Do you know how to tell when a pineapple has ripened and ready to eat? Not by its colour, but small leaves grow from the centre of the bottom of the fruit, and while growing they take an amount of force to pull out, so when they are easy to dislodge, the pineapple is ripe. I learned that in Hawaii.
I haven't done any paintings recently, but I have been making origami butterflies. I had my husband take pictures of some of them and I posted them below.
These of course are not my pics. I was looking for rare or odd plants that I could plant around the yard. What I have now is not really rare. I have bananas growing out back. The black elephant ears on the back side of the house. I planted a rising sun redbud tree out front. I have a bird of paradise and several roses out front. I probably should go more native.
I was looking around and found this plant called black bat flower. A unique looking flower. Reading about it it needs dappled sun, a lot of moisture and cannot drop below 50°. We usually get at least one freeze a year so I guess would have to grow it in pots, which would be fine, I could put them on a shady part of the patio.
The bird of paradise I have had for about five years. First year it bloomed but every year after it really never grows. I guess when it does freeze it does it a lot of damage. It never grows over a foot tall. I finally broke down and dug it up and potted it so I can take care of it in cold weather. See if it grows now.
Watch with my luck it will be invasive and take over the neighborhood. Haha
Lived with bamboo for years. Had to trim it all down the driveway. Even on the other side. It did make a nice screen, though the bums liked to hide in it...
This guy was visiting today it's a Fox Squirrel and a protected species in Florida. Their coloring is quite different and they are much larger than the gray or red squirrel. They are very friendly toward humans which of course puts them in greater danger.
I hope that he takes up residency close by so we can enjoy him on a regular basis.
I'm glad you told me this is a Fox squirrel. I always thought the large red squirrels were fox squirrels. We had both gray and red when we moved in 20 years ago but I think the grays forced the reds out
I took the 20g cube aquarium down 2 weeks ago. The 2 guppies went into the forest tank and most of the plants went into the Iwagumi 40g tank. I tried to move all the fish from the 40g but missed 6 of the xray tetra and 2 rummy nose. I have no idea how I'm going to net them out. Maybe I'll try and find a bigger net?
The 3rd anniversary of us rescuing Kobe from the shelter as last Friday.
Sometimes I will mess around with an interesting image and turn into a "fantasy" that, in my opinion, makes some viewers want to ask questions about a possible "meaning" - but it's just something I messed with until I liked it … that's it. As they say, "it is what it is."
Mac, it's an exact replica of an old one-room school house a few miles outside of Pelican Rapids, MN. it's been there since around 1905 or so. I have driven by it dozens of times.
LOL. No way I would have found it - my vision is waning, which is why I increase my comments to 14 pt. so I can read them to make sure I don't make mistakes. Sometimes I need to use a magnifying glass to read what's on the screen.
Thanks, Buzz. We live in a forest on a mountain ridge between two state parks. The yard is filled with 100’ tall tulip poplars. They are covered in these tulip blossoms right now. It is pretty magical.
it looked like spring here earlier this week, until we had a hail storm that stripped the trees. typical colorado weather. 20 degrees cooler and it would have been a may blizzard that lasted 2+ days.
When I was a young kid at my grandmother's cottage on the beach strip of land between the far west end of Lake Ontario and Burlington (Hamilton) Bay, there were many tall poplar trees around us, but they were not tulip trees, just plain leaves. One of my memories about the place was that when a storm started to blow the wind would turn the leaves over and they appeared silver coloured.
my sister rescued a litter of kittens and their mother from under her beach house many years ago. along with the litter was a baby possum. they named it ugly kitty. it left when it grew up, but my sister kept the feral mother (shitty kitty) and 1 of the kittens after she re-homed the others. unlike the rest of her cats, shitty kitty liked me.
What makes our Group unique, among other aspects, is the variety of creative works … these are especially unique and beautiful pieces of decorative art.
First things First … check the article at the link below.
Thank you. An article well worth seeing.
What are the pink flowers ?
Let's begin.
neon rose
Everything blooms in Florida.
A neighbor's pineapple and another neighbor's plumeria.
Do you know how to tell when a pineapple has ripened and ready to eat? Not by its colour, but small leaves grow from the centre of the bottom of the fruit, and while growing they take an amount of force to pull out, so when they are easy to dislodge, the pineapple is ripe. I learned that in Hawaii.
We tried growing both of those on our deck......note the word "tried"
So, it didn't go well?
Flowering Tree / © G. Gam
Sunset Silhouette / © G. Gam
Beautiful. Your skill at editing has become so advanced you should start considering selling your photos.
Cool, eh?
Show us more of your paintings.
Ok. Um... Are you buying?
I haven't done any paintings recently, but I have been making origami butterflies. I had my husband take pictures of some of them and I posted them below.
LOL. My retirement income is only sufficient for necessities, not luxuries, but I would if I could. Let's hope for a lottery win.
But.. but.. everyone needs art!
Agreed, and we already have quite a bit of art.
Love the use of color. Really makes things pop!
Very cool, G.
“After women, flowers are the most lovely thing God has given the world.” — Christian Dior
These of course are not my pics. I was looking for rare or odd plants that I could plant around the yard. What I have now is not really rare. I have bananas growing out back. The black elephant ears on the back side of the house. I planted a rising sun redbud tree out front. I have a bird of paradise and several roses out front. I probably should go more native.
I was looking around and found this plant called black bat flower. A unique looking flower. Reading about it it needs dappled sun, a lot of moisture and cannot drop below 50°. We usually get at least one freeze a year so I guess would have to grow it in pots, which would be fine, I could put them on a shady part of the patio.
