Evening Mac. I hope you both have a very Happy New Year. I for one will be glad to see the back of 2019. Not what I expected at all or wanted. I guess it is the same for you both. Still it is what it is and I am looking at it this way. A new year and a new start and hopefully a healthier one for both sides of the Pacific. Happy New Year everyone and I really hope it is a good for us, no matter where ever we are...
We found him in a drug house that had been raided by LEO's.
He was chained up in one of the rooms and everyone including the LEO's didn't want any part of trying to take him to an animal shelter. Our shelter was called by the local police and we went right out there in the middle of the night and after a bit of ''getting to know each other'' we took the chain off him put on our friendly leash and took him to our shelter.
His name is Keylo and he is an American Bulldog weighting in at 65 lbs and all muscle. Our vet checked him out and figures he is around 5 to 6 years old.
He'll be in our Doggie Diplomat program soon. Where is taken to retirement homes to visit they people there and to schools to teach them about animals and being kind to them.
He loves all the kids that come to the shelter and they all want to play with him which if fine, it's good for both the kids and Keylo.
What a very happy ending to such a horrid life for Keylo. And he will be a great help to others who need his sweet disposition and big heart.
Thank you for all you do to help the Creator's gifts to humans in them form of our 4-legged creatures. They deserve those with as big a heart as their own. (smile)
I work with all the bully breeds, pit bulls/American bull dogs/bull terriers/Staffordshire terriers. Most have been abandoned/mistreated/abused or used as breeders for the back yard scum.
I work to get them socialized and ready for adoption.
I think that many of the "bull" breeds have been unfairly vilified because of all the adverse publicity of those who have been trained to be aggressive and vicious, or have been so abused that they attack in self-defense.
Some breeds were never intended to be domesticated and still act according to their true nature even when attempted to be domesticated. This true nature works against them when used by those who would use their true nature to turn them into killing machines.
However, they still deserve to be treated with respect and care.
In the early 1900's thru the 1950 they were one of the popular dogs in American. They were known as ''nanny dogs'' because of how they were so gentle with children and also fierce protectors of children.
Sadly the back yard breeds took over and the dog fighters. Which has destroyed the name of their breed.
They are no different than any other dog. It's how they are raised. There are no bad dogs only bad people that try to use them for their evil purposes.
Sadly there was one that no matter what she or anyone else did he could not be rehabilitated. She made the heart wrenching decision to have him put down. She posted this on FB...names taken out by me:
Jensen's Journey came to an end today at the vets office. He went gently in my and ________ arms. The world is a very big place and it was just too much for my little guy.
Thank you __________ for doing everything in your power for him. Thank you __________ and all my shelter friends for networking and your wisdom and support throughout his journey. Thank you to my family for your support even though you didn't always agree with my choices for him.
I wish more than anything that his journey had a happy ending. Do I think this was the right decision? I don't know. Do I think this was the wrong decision ? I don't know And I never will...
All I know is that for 3 brief months I experienced the world with him and shared his zest for life, living each day like it may be our last because with Jensen you really didn't know.
I sit here wondering what his original owner is doing right now as I'm sobbing on my bathroom floor. If only I could tell him what a good job he did training Jensen to be a guard dog...or whatever he did to make him so aggressive/fearful of men and strangers, but it's not worth it.
Instead I will try to focus on preventing more "Jensens". I'll support groups like Fix-A-Bull that try to stop amateurs from breeding. I'll vote for politicians that truly care about the bleak reality those living in our inner cities face that they choose to use dogs as a way of getting out their frustration. I'll try to be a role model for young men as a teacher and show them that the love of a dog - especially the love of a dog like Jensen - is worth more than gold.
And I'll hope that he isn't mad at me for using his trust and love for me against him today. I hope he knows I killed him today because I thought we were doing the best thing for him. I hope god sees him right now and welcomes him over the bridge. And I hope god forgives me for sending him there so soon.
No more chains, no more muzzle, no more rules and restrictions and fear and distractions and anxiety and noises and wants and needs...I hope you run free and live the life you deserve in the next one. Maybe we will meet again someday # jensensjourney
Thank you for sharing this truly great story. While it is heartbreaking that the end was not as happy for Jensen as it may be for others, it is also heartwarming that you and others tried so hard to give him the kind of life he so deserved.
