Creative Arts THURSDAY/FRIDAY … An Unusual Day for Early February in Southeastern, Pennsylvania
My wife is doing well after her bone marrow transplant … her activity levels returning to near "normal"; several days ago the weather here was April-like, so we took a hiked up a steep hill on a trail that runs between a meadow on the west and a forest on the east. We did the hill and the woods … here are some pi.
Near the top of the hill, facing North.
© A. Mac/A.G.
At the top of the hill about to go eastward into the forest … facing South.
© A. Mac/A.G.
An ancient tree; looking from the forest edge towards North … another meadow.
© A. Mac/A.G.
At the lower portion of the forest is a stream that runs roughly east-west
© A. Mac/A.G.
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A map of the area appears atop the article; if interested …
The area is just outside of Philly in Montgomery County.
Philly did a heck of a job setting aside park/wilderness area within the city for the citizens.
Actually, the park area depicted is in Montgomery County, just across the county line from Philly. But Philly too has a huge park system with, among other things, the largest wild White-tailed Deer population of any urban area in the world (part of which hangs out in my back yard every day).
Fairmount Park is the largest municipal park in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and the historic name for a group of parks located throughout the city. Fairmount Park consists of two park sections named East Park and West Park, divided by the Schuylkill River, with the two sections together totaling 2,052 acres. Wikipedia
City of Philadelphia, Parks are in Green
Evening. Great to hear Mac and I always look forward to your wife's updates..I am back home for near on a fortnight now and head back to Melbourne on thursday for the next treatment. Had a review last thursday and everything is heading in the right direction for me..But as always a day at a time and slow and steady as we go..I return to Melbourne the night before I have treatment friday and then plan to catch the train back home that evening....A 5 hour journey one I don't particularly care for but it is what it is and just get on with it..Hard to believe all this Multi myeloma started 12 months ago this month..never expected it, never wanted it, but that's life..Stay well Mrs Mac and no doubt with the wonderful care you are giving Mr Mac...all will be well...
In retrospect, much of what we read prior to the transplant was "worst case scenario" experience; hopefully, you will attain permanent remission as the research and treatments progress.
Best of wishes to you shona for a speedy recovery!
Evening Pierre..Still have another 8 fortnightly treatments to go so will push it out to May sometime..Then my collected stem cells go back in. But now it is fortnightly and no longer weekly treatments at least I can come home inbetween...Can't beat home...
First of all, it's good to see that your wife is doing so well.
From your link, it appears that there are some interesting, and I would think very photographical, points of interest along that trail. Are they too far for a hike?
All points on the map's trails can be reached by hiking, some more difficult than others. There are many places of entry, but, the trail goes for many miles and it wouldn't be feasible to try and cover it all at once.
Great news to hear your bride is doing well.
Lovely photos per usual.
Good morning. As always your photos are beautiful.
If I remember correctly the first picture in your post is the same hill that your wife (just a few months back) needed to rest on a bench. Now she is able to do the hill and the woods! That is wonderful news!! My best to you both!
You are in fact, correct! And many thanks.
It's great to hear your wife is doing well! I like to hear all the good news I can. B and I stopped out to our newest area park, Quarry Park on Saturday where the local climbing club was featuring what they do.
Cool pictures EG. I would live to go climbing, but, my Vertigo won't allow it.
Thanks RW. I think I'll leave the climbing to younger folks and just take the photos. LOL!
LOL. I'm with you on that,
Great photos EG....I'm with you, let the younger kids do the climbing.
There was a climbing wall right next to our apartment building that I could see from my windows and balcony, where high school kids were brought for climbing sessions under proper safety and guidance procedures, but it was removed. The only reason I could think of for removing it would be that people were trying to use it without the proper guidance and procedures. This is a photo of it when it was up.
I have seen some of those climbing walls in a few of the Chinese movies I have watched. As you say, there are great preventive safety equipment in place in case someone slips or falls. While I would love to test my skill at climbing, with my current physical issues and my age it would not be a wise move on my part.
That looks fun!
LOL. In my case, climbing into bed is more fun.
Looks like they're climbing up a frozen waterfall EG. Like all of us, I'm a bit old to try that. Here's one I got of a waterfall a few years back in the summer. It's called Taquamanon Falls and is located in the eastern Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Beautiful area but the mosquitoes are fierce.
The reddish color is from the river. Upstream, the river flows through a cedar swamp and leaches the tannic acid out of the bark of the trees.
Really glad to hear that the ladies are recovering well. We've been doing birthdays around here during the last couple of weeks. On Jan. 22nd, it was Levi's; on the 30th, my daughter's and yesterday Greyson hit double digits. The cake and ice cream consumption was enough to feed a small city.
Nice shot.
Knew this was coming, the only question was when. It finally got us last night.
You know, sometimes I miss snow.......NOT.
We got a little more too. Main roads are OK but the secondaries are pretty well buried. Schools closed but probably only for today. Can't get buses down the back roads until they're cleared.
Great pictures Mac. So very glad to hear that your wife is doing well. Good that she could make the hike up the hill and into the forest.
Great to hear that Mrs. Mac is doing well. Great photos and a bit of snow on the ground...
Here is Jan/Feb in Florida....St. Pete Beach January 2019.
Beautiful sunset, Kavika. With the reflection on the water and tables it looks rather surreal.
I believe those are reclining cots, RW.
Thank you for the clarification, Buzz.
Having spent many Christmas and other vacations in Florida, from the age of 16 until more than 60, and even having shared with my brother ownership of a golf condo in Hallandale, just west of Hollywood, Fla., for some years, I have fond memories of my times there.
Here is my new creation. A Hopi Kachina Doll artwork. I hope our Members enjoy it.
Another beauty RW.
Thank you very much Kavika.
I've not seen one of your creations that I did not enjoy (and you know I've seen almost all that you've posted).
Thank you Buzz. Indeed you have seen many of my creations, as I have been posting my creations in the Anishinaabe group for a few years before I began to share them in the Arts and Crafts group at your urging. (smile)
Although I know you don't agree with me I think, and I'm sure that there are many who will "second my emotion", that your creations deserve to be shared with more than just NT members.
Perhaps one day I might take your advise, Buzz.
But, for now I am very happy sharing them with my Friends and my NT Family. (smile)
For reasons of which you are aware I'm unable to leave my home, so I am posting a retrospective collection of my photos that were posted previously over the years.
1. An amusement park in Chongqing - note the Wizard of Oz figures up front.
2. One of the (misty) views from my balcony.
3...Springtime in one of the university campuses within walking distance of my home.
4. Downtown Chongqing from across the Jialing River.
5. A "decorated" waterfall in Ciquikou, also known as the Porcelin Port, being an ancient area in Chongqing.
6. Traditional dance in Millenium Park in the ancient capital of Kaifeng.
These are beautiful photos, Buzz.
Very nice array of interesting imagery, Buzz.
So glad your wife is feeling better, AMac! Thanks for the beautiful photos.
Here is another of my creations....
Today is Lantern Festival in China, marking the end of the Chinese Lunar New Year holiday. Some holiday.
In the past I have watched people light the candles inside the paper lanterns and let the heated air inside them during the February cool evening float up into the sky. The sky fills with them, and its an amazing sight to see. But not this year - nobody is leaving their homes unless they absolutely must.
I took these two photos many years ago at a park near the river in downtown Chongqing.
This photo is off the internet (not mine) that displays what the sky can look like when many people launch their lanterns.
Although you've most likely seen this photo before, it's one of my favourite photos, taken in Chongqing at Lantern Festival time in Chongqing around the time I first met my wife. The China Daily has a "Spring Festival Photo Contest" going on around now and I was tempted to enter it - first prize is the equivalent of US$430 +/-, but I thought it better to remain anonymous.
Although I have never seen the Lantern Festival in person, I have seen several of such events in the Chinese historical dramas I have been watching. It is truly amazing to see such a mass of awesome lanterns floating in the air. It is interesting that the event is still in practice today.
Thank you for sharing this beautiful event.
These days major cities no longer allow candles to be used because on landing the lanterns have lit fires, so to have them float using small battery-powered bulbs makes them more expensive and less likely to float from such a small heat source.
I love those and have set them off several times.
Several states have banned them.
Getting the right balance of source and enough air to allow the lanterns to rise indeed problematic. While the candles did present an issue with setting fires when they landed, they sure did make for a beautiful array of colors of the lanterns as they floated in the sky.
Beautiful pics of your park system. Looks like a lovely day to be out and about, too!