COLOURS - On a Creative Arts 3-Day Weekend
C O L O U R S - On a Creative Arts 3-Day Weekend
At the request of A.Mac, I am hosting this weekend's Creative Arts 3-Day Weekend. These photos and the ones in the first comment were taken by me in China. The introductory one at the top left is a pagoda ceiling. The one below is the interior of a lit-up cave in Guilin, in Guanxi Province.
Now let's see some of your colourful photos or creative artworks.
From time-to-time, I should remind all members of NT, etc., that when posting photos, artwork, etc., it's important, when posting, that you own, and/or legally represent the licensing, copyright, etc., of what you post, and TO PROTECT YOUR WORK, TO INCLUDE YOUR COPYRIGHT SYMBOL/INFORMATION; and/or, WHEN POSTING COPYRIGHTED PROPERTY BELONGING TO PARTIES OTHER THAN YOURSELF, TO …
Thanks, A. MAC
Colourful China from the lens of Buzz of the Orient:
A traditional Chinese wedding. The groom who is from Australia was a fellow teacher with me at a private high school in Zhengzhou, Henan Province. It is interesting to see that his parents, on the right, are dressed in Chinese traditional clothing while the Chinese bride's father on the left is in a typical western suit.
Robots at night. These are driven by kids, and are located beside the huge mall/department store across the road from where he live in Chongqing.
What I consider one of my best photos., It is a monk from the White Horse Temple in Luoyang, Henan Province, meditating outside the temple. I call this photo "Primary Colours" for obvious reasons.
Flowers can be the source of a million different colours.
Dancers - can't remember where I took this photo.
I've seen the expression "Orange Man" used sometimes on NT. This statue, that is about 8 feet tall, is on the campus of the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, located a short walk from our home.
A beautiful array of pastel colours surrounding a temple Buddha
You may have heard of "The Music of the Night", well, here are some of The Colours of the NIght, on the Jialing River, Chonging.
Arvo...well part of the country is battening down the hatches as cyclone Alfred has arrived..
It's heading straight for Brisbane and surrounds and unfortunately very slow moving so will cause even more's a cat 2 with winds up to 160kph...
I am certainly glad I am not in its path..not my photos...
The weather's just starting to get nice here now. It's a sunny day and we're going for a walk this afternoon.
We seem to be having an Indian summer...warm and temps around 23c which I abit unusual seeing we are well into March..
But I ain't complaining more than happy with that..
Your mention of the words "Indian Summer" prompted me to think back about a couple of movies by that name - a 1972 foreign one that I never saw, and a 1993 one that not only did I see, but it was about a summer camp in Ontario, Canada that I once visited during the summer to see my girlfriend at the time who was there while I was a staff member at another Ontario camp during the summer when I was 18 years old.
A local greenhouse has Macaws, fish and turtles on display in addition to lots of plants
An old couple operated a pet shop in my home town during the 50s, 60s and early 1970s. Their home was attached. It was magical. They had multiple birds that spoke. The opposite of a puppy mill, they only sold hand and home raised puppies from select breeder so there were always just a very few available. They had probably everything you can imagine, but only in very limited numbers and only the highest quality. We need more small businesses like that. PetSmart is not a pet shop.
The birds, fish and turtles are for display .and are the owner's hobby. They are not for sale. When I am in that town and have a few minutes I go there to see them and in season buy plants. It is a fun place to vist
I believe a lot of those birds ar related to parrots.
A friend of mine had a Cockatiel- - a bird that was amazing at mimicking sound, even tunes. In addition,they are extremely friendly and in some ways seem to have human characteristics!
Unfortunately their days became numbered when the big box stores and corporate chains started opening up. We still prefer to shop in the mom and pop stores.
I think I've been wary of birds ever since I watched Allred Hitchcock's movie.
Morning Krish... Cockatiels are Aussie birds...not many people realise are Budgies...
Both are found in the Outback of Australia....
See we are taking over the world and people don't know it it will be our wonderful spread on toast..🦘
Their most remarkable talker was, in fact, a Minah Bird...
"First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin" (Leonard Cohen)
It may be yourah bird, but it's not minah bird.
I feel the same way.
(They have a friendlier atmosphere. And they care about their work-- and the customer).
Actually I did know that because my friend had a Cockatiel and told me a lot about them.Hher's has a distinct personality. Very friendly, it seemed almost human.
(Apparently in the wild they live together in large groups so they are very social).
Some people would say its not a Minah bird at all-- in fact some even consider it to be a fully grown adult boid!
I think that depends on where they're from.
That happens to be an excellent photo. The Macaws stand out because of their colour, with the rest of the image grey or a very muted green, and that draws the eye to them as being of most importance. As well, it follows the "Rule of Thirds" by the position of the birds being OFF centre.
5 turtles were on the deck and a couple were swimming in the pool.
One of my wife's brothers keeps turtles in his home.
As I mentioned,I have done some Feng Shui on my living spaces. I don't have any Turtles, but I have a Jade Plant and also a Dragon (not a real living Dragon-- just a copy carved out of wood).
Those are from the Chinese tradition.