May Jensen's journey over the Rainbow Bridge be one that will help him find a happy home with those who love him in his next life.
That had to be one of the most difficult decision of her life. You can tell by the pain in her post. Working to save these dogs makes her a gem in my mind.
I have never had one that could not be rehabilitated but had a couple of that could have gone either way. Fortunately they were able to make the transition and were adopted.
Thank this fine lady for me for the work that she is doing.
Evening Kavika..have never met a bad dog in my life. But have met many bad owners who should not have dogs...As usual the minority stuff it up for the majority...and on that note I must away. 4th treatment today all has gone well and can't ask for more. Hope all is well your way. It is nearly midnight and better hit the light...wonder if I will glow in the dark from all the drugs....
I had a Friend who had a Parakeet.. Every year at Christmas time the Parakeet would claim residency in the Christmas tree. While in the tree, the Parakeet would go all around the tree and remove the ornaments he did not like. Then my Friend would go around and put the ornaments back on the tree after the Parakeet went back to his cage for the night. Then it all started over again the next day.
They could not put tinsel on the tree as the Parakeet would try to eat it and get it stuck on its throat and then freak out and mess up the tree. Finally, they got a small fake tree with no ornaments and that was no fun for the Parakeet, do so he then ignored the tree. (grin)
I guess it's not very religious to say "That's one HELLOFA decorated Christmas tree" but I think you know what I mean. Although the lamb, Teddy bear and squirrel/chipmunk are pretty obvious, I'm not sure about the birds.
I'm not happy with the Christmas tree shot because it's kind of fuzzy. I was taken from a moving car, and I just had to replace my Windows 7 operating system with a Windows 10 one and the great editing program I had can't be used on my new system, and when I loaded the W-10 version it's so complicated it will take me a month to learn how to use it.
W-10 version it's so complicated it will take me a month to learn how to use it.
I hate when things like that happen. Windows 10 is complicated enough as it is, and then when the version meant to work in that OS is even more complicated, it really makes me glad that I still use my Windows 7 Pro.
When I was beta testing the Windows 10 before its release I could tell it was going to cause a lot of headaches for many users. My lengthy time working with it was enough to make me happier with the Windows 7 Pro.
Luckily I have my own copy of the Windows 7 software so I can reload it on another computer if need be.
Even if the computer I buy has Win10 I can wipe it load my Win7 softwear. Negates the warranty of the computer, but, having built my own computers from scratch for several years, the warranty is not of much use for me anyway.
You wanted to be a great painter? Well, you are. When you so competently and beautifully edit your superb photos you are creating gallery-quality artworks.
There is nothing more visually impressive than a painting by a master! This is partly a phenomenon related to our presuppositions about Art and Reality, and their complex relations to one another. What each viewer brings to such paintings (drawings, sculptures), is the sum total of a life of experiences, thus expectations about what Art and Reality "imitate," reciprocate, or, contradict about each other.
The fact that certain hands-in-conjunction-with-the-mind can create masterpieces regaling both the eyes and "hearts", IMO, is what sets paintings apart from photographs … even those artistically edited.
Of course, these are my presuppositions … and the very ones that frustrate the painter I wish I could be.
Best wishes for a good holiday & HEALTHY New Year.
Post your creative stuff!
Dear Friend AMac: As to you and yours.
May 2020 be your best year yet.
Much thanks, Enoch, greatly appreciated!
Evening Mac. I hope you both have a very Happy New Year. I for one will be glad to see the back of 2019. Not what I expected at all or wanted. I guess it is the same for you both. Still it is what it is and I am looking at it this way. A new year and a new start and hopefully a healthier one for both sides of the Pacific. Happy New Year everyone and I really hope it is a good for us, no matter where ever we are...
If you think my head is big you should see my heart.
What a sweet heart! He looks so happy.
He is a big sweetheart and friendly to everyone.
We found him in a drug house that had been raided by LEO's.
He was chained up in one of the rooms and everyone including the LEO's didn't want any part of trying to take him to an animal shelter. Our shelter was called by the local police and we went right out there in the middle of the night and after a bit of ''getting to know each other'' we took the chain off him put on our friendly leash and took him to our shelter.
