Although I have been remaining logged off of The NewsTalkers these days I will log on long enough to post and moderate this article due to A.Mac's request. As I've said many times already, I will not let him down. None of us should let A.Mac down, because his attention is very much needed elsewhere. Although I've chosen to make my theme for this article young children, everyone is free to post, and encouraged to post, whatever creative work of art that they wish. You can even post photos of your own kids or grandchildren, or even yourself as a kid, if you wish.
On their way to a party or celebration
From time-to-time, I should remind all members of NT, etc., that when posting photos, artwork, etc., it's important, when posting, that you own, and/or legally represent the licensing, copyright, etc., of what you post, and TO PROTECT YOUR WORK, TO INCLUDE YOUR COPYRIGHT SYMBOL/INFORMATION; and/or, WHEN POSTING COPYRIGHTED PROPERTY BELONGING TO PARTIES OTHER THAN YOURSELF, TO …
Thanks, A. MAC

Welcome back to CREATIVE ARTS 3 DAY WEEKEND. Please post your creative artworks, photos, drawings - you are most welcome to do so. I intend to post some photos (mostly taken by me) of young kids that I have encountered in this magical land.
Young students at Shaolin Temple, birthplace of Zen Kung Fu.
"You talkin' to me?"
Guess who this kid is. (HINT) This photo is more than 80 years old and it isn't in China.
This photo was on an article I posted about 5 days ago but was wiped off the Front (Home) Page within a couple of days because, after all, it wasn't about American politics and only one member gave a shit about it. She is only 18 months old, and she is a MOVIE STAR. Have you ever seen an 18 year old so poised in your life? (not my photo)
Young students at Shaolin Temple, birthplace of Zen Kung Fu.
I had heard about the Shaolin monks many years ago. Much of what I read about appealed to me.At one point I was seriously considering applying to live in one of their monasteries and learn their practices!
I visited Shaolin Temple twice, the first time not long after I arrived in China, and a monk there taught me the proper way to pray at a shrine to Buddha or any Buddhist god or goddesses We have a small shrine to the Buddhist goddess GuanYin (Goddess of Mercy) in our home to which my wife lights incense and prays on special Buddhist days. that's a hop!!
Not my photo... happened yesterday down Geelong way..
You'd think it had wings.
It took a second jump from the top of the fence. Still impressive. Can you see this video?
I can open the article, but not the video.
Bummer. I'm trying to find a way to post it so you can see it.
Nah... that's what Vegemite can do for you..
More bounce to the ounce..
On the linked article I can't open the screenshot or the video. The video is on Facebook and Facebook is blocked here. Ironically, I can open and watch the video ad on the right side of the article.
Is that an Australian beer can?
More bound to the pound.
No..that is some red bull self respecting Aussie would drink that rot gut..
Foster's is the go here..
I never realized that they were such powerful jumpers!
They could win the high jump gold medal at the Olympics.
Arvo Krishna..
If a roo really gets going they can hop approx 45 feet in on bound on the ground..
They are deceiving and are extremely strong animals....
This is a Big Red Joey so only a little tacker..
Not my photo..🦘
f'n oz jackrabbit...
When only the best will do..😁
Liz is a fabulous fantasy feline.
Me, two minutes ago.
Liz, sent this morning by the cat sitter. She gets sad when the luggage comes out.
You're looking a little pink - these days be careful. Where I am the temperature has been over 100 F for over a month, even the nights are hot, and I haven't stepped outside of my air-conditioned apartment the whole time. Liz is very good at looking sad.
Morning Hal... lucky you..not a bad looking beach..
Yippee first day of Spring, Summer next can't wait..sun sand and surf..
But the last 4 days we have been blown off the face of the earth..we are now expecting 130kmp gale force winds... great..
Nice moggy they always know when you are going away...
Morning..geez don't you get cabin fever? Don't you go outside in the evening and get some air?
Detest air con and refuse to have it in my house.. prefer an open window any day even if it is 40c outside..
Use to open the window at work people would have a sook about office my rules..
One of the reasons I hate hospitals so much can't open the windows and always to stuffy for glad to get out of them...
The first 69 years of my life were spent in Canada where there can be snow on the ground 5 months a year, from mid-November to mid-April. It may be warming up somewhat there these days, but here when we sleep my wife wraps herself in a blanket and I don't. This (at least in a rural area of Chongqing) is her home town, and Chongqing is known to be one of the three furnaces of China. It's almost as hot all night as it is during the day. It should cool down in a week or so and we can go play ping pong on the outdoor tables and exercise on the exercise facilities next to our building and go for walks again. I'm happy as long as I have a computer and internet and a 4.5 foot screen TV and 8 channels that show movies in English, and I pay 100 RMB (less than US$15) a month for a streaming service that provides me with hundreds of movies I've not seen). These days I often watch 2 movies a day, and sometimes 3.
