It's November on Creative Arts Three-Day Weekend
A November Late Afternoon ~ the Low Hanging Afternoon Sun Casts Long Shadows
© A. Mac/A.G.
Democracies Under Attack
From time-to-time, I should remind all members of NT, etc., that when posting photos, artwork, etc., it's important, when posting, that you own, and/or legally represent the licensing, copyright, etc., of what you post, and TO PROTECT YOUR WORK, TO INCLUDE YOUR COPYRIGHT SYMBOL/INFORMATION; and/or, WHEN POSTING COPYRIGHTED PROPERTY BELONGING TO PARTIES OTHER THAN YOURSELF, TO …
Thanks, A. MAC

Show your creativity.
As it did in a rural area of Ontario west of Ottawa a little more than half a century ago.
And the low hanging sun causes long shadows seen from our smaller balcony only a few years ago
November is ''Native American Heritage Month''.
This is a photo of Chief Hole in the Day The Younger ( Bagonegiizhig) from 1825 to 1868 when he was assassinated when traveling from Crow Wing, MN to Washington DC. He was a prominent Chief among the Ojibwe but with many enemies. It was national news when he was assassinated.
Yes, that is a turban, and the Ojibwe wear turbans and not the full feathered headdress you see in most photos of Indians. We also wear feathers mixed with the turban or separately.
What is considered the last battle of the Indian Wars was fought over this chief. He was to be arrested when he escaped to the Ojibwe Leech Lake Reservation (Gaa-zagaskwaajimekaag) and the US 3rd Infantry was sent to arrest him but instead were confronted by a mixed band of Ojibwe and the Battle of Sugar Point, Leech Lake, MN. October 5th, 1898 took place with the Ojibwe defeating the US Infantry, and Chief Hole in the Day was never taken captive.
Fast forward to 2011 When Leech Lake Ojibwe native Anton Treuer, Professor of Ojibwe Studies at Bemidji State University, Author of numerous books and considered one of the foremost experts in the Ojibwe language authored the book "The Assassination of Chief Hole in the Day''.
Today there are still many relatives of Chief Hole in the Day living in northern Minnesota and of course Anton lives there as well with his wife Blaire and nine children and is responsible for spreading the Ojibwe language. Now most businesses in Bemidji have Ojibwe names as well as English the same with state and federal building and also directions and explanations of various sites around the city.
A direct line from Chief Hole in the Day to Anton Treuer, both Ojibwe and both very prominent.
Very interesting.
Thanks, G.
Early November in Wisconsin
Wait, what is the white stuff, sand?
Some people thought more movies should be filmed up here so they spread out some coke to entice the Hollywood execs. Hahaha!
LOL. You know damn well what it is as do I, but both of us have now escaped from that cold white stuff. Of course, at least I don't have to worry about hurricanes.
That is an awesome photo. Truly excellent.
Good start to the weekend! Keep 'em coming.
A. Mac/A.G.
There is a competition between you and Kavika as to who can post a more beautiful sunset. Keep them coming - I do miss them.
Morning...went for a walk along the foreshore y'day and bought an egg and bacon sanga (sandwich) and capucinno..
As always soon as you sit down a friend appears. He was wanting hot chips but still ate some of the sanga under sufferance..
It's possible that the bird might not like the idea of eating eggs, in fact of ANYONE eating eggs. drama...If he doesn't like it..shark bait for him..😁😁
... flying rats.
Morning devangy...this is what we call bin chickens or chooks..
Also known as Ibis..
Scholar's Desk Screen - © G. Gam
Through the Door - © G. Gam
Èze Villa - © G. Gam
The top and bottom images are highly publishable IMO. Exceptional!
Well done, G.
... definitely has my color palette locked down.
Love the small villages and towns in Europe..they have so much warmth and character...
Excellent photos as usual. I do recall seeing that Scholar's Desk Screen posted by you quite a while ago, but in its original colours.
Gidday Raven..long time no see..🐨
A snail Kite with a talon full of lunch.
The only place around us or in central Florida where you see this type of Kite is Paynes Prairie State Park, around 30 miles north of us. The photo was taken by the Stone Creek Photo Club.
The park is 23,000 acres with every type of bird and wildlife you can imagine. From gators to buffalo to wild horses.
Isn't that a fish in its beak?
Morning Buzz...I know it's early morning there but put your glasses on.. hasn't got anything in its beak but something in its claw..😊
Well, as I've said perhaps because of my age my vision is waning, which is a reason why I up the font from 12 to 14 points so I can see what I'm typing and I don't use CHAT because the font is too tiny and since I touch type it's hard to hold a magnifying glass and type at the same time. I just copied and pasted the photo on a word document and enlarged it and then used a magnifying glass. What I saw was what looked like a small thin fish being held horizontally in the bird's beak, but then I guess it's just part of the background behind the beak. What I see in the claws is awfully small, but perhaps they're snails.
There is nothing in its beak, Buzz but there is an apple snail in its talon and that is why they are called snail kites which is the main source of food.
What a great photo...
Tuesday morning at work...© TomE Artsite
Is that the moon?
Yes, it is.
Can you imagine how much that photo would be worth if it were actually a UFO?
Ack! Ack! Ack!.... (From the movie "Mars Attacks")
We get quite enough strange people around here without the added draw of that.
Maybe where you are people listen to Nelson Eddy singing Indian Love Call.
Monday afternoon...© TomE Artsite
I really like that picture - there is something calming about it.
Thanks, Buzz.
Just as an FYI, The large mountain in the distance is Crane Mt.
Morning Thomas..what do you do for a living as it certainly looks like a fantastic work place..
I work at a ski mountain in the Adirondack State Park, New York.
We used to joke that the pay wasn't all that but the view from the office was spectacular.
they have mountains in new york? me being from colorado, I really had no idea...
Morning...stuff the pay when you have views like that and out in the fresh air... though I guess it will be a tad chilly when it does show etc..
Do you actually live on the mountain or do you have to travel each day... regardless you really do have a fantastic place to work....
Saying good night and thanks to all.