His name is Keylo and he is an American Bulldog weighting in at 65 lbs and all muscle. Our vet checked him out and figures he is around 5 to 6 years old.
He'll be in our Doggie Diplomat program soon. Where is taken to retirement homes to visit they people there and to schools to teach them about animals and being kind to them.
He loves all the kids that come to the shelter and they all want to play with him which if fine, it's good for both the kids and Keylo.
Reminds me of that show Pit-bulls and parolees.
People are afraid of them yet most are sweethearts.
What a very happy ending to such a horrid life for Keylo. And he will be a great help to others who need his sweet disposition and big heart.
Thank you for all you do to help the Creator's gifts to humans in them form of our 4-legged creatures. They deserve those with as big a heart as their own. (smile)
I work with all the bully breeds, pit bulls/American bull dogs/bull terriers/Staffordshire terriers. Most have been abandoned/mistreated/abused or used as breeders for the back yard scum.
I work to get them socialized and ready for adoption.
I think that many of the "bull" breeds have been unfairly vilified because of all the adverse publicity of those who have been trained to be aggressive and vicious, or have been so abused that they attack in self-defense.
Some breeds were never intended to be domesticated and still act according to their true nature even when attempted to be domesticated. This true nature works against them when used by those who would use their true nature to turn them into killing machines.
However, they still deserve to be treated with respect and care.
In the early 1900's thru the 1950 they were one of the popular dogs in American. They were known as ''nanny dogs'' because of how they were so gentle with children and also fierce protectors of children.
Sadly the back yard breeds took over and the dog fighters. Which has destroyed the name of their breed.
They are no different than any other dog. It's how they are raised. There are no bad dogs only bad people that try to use them for their evil purposes.
Hear Hear !
I totally agree.
I have a friend who does the same thing.
She works so hard with them.
Sadly there was one that no matter what she or anyone else did he could not be rehabilitated. She made the heart wrenching decision to have him put down. She posted this on FB...names taken out by me:
Jensen's Journey came to an end today at the vets office. He went gently in my and ________ arms.
The world is a very big place and it was just too much for my little guy.
Thank you __________ for doing everything in your power for him.
Thank you __________ and all my shelter friends for networking and your wisdom and support throughout his journey.
Thank you to my family for your support even though you didn't always agree with my choices for him.
I wish more than anything that his journey had a happy ending.
Do I think this was the right decision? I don't know.
Do I think this was the wrong decision ? I don't know
And I never will...
All I know is that for 3 brief months I experienced the world with him and shared his zest for life, living each day like it may be our last because with Jensen you really didn't know.
I sit here wondering what his original owner is doing right now as I'm sobbing on my bathroom floor. If only I could tell him what a good job he did training Jensen to be a guard dog...or whatever he did to make him so aggressive/fearful of men and strangers, but it's not worth it.
Instead I will try to focus on preventing more "Jensens". I'll support groups like Fix-A-Bull that try to stop amateurs from breeding. I'll vote for politicians that truly care about the bleak reality those living in our inner cities face that they choose to use dogs as a way of getting out their frustration. I'll try to be a role model for young men as a teacher and show them that the love of a dog - especially the love of a dog like Jensen - is worth more than gold.
And I'll hope that he isn't mad at me for using his trust and love for me against him today. I hope he knows I killed him today because I thought we were doing the best thing for him. I hope god sees him right now and welcomes him over the bridge. And I hope god forgives me for sending him there so soon.
No more chains, no more muzzle, no more rules and restrictions and fear and distractions and anxiety and noises and wants and needs...I hope you run free and live the life you deserve in the next one. Maybe we will meet again someday # jensensjourney
Thank you for sharing this truly great story. While it is heartbreaking that the end was not as happy for Jensen as it may be for others, it is also heartwarming that you and others tried so hard to give him the kind of life he so deserved.
May Jensen's journey over the Rainbow Bridge be one that will help him find a happy home with those who love him in his next life.
That had to be one of the most difficult decision of her life. You can tell by the pain in her post. Working to save these dogs makes her a gem in my mind.