The Utricularia Graminifolia in the shallow bog has melted this week... It might be a plant conversion issue, but I'm not holding out hope. Also, as with most of the aquatic plants, the Eriocaulon Cinereum in the office Paludarium also melted over the weekend. I'm contemplating possible do overs in both of those tanks.
In the meantime I dusted off the 6g nano to try for the first time what's called a "dry start" where I grow out the carpeting plants before flooding the tank. I've planted dwarf hair grass in the substrate and put some mini pellia on the elephant skin stone. I need to keep the humidity up by covering the tank with plastic wrap, but not so high as to invite mold growth.
That looks like a big moldy butterfly.
I apologize if you considered that an insult - it wasn't meant as one..
Pink Orchids (© G. Gam)
My favourite flower. When I was a teenager and I would take out a date for a formal dance or prom I would normally give them a rose corsage, but if the girl was really special to me, she got an orchid corsage.
Morning...yes orchids are magnificent flowers..when I visited Singapore went to special orchid garden.. it was just totally over whelming the colours and variety..
Hi shona. I've been to the Singapore National Orchid Garden. It is an amazing, beautiful place.
Here are some of the photos I took there:
All images © G. Gam
Morning G... absolutely stunning photos you took..thanks for that..
Think the first photo is my favourite..
Magnificent and beautiful.
At School, Near Sihanoukville, Cambodia
School Kids, Canterbury Cathedral, Canterbury, Kent, England
All images © G. Gam
Those are good ones, and here is one of mine:
School kids in a newly constructed school replacing one that collapsed in the massive 2008 earthquake in the mountain area of Sichuan Province, China.
A drawing by my friend Alanis Obomsawin, of the Abenaki tribe, an exceptionally talented filmmaker who has received multiple honourary doctorate degrees, illustrating the native residential school students.
Because this is Labour Day weekend this will be a 4 Day Weekend article, ending Monday night instead of Sunday night.
I'm sorry A.Mac, but with a whole weekend day gone by without a post by anyone but me, and only 33 comments which is less than half of the usual by this time, perhaps I'm not the right person to manage the Creative Arts Weekend. Maybe someone else will volunteer their time, talent and attention while you're indisposed.
Sorry. I did not have anything to post this week. Buzz can handle it this good weekly event, sometimes you get a lot sometimes less
Maybe I should have taken into consideration that this is a holiday weekend before posting that comment.
Sometimes I don't think I have good enough stuff for the week because we see some really good and interesting stuff here
Just as you learned doing the Movie Quizzes, the more you do, the better you get.
Whose labour day is it?
Ours is back in March...
Ahhh I see it is our friend's across the swamp...not only behind time wise but holiday wise...
Canada and the USA for sure, not sure about anywhere else. Labour Day is May 1st in China. do a great job Buzz so hang in there...
Just depends on what is going on in the 4 corners of the world and things happen...
I had rellies down for three days, plus we got blown off the face of the earth the last week.. there is leaf litter everywhere, branches and trees guess who will on yard duty now the wind has stopped..reached 120kph here..
My mum's house finally looks like it has been sold after nearly a year and getting ready for a visitor from Italy staying at my brother's..
And that is just on my patch of dirt, or on my rock island as Devangy refers to as..but under neath it all he really is jealous and wants to get his hands on some Vegemite...🐨
Yesterday we had a very short rain and wind storm of hurricane force, strongest wind storm I've ever experienced in my 18 years here. It was sudden and unexpected, so strong in blew a window that had been almost completely closed to swing right around and jam against the wall. We had to call a repairman to fix it. It reminded me of what I did to my father's car when I was just learning to drive. Now the weather is finally alleviated a little to the extent that for the first time in a month I'm going to leave our air-conditioned apartment and go to the bank to draw out some of my pension. So shortly I won't be on the computer for a little while.
Must be a thing for windows..been blowing a week here and the other night the glass in my bedroom window frame was loose and making noises.. enough to keep me awake...
Hmm so I asked a friend and he came down and put some silicon all around it..thank goodness he did as that night it hit 120kph here...not a peep out of it...I am sure it would have blown in otherwise..the storm was classed as a cat 3 cyclone..we get them once every blue moon...
This morning it's dead calm sun and blue sky...will open the front door when it warms up some more and let in some fresh air...
Back from my trip to the bank. It's still damn hot and sunny out there. Saw that a tree next to our building was knocked over by yesterday's wind storm.
Speaking of children this is a photo in the 1870s of a Métis(May tee) or Michif family taken in Centerville, MN.
From the left Cecilia, Pierre Paul, Pierre Paul Jr. Gageatant Blackbird and Simon.
The Métis are one of three indigenous groups in Canada.
We were taught about Louis Riel, leader of the Metis Rebellion, in school.
Nobody even TRIED to guess who this is.
It's ME.
Thanks to all who contributed votes up, images and commentary.