Indeed they have, Buzz. Having been to different parts of Florida at different times of the year I found there is always something great to see and learn about the state.
I, too, am familiar with Florida, Raven. I went there many times, starting at age 16, on vacations, and my parents bought a golf condominium west of Hollywood, which was inherited by my brother and me where we spent time as well. I've stayed on the east coast and the west, Disney World 3 times with my family.
Here is a photo of a piece of wood I found while traipsing through the woods around the woods of the Shenandoah Mountains several years ago. At first glance it was rather intriguing, and upon looking at it further I saw a very interesting image in the wood. I will tell you what I found, but, first want to give those who might be interested to tell us what you find in it.
Isolating this portion of the image, and sharpening it, I see at the middle of the top the face of a kind of leprechaun with a pointy nose looking up, and at the bottom a curled up seahorse.
Here's one with a big nose and a kind of pointy hat. I have not had a drop of an alcoholic beverage for more than 3 years, but I do admit that my vision is waning.
A bird looking up is very interesting, Kavika. And with all the birds in your area you are certainly well able to see such an image. (smile)
It truly is fascinating to see all the different images people see looking at the same piece of wood. And that is what makes our world such an awesome place to be.
Thank you to all who shared what you see in this piece of wood. They are all very interesting, and intriguing.
I named this piece of wood "The Lady In the Wood", perhaps not very exciting, but, it fits what "I" see.
I see a woman in a hooded shawl sitting in the peacefulness of the mountains and looking down at a woven straw hat in her hands.
It is very interesting to see the differences in what others see in the same image before them, and applying that diversity to people the world over, given their own culture, Spiritual/Religious beliefs and traditions, the world is truly a very amazing place to live. Just my thoughts.
Sunday is Chinese Lunar New Years' Day, so I'm posting photos taken previously relevant to Chinese New Year.
1. A shop in Chengdu that sold colourful (mostly red) New Year decorations. Red signifies good luck.
2. A few years back, before covid, we took a walk on New Year's Day in a Chongqing park. Dragon dances are usually a part of the celebration, so note the dragon across the lake..
3. Those lanterns were hung all along the walkways in the park.
4. On the eve before New Years' Day a magnificent show is broadcast from Beijing. In 2019 I took a lot of photos of our TV screen during the show.
10. And at midnight....fireworks to welcome the New Year.
Updated photos of the 2 40g aquariums. This first german blue ram tank will change quite a bit soon as I move the fish over to the 75g, I have to rescape this tank for the Apistogrammas currently in the 20g cube.
The forest tank will get an get a bit of upheaval as I need to take out the wood and trim it a bit so I can get a lid back on. It will basically be the same forest tank but moved around and cleaned up a bit. The grassy foreground plant - sagittaria subulata, or dwarf sag - needs to trimmed and thinned out quite a bit.
Lots to do in my little fish world AND get my mom moved out of her house before the end of February too. I also have a gigantic list of home reno projects that I have to get to as well.
The tanks are a priority and look beautiful as they are. Really looking forward to seeing them when they have been renovated and have some fish in them.
That's a really beautiful tank, EG. And it sounds like you'll be very busy for a while with other pending tasks as well. I look forward to seeing your renewed tank.
Wells Cathedral and The Bishop's Palace are very beautiful. It is one of the most beautiful places I've been in England. The Cathedral was built around 1175 on the site of an earlier church from 705AD. The gardens have a few modern sculptures. There are at least a couple of stained glass wing sculptures. For Halloween I posted a photo of a sort of creepy sculpture of a somewhat ghoulish looking guy on here. The medieval sculptures on the exterior of the Cathedral itself are considered to be the finest in England. I will post more photos from Wells Cathedral another time after I have a chance to go through what I have.
The coloured stripes on the pole in the second pic is the high water marks. The top one, or more mauve looking stripe was Katrina. That is how high the water was at that spot.
Thank you for the additional information about the Marlin. While very interesting to see, it speaks of the drastic toll Katrina caused in so many areas of life; human, animal and plant life.
A real indication of how Mother Nature can get very ugly when she gets pissed off.
This is the Hajji Alija Mosque in Pocietelj, Bosnia, and Herzegovina. It was built in 1563 and was destroyed by the Bosnian Croatians during the Yugoslavian war in 1993. It was rebuilt piece by piece to its former beauty.
I was last there in 1988 and the area is a historical masterpiece, with Roman Catholic, Serbian Orthodox and Muslims living in peace for hundreds of years until Serbia decided to try to regain its former greater Serbian empire which led to the genocide of tens of thousands of Muslims and thousands of death in Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia. Little English is spoken there but your ok if you can speak Serbian, Croatian, Macedonia, Slovenian or Montenagren. Two alphabets are used and of course three major religions.
The Balkans and the Med area are some of the most beautiful/historic places in the world.
A truly great photo, Kavika. Thank you so much for sharing. I really enjoy the various artwork from those areas, they are so very colorful and intriguing. It is most interesting that the various artwork and architecture from the different country's history tends to compliment each other. It's obvious the artwork from each separate country seems to influence each other in some way, yet, maintaining their own cultural styles, traditions and history. I find it very fascinating, as well very enjoyable.
No, it's not Wiki it's Baby Klaus and he is a Great Pyrennes, a year old, and weights around 100 lbs and will get over 150 lbs before he is done growing.
Check the article at the link below.
nice amac. something for everybody in that shot...
That's a real beauty, Mac. An amazing sunset as well.
Thank you, and that's an amazing photo - where did you take it?
Forgot where???
Sunrise at Stone Creek, Ocala, FL.
Another awesome sunset, Kavika. And well timed to as well.
SUNRISE...that is. Both the sunrises and sunsets are so beautiful it can be a bit confusing at times.
Sunrise, sunset, sunrise, sunset...
Different every day...
Red and Kavika have chosen a wonderful place to stay.
Indeed they have, Buzz. Having been to different parts of Florida at different times of the year I found there is always something great to see and learn about the state.
I, too, am familiar with Florida, Raven. I went there many times, starting at age 16, on vacations, and my parents bought a golf condominium west of Hollywood, which was inherited by my brother and me where we spent time as well. I've stayed on the east coast and the west, Disney World 3 times with my family.
There is always something fun to do in Florida. My favorite place is Ft Myers, and Sanibel is a nice place too.
Here is a photo of a piece of wood I found while traipsing through the woods around the woods of the Shenandoah Mountains several years ago. At first glance it was rather intriguing, and upon looking at it further I saw a very interesting image in the wood. I will tell you what I found, but, first want to give those who might be interested to tell us what you find in it.
Arvo Raven...I see a cat with its tail curled up..😺
Hi shona....that is a very interesting concept. Gives me something new to look for.
Isolating this portion of the image, and sharpening it, I see at the middle of the top the face of a kind of leprechaun with a pointy nose looking up, and at the bottom a curled up seahorse.
Quite an image that you see, Buzz. I really enjoy seeing what different people see when looking at the same thing.
Leprechaun?? Eye check required maybe..😃 or have you been into the Scotch to kill the germs??..🤣🤣
Nah cat with its front paws crossed and two ears sticking up with its tail curled..
Just goes to show you that we can all look at the same thing and see something different.
Here's one with a big nose and a kind of pointy hat. I have not had a drop of an alcoholic beverage for more than 3 years, but I do admit that my vision is waning.
A bird looking up.
A bird looking up is very interesting, Kavika. And with all the birds in your area you are certainly well able to see such an image. (smile)
It truly is fascinating to see all the different images people see looking at the same piece of wood. And that is what makes our world such an awesome place to be.
I see a person wearing a funnel as a hat with a skinny body, arms crossed and then turning into a fish tail....
And that is great mental image, Ender. The fish tail part is very interesting.
Thank you to all who shared what you see in this piece of wood. They are all very interesting, and intriguing.
I named this piece of wood "The Lady In the Wood", perhaps not very exciting, but, it fits what "I" see.
I see a woman in a hooded shawl sitting in the peacefulness of the mountains and looking down at a woven straw hat in her hands.
It is very interesting to see the differences in what others see in the same image before them, and applying that diversity to people the world over, given their own culture, Spiritual/Religious beliefs and traditions, the world is truly a very amazing place to live. Just my thoughts.
Sunday is Chinese Lunar New Years' Day, so I'm posting photos taken previously relevant to Chinese New Year.
1. A shop in Chengdu that sold colourful (mostly red) New Year decorations. Red signifies good luck.
2. A few years back, before covid, we took a walk on New Year's Day in a Chongqing park. Dragon dances are usually a part of the celebration, so note the dragon across the lake..
3. Those lanterns were hung all along the walkways in the park.
4. On the eve before New Years' Day a magnificent show is broadcast from Beijing. In 2019 I took a lot of photos of our TV screen during the show.
10. And at midnight....fireworks to welcome the New Year.
Those are really fascinating photos, Buzz. You did very well in photographing these sights from your TV screen and get the clarity so well.
It's a fairly big screen, around 4.5 feet wide. Makes it better for watching all the movies that I do.
That is a really big screen, Buzz. No wonder you were able to get such excellent photos from it.
Actually, last night's show was really lame compared the one in 2019, so I turned it off and went to bed about half way through it.
Our wonderful manatees at Crystal Springs are about 1/2 hour from our house.
The one with the cormorant heading for the surface is very cool. The gentle giants put a calming umbrella over the area.
Photos were taken by the Stone Creek Adventure Club.
The gentle giants Manatees are one of my favorite. They truly are a wonder and certainly deserving of continued protection and preservation.
Need a cleaning crew on the last guy.
Are those scars on its back?
No, just reflections from the water/sun Ender. But it's not unusual for them to have scars on their back from boat propellers.
I had always thought there was something mystical about manatees.
Updated photos of the 2 40g aquariums. This first german blue ram tank will change quite a bit soon as I move the fish over to the 75g, I have to rescape this tank for the Apistogrammas currently in the 20g cube.
