Never too Many Images of the "Magic Hour" on Creative Arts Three Day Weekend
Monument Valley Sunset
© A. Mac/A.G.
Can't Remember Where I Took This
© A. Mac/A.G.
First-Things-First; Check the Article at the Link Below.
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Thanks, A. MAC

Good Evening.
You captured three magnificent sunsets.
very nice x 3, amac. great monument valley shot.
Beautiful photos Mac! Have a happy and healthy holiday!
And to you as well, Perrie!
Err ummm... yesterday you mean..
Your evening is our yesterday..and our today is your tomorrow..
Phew..glad we got that sorted..🐨
the kiwi's have you beat ...
Morning...psssttt half their population is over here so that mob hardly count .
Besides what's two hours between friends..other than when they forget and ring me at 5am for a gas bag..😁
I don't think our definitions of gas bag are the same ...
Morning...ahh you need to check your Aussie dictionary..
Means you are up for a yack, talk, speak, flap your gums..
And it also means you are full of wind, gas etc..
So depends on the context it's used in..
But absolutely clear as here, but can lead to confusion with overseas tourists...which we take great delight in..
pretty close, or bloody close I guess ...
Yep and that's damn close..🤣
Sunsets were an important thing in my life when I was a young kid spending my summer vacations at my grandmother's summer cottage on the narrow beach strip of land that separated the far western tip of Lake Ontario from Burlington (a/k/a Hamilton) Bay. The cottage faced westerly over the bay and I would watch the beautiful sunsets from her screened in porch. My lakeside chalet looked north-east over the lake and it was at the bottom of a hillside so I only got to see the sunrises. The sunsets in China that I have seen are really nothing special so I have little to post.
Sunset over the Yellow River near Zhengzhou, Henan Province.
Sunset over the mountains, taken from my home in Chongqing.
Nice, Buzz.
Thank you Dig.
Arvo...sunrise near my town and down the harbour..
Not my photos as I am hardly ever up at this uncivilised hour..😁
My contribution of sunsets.
Lake of the Woods, Canada
A terrific contrast of the brilliant sun with the foreboding darkness of storm clouds and the lake reflecting both.
Gorgeous. Is that where the wild rice grows? I remember you showing a picture of it being harvested once, and thought it was from a lake somewhere up there.
Yes, the wild rice harvest is here and in many other lakes and rivers in MN and Canada.
I guess this is kind of a sunset. Here's the extent of my outdoor holiday lighting. There's no way I'm climbing up on the roof, lol. This is from back on Dec 4th, right before dark, with a crescent moon and Venus overhead. I thought that was kind of cool.
Seasonal stuff in the kitchen.
This year's tree.
Starry light effect.
Bella in the tree, preparing for Operation Ambush Santa.
Merry Christmas!
uh yeah, I hope your tree stand is screwed to the floor ...
I hope not all of those ornaments are glass
the ex would put up all her xmas shit before thanksgiving and my cat howard would terrorize her by rearranging it and knocking the tree over for the next 50 days ... he was such a good kitty ...
So what you are saying is..
You trained Howard well..🐾🐾
What a name..that is so moggy..
his brother's name was roger ...
Bella hasn't come close to knocking it over. She's only climbed up in it a few times so far, and not very high. I was expecting worse.
consider her point of view. you know she likes climbing trees, and now you've brought one indoors with a bunch of dangling stuff hanging in it. it's a huge cat toy, in the house, while it's cold outside ...
Haha, yeah. Still, she's been better with it than I expected.
I never had a Christmas tree, but I have to tell you that yours is decorated more beautifully than any I can remember seeing.
It truly is, Buzz and a cat in the tree tops it off.
OMG. My vision really IS waning. I'm going to the optometrist for an eye exam and a new pair of stronger glasses. Have to add a new verse to The Cat's in the Cradle - The cat's in the Christmas tree.
Thanks, Buzz.
Morning are well organised..
I am thinking about shoving the tree up today... can't rush these things.
By far the best Christmas tree ornament I have seen, especially with eyes..🎄🎄
Just how big is your Christmas tree??
... not big enough for one of those obnoxiously loud and foul smelling drop bears. put the shipping crate away ...
You're no fun..
It's a privilege to have a drop bear in your tree..
