Good Evening Earlier than Usual on Creative Arts Three Day Weekend
Seems appropriate for this time of year; Pennypack Creek, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
© A. Mac/A.G.
Back again!
From time-to-time, I should remind all members of NT, etc., that when posting photos, artwork, etc., it's important, when posting, that you own, and/or legally represent the licensing, copyright, etc., of what you post, and TO PROTECT YOUR WORK, TO INCLUDE YOUR COPYRIGHT SYMBOL/INFORMATION; and/or, WHEN POSTING COPYRIGHTED PROPERTY BELONGING TO PARTIES OTHER THAN YOURSELF, TO …
Thanks, A. MAC

Lest we forget.
Democracies are the hope of a civilized humanity.
Democracies are the hope of a civilized humanity.
Hear, hear!
Early or not, here we are.
The earlier the better!
Hanging around the yard at home last Saturday.
(All images © G. Gam)
I like the progression you chose for those 3 works. the first one pulls me to my french impressionist happy place.
Very nice, G.
Along with the other photos of it I've seen previously, you have an absolutely beautiful property - made even more beautiful by your skillful editing.
Really nice G
Members MIA?
Sorry about that. I've been busy trying to find the Mogen Dovid.
Good. Finally found it.
LOL, mad dog 20 20.
??? Probably just 15 5 these days.
MD 20 20 is what the younger crowd drinks, it cheap and sweet, it's real name is Mogan David wines usually grape or the sweetest available the 20/20 stood for 20 oz and 20 % alcohol.
LOL. As a person who has imbibed Mogen David wines on certain occasions since I was a child maybe I should have known, but I'm not familiar with the vernacular of the "younger crowd" any more. For me 20 20 was an eyesight designation. When I was younger my eyesight was so good I was the school's marksman champion and if I had ever been the right age to serve my country in a war I would have been a sniper. However, the reason I said 15 5 is because my right eye is half blind and my left eye isn't so good either.
LOL, Buzz when I was a teenager M D 20/20 was popular and I'm damn near as old as you are, 39.
I've never seen the designation "M D 20/20" before.
AKA Mad Dog 20/20.
This week and next week will be tough as we close out the last week of the AEP...
I have no new photos for this week so I'm re-posting some oldies but goodies.
Sunset after a rain. The sunset through the screen creates a very interesting photo.
Think of it as a “vintage” photograph.
That's a fabulous photo for a lot of reasons.
My honey and me at Twilight Time. St. Pete Beach on the Gulf of Mexico.
Could be the most beautiful photo you've ever posted.
Can I assume the YouTube is "Twilight Time"?
Sorry Buzz, yes it is the original by the Platters.
Great photo of you both!
Just as I remember the two of you; may fate be so kind as to bring us together once again.
And I am a believer in fate, Mac.
I can't believe it took this long, but Buddy has finally discovered the bird feeders. He's taken to sitting on the platform feeder of late. Luckily, his bright coloration is easy for the birds to see, so they stay well clear of him. No feathery massacres yet.
And of course he finds the Christmas tree irresistible. He's learning, though. After getting yelled at and tossed outside several times, he's mostly leaving it alone now. Mostly...
He's getting snipped on Monday. Poor little guy, lol.
Morning...ahh yes the snack take away if you can catch cat Mishka just turned 13, but at times she is like a 3 yo...
She is well past climbing up the Christmas tree now thank goodness..
Wiki has been trying to climb up the Christmas tree for years but she can't reach the bottom branch. She is short but long...LOL
Is Mishka a Balinese? Very pretty.
Morning Dig...wellll actually it is meant to be a Rag Doll..but...
When you read the traits of a Rag Doll it doesn't really fit..gentle nature, drapes on you, can't defend itself, strictly indoors etc etc..
Well something went wrong..she hates my brother's three cats and brawls with them..climbs up Gumtrees, hates sitting on me other than at 3am when it decides to park itself on my stomach...
Goes out of patrol at night and a very fussy eater..I stand in Woolies gazing at all the cat food thinking this one sounds nice..
Bring it home give it to her..what else have you got, I am not sure about this, are you trying to poison me, I don't think I like that and chucks a hissy fit and wobbly..
All the other cats I have had over the years have been feral or dust bin jobs..tough as, eat anything and loved sitting on you..
But I wouldn't be without her even if it does need to get a job and pay for its food she won't eat..😊
Morning Kavika... Mishka has shortish legs as well which is good..she can't jump over the fences annoy neighbours that is one advantage..
She has never bothered with the Christmas tree, but my brother could be in for it. His wife found a stray early this year out in the could fit in the palm of your hand..10 months later and Cheetah is into everything and feral as..