The bird of paradise I have had for about five years. First year it bloomed but every year after it really never grows. I guess when it does freeze it does it a lot of damage. It never grows over a foot tall. I finally broke down and dug it up and potted it so I can take care of it in cold weather. See if it grows now.
Anyway, this is the flower...
That is a fascinating looking flower - never saw anything like it before.
that is fascinating
Wow, that is the first one I've every seen, Ender.
I still almost think it isn't real. Says I can buy one off of Amazon for like 40 bucks, which is a little strange.
I have ordered plants online before yet that was from a nursery.
I kinda want to order one now just to see. Even if it doesn't bloom the foliage looks nice.
From what I have read though it needs a constant moisture supply with well drainage. Which down here would mean watering it five times a day....
I am curious though. It looks cool as shit. I guess if I lost 40 bucks, oh well. I have spent more than that at a casino...
It is very cool, and probably worth the investment.
Watch with my luck it will be invasive and take over the neighborhood. Haha
Lived with bamboo for years. Had to trim it all down the driveway. Even on the other side. It did make a nice screen, though the bums liked to hide in it...
Houses of old...
I'll give you some privet. It's currently taking over our property
One house that we had in Long Beach had bamboo and there is no way to get rid of it.
I had to look that one up. Not sure we get that around here.
You try to tame it....Haha
This guy was visiting today it's a Fox Squirrel and a protected species in Florida. Their coloring is quite different and they are much larger than the gray or red squirrel. They are very friendly toward humans which of course puts them in greater danger.
I hope that he takes up residency close by so we can enjoy him on a regular basis.
handsome fellow
I'm glad you told me this is a Fox squirrel. I always thought the large red squirrels were fox squirrels. We had both gray and red when we moved in 20 years ago but I think the grays forced the reds out
I took the 20g cube aquarium down 2 weeks ago. The 2 guppies went into the forest tank and most of the plants went into the Iwagumi 40g tank. I tried to move all the fish from the 40g but missed 6 of the xray tetra and 2 rummy nose. I have no idea how I'm going to net them out. Maybe I'll try and find a bigger net?
The 3rd anniversary of us rescuing Kobe from the shelter as last Friday.
LOL, gotta love Kobe. Maybe Kobe could catch those fish for you, on second thought that might not be a good idea...LOL
Kobe doesn't like water and refuses to go into the basement where the tanks are so those fish are safe. HA!
Kissing cousins.
Sometimes I will mess around with an interesting image and turn into a "fantasy" that, in my opinion, makes some viewers want to ask questions about a possible "meaning" - but it's just something I messed with until I liked it … that's it. As they say, "it is what it is."
"Anyone in There?"
© A.Mac/A.G.
Mac, it's an exact replica of an old one-room school house a few miles outside of Pelican Rapids, MN. it's been there since around 1905 or so. I have driven by it dozens of times.
"Small world" as it's been said.
I call this one find the Possum. This was taken in the dark when I heard something rustling around near the fire pit.
I can't find it.
LOL. No way I would have found it - my vision is waning, which is why I increase my comments to 14 pt. so I can read them to make sure I don't make mistakes. Sometimes I need to use a magnifying glass to read what's on the screen.
First rate beautiful!
That's some yard - a storybook forest.
Thanks, Buzz. We live in a forest on a mountain ridge between two state parks. The yard is filled with 100’ tall tulip poplars. They are covered in these tulip blossoms right now. It is pretty magical.
it looked like spring here earlier this week, until we had a hail storm that stripped the trees. typical colorado weather. 20 degrees cooler and it would have been a may blizzard that lasted 2+ days.
When I was a young kid at my grandmother's cottage on the beach strip of land between the far west end of Lake Ontario and Burlington (Hamilton) Bay, there were many tall poplar trees around us, but they were not tulip trees, just plain leaves. One of my memories about the place was that when a storm started to blow the wind would turn the leaves over and they appeared silver coloured.
My Aunt use to call the last one Sagapanthus...
Wow. That sounds so idyllic.
my sister rescued a litter of kittens and their mother from under her beach house many years ago. along with the litter was a baby possum. they named it ugly kitty. it left when it grew up, but my sister kept the feral mother (shitty kitty) and 1 of the kittens after she re-homed the others. unlike the rest of her cats, shitty kitty liked me.
I recently made these origami butterflies and origami parrot.
(© CZG)
Those are amazing, Pink.
Well done
Absolutely fantastic! You are a great, GREAT talent.
What makes our Group unique, among other aspects, is the variety of creative works … these are especially unique and beautiful pieces of decorative art.
Those are gorgeous, pink!
Very nice !
Superb. You have a great talent.
Great artistry in those butterflies. I used to do origami so I know the skill that is required. Well done!
Arvo.. Autumn colours...
Butterflies and a moth around Stone Creek.
Photo by the Stone Creek Photo Club.
Interesting cloud formations at Stone Creek.
That looks like the "Independence Day" alien invaders huge space ship in disguise.
Northern Territory, Australia
Anangu share the Mala story, from Kaltukatjara to Uluru, through drones, sound and a light show designed and produced by RamusPhotograph: David Gray/Getty Images for Voyages Indigenous Tourism Australia
Credit to Red for getting this photo of Cattle Egrets flying right at our lani.
Some shadows are smaller than others … and often barely noticeable … which, when discovered, are fascinating - in my humble opinion.
Coreopsis Flower and Tachinid Fly
© A. Mac/A.G.
Thanks to all … see you Thursday night!