How could you resist..🐨
It's only a 6 footer. The last one was a 7 footer, but it got replaced last year. It was old and needles kept falling off and making a huge mess when it went up and came down. This new one is nice and clean, and being smaller makes decorating easier to manage.
It looks huge..I am sure Bella loves it..
Well I have progressed with my tree it has made it into the loungeroom..
Lol. One step at a time.
Got the decs out and have got Chris Rea song "driving home for Christmas" on a loop for 1.5 hours..🎄🎄🎄
Arvo.. success..🎄🎄
Looks great! Does your cat ever try to climb it?
No thank goodness..she is 14 so it's now beyond her...
she could knock it over if she really wanted to, by why bother, she knows you'll take it down in 2 weeks ...
Morning... nah..I usually take it down Boxing day..annoys me after awhile..
She likes to sit in the boxes though when I am trying to put it away..
At the moment it is to busy snoring on my bed after stuffing its face..
she's not snoring, she's purring ... ... bloody servant, learn your place ...
Oh so true..
That is an array of very pleasant photos to view.
Nice pictures, all!
The dog picture is just spectacularly amazing. Everything looks as if it is headed in the same direction.
Great shots. I especially like the dog one.
Outstanding group evilone!
Great start!
Sunset (© G. Gam)
... under a pastel sky.
Nice. A view from your home?
Thanks. Yes, that is looking west across the canyon from the front of our house.
Great colors.
Thanks, Dig.
Expressions of Autumn
Branches and Clouds (© G. Gam)
Branches and Clouds (© G. Gam)
Fall Leaves (© G. Gam)
"Mid-Autumn Letter" by Wang Xianzhi, 344-386 ( Jin Dynasty, 265-420) (© G. Gam)
Calligraphy is an ancient form of communication, and a way to record ideas and information, many believe to be China's supreme art. Here, I used part of an ancient scroll by one of the premier Chinese calligraphers, Wang Xianzhi, imitated in what is considered an excellent copy by Mi Fu, 1051-1107, and created a piece I think of as art within art.
Obviously you've been influenced by Chinese art. What you did with the calligraphy is absolutely magnificent.
Thanks much.
I am influenced by Chinese art. I even took a class in Chinese brush painting at one of our local universities about 42 years ago taught by a wonderful artist from China. It was a couple of years after I finished law school and I needed to do something fun. Maybe I will check and see if I have anything worth posting.
haven't seen a klinker from you yet ...
LOL. You mean you didn't have fun practising law? Think of the saying by Confucius:
Oh, now you tell me. 45 years too late...
Well, I did enjoy my law practice, but I have to say that I really loved and got so much more feeling of accomplishment and reward from teaching, even privately besides at the school. Mind you, I'm sure that the traditional ingrained respect for teachers in China had at least something to do with it. I think both you and I know about the extent of respect lawyers get where we both did our thing. Shakespeare didn't write "The first thing we do, let's kill all the teachers."
I love the clouds in the black and white one.
Photo taken in the mountains of Georgia last year.
is that a tree that was broken, or some kind of bush? wtf?
It is a tree Devan, there were a number of them around. Unique is an apt description of them.
That is a really unique tree. Glad you recorded it and showed it to us.
Wow. Any idea what kind of tree it is?
I believe that it’s a ‘’Japanese Red Maple’’, Dig.
I have seen plenty of those, but they did not assume that particular morphology. Is there a chance that the tree in the photo was damaged in some weather event? Or perhaps made to grow that way?
There were at least half a dozen of them in the Japanese garden area all exactly the same, Thomas.
Morning...not particularly good news from down my part of Victoria..
A massive bushfire is burning north of here...the dreaded bushfire season has began early and I fear it will be one of many this year..
We are in no danger but many others are and the cost on animal life is heart breaking. The only consultation it was started by lightning and not a fire bug...
Smoke has reached Melbourne 250 kilometres away and down over my town on the sea 200 kilometres away...could smell the smoke before I saw it .. as eucalyptus has a sharp acrid smell when burning..
Not my photos..
Smoke reached Melbourne..
Photo from space..not looking good...
Stay safe.
The brushfires have started in WA as well, Shonia.
Morning..yes WA started before us and have been coping temperatures around 40 for a few weeks now..
Both states are well down on our usual rainfall..which in itself is a foreboding warning..
