Autumn Streams In on Creative Arts Three Day Weekend
Pennypack Creek, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania
© A. Mac/A.G.
From time-to-time, I should remind all members of NT, etc., that when posting photos, artwork, etc., it's important, when posting, that you own, and/or legally represent the licensing, copyright, etc., of what you post, and TO PROTECT YOUR WORK, TO INCLUDE YOUR COPYRIGHT SYMBOL/INFORMATION; and/or, WHEN POSTING COPYRIGHTED PROPERTY BELONGING TO PARTIES OTHER THAN YOURSELF, TO …
Thanks, A. MAC

Will be busy with family until late Saturday … will try and check in. Keep it going.
... and please remember to vote up this article.
Take off from Little Lake Arlington, Stone Creek. Ocala, FL.
Love the ripples and reflections.
They create an ideal background.
Perfectly timed shutter click.
I posted one of my autumn streams pics last week. Rather than sticking to absolutes, I will post a picture I took at work today.
Another perfectly composed & exposed image and great subject matter!
Thanks, AMac.
I have to admit, it is much easier for me to take a photo when I am looking through a view finder than looking at a phone. I will take a long-ish lens and a circular polarizer over a phone any day of the week.
Excellent landscape shot.
Thanks, Buzz.
Evening...this is right where I go swimming..
Umm Mr Great White ran into some Mr Orcas...and he came off second best...Mr Great White was 4 metres long the Orcas bit him in the middle..
See that's why I bought a red surf goes faster..
I'm sure not unhappy to see THAT baby lying there.
Yep just a little tacker..
give the seagulls a couple days and then go back and pull the teeth to sell to yank tourists...
Morning devangy...there is another beach here where you can find fossilized sharks teeth they are far better...
The carcass has already been removed sent of to the scientists for examination and see what they can get off it with Orca DNA etc.. not sure why but what ever floats their boat or in this case shark..
There was a pod of 6 Orcas sloshing around in the area the other day...just as well the weather has cooled off so hopefully they have moved on...I like Orcas but don't particularly want them beside me in the sea...
Nah we take pity on Yank tourists we sell them Vegemite instead..
well as long as you give them a packet of seeds with it...
Caught a ten ft. shark in Mexico once while fishing for Marlin.
The guys beat it to death with blue clubs.
They cut the teeth out with a machete and gave them to me.
I was ten years old. Not likely I'll ever forget that day.
when I was 15 I went fishing with my granny in the texas gulf. having only been fishing for trout in CO, WY, and UT before, I learned the hard way about the dual meaning of the phrases "how were the fish biting?" and "did you get any bites?"
Arvo..times have changed and these days most people are for the sharks..
I look at it we are in their territory and therefore fair game..even when people here have been taken their families will come out and not hunt/cull them etc...
Most of the time the sharks are long gone and they have no idea which one did it anyway... unfortunately NSW and Qld still use shark nets along their beaches..
Totally useless and often whales get tangled up in them and then people risk their lives to go out and save the whales...
Fortunately they seem to have a very high success rate in freeing them...
Butterfly Reflection - © G. Gam
Most colourful butterfly I ever saw.
It wasn't flittering around in my backyard.
Ha. Thanks.
just think of all the colors if it hit your windshield at 75mph...
Like driving on windowpane.
It would be the most colorful insect splatter I ever saw.
that bug is from the 60's.
Get hip, dude. That's a retro-bug from 2023.
heyyyyyy mannnnn.... don't harsh my gig, mannnnnn...
Mellow out, bro.
Haha, that tricked me. As the image faded at the bottom I found myself looking for a 'continue reading' button like on MSN articles, to make it open up in full brightness.
Maybe I just need some sleep, lol.
Nice work, btw.
It's a PowerPoint framing "style".
And, thanks, Dig.
A perfect stained glass widow!
Cool. Thanks.
© G. Gam
With a hot-cross bun.
I took that photo through the front window of our car waiting in the drive-thru line at our local In-N-Out Burger. I was sitting in the right front passenger seat since my wife was driving. I tried to give it a painterly effect, and then I added "Double-Double" as a Pop Art reference somewhat à la Ed Ruscha. Ruscha painted and photographed a lot of Los Angeles scenes. "Double-Double" is their most popular menu item - Double meat, Double cheese. Thus, your "bun" reference is appropriate. Being lactose intolerant I hold the cheese, but always get extra grilled onions.
Oh, I thought that "Double double" was referring to coffee and my comment was a play on an accompanying pastry and the crossed trees.
Fingers crossed.
Reminds me of It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. Great movie.
the first thought that went thru my head too...
I'm only familiar with our local In-N-Out location, and I wasn't aware about their connection to the palm trees. It looks like you got it right.
The not-so-secret meaning behind In-N-Out’s palm trees | KTLA
And, it was a great movie.
