First … I promise that, if you can access this video, you will find it spiritual and moving.
Most of the singers in the video are part of my daughters performance company; both my granddaughter and grandson are in the video.
Second, SAD NEWS, an old friend of The NewsTalkers has passed away.
Larry and I maintained contact without a miss from day one on NV; several years ago I went to one of my wife's conferences in Colorado to spend some time with Larry. He's one of the few people from NT and NV I met in person … including Kavika, Mrs. D, and a long-ago member some may recall, RDW (Russel D. Walker).
Larry and I spoke regularly on the phone, and, when I was in the Poconos, every evening as I'd drive down to the lake near my house, I'd call Larry and tease him with, "If you can get on a plane and be here before the sun goes down, we can get in some fishin'!"
That would evoke his unforgettable laugh every time!
Last fall, my calls were not answered nor returned although I always left a voice mail. After some time passed … I kind of suspected the worst … but I guess I didn't want to know … I started googling Larry's name but couldn't find it on-line … until yesterday, when, I found an announcement and left a memory wall message.
I am not in the least bit ashamed to say that I cried and cried two days ago, and, had dreams all night long. I loved the guy (Larry), and I love the many of my NT friends as well, a reality I should have expressed long ago. Love to you all, you have added greatly to my life."
It is heartbreaking to lose my friend, Larry (and here I used to think I was some badass from South Philly).
Larry Crehore
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Post what you have to share … I'll be adding images later.
So sorry to hear about that Mac. Larry was also KK. I'll have him on the Memorial Wall today.
I knew you were close with Larry Crehore - losing a good friend is a devestating experience and there is no shame in tears shed.
RIP Larry Crehore, formerly of the NT family.
I wish I could open your video clip, but it's par for the course where I am.
sorry for your, and all of ours, loss amac.
I'm very sorry about Larry's passing
Here is one of my creations I hope all will enjoy.....
R.I.P Larry.
RW, in my Art History work, much of what it includes is ICONOGRAPHY … particularly as it applies to the mostly religious art of the Italian Renaissance. Your work seems to be rich in icