Winter Offers the Determined Photographer its Unique Opportunities
© A. Mac/A.G.
© A. Mac/A.G.
Seems like only yesterday.
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Thanks, A. MAC

Good evening.
nice shots. where was the colorado picture taken at amac?
Mary Lake, Peak to Peak Highway.
cool, the highway that's only open 3.5 months a year, at best ...
... so that means your picture was taken in the summer. I've seen it snow at that elevation in every month. usually it didn't stick to the ground, but it was snowing in the summer on the divide ...
Don’t remember for sure but it might have been May.
the road crew is usually pretty lucky if they can get that highway open by mid june ...
im not really sure, cause i dont remember, but I think that was where i went to High School, or, maybe i'm just High, how ya doin, fine thank you,
Is that HIGH way my way and in Rocky Mountain National Park ? Cause was out there in August of 2012 i tyhink? Whenever Soundgarden played at Red Rocks around then. Cool state. When back out two months later skydiving in MOAB Johnny UTAH
how did you like the hike from the parking lot up to the venue? july and august are good months for concerts there, but june is a little dicey because of the daily brief torrential downpour or hailstorm coming down from mt evans ...
We, I believe parked in large crevices' towards or near the top, as I don't recall any challenging walk. Awesome venue, but our seats were towards the top. All was good as 10 days prior, i saw them in Philly from the twelfth row. We stayed fairly near the Shining Lodge for first half of trip, saw Soundgarden at the Rocks, and stayed near the venue opver night and the next morning traveled down to Grand Junction to visit an old girlfriend. Awesome trip. Two months later I again met up with her, this time by myself, and we went to Moab to Skydive. Moab is awesome!
And good afternoon where I am now. Your three very wintery shots are scenes I enjoy to look at but no longer to experience., Here is a picture of the first day my wife had ever experienced snow. We had just been married and she moved up with me in my teacher's apartment in Zhengzhou, Henan Province.
Her first snowman
The view from our apartment:
Something I'll never see again
Good evening here now..🦘
Not unique, just damn cold. View from the side porch of our house on Table Rock Lake, MO.
Now that you're in Florida, that could be something YOU'LL never see again.
Hopefully not, Buzz.
Arvo..mmmhhh... snow!!...
Ahh sun, sand and surf...
Sand snow man in summer...
Sand snow man in winter...
getting hit by a couple of sand snowballs wouldn't be much fun I reckon ...
Evening..we actually do that..there is a knack of making them..
Use wet sand form a ball about the size of a cricket/ baseball..
Then coat in dry sand to form a hard shell, then let rip...
Great fun is had by all until it gets in your eyes... that's the time to head to the water, wash it off and then...repeat..😊
then why aren't there more shot-put olympians from oz?
We prefer competing with sharks and beating the USA in swimming..😁
"Mr. Sandman, send me a dream..."
This is how Kobe handles his workday afternoon.
The office paludarium is getting really overgrown.
Pookie was sick and slept a lot this week, but he's doing better.
Kobe is able to cover himself with a blanket? What a suck, if even Pookie didn't need one.
We don't get snow where I live. We haven't even had any rain so far this year so there is no snow in the mountains. Our daytime high temperature has been averaging between about 69-70. It's been down into the 40s the last few nights, though. Brr.
Some shots on the streets --
Fenced Off (© G. Gam)
Convertible (© G. Gam)
Driver's Side Mirror (© G. Gam)
Nice. I like the color grading. We will be under an extreme cold warning by 6pm tomorrow. Gale force winds and below 0 temps through tuesday. We don't have much snow though. We are somewhere around 23" under average snowfall so far this year.
I've never experienced that type of weather. I don't think I really want to. Many years ago I went to New York over New Year's to see what cold weather was like. It was unusually warm for New York that year and 65. I did see a couple of frozen lakes in the Hudson River Valley area which was pretty awesome. I'd never seen frozen lakes before and I've never seen any since.
My experience with snow on the ground is only two or three times I went to the mountains for the day to check it out. Some years we can see snow in the mountains around L.A. Not this year so far.
we're going to be sub zero for a few days here. to think that I used to install cable TV in those temps 40 years ago... yikes.
5 degrees here in chicago on monday, overnight temps going well below zero
that is air temperature, not wind chill. wind chill may go below -20 overnight on monday
people who live in these climates get used to it
huh? speak for yourself, I hate being in a frozen hell. although it is fun to watch drivers from warm states learn about physics the hard way. I used to send my mom pictures of vehicles with texas plates off the road and upside down.
I thought sub zero was only for refrigerators.
T-shirt weather?
as long as i dont get my tongue frozen to a lampost i'm good
it obviously needed salt ...
cold enough to make your 'nads retract into your body cavity ...
The older I get the more I'm over it. I still don't want to go the other extreme and live in AZ with my kid.
That's not a very pleasant thought.
I've had construction jobs where I had to work outside in it. not fun ...
I can do extreme heat a lot better than I can do extreme cold now ...
It's now around 7 in the morning in the dead of winter here in Chongqing and it's a pretty cold, 52 degrees Fahrenheit. Although I grew up in Ontario about 50 miles from Buffalo (therefore in the Buffalo "snow belt") and loved the snow, and we flooded our sunken lower back yard to make a skating rink every winter, I don't miss it one bit. I'm quite happy to never see snow and ice again.
We had been having a couple weeks of -20 to -30 lows when I rode with a friend south to New York City. When we got in the truck it was -30 and by the time we got to the city it was above freezing. We got a lot of strange looks wandering around in shirtsleeves.
Nope.... We surprised my son in Phoenix for his birthday in 2023 and it was 114 degrees. I did not like that one little bit. I didn't like walking the dog in double digit below 0 temps last night either. I like a range around 65 to 75... Perfect for grilling.
no wonder your poor dog is always under a blanket ...
You must have been warm.
cool shots G2.
the last time I drove in LA, it was nightmarish. back in the early 80's, with a paper map. I helped a friend move out there to start his new job as a producer for ABC. we rolled in from vegas at midnight and I white knuckled it on a highway that seemed to be 10 lanes wide, in bumper to bumper traffic at 70+ mph. I took the wrong exit where multiple highways came together and it took over an hour to get going back in the right direction again. we got a room at the travel lodge in sherman oaks and were awakened at the crack of dawn by an earthquake. the place was violently shaking and we ran thru the doorway into the parking lot in our tighty whiteys, only to be met with uproarious laughter by those in the office that had witnessed our panicked horror. I really didn't want to be a concrete slab sandwich ...
Sounds like a great trip! I don't remember a significant earthquake in the early 80's. I live a few miles from Sherman Oaks. It must have been pretty minimal, but enough to scare an earthquake novice, I guess. Are you sure it wasn't just a heavy truck driving by on Ventura Blvd. that rattled the windows ?
When the traffic is "bumper to bumper" it's crawling along at low speeds, or stop and go. If it was 70+ mph there might have been a lot of cars, but that's flying.
sunday night traffic from vegas, and we were definitely not going 55 mph ...
we went to hermosa beach, drove up laurel canyon and some other main canyon road, down hollywood blvd, and I caught a red-eye at LAX that night back to denver on a big jet with 2 other passengers up front. I was reeking of skunk weed in the back row, very self conscious about it, and had a couple of gorgeous flight attendants sitting around me.
Did you run into Joni Mitchell?
no, but I saw enough to question the logic of cali building codes ...
Cantilevered houses hanging off the sides of steep mountains? No problem.
art-deco boxes suspended in a semi-arid tinderbox, in the mountains, in an earthquake zone ...
meh ...
spontaneous urban renewal lotto ...
Makes things exciting.
I'm at least 2 decades past wanting that kind of excitement in my life ...
The "Convertible" gets a BLUE RIBON! Really quite good!
shades of randy newman ...
"We love it!"
LOL. I really enjoyed that show!!!
Morning...what can I say..
Going to be 27 here today... Celcius that is...
Perfect swimming weather...or Barbie weather...or just generally great weather..😁
where's the shrimp? or did you eat that already, you bloody little ripper ...
You mean a prawn!!!..
Flaming thing you will get getting the hemispheres mixed up again...
oh no, are you saying "shrimp on the barbie" is an american english idiom? what is my country's fascination with islanders, on the other side of the world at the bottom of the planet, that talk and drive like they're in a road warrior movie?
If you said you are going to throw a shrimp on the Barbie, you would end up on it..
Shrimp is American to the eyeballs...
Because we are simply the best... better than all the rest..
My island home, less politics, less BS and always ahead in time...
Can't get better than that..
bloody hell, next you'll tell me fosters isn't oz beer ...
Ahhh nope it's not..
You will be lucky to find any Foster's here now it is brewed overseas and sold as an "Australian beer" but we drink the better beers brewed here...
Actually Foster's was originally started by two American brothers in Melbourne...
Most Aussies drink XXXX, Great Northern, Carlton dry, VB and others.. Foster's doesn't even rate a mention...
Abit like that Outback steak house over there hocking off blooming onions etc and other things they say as "Aussie"...
Someone said to me the waitress actually sit down at your table to take your orders at those places??.that never ever happens here...
I bet they get a tip as well which again doesn't happen here and simply not is regarded almost as an insult..
Not my photo....
I like Moscato wine hate beer...
lovely. you've turned all my perceptions of oz totally upside down, I might as well move there now ...
do you know anybody that's looking to hire a spider killer and bin wrangler?
As in a garbo and pest exterminator?
In Canada, at whatever home or chalet I owned I always had and often used a barbecue - loved the food, loved the smell, so it's one of the things I miss.
Can't beat a good barbie Buzz...
Got to have a wood fire, none of these gas bbq monstrosities..
Wood tastes 10 times better and even better when gumtree wood is used...
You're lucky to have access to the best possible combination. Even though most of mine WERE propane-fired, it was still better than when cooked on a stove.
I'd probably slow down on burning all the trees on that sandbar if I were you ...
The only word to describe the weather where I’m at right now is perfect. Tomorrow things will change drastically 😞.
Waimea Canton, Kauai
Evening Hal..sort of looks like a green Grand Canyon..
Mark Twain visited there in 1866 and called it "The Grand Canyon of the Pacific".
Beautiful photos. I hope you were able to continue up the canyon to the end of the road and see the view into the Kalalau Valley.
(photo from the internet)
I'm sorry I never saw that.
Unfortunately we had to return back from the lookout for an amazing luau. Heading home to the freezing cold today.
ugh, the dreaded journey back to reality from vacation ...
If you go to the end of the road at Waimea Canyon you can walk down a large dirt path and after about a mile you pass through some trees. When you emerge on the other side everything is different. It is the edge of the Alakai Swamp, which is on the top of the mountain. The the flora is different, there are lots of bird singing and it is amazing. There are hiking trails that take you farther into the swamp. I've been in there a few times.
This is a picture from the 80's of my friend from Hanalei in the front and me in the background hiking into the Alakai Swamp.
when I flew to hawaii for a wedding about 20+ years ago, the 2nd leg of the long flight was LA to maui and I read everything I could get my hands on within reach on that stretch. I found a little book in the back of the seat in front of me next to the barf bag titled something similar to "things to do in hawaii". it had the typical touristy stuff in it, but what I found memorable was the warning not to veer off the hiking paths in the outdoors things to do. the warning was about the danger of stumbling across illegal grow operations and getting killed by armed weed farmers with AK's protecting their crops. back then I found the idea of blood thirsty psycho pot heads pretty amusing.
I did have a planned helicopter tour for me and the ex, but when we checked into the room and I flipped on the TV, the first news story that came on was about a tour helicopter that went down in the ocean earlier the same day. unfortunately, the ex saw that story too and nixed the helicopter ride despite my argument that the odds of 2 helicopters going down in the same week was astronomical. the ex wasn't too keen on flying and I should have realized earlier that my helicopter ride was doomed when she asked me after we got over the water from our LA departure to maui "what do we do if the plane crashes into the ocean" and my answer was "the backstroke".
It may not look like it from that photo, but we were actually on a hiking trail.
I took a helicopter tour of Kauai one time in the early 80's. It was amazingly beautiful flying up close to 2,000 foot tall waterfalls, but I would never do it again.
Morning... you should have just said... shark bait...may as well feed the food chain...
we have to fly seafood into colorado, so it seems like a fair trade ...
Morning Vangy...yes we do the same..our seafood goes North from here, crayfish mainly... price is around $100 a kilo..
And the prawns and mud crabs come South...
Local fresh seafood is at my back door 5 minutes down the I am very lucky...
... if you can't get it fresh, everything else tastes like frozen, bait, or too old ...
No mosquitoes?
In that picture it was winter and we were at 4,000 foot elevation, thus the sweatshirts. I don't remember any mosquitoes there. Hawaii generally does a very good job with mosquito control.
Wonderful. Maybe because I never saw the Grand Canyon I was really taken and impressed by Waimea Canyon when I was in Kauai. Thanks for that great reminder.
Pennypack Creek, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
© A. Mac/A.G.
time to shed the winter clothes and jump in for a quick dip, amac ...
A great image that speaks out to say that Winter is the time that nature is most calm.
@ A.Mac
In his inauguration address Trump said: "I will end the practice of catch and release."
So maybe you should start eating the fish you catch. LOL
I rarely if ever eat migrants escaping from persecution, but, if I did, going forward, I'd certainly consider releasing them.
The dead of winter in Ocala FL.
Who's your buddy?
That is Santa and my beautiful bride, Red.
Oh, I thought it was you wearing the "fancypants". LOL
Morning...that black cloud looks a bit ominous...
Fancypants says that hurricanes don't affect him.
Didn’t amount to much, Shona. About 5 minutes of a light rain. coffee and cake after the latest round of Zometa a bone strengthener..
Always look forward to it after the hospital visit..
Calling this one closed! Thanks to all.