The forest tank will get an get a bit of upheaval as I need to take out the wood and trim it a bit so I can get a lid back on. It will basically be the same forest tank but moved around and cleaned up a bit. The grassy foreground plant - sagittaria subulata, or dwarf sag - needs to trimmed and thinned out quite a bit.
Lots to do in my little fish world AND get my mom moved out of her house before the end of February too. I also have a gigantic list of home reno projects that I have to get to as well.
The tanks are a priority and look beautiful as they are. Really looking forward to seeing them when they have been renovated and have some fish in them.
That's a really beautiful tank, EG. And it sounds like you'll be very busy for a while with other pending tasks as well. I look forward to seeing your renewed tank.
Looking good.
Interior Scene, The Bishop's Palace, Wells Cathedral, England
© G. Gam
Garden, The Bishop's Palace, Wells Cathedral
© G. Gam
Very nice, G.
Thanks, Kavika.
Why is old religious architecture really quite beautiful....
I have to ask about the wings.
Wells Cathedral and The Bishop's Palace are very beautiful. It is one of the most beautiful places I've been in England. The Cathedral was built around 1175 on the site of an earlier church from 705AD. The gardens have a few modern sculptures. There are at least a couple of stained glass wing sculptures. For Halloween I posted a photo of a sort of creepy sculpture of a somewhat ghoulish looking guy on here. The medieval sculptures on the exterior of the Cathedral itself are considered to be the finest in England. I will post more photos from Wells Cathedral another time after I have a chance to go through what I have.
I remember that. That was creepy looking. Haha
Those are really great photos, G.
Thank you very much, Raven Wing.
Makes me realize how much I missed when I was in England half a century ago.
I've made two trips to England and I would love to go back again. There is so much to see there and it is a really fun place to visit.
I was having a Mac attack.
I did it again, I swear I made this post and it was not there. Maybe I am not hitting the post button...If another one pops up, just delete it...
I took these at our memorial for hurricane Katrina.
I only took a few, there was a bum laying on the bench...Haha
Great photos, Ender. Lots of interesting things to see.
The coloured stripes on the pole in the second pic is the high water marks. The top one, or more mauve looking stripe was Katrina. That is how high the water was at that spot.
Another tidbit, the marlin was carved from the trunk of an old oak tree that died after the storm.
WoW! That really is deep water, Ender. Katrina certainly played havoc in a very devastating way when it hit land.
Thank you for the additional information about the Marlin. While very interesting to see, it speaks of the drastic toll Katrina caused in so many areas of life; human, animal and plant life.
A real indication of how Mother Nature can get very ugly when she gets pissed off.
And, after the sun went down, the stars came out.
© A. MacA.G.
Another beauty, Mac. Adding in the stars makes it much more interesting.
Wilma is always blending into the wife’s seasonal decor, Buffalo Plaid in this case.
Uh oh, the dog from Friends has a partner! Haha
My Aunt had a goose on her front porch that she changed the outfits.
A beautiful master piece, Hal. Well done!!
Matching scarf made me laugh.
This is the Hajji Alija Mosque in Pocietelj, Bosnia, and Herzegovina. It was built in 1563 and was destroyed by the Bosnian Croatians during the Yugoslavian war in 1993. It was rebuilt piece by piece to its former beauty.
I was last there in 1988 and the area is a historical masterpiece, with Roman Catholic, Serbian Orthodox and Muslims living in peace for hundreds of years until Serbia decided to try to regain its former greater Serbian empire which led to the genocide of tens of thousands of Muslims and thousands of death in Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia. Little English is spoken there but your ok if you can speak Serbian, Croatian, Macedonia, Slovenian or Montenagren. Two alphabets are used and of course three major religions.
The Balkans and the Med area are some of the most beautiful/historic places in the world.
This photo was taken off the internet.
A truly great photo, Kavika. Thank you so much for sharing. I really enjoy the various artwork from those areas, they are so very colorful and intriguing. It is most interesting that the various artwork and architecture from the different country's history tends to compliment each other. It's obvious the artwork from each separate country seems to influence each other in some way, yet, maintaining their own cultural styles, traditions and history. I find it very fascinating, as well very enjoyable.
The Little Mermaid, Copenhagen, Denmark … with a few digital additions.
© A. Mac/A.G.
That is a really lovely image, Mac. Very well done!
I have to bring out the stoner in me.
...Cosmic man....
Yesterday's sunset the photo was taken from a neighbor's home. Stone Creek, Ocala, FL.
I knew it wasn't yours because that's not Wiki.
No, it's not Wiki it's Baby Klaus and he is a Great Pyrennes, a year old, and weights around 100 lbs and will get over 150 lbs before he is done growing.
That's a beautiful sunset photo, Kavika. Please give my thanks to the photographer for sharing such an awesome photo. It really is appreciated.
Sunset in Paradise, Stone Creek Ocala, FL.
Another day, another beautiful sunset, and on and on and on.....
Closing up until this Thursday night; thanks to all.