"Less is More" on Creative Arts Three-Day Weekend
© A. Mac/A.G.
Proverb. "less is more". (paradox, oxymoron) That which is of smaller quantity could be of higher quality . That which is less complicated is often better understood and more appreciated than what is more complicated; brevity in communication is more effective than verbosity. quotations
A big thanks to BUZZ for last weeks THREE-DAY-WEEKEND article and to all Group Members who made it work so well!
A. Mac
Lest we forget:
From time-to-time, I should remind all members of NT, etc., that when posting photos, artwork, etc., it's important, when posting, that you own, and/or legally represent the licensing, copyright, etc., of what you post, and TO PROTECT YOUR WORK, TO INCLUDE YOUR COPYRIGHT SYMBOL/INFORMATION; and/or, WHEN POSTING COPYRIGHTED PROPERTY BELONGING TO PARTIES OTHER THAN YOURSELF, TO …
Thanks, A. MAC

Happy New Year!
Same to you. Both of the images you posted above are outstanding.
HNY amac!
And the same to you!
1. And a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous New Year to you and yours.
2. Your two images above are not just excellent examples of the proverb, but excellent photos as well.
3. You're welcome - I'll give you a hand any time you need.
Happy New year to you and Mrs Mac..hope she is doing well as I am going...will see what 2024 brings..
We will hit New year's we💥ll and truly before you mob as always..🎉🎊💥🎆
Thanks shona; hope you are doing well. My wife will be going through a change in medication which, after 4 years or so, seems to be the protocol. Happy New Year and good health.
Gull on the Beach (© G. Gam)
Also an apt and exceptional example of the quoted proverb.
Thank you.
Sunrise at a horse farm in Ocala, FL.
Since I don't harbour grudges or allow disagreements alter long time friendships and collaborations I think that is a magnificent photo.
Let me rephrase that..
Since I don't harbour grudges or allow disagreements alter long time friendships and collaborations I think that is a magnificent photo.
Some portraits of family members (two nephews and a niece on my wife's side) I've done over the last months, from the earliest to the most recent, which was from a party at our house on Christmas Eve this year.
(All images © G. Gam)
The photos of your nephews are interesting interpretations, but I'm afraid I don't know what to say about the one of your niece.
Thanks. The portrait of our niece is a profile view.
I think I would need to see something a few degrees closer to the original to figure it out.
I just looked at it again, and it was plain as day what it was. Guess my perceptiveness varies, unless I needed to have it explained to me.
Each of these is quite unique, well composed, with excellent use of light, tone and execution!
Thank you very much.
In keeping with the proverb:
A couple of weeks ago I ran across a rafter of wild turkeys near my sister's house. I took the photos with my iPhone through the windows while I was driving by and cropped and edited them in photoshop.
© A. Mac/A.G.
Morning.. no offence but they are fuggly looking things...how do they go in the roasting dish??
Plucked and stuffed.
This looks prettier?
© G. Gam
Among birds, they sure as hell wouldn't win a beauty contest.
I actually miss the stuffing more than the flesh.
At least in that photo it looks tolerable.
Umm..Sorry should have translated..
I mean how do they taste?? Are they good eating??
I took that photo in Australia. That's an emu.
Delicious if it's not too dry.
Nothing wrong with our Emus..
Tough as nails and on our Coat of Arms.. because they can't walk backwards the same as Kangaroos..
Far as I know we are the only country that actually eats its Coat of Arms..😁😁😁
Hate stuffing..only thing I don't eat..🤢
Chacun a son gout.
what? who doesn't like a mass of soggy croutons baked inside an evolved dinosaur?
Morning... guess I could always add Vegemite to that..😁
It would be wise if it tried to not look like a turkey.
why not? I doubt that could do any more damage to the realm's legacy of epicurean cuisine.
HNY Shona
Arvo.. Vegemite improves everything..
Happy New Year to you too.. hope it is a good one for us all..
Health, wealth and happiness..
Very good, but I hear the wild ones, like this one, taste a bit gamey. I've only had domesticated turkey, never wild.
Morning..bit like wild duck that my brother shoots..
I find it to strong and also gamey and not thrilled about spitting out shot gun pellets...
I know my uncle killed one and brought it home for Grandma to dress and cook, and she told him to never do that again.
And now that Thanksgiving and Christmas are over they're safe to show themselves. LOL
Ours are safe until Christmas rolls around...then they have the wind up 'em..
I think there's a spring turkey hunting season, too. April, I believe, around here.
In time for an Easter family dinner?
Depends on when Easter falls on the calendar, I suppose. Most families I know serve ham for Easter, but I'd prefer turkey, myself. Not wild turkey, though.
I usually serve lamb from NZ.
Down in the crevices the clouds creeped along.
But on the high hillside the sun held sway
Happy New Year !
Let's hope so.
Morning...well the count down to New Year is really on now..
Hope 2024 is a good one for us all and health, wealth and happiness always...
And oh yes...we just love overseas tourists...so you are most welcome..
Fortunately not my photo..😁
Is that one of Australia's welcoming committee?
Absolutely... it's that or Vegemite..😁
Happy New Year New Zealand..
2024 has arrived..🎆🎊🎉💥
4 more hours to go from where I am.
Welcome 2024 to the Geat Southern Land ..💥🎉🎊🎆🦘🐨
Same to you and be safe and well.
Thank you very much Mac.
Happy New Year to all who come here; old friends who return and long-standing regulars.
A. Mac
© A. Mac/A.G.
Model Railroad Club I belong to set up this display for Local First Night celebration. This layout is made in sections and can be taken apart. We hope to start construction on permeant home for our trains this summer.
Obviously not "N" gauge - can't keep mine on the damn tracks
HO gauge, we had a few derailments
We had 3 trains running.
Recently there was a picture and discussion of hot air ballons in local area, The Ballon was out again and I got this picture
This is the station and Main Street, Needs scenery work and Track needs ballast but the trains ran and people liked it. We got this together in 6 afternoons
Happy New Year to all!
Thanks for the pictorial of your holiday, doing something that you enjoy.
And, from our clan to all of you and your clans - HAPPY NEW YEAR.
That looks an awful lot like a "Keep on truckin'" step.
Evening 1st...
Happy New Year from us mob to you mob.. hope it's a good one for all mobs...
Morning...always start off the New Year right..
Toasted muffin and Vegemite..all is right in the world..😊
Morning.. happy New Year to me.. capucinno and cake..
Looking good. The new year didn't bring anything out of the usual for me, but I do look forward to the delicious special foods when festivals here occur, and the next one will be Chinese New Year on February 10th.
What kind of cake, Shona?
Make sure you take photos please.. always good to see what other people have etc...
Maybe we should export Vegemite to China... second thoughts maybe not..might cause WW3..🤣🤣
China lifted the tariffs on wine, etc. but if they knew what vegemite was I'm sure that would get a permanent ban.
Hummingbird cake...very nice just made this morning..
I've heard of it, but never tried it.
Now I'm craving cake.
How many hummingbirds did it take?
Calling this one as "at an end". Many thanks as always for a outstanding participation!
Happy New Year, ack on Thursday night.