I have never had one that could not be rehabilitated but had a couple of that could have gone either way. Fortunately they were able to make the transition and were adopted.
Thank this fine lady for me for the work that she is doing.
Evening Kavika..have never met a bad dog in my life. But have met many bad owners who should not have dogs...As usual the minority stuff it up for the majority...and on that note I must away. 4th treatment today all has gone well and can't ask for more. Hope all is well your way. It is nearly midnight and better hit the light...wonder if I will glow in the dark from all the drugs....
Hi Shona,
Good to hear from you. You are correct in that there are many people that have to business having a dog.
Rest well my friend.
Good to hear that all is going well with the treatments. Hope all is going well else wise for you.
Best wishes coming your way. (smile)
My first photo since October (taken late Tuesday) -
What a beautiful picture of the deer. It seems to be saying, "Here's looking at you!"
Looks like he saying. What are you doing on my path...LOL
Good one!
Love the Fox and Cardinal images. The Cardinal is so bright and stellar. Beautiful!
And speaking of birds......
Perfect, RW!
Thank you Mac.
Beautiful as always.
Thanks Buzz.
Just excellent RW.
Thank you Kavika.
Kind of hard to see yet birds on a tree... : )
That is beautiful Ender.
I had a Friend who had a Parakeet.. Every year at Christmas time the Parakeet would claim residency in the Christmas tree. While in the tree, the Parakeet would go all around the tree and remove the ornaments he did not like. Then my Friend would go around and put the ornaments back on the tree after the Parakeet went back to his cage for the night. Then it all started over again the next day.
They could not put tinsel on the tree as the Parakeet would try to eat it and get it stuck on its throat and then freak out and mess up the tree. Finally, they got a small fake tree with no ornaments and that was no fun for the Parakeet, do so he then ignored the tree. (grin)
Evening raven..parakeet...you don't mean an Aussie Budgie do you??
Yes. They are the same, or very similar, to what is also called a Parakeet.
I guess it's not very religious to say "That's one HELLOFA decorated Christmas tree" but I think you know what I mean. Although the lamb, Teddy bear and squirrel/chipmunk are pretty obvious, I'm not sure about the birds.
Beautiful pictures, Buzz. Thank you for sharing them.
I'm not happy with the Christmas tree shot because it's kind of fuzzy. I was taken from a moving car, and I just had to replace my Windows 7 operating system with a Windows 10 one and the great editing program I had can't be used on my new system, and when I loaded the W-10 version it's so complicated it will take me a month to learn how to use it.
I hate when things like that happen. Windows 10 is complicated enough as it is, and then when the version meant to work in that OS is even more complicated, it really makes me glad that I still use my Windows 7 Pro.
When I was beta testing the Windows 10 before its release I could tell it was going to cause a lot of headaches for many users. My lengthy time working with it was enough to make me happier with the Windows 7 Pro.
Yeah, my Windows 7 Home Edition was made for computer incompetents like me - but it died.
Luckily I have my own copy of the Windows 7 software so I can reload it on another computer if need be.
Even if the computer I buy has Win10 I can wipe it load my Win7 softwear. Negates the warranty of the computer, but, having built my own computers from scratch for several years, the warranty is not of much use for me anyway.
Two more young critters.
© A. Mac/A.G.
© A. Mac/A.G
Awesome pictures, Mac. What kind of Fox is it with the blue coloring?
The little deer looks like it could put its nose on the camera. (smile)
You wanted to be a great painter? Well, you are. When you so competently and beautifully edit your superb photos you are creating gallery-quality artworks.
There is nothing more visually impressive than a painting by a master! This is partly a phenomenon related to our presuppositions about Art and Reality, and their complex relations to one another. What each viewer brings to such paintings (drawings, sculptures), is the sum total of a life of experiences, thus expectations about what Art and Reality "imitate," reciprocate, or, contradict about each other.
The fact that certain hands-in-conjunction-with-the-mind can create masterpieces regaling both the eyes and "hearts", IMO, is what sets paintings apart from photographs … even those artistically edited.
Of course, these are my presuppositions … and the very ones that frustrate the painter I wish I could be.
Outstanding Mac.