I also have a prosperity symbol from the Hindu system -- a representation of the Hindu Goddess Lakschmi:
Photo credit: Alamy
I also have a prosperity symbol from the Hindu system -- a representation of the Hindu Goddess Lakschmi:
There are Gold coins in pictures of her.
Also often depictions of Elephants. These are representations of the Hindu God Ganesh-- he's not specifically about prosperity, but rather he rules luck-- and he is the being that "overcomes any obstacles' in your way!"
(IIRC in addition to Hinduism, Ganesh also appears in Buddhism and in the Jain religion).
As perhaps I've already told you, we have a small shrine to the Buddhist Goddess GuanYin in our home. She is the Goddess of Mercy. On her shrine we also have a brass frog in which we have put a coin in its mouth to assure us of sufficient money for our comfort.
That is one I may get in the near future.
Boy on Street, Catalonia (© G. Gam)
Besides the experimental and effective editing you've been doing with your photos, and the composition of your photos has become exemplary, you have recently been creating images like this one to resemble the paintings of the famous European artists. If you create enough of them, you should consider publishing a coffee table book.
Morning...a magnificent Autumn morning here..we have actually got a heat wave 30c for the next 4 days..whoo hoo...can dust off the surf mat again...Jaws here I come..
A hibiscus is out at the moment in all its glory...
These are actually my photos..
And sunrise at the moment..
It's good to see your photos, especially since those are lovely photos. The hibiscus is very pretty, and I've always enjoyed seeing photos that show shadows across the ground.
Autumn is one of my favourite times of year get that golden glow of a morning and it is dead calm...
Pity there wasn't a fozzy in the gumtree..he was around but not this morning..
What I consider one of my best photos., It is a monk from the White Horse Temple in Luoyang, Henan Province, meditating outside the temple. I call this photo "Primary Colours" for obvious reasons.
Interesting photo!
One of the somewhat unusual things I've noticed-- most forms of meditation are not done standing-- usually they're done in a seated position (some forms do it while lying) But not standing.
(Well, there is one form called "walking meditation" where the person walks slowly and focuses their attention on their changing surroundings).
One of the most common poses (at least in Hindu forms of meditation) is Swastikasana (also called "Auspicious Pose"):
Illustration credit: Yoga School Rishikesh
Yes, it is very auspicious.
The Swastika is an ancinet symbol with very positivie associations, In many places, especially South Asia it is very prominent-- IIRC it symbolizes "good luck". (I believe it is also used by some indigenous tribes ("Indians") in North America.
Hitler stole the idea....
Yes, I saw a very ancient one on a lantern in a park where the annual Peony Festival is held in Luoyang, Henan Province, when my wife and I went to the Festival with NT member USA1 and his Chinese wife. Here is the photo I took of it.
Here's a really good article about it:
How the world loved the swastika - until Hitler stole it
Some time ago you mentioned that you met him in China. I don't remember what you said-- did he move to China or was he just on holiday?
Here's a brief excerpt:
"Coca-Cola used it. Carlsberg used it on their beer bottles. The Boy Scouts adopted it and the Girls' Club of America called their magazine Swastika. They would even send out swastika badges to their young readers as a prize for selling copies of the magazine," he says.
It was used by American military units during World War One and it could be seen on RAF planes as late as 1939. Most of these benign uses came to a halt in the 1930s as the Nazis rose to power in Germany.
China blocks the BBC. Israel should as well, IMO.
He was teaching at a University in Kaifeng, which was close to Zhangzhou where I was teachng. I think we found each other through NT. He had a car, and we got to do a number of things together. However, he moved back to the USA wiith his Chinese wife, but we also moved far trom there as eell.
I've watched/listened to BBC News for years. Well, decades actually. And I had noticed that for some reason. they always had had a lot of downright anti-Semitic content.
Unfortunately there's no Benjamin D'Israeli around to put them in place.
Another thing I noticed in that picture-- his shoes appear to be of different colours!
Naturally, they're yin-yang shoes. What else did you expect?
Ah-- I should've known that!
But I totally missed it.
Okay, okay, Krishna, you caught me. Maybe I should just call that photo "Monk Scratching the Back of His Neck".
Well maybe he was meditating-- meditation is very ancient-- there are probsbly forms I am not aware of!
I don't think I know what that is. Will you give me permission to post an enlargement of it?
I couldn't tell either.
(It might be a Butterfly or Moth?)
Absolutely my apologies - it is a butterfly
Apology not necessary, and I'll take your word "absolutely" as permission to enlarge your photo whch now makes it clearer for me to see that it is quite an amazing butterfly. The news about butterflies is not good, my having read recently that the butterfly population in the USA is dropping due to various factors.
Indeed we are seeing a decline in Monarch numbers and other varieties not only in the US but around the world is what I have read.
Butterflies and bees - what's next I guess is the question
Next? whales, birds.
Actually probably most types of birds.
Caused by at least two problems that cannot be easily reversed (if at all).
California Fan Palm (© G. Gam)
That's the most colourful palm I've ever seen.
Crocuses, heralds of spring.