matter. 
Away to the waasechigan I flew like inaabiwin, 
Tore open the shutters and threw up the gibiiga’iganiigin. The dibik-giizis on the breast of onaaband 
Gave a shine like duct tape to objects zazagaamagad, 
When, what to my wondering nishkiizhigoon should appear, 

But a miniature toboggan, and eight tiny waawaaskeshi, 
With a little old driver, so lively and wajepii, 
I knew in a moment it must be Miigiwe Miskwaa Gichi Inini. 
More rapid than migiziwag his coursers they came, 
And he whistled, and biibaagi, and izhi-wiinde by name; 
"Now, Bimibatoo! now, Niimi! now, Babaamishimo and Moozhikwe! 
On, Anang! on Zaagi! on, Animikii and Wawaasese! 
To the top of the porch! to the top of the wiigiwaam! 
Now Bimibide! Ipide! Ombibidemagad!" 

As dry leaves that before the wiindigoo fly, 
When they meet with BIA, mount to the sky, 
So up to the apakwaan the coursers they flew, 
With the tobaggon full of toys, and Miigiwe Miskwaa Gichi Inini too. 
And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the apakwaan 
The prancing and pawing of each little inzid. 
As I drew in my iniji, and was turning around, 
Down the chimney Miigiwe Miskwaa Gichi Inini came with a bound. 

He was dressed all in gipagawe, from his head to his foot, 
And his clothes were all tarnished with bingwiand and soot; 
A bundle of toys he mangiwane on his back, 
And he looked like a adaawewinini just opening his pack. 
His ishkiinzigoon -- how they twinkled! his inowan how merry! 
His miskwanowan were like roses, his nose like a choke-cherry! 
His droll little indoon was drawn up like a bow, 
And the beard of his chin was as white as gichimookamaan; 

The stump of a opwaagan he held tight in his wiibidaakaajiganan , 
And the smoke it encircled his head like a miskwaanzigan; 
He was full up on frybread with little round belly, 
That shook, when he laughed like a wiigwaasinaagan of jelly. 
He was chubby and wiinin, a right jolly old elf, 
And I giimoodaapi when I saw him, in spite of myself; 
A wink of his ishkiinzigoon and a twist of his mangindibe, 
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to gotaaji; 

He ojibwemo not a word, but went straight to his work, 
And filled all the moccasins; then turned with a jerk, 
And laying his ibinaakwaanininj aside of his nose, 
And wewebikweni, up the smoke hole he rose; 
He sprang to his toboggan, to his waawaaskeshi gave a whistle, 
And away they all onjinizhimo like the down of a thistle. 
But I heard him biibaagi, ere he drove out of sight, 

"Happy Niibaa-anama’egiizhigad to all, 
And to all baamaapii." 

Professor Principal
7.1  devangelical  replied to  Kavika @7    3 years ago

yeah, that definitely won't be my second language, and I won a spelling bee when I was 9...

Professor Principal
7.2  Ender  replied to  Kavika @7    3 years ago

Now I have to do the Cajun Christmas....jrSmiley_100_smiley_image.jpg

Professor Principal
8  Gsquared    3 years ago

Mrs. White's house decorated for Christmas.  She uses a large hydraulic lift to hang ornaments in the trees.  About a mile from our house.


Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
8.1  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Gsquared @8    3 years ago

Holy Griswold!!

Professor Principal
9  Ender    3 years ago



A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
10  author  A. Macarthur    3 years ago


Another Philly Landscape

© A. Mac/A.G.

Professor Principal
11  Ender    3 years ago

I am going to bug you with more pics from the aquarium....

This one was hard to get a pic off. Always on the move.


The grouper was pretty good size. About 4ft.


The lonely turtle...jrSmiley_19_smiley_image.gif


Professor Principal
12  JohnRussell    3 years ago

Merry Christmas Newstalkers


A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
12.1  author  A. Macarthur  replied to  JohnRussell @12    3 years ago

Good to see you John!

Professor Principal
12.2  Ender  replied to  JohnRussell @12    3 years ago

Hey John, you need to do a Christmas song blog...

Professor Principal
12.2.1  JohnRussell  replied to  Ender @12.2    3 years ago


A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
13  author  A. Macarthur    3 years ago

O, Holy Night!


© A. Mac/A.G.

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
14  author  A. Macarthur    3 years ago

FYI: Any member of the GROUP can post an article at any time whether or not the Three Day Weekend article is up when doing so. 

Professor Participates
15  Dig    3 years ago

I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas and didn't have too much trouble with the storm. We only got a few inches here so the roads weren't very bad, but boy was it cold a few days ago, with wind chills of something like -40 with the gusts. It was warmer today and almost comfortable, but it hasn't been above freezing since Thursday so the snow hasn't melted, which made for the first white Christmas in years. It's supposed to warm up nicely this coming week, though. 








original original

Professor Principal
15.1  Kavika   replied to  Dig @15    3 years ago

A four legged Santa, what could be better.

Professor Participates
15.1.1  Dig  replied to  Kavika @15.1    3 years ago

You wouldn't believe how long it took to get that shot. Either the hat would fall off, of if it stayed on she wouldn't look up at me. Finally got her to look up by making weird noises, lol.

Professor Principal
15.2  Ender  replied to  Dig @15    3 years ago

Love it. Great pics.

I have a village scene (as I call it). Mine is Houses from Dept. 56.

Professor Participates
15.2.1  Dig  replied to  Ender @15.2    3 years ago

Thanks, Ender.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
15.3  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Dig @15    3 years ago

That is an absolutely beautiful array of photos.

Professor Participates
15.3.1  Dig  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @15.3    3 years ago

Thanks, Buzz. Several Canadian snowbirds in the first one. White-throated sparrows and juncos.

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
15.4  Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  Dig @15    3 years ago

Lovely photos. It's always nice to see members celebrating in their natural environment, LOL! 

Professor Participates
15.4.1  Dig  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @15.4    3 years ago

Haha. Thanks, Perrie. 

Professor Participates
16  1stwarrior    3 years ago


Best we could do this year - maybe they'll send instructions next year.

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
17  author  A. Macarthur    3 years ago

Getting ready to close this one down soon; remember, any member can post an article at any time. I'll begin posting again sometime after January 4th but will look in from time-to-time and possibly comment.

Happy New Year!


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