'Tis Winter & an Old Man's Thoughts Turns to Fishing on Creative Arts Three Day Weekend
© A. Mac/A.G.
© A. Mac/A.G
From time-to-time, I should remind all members of NT, etc., that when posting photos, artwork, etc., it's important, when posting, that you own, and/or legally represent the licensing, copyright, etc., of what you post, and TO PROTECT YOUR WORK, TO INCLUDE YOUR COPYRIGHT SYMBOL/INFORMATION; and/or, WHEN POSTING COPYRIGHTED PROPERTY BELONGING TO PARTIES OTHER THAN YOURSELF, TO …
Thanks, A. MAC

Check this first.
If not appreciated as art, it's at least good for a laugh.
Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Kwanza … whatever you celebrate.
The next Buddha special day is December 31, as it is a New Moon Day.
LINK -> Buddhist Calendar 2024: Lunar observance days and holy days - Handful of Leaves
Wishing all a Happy and Healthy holiday.
Your top photo of a person teaching a young-un how to fish brings to mind a Chinese proverb: “If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day—if you teach him to fish, you feed him for many days.”
And so I taught my son to fish....
Very clever editing of the other two photos.
Arvo...hope you had a very happy Christmas and that 2025 is a good one for us all..
"From your lips to God's ears."
Nahhh...if you are going to go fishing go for something a decent size..none of those tiddlers...
Certainly not my photo.. nope not this little black duck..
... oz sushi.
We make sure there is always plenty to go around..
... better add a dump truck of rice and a couple bales of dried seaweed to wrap that fish.
Pelican Lake, northern Minnesota. A 6 lb smallmouth bass.
Teenager Buzz NOT holding out towards the camera his catch of smallmouth bass from Lake Erie. LOL.
I have seen at least 100 Smallies, but that, by far, is the biggest I've ever seen.
It was a gem, weighted, measured and released back to fight another day, Mac.
Too old to eat, younger bass are tastier.
The best freshwater fish to eat are walleye, crappie and Lake Superior whitefish, Buzz.
What you call 'walleye' I call 'pickerel', and what you call 'crappie' I call 'perch'. My grandmother would make gefilte fish from whitefish and pike. My morning catch of bass filets pan fried in butter tasted pretty good for lunch when I had my lakeside chalet.
Walleye is a totally different fish than pickerel and crappie are very different then perch, the best perch to eat is what we call Sacramento perch, a sweet boneless meat.
You're right - I've been wrong about it all my life. Walleye and pickerel are two different species.
LINK -> Pickerel vs Walleye: Setting the Record Straight - Northern Wilds Magazine
And you're right as well about crappie and perch.
LINK -> Crappie vs Perch (Differences between Crappie and Perch Fish)
Crappie is a popular fish here in Arkansas. I like it. Catfish is also popular but I hate it. We fish for trout but I don't much care for it, either
my youngest son used to catch a bunch of those rock fish in a desert canyon lake with plastic crawdads. the fish were more copper colored there.
The solitary fisherman.
Branch (© G. Gam)
Girl in a Kimono (© G. Gam)
Pond (© G. Gam)
Haven't you posted that branch not so long ago, but edited differently? Now I know my vision is really waning. I didn't realize that the girl in a kimono was even there until I read what it was. However, the editing you've done on those photos is amazing.
The branch was in a much more expansive, multi-colored image. I cropped it down to feature and highlight just the branch and used a monochromatic color concept.
nice work on these 3 latest versions ...
what's the super-imposed image over the kimono girl?
I took two photos I liked, a large gate in Japan and a nature photo, cropped small sections of them, overlayed the section of the nature photo I liked on a section of the gate, saved that and then overlayed it on a black and white version of the girl in the kimono. Then, I did a bunch of other stuff to get the final image. That was after experimenting a lot with different sections of the two overlayed photos and various levels of contrast and other effects. I have several versions I like but I chose this one to post. I also have some nice versions of the original photo of the girl, which is in color without any overlays.
I do recall the original photo of the kimono girl.
It was a holiday week when we were in Kyoto and I took photos of several girls in kimonos. I've posted some on here before but I don't remember if I posted the photo of this girl. Maybe.
could be, I don't count on my memory much anymore ...
Yeah, tell me about it.
Evening...the Brushies are back..
Mum sitting up and bub who still climbs on mums back bending down..
They love apple and banana.. don't like grapes, mango or strawberries which was a bit surprising..
I like the same things Brushies do, but I don't remember climbing on my mom's back, although when i was really young I could have been a papoose.
... picky little beggars. they look a bit like fashionable rats to me. what local flesh do they crave?
Morning...no not local flesh they love houses..
If they get inside the will pee on the ceiling etc and the stain and smell comes through..but as houses are well built its very rare for them to get inside these days..
They normally live in hollows in trees etc...they are protected and love rose bushes..they eat the buds...they are fat little porkers and their cousins the ring tailed possums just live down the street. They are lot more shy and won't come near humans where as Brushies are bigger and bolder..
A ring tailed possum..not my photo..
Ok, time for another fish.
10 and half pound largemouth bass, Clear Lake, California.
Morning...I assume good eating?
Sort of look a bit like our Barramundi..
Not my photo..
They are more of a sport fish (catch and release) in the US, Shona.
My, my, grandpa, what big hands you have. LOL
Caught a 120lb Cuban off Key West back in the day. Interesting trip. If I ever figure out how to post a pic, i'll share. We had to throw him back to the Coast Guard who came in with their 50's trained on us.Think he was not in season...
I never caught anything that big. The biggest freshwater fish I ever caught was a muskie in Ontario's Haliburton Lakes district, and the biggest saltwater one was a Mahi Mahi off the Kona coast of Hawaii's big island - unfortunately no photos here with me.
Morning..meet Harry..
Harry is on the wall...
Harry is good he likes to eat flies and drop on people..
Harry is a little Huntsman but will grow twice as big..
Harry will be removed shortly and put outside..
Harry is not staying in my house..I would rather run into a snake..
Be like Harry...visit, eat and then leave..
Unfortunately this is my photo..
... it's harriet, and she's left 10,000 of her kids home alone in the box springs of your bed.
Morning...This is mum...and her off spring..
Huntsman don't really go in beds thank goodness..they like to be out in the open..😁 where they can drop on you..
This is NOT my photo..I would be long gone..
Harry isn't hairy and he isn't Charlotte either.
That thing is huge! Don't send any of them over here.
Morning G..nah Harry is just a little tacker..
When he grows up he will be about the size of a dinner plate...
Speaking of which I had better go and collect him and put him outside... before the cat decides to have a snack..
Calling this one. Well done. See you in the New Year.