Better Late than - Even Later Yet - on Creative Arts Three Day Weekend
May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand."
_ Traditional Irish blessing, ancient Celtic prayer.
Although I am neither Irish nor religious, a blessing is a blessing and to all Trails people, May the wind always be at your backs.
Photo Below
© A. Mac/A.G.

Sorry for the delay. Let us begin.
That is a beautiful photo of a beautiful sailboat.
The sailboat photo is amazing.
Thank you gentlemen for your kindness.
There are many variations of the blessing quoted …
A variation...
"The ripples of the kind heart are the highest blessings of the Universe." ( Amit Ray)
The ripples of the kind heart should outnumber those in the water over which we sail.
Arvo...wind is certainly at our backs here today...
Just about got blown off the face of the earth last night...even the Koala's were having a hard time hanging on to the Gumtrees...🐨
Asian Influenced/Asian Inspired
Water Lilies © G. Gam
Lake, Nanjing (calligraphy by Mi Fu, 1051-1107) © G. Gam
I recall back to when you first started exploring photographic technique, and IMO you've become quite professional.
I thought it would be good to post the original calligraphy that I incorporated in my photo.
The new tank arrived yesterday. It's a 10g shallow tank. This UNS 60s is 10 gallons measuring 23.6" x 14.2" x 7.1" or 60 cm x 36 cm x 18 cm. The glass is 5mm thick and ultra clear. I was happy to see it come with a mat. You've all seen the current office tank that this one will replace with all the plants growing out from the top. This will use those same plants and a few more. I picked up a red bog lilly at the local gardening center on clearance last weekend. It will get 24" tall with big pink lilly flowers. Livestock will be a few baby endlers from the current tank and cherry shrimp from my endless stock of OMG I have so many what am I going to do with them all... LOL!
I have not decided on what wood or rock quite yet. The image is really me playing around while I water tested it overnight. The second image are some of the plants I ordered specifically for this build (and a movie I ordered too). I have floating plants coming in today's mail from another online hobbyist.
It’s mostly done…
That looks great.
Thanks. I still need to add the big lily, find a new light and probably swap out the sponge filter for a baby canister filter.
Can't wait to see it.
You bring new meaning to "Water World".
I was sitting on my patio with my sister, enjoying our cups of coffee when this caught my eye. A turkey vulture sitting in the neighbors dead tree. H was just chilling, enjoying the warm morning air. He sat there for a good 45 minutes after I noticed him/her.
We have a lot of turkey vultures up here, but I can never get a good photo of one.
Never saw one before. I assume they're not at all concerned about Thanksgiving.
This is just a weird photo I somehow took of Independence Hall in Philadelphia. I have no idea how it came out this way but I shot it with my iPhone at dusk and I was standing still.
I've done these with both the iPhone and the digital camera. One can't stand still enough in low light without getting blur. Sometimes though they do look cool.
Well, the building is haunted … maybe the ghosts were all coming out at once.
Slow shutter speed can create some unique effects.
© A. Mac/A.G.
Looks like a nice spot for a house. A house I lived in for about 20 years was on the edge of a reverse ravine, or is that the effect of an extreme lens setting?
Arvo...the big and the small..a huge ship just came in to load up on wheat..
Just because this makes me happy.
Just a reminder that seasons come and go. My office, circa early December, 2018
Does your office have like facilities?. A place to eat, sleep, bug you all day while enjoying the view.
The tradition of FIREWORKS is almost as old the United States itself. And it began in Philadelphia .
The first Independence Day celebration took place on July 4, 1777 — one year after the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Continental Congress.
Well, of course it started here in Philly!
Then Disney World got the idea.
© A. Mac/A.G.
I believe fireworks were first used where I am. Here, firecrackers are used to chase away evil spirits.
Happy 4th of July!
Fireworks Over Washington D.C. © G. Gam
Nice array. The "show" here is pretty good on certain occasions as well.
Got lots more Disney Fireworks pix!
© A. Mac/A.G.
Enjoy, but be careful nobody lights a forest fire - Canada is on fire these days.
Arvo...dead calm today but rather chilly...down to 12oC...where is summer..
A mirror-like surface. Dead Calm is the name of a scary movie, but fitting because it takes place on a sailboat.
Isn't it always eerily calm when it is cold...
Great pic.
Evening Ender...not often we see the sea this calm. It was dead still today and that's rather rare living on the coast...
Makes you always wonder if it the calm before the storm..
I probably shouldn't show this but oh well. I am not ashamed.
This is an old pic I have of my Grandfather.
Handsome chap I think.
Very handsome... movie star material..
Great lapels.
Thanks to all … have a safe Fourth; see you Thursday night.