This is an ADA 25s - a shallow 2g tank. The wabi kusa balls are made of clay covered in dried sphagnum moss. Early Saturday morning I soaked one of the two Wabi Kusa balls for just under an hour before moving some of the project up to the dining room table. A hook and some line come with the ball and I used that to wrap it in Christmas moss that I've been saving for this project. Eriocaulon Cinereum 'Polaris' was wrapped around most of the circumference of the ball, while the Hydrocotyle Tripartita went on top. I've been misting the ball once or twice a day, just so those plants don't dry out before they get established. I've no idea if this will work either. The parlor palm, Anubias Gracilis and Ludwigia Palustris 'Super Red' are wedged in behind the ball with room there is a nano sponge filter (not in the photos) in the back left corner. After I took the photos below I noticed how unlevel the table really was and fixed that as best I could.
Everything still looked green last night.
Morning..that looks really great evil..
You certainly have a talent and everything looks so natural..
Thank you. We'll see in a few weeks if everything is still alive.
do you add creatures to that?
I didn't, but I could add some shrimp or decorative snails. It would be pretty small for fish.
Beautiful, EG.
Have you thought about putting together a photo book showing your amazing creations? You could describe and show the creative process and the finished results just like you do here. I think people would be very interested. We all are.
Not really. It's a hobby and that sounds like work. Hahahaha! j/k. Maybe sometime in the future I could do something. I need to upgrade the 'fishroom' a bit first and that's way down on my to do list. I have a kitchen, 2 bathrooms, an office, and some exterior work to do before I get to fishroom.
Maybe you could make a few bucks, though.
Looks green to you... looks good to me.
Tdday I got caught without my camera (phone) on the way to the store I passed right by a couple of our lakes and there were six wood storks standing right next to the sidewalk about 20 yards from the lake. They first made a showing a few months ago and everyone thought that they were passing through but here they are again. All six of them.
I took a photo of the internet to show what they look like.
they were resting, there's no stork deliveries in a retirement community.
There is a lot of viagra being delivered though. LOL
Arvo Kavika...they look very similar to our Jabiru's....
Yes, they do. Here is a photo of a Jabiru.
This is just a close up of some mums, but for some reason I'm mesmerized by it. I keep opening the original (this one is resized) and staring at it full screen.
Yes, I can understand that, but when I think of some mums.........
(internet photo)
Or a group of Grand Mums.
(internet photo)
Gorgeous colour...
Beautiful, Dig.
I took another train ride. Steam Locomotive N&W 611 is pulling excursions from Goshen VA to Staunton and back. Goshen is way back in the Virginia mountains and very scenic area .
This is the locomotive that pulled the train and the dome car I rode in. The rides are very popular and sold out quickly
Great photos, charger. I love trains.
That's a beauty. I've been trying to put together a quiz on train movies especially for you but I can't find a good enough list. Maybe I'll try to do a combo like a do for actors.
That would be fun
Here's some wild flowers, not sure of the name.
Not sure, but they may be asters that didn't care for the weather, but the morphology of the stems and leaves makes me think more of sage... Any help?
Thanks, Dev. I appreciate the help.
Pussytoes? Make sure the former POTUS doesn't see them.
The trees are turning fast now. The oak leaves at the top of this image were still green two days ago.
A standard, non-showy maple. Nothing fancy, but still showing a little color.
A bumble bee getting some of that last nectar.
One of the last zinnias of the year.
Buckbrush, or coral berries. This stuff seems to grow everywhere in and on the edge of the woods. Deer munch on the berries all winter.
A couple more mum close-ups.
And Buddy.
Morning Dig ..what a lovely selection of photos...and what a great way to start my day....thank you..
The weather is crap here almost back to winter again...overcast, very windy, cold and heavy passing showers...even the cat has come back to bed..
I could actually use some of that. It's been pretty dry here lately, with only a few very minor showers that barely wet the ground.
brilliant cat.
Not at 3am in the morning it's not..when it decides to sit on me for some reason and sink it's claws into my face...are you awake??
Well I am now!! food dish is only half full..I think I am starving, do something..
as a member of his human support staff, you're on call 24/7/365...
Great photos, Dig, as usual.
Thanks, G.
buddy in launch mode...
He's in a perpetual launch mode, lol.
Reminds me of the song, Autumn Leaves.
I didn't forget my camera today and got some great Wood Stork photos (there are now 8 not just 6).
Plus the Pelicans are back early this year, they usually don't show up until between mid-November and mid-December.
Is this just too cool? A Wood Stork in full flight.
Eight Wood Storks with assorted other birds.
Who knows what type of bird this is? The first correct answer will win an all-expense paid trip to Palaka, FL.
Fantastic shots, Kav!
No idea about the last bird.
Great shots, Kavika. The one on top with the shadow is a fabulous catch, and the bottom one with no name Is one of the best bird flight shots I've ever seen..
Thanks, Buzz.
Nice photos. It's an osprey isn't it? Nevermind already answered...
Yes, it is Greg.
Osprey (Sea Hawk)
We have a winner.....Check your mail Greyhound tickets to Palaka are on the way. You'll have a suite at the No Tell Motel and all meals at Tiny's Fast Food and Bait Shop.
I'd rather be lucky than competent.
Good thing for you I didn't win, or you'd have to pay for a pretty expensive trip.
© A. Mac/A.G.
Wild horse from New Forrest, England. In this 115 sq. mi. nature reserve wild horses and cows have the right of way and you can walk right up to them. They are hearty breeds that receive virtually no human intervention in feeding or veterinary care.
Thank you and goodnight. See you Thursday night.