That doesn't look good at all.
No afraid not..they are now evacuating a small town called Hall's Gap..been there many a time and it's very scenic and unique..
The town has been threatened numerous times over the years but think only a miracle will save it now..the fire is heading straight towards it..
Are there many koalas where the fire is? I hated seeing video of burned koalas that were being rescued from another fire a couple of years ago. Poor things.
Arvo dig... unfortunately yes the area is full of them and they can't get away.. same as the possums as well..
Roos and wallabies can move out, wombats head under ground, emus can run etc..but it's the slow moving animals that cop it..
Animal carers will be gearing up big time and move in as soon as the fire front passes and start looking..
It is an extremely distressing time for humans and animals.. it truly breaks your heart..
It does.
A Pair of Deer Friends Enjoy a Starry Night
© A. Mac/A.G.
Morning...what a beautiful photo..
I enjoyed both your great photo and its homophonic caption.
AND a reminder of Vincent Van Gogh.
As the mighty Mississippi River winds its way south it passes through the small town of Wabasha, MN surrounded by fertile land for miles. Wabasha is the oldest town in Minnesota and quite beautiful on the shores of the Mississippi surrounded by the town is a monument (statue) of its namesake, Chief Wabasha ll AKA ‘’Red Leaf’’. Leader of the Dakota Sioux and hereditary chief of the Dakota which plays a huge part in MN history and the history of the US. The Dakota War of 1862 was short and bloody with mass casualties on both sides. In Mankato, MN is a park known as Reconciliation Part which I have visited many times. It is the scene of the largest mass execution in US history. 38 Dakota were hung in a public square in Mankato large crowds were invited and it was a festive time, sadly not for the Dakota. Every December the Dakota Sioux that were banned from MN forever ride their horses from South Dakota to Mankato in memory of this event. The trials lasted 2 to 3 minutes for each and over 300 were sentenced to death. Lincoln stopped many of the executions with a total of 38 hanged that day and 2 more a year later.
The statement by the Indian agent overseeing the Dakota reservation made the comment when the Dakota were starving said ‘’let them eat grass’’ thus with nowhere to turn the young Dakota attacked all towns in the area. They also left a symbol of a farm family killed and grass was shoved into the man's mouth. The meaning was clear.
This is Wabasha ll, AKA Red Leaf it was his great-grandson Wabasha lV that led the fight.
Wabasha ll is my 5 x great-grandfather and his great-grandson, Wabasha lV was my great-grandfather.
The executions took place on December 26th the day after Christmas (irony) with a crowd of around 4,000 celebrating. It should also be noted that the trials and executions were illegal. The US ignored the fact that the Sioux as an independent nation should have been afforded the terms that all nations have and should have been treated as POWs.
What is he holding in his right hand? It that a "talking stick" in his left hand?
That is a sad but amazing part of your family history. I am so envious that you know so much. I wish I knew more.
I very lucky in that respect, Perrie and it is also quite exciting to see the many parts of Canadian and US history that my ancestors played a part in.
The fact that 4 x , ggrandfather was part of the Lewis and Clark expedition was a shocker but there was the paperwork in the files of the White Earth Ojibwe reservation. I’m doing a family tree and going back as far as possible, currently on by Dad’s mothers side I’m at by 13 x grandparents years around 1450 and on the other side,his dad I’m at by 8 x great grandparents late 16 hundreds.
I just received the book I ordered from Amazon, volume 3 of Country Wife’s the story of native women that married French fur traders volume 3 is 5 generations of Bottineau family which my 4 x ggrandmother, Techomegood (Star Woman) was married to Pierre Bottineau and my direct ancestor.
Sorry Mac for getting so far off topic, I get a bit carried away when I talk about this subject.
Not at all. I consider it literature which of course is art. And it’s also provenance.
Your commentary adds to our unique group.
Thanks Mac, I hope some members are enjoying it.
...and educational. No matter how old we are, we never stop learning.
Thank you for sharing this great statue.
and a great history lesson ...
In his right hand is sage, one of the four sacred plants. In his left hand is ‘’Peace Staff’’ sometime called a Honor Staff.
The last sunset for the week. St. Pete Beach, FL. On the Gulf of Mexico
I dub thee the "Sunset King" of NT.
Thank you all and good night.