Birds in the Snow; Getting to be that Time Again on Creative Arts Three Day Weekend
American Robin
© A. Mac/A.G.
© A. Mac/A.G.
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Thanks, A. MAC

Happy Thanksgiving!
Hope yours is joyful and delicious. I thought that at least robins migrated.
Would you like me to enlarge the photo you posted?
Yes, please do Buzz. I have a new computer and it is so different than my old one I have to learn everything all over again.
I didn’t have any birds in the snow photo so I posted some deer in the snow.
Although I didn't get to celebrate Thanksgiving, here are some of my photos of feasts during traditional festivals or other family get-togethers here:
Chinese New Year
Dragon Boat Festival
MId-Autumn Festival
My bother-in-law's birthday. From left, my wife's nephew, my wife, my (late) mother-in-law, my brother-in-law, his wife.
Don't remember this one, but the tablecloth says it's our apartment
Just a meal for me, my wife, her daughter and two nieces. That's a baked whole fish bottom right
For niece's birthday we went to the "Roast Fish" restaurant in the huge mall department store across the road. That is one big flat fish covered with different vegetables.
A well-composed photo.
Birds on a Wire (© G. Gam)
Birds on a Wire 2 (© G. Gam)
Birds on the wire generally means rain is on the way. That’s because a low pressure barometer is what almost always accompanies rain and low atmospheric pressure means less dense air making the birds body relatively speaking, more dense than air, therefore making flight more difficult. Sitting then is preferable to more strenuous flying.
How’s that? It makes your photographs not only aesthetic, but also a statement regarding animal behavior in relationship to atmospheric phenomena.
yeah, I’m showing off!
I like it! And, I learned something. Thanks for that.
Morning..the only time we see birds doing that is when they are getting ready to head north for the winter..
what about posts? do posts count?
Arvo..hmm looks a half decent beach.. anything thrilling in it?
Sharks, crocs, jelly fish etc etc..
I bet the wind is coming from off-shore
sharks √
alligators √ in the marshes inland
jellyfish √
etc etc √
the flying rats are waiting on their next human handouts ...
99% of the time ... when are you hitting the waves??
Can recommend a red surf mat..
I always thought pigeons were the flying rats.
I live about 6-7 miles from the ocean across the Santa Monica Mountains. We can tell when there is a storm at sea because some seagulls will actually come this far inland.
Morning...we have bin chickens here (Ibis)..
They get into the rubbish bins and create quite a mess...
Not my photos..
Nice beaks.
It makes me think of Alfred Hitchcock and Leonard Cohen.
In case you didn't understand what I meant, I wasn't criticizing your photos, but that they made me think of Hitchcock's movie "The Birds" and Leonard Cohen's song "Bird On a Wire".
Image from the movie The Birds:
I understood what you meant and I didn't take it as a criticism.
Okay, thanks. I was concerned that you may have.
Morning...well we have birds but I certainly don't have any in the snow..we don't get snow where I live..but here are some pics of birds that are around my house..
I am very lucky where I am as the birds love the gumtrees as they flower and then turn into nuts which the birds eat...
Not my photos..
Rainbow lorikeets
Gang gangs
Wattle bird
Eastern Rosella
Crimson Rosella
As you can see the Corellas have very long beaks and dig up farmers crops, people's lawns, attack and chew houses and cars..they love electrical wiring and strip off the insulation etc..destructive little buggars..
Not my photo thank goodness..
Looks like the movie, ‘’The Birds’’.
don't they sell exploding bottle rockets on that sandbar?
Morning...why?? Nothing wrong with a bit of wildlife in the all adds to the culture...
We get roos bouncing around in the streets as one bothers them..
the carnage in the burbs here is usually flattened pelts that used to be bunnies and squirrels. you've got to travel up the hill for the exotic stuff like deer, foxes, coyotes, and raccoons ...
Hardly ever see dead rabbits here on the road..damn things have got road smarts and rarely get flattened..
Roos and Emus do a lot of damage, roos being the more common fatality especially around here with the jinkers heading to the Port..
Damn! He's a big fella!
I almost hit a deer this morning. She came running out of the woods and I saw her just as she was running towards my car. She stopped and I stopped. then we both went on our merry ways
Glad you both stopped..yes they give you a fright..
Roos are buggars they bounce along the side of the road, lull you into a false sense of security then literally bounce out in front of your car...
Usually not a good outcome for either..
Me, too. She was running straight toward me. There were steep banks on each side of the road, so she panicked and went back and forth trying to decide which one she could climb. The sun was reflecting off the road surface after the second "zig", so I just hit my brakes as hard as I could, because I couldn't tell where she was. Right in front of me - that was where she was. She chose a bank, climbed it, and we both left none the worse for wear.
Glad you got stopped in time.
That's quite a colourful variety.
Something Different,
Some of you may have heard of the REPUTATION OF PHILADELPHIA SPORTS FANS! A few years back, there was a courtroom with a real judge in the basement of Philadelphia Veterans Stadium at every Eagles home game.
For those of you that have NETFLIX, consider checking out the following movie; it's only 25 minutes long, is a true story and in a number of ways gives a real account of segment of life here in Philadelphia. The narrator is a real Philly guy, one of a number of unique human types, this one indigenous to MY PHILLY. He's not me and while we share a similar passion for our sports team, he's from a different neighborhood tan I, in "a city of neighborhoods" as Philly is sometimes known.
One caveat … language … lots of "F" bombs … but they are dropped authentically. At times, when dialoguing on-line with a self-ascribed "bad ass" from a certain political entity, I suggest they "leave their guns at home and come run their mouths at a Eagles' home game!
A good friend who shall remain nameless can attest to Philly badassism in the person of (the deceased) boxer, Willie "the Worm" Monroe; that's another story for another day.
The movie: It's not about baseball, it's about the place I have lived my entire life, and I confess, there are insights to who I am (though not entirely) within the movie.
Again, on Netflix.
IMDb didn't have a trailer to watch, but at least I got to see Stewie the Dog.
Ah, Willie ‘’The Worm’’ Monroe tough as nails and fighting as a middleweight when some of the best of all time were plying their trade. ‘’He’s a Philly fighter’’ was heard you knew that it would be a hella fighter. The gym wars are legendary. Benny Briscoe, Bobby Boogaloo Watts, Eugene Cyclone Hart and Kitten Hayward. Willie’s three fights with the best of all middleweights, Marvelous Marvin Hagler, are the stuff of legend. Marvelous only lost three fights in his 70 fight carer and the only one that he lost that was not controversial was to ‘’The Worm’’, Marvelous won the two out of three. To get in the ring with Marvelous once was crazy but three times was legend of a real tough guy.
RIP, Willie.
it's not much of a philly championship unless the fire dept, some ambulances, and the coroner also show up ...
Sorry, there's no trailer available from the graphic; I cropped it out. Anyone wanting to watch the video should just access Netflix if they can.