The "Magic Hour" Opens Creative Arts Three Day Weekend
The "Magic hour" is the time just after sunset and just before sunrise , producing warm colors of gold, pink, and blue. For photography, this specific time can be ideal for matching the hues and colors of lights and buildings.
For example …
San Juan Straight
© A. Mac/A.G.
Magical Boat Ride
© A. Mac/A.G.
From time-to-time, I should remind all members of NT, etc., that when posting photos, artwork, etc., it's important, when posting, that you own, and/or legally represent the licensing, copyright, etc., of what you post, and TO PROTECT YOUR WORK, TO INCLUDE YOUR COPYRIGHT SYMBOL/INFORMATION; and/or, WHEN POSTING COPYRIGHTED PROPERTY BELONGING TO PARTIES OTHER THAN YOURSELF, TO …
Thanks, A. MAC

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Crescent Moon/Yesterday's Sunset © G. Gam
you definitely have an eye for artistic composition G. you, amac and a few others make me appreciate this group very much.
Agree for sure on that Devan.
Thanks, dev.
Morning great photo G..
Actually noticed the moon the last few nights while standing out the front with the cat at likes to creep around in the dark while I stand there and freeze my arse off..the things we do that to appease the little dear..
Get very clear night sky here and saw the crescent but also a faint outline of the rest of the moon..
I thought I may need an eye test but apparently what I am seeing is correct after googling it..
Not my photo...
Thank you, shona.
You were in the right place at the right time when an unusual combination enabled you to record a rare vision with a perfect photo of it.
I was at home, looked out the window and saw the crescent moon. I thought it might make a nice photo, so I went out on the balcony off my office upstairs, took a few shots and there ya go.
it's definitely a window shot, and I was also thinking a window frame for it would look great. I really like how the tree branch creates the perception of a foreground without there being one in the picture. like stepping into space ...
I didn't take the photo through a window, though. I stepped outside on the balcony to take it.
I would say the tree is in the foreground.
I get all that. I'm suggesting your picture hung on a wall would look like a view from a 3rd story window.
Got it.
with the tree, you know the ground is there, although it doesn't appear in the picture. IMO the tree enhances the balance in the composition.
very nice
Thanks much.
cool pics, but aren't vintage motorcycles worth anything in your neck of the woods?
I found out just before the photo was taken that it hasn't run since 1974. I don't think the original owner and current owner care about it's worth, but I'll be it's next owner someday.
some of those things go for many times their original price and parts are still available for them. I have a friend that restored them as a hobby before he became disabled, and now he has a garage full and a sentimental attachment to them, which probably means they won't be going anywhere even though he can't ride them now.
A very nice image of a doe, but what is amusing is that a bike is parked under a sign that says "NO PARKING ANYTIME".
I recently took these at a botanical garden in Halifax.
Morning Hal..yes hard to beat dahlias for colour and variety..we grow them here in the thousands and every Anzac day April 25th they make a floral carpet out of them. It's in remembrance of the fallen in WW1 and all wars sice..
We are the only town in Australia that does this..not my photos.
These gardens had a similar arrangement.
Monday November 11 is Remembrance Day in Canada when and where the flower of remembrance is poppies. This famous poem was written by a Canadian medic about the fallen in WW 1.
When my wife and I were in Shanghai I took this photo when we came across a bunch of poppies:
Yes November 11th is Remembrance day here too..the 11th month, of the 11th day and of the 11th hour..
Lest we forget..
just love those colors and the variety ...
Amazing photos!
Startling colors.
FABULOUS colours. Never got to the east coast of Canada.
Those are beautiful!
Welcome to The Newstalkers, Ella S.
Thank you : )
Morning...have a rose growing at my front is one plant but the flowers change colour multiple times depending on how old they are..
Starts of yellow and ends up red.. reminds me of the colours of sunrise and sunset..
ripper! oops, caught me watching oz youtubies again ...
Morning..and it's bloody ripper if it's really good..🐨
well then, bloody ripper!
It changes colours? Interesting. But you mentioned Sunrise and Sunset. What that does in my mind is make me think of the song "Sunrise, Sunset" from the Broadway Musical Fiddler on the Roof. This Youku version has about a one minute commercial preceding the song video, but I suppose you could open it on youtube. It makes me a bit emotional to watch it.
LINK -> (屋顶上的提琴手)Sunrise Sunset 日出 日落-电影-高清完整正版视频在线观看-优酷
All the pictures are so beautiful - a couple from my last trip to the local arboretum
As the days are getting a little bleaker, it's nice to be able to see some beautiful flowers like those.
My pictures from spring and summer help me through the NE Ohio winter
It will get cold where I am, but not so cold that I'll never have to experience ice and snow again (although they do have indoor ice rinks for skaters that are useable year-round).
Hey Robert! Don't think I've seen you for some time. Glad to see you now.
A Mac
Thanks for that, I drop in now and again
I stayed away (mostly) to avoid all the hate slinging during the election campaigns
I love your posts and checked them out even when i was not commenting.
Keep up the great work
© A. Mac/A.G.
Arvo Mac.. similar coast line to where I live...can't beat the sea..
YOUR photos make me think of John Masefield's Sea Fever.
I believe I indicated some time ago that that photo or one like it was reminiscent of the paintings by Canada's famous Group of Seven and Tom Thomson. This one of the most famous of them, Tom Thomson's West Wind.
here is one from Victoria, BC....
©TomE and TomEArtsite
This image was taken in Butchart Gardens at about noon at the end of May, 2006. I can remember taking it because I was using a little point and shoot digital that did not have any way of turning off the autofocus. I had some copies printed up and I matted them, milled some sycamore, built frames, sold them ...All this info, and I still cannot remember what I titled the picture.
Arvo apt name I would think would have been "solitude"....
That would have been a great title, but I think that it was something incredibly imaginative like "Tiny Purple Flowers" actually looks like a Forget Me Not..but can't quite tell..
A very nice photo, the kind that can tell s story. Although I've been to Vancouver a few times I never got to see Butchart Gardens. Sorry I missed it.
You could call that a Royal Photo.
I felt honored to capture it and look through my butterfly photos often
I ran into this friend early one morning in the arboretum
Morning Robert..two of my favourite things..Monarch butterflies and Green frogs..
I don't get the green tree frogs here in Victoria they live up in Queensland and grow quite large...
That's one big frog, and its legs could be delicious.
5 Mouthwatering Ways to Cook Frog Legs
LINK -> How to Cook Frog Legs: 5 Delicious Methods
Touch one of our Green frogs and you would be hung, drawn and quartered..they are lovely froggies..
But you are more than welcome to a Cane toad..just a tad poisonous..
Revolting bloody things and are now a plague here..yuk glad it's not my photo..
Are you kidding? It scares the shit out of me, which is an accomplishment with my constipation.
Did it sing "It isn't easy being green"?
No..Just happy they don't live in France..
That's understandable.
Part Abstract, Part Representational. Sometimes when you can't make up your mind, if you get lucky, you get the best of two worlds.
© A. Mac/A.G.
That image is absolutely magnificent. In your case it wasn't luck, it was skill.
Calling this one "finito" … thanks to everyone, see you Thursday night.