I can't wait to see what happens to their tree...have a feeling Cheetah will be up it and it will be on the floor in no time more often than not..🤣
Cheetah is a lot bigger now than when this was taken..
Look out tree.
Thankfully, Buddy eats almost everything, even bugs. Anything that hops gets pounced on and gobbled up. He seems to really like crickets, lol.
What a cute one that one is.
My SIL doesn't think so when it is swinging off the curtains...and she rescued Cheetah...🤣🤣
But naturally all is forgiven with that cute little face..🙄
Looks a lovely Christmas tree you have there dig..🎄🎄🎄
Here's the whole thing. It's a new tree this year. Smaller than the old one, but easier to manage. No presents under it yet, just Buddy down there again on the lower right, lol.
Santa tree topper.
Some of the ornaments close up.
Magnificent. I never had a Christmas tree.
Wow that looks really fantastic..
I am afraid I usually shove the tree up a few days before Christmas and then pull it down Boxing Day..
Sometimes I feel a bit of a Grinch..but it might be different this year..lost my 92 yo aunt in May and my 90 yo mum has just gone into care and we are selling her house..
So just maybe I will put it up earlier and take it down later..
Let the lights shine out into the night and bring some joy to the world..
Maybe someone can start a post with people taking photos of their Christmas trees and putting them up for the enjoyment of everyone..
That might be fun.
even more fun if it's put where the "war in xmas" folks can be instantly deleted...
oops, war on xmas...
©A. Mac/A.G.
Did you mean "Snowbird"? There'll be lots of Canadian ones in Florida soon.
My spelling error; will correct. Thanks.
Those Juncos are Canadian snowbirds. They just showed up here recently, too. I don't have them in the summer.
Did you ever watch the movie Fly Away Home?
Anna Paquin and the geese? Yup.
It's actually based on a true story. I've watched that movie a few times, and always like to see Toronto, my former home, in the distance shortly after they start the trip south.
Arvo... it's amazing anything survives over there when everything is either frozen or it's snowing...brrr..
And I sook when it's 10oC and complain about the cold ..
It's 10 C here now, and people wear coats and hats in their own homes because the electric heat is expensive.
Outside of our clubhouse.
Do they have the light's in the trees all the time or only at Christmas time??
Just at Christmas time, shona.
Let's hope, these days, that it's not going to be vandalized.
I don't think that it will Buzz it is inside our security gates.
I'm glad you're living in a gated community.
Our neighbors are in South Africa at the moment and sent us photos from Walvis Bay SA.
These photos were taken by the Stone Creek Photo Club. There are 3 or 4 people in the club who are at a professional level in photography. The photos are from Big Lake Arlington about one block from our house.
Superb! Especially the top one.
Thanks Dig, the Photo Club really gets some fabulous shots.
So do you. Comment number 6 above is no slouch.
Thanks, Buzz.
Sent by a Cultural Resources bud in Canada - oh so true.
LMAO, oh do I remember that.
No, just a normal Canadian winter when I was growing up. I don't think you'll see that much again since global warming has been getting worse.
Photo by a member of the Stone Creek Photo Club. Some of the people that belong are just unbelievable in their talent. The photo was taken next to one our lakes in Stone Creek.
My view while walking the dog yesterday afternoon. It was a wet day, but not wet enough to ground the local hot air balloon operator.
Nice shot. Rugged terrain is so photogenic, even in bad weather. Must make for nice views on your walks. Strange weather for ballooning, though.
I think they book way in advance, and then only cancel if it's unsafe to go up. Dreary doesn't count.
Morning Sandy..what a magnificent place to go walkies with your doggy... certainly makes you appreciate Mother Nature...
Excellent shot - I enjoy seeing misty mountains in the distance - lots of them here. Your local balloon may be an everyday thing, but I was in for quite a surprise when I walked out on my balcony here and saw this one morning a while ago.
Could it have been a "spy balloon" from the USA? LOL
It's a frequent thing in summer and fall. I can go for months without seeing it, then see it every morning or evening for a week straight. I believe the operator makes pretty decent cash taking people up for a bird's-eye version of the view I posted.
Another Florida sunset.
Morning... pretty hard to beat Kavika..
Wow! Just Wow!
This was taken in WA Dec 1st...
Not my photo...
That is an unusually strong-coloured one. I used to watch the ones from the north when I was at my lakeside chalet north of Toronto.
I remember seeing it when I lived in Australia, shona..
Well done Group!
Shutting down for now. Many thanks to OLD FRIENDS & LONG-TIME-REGULARS who made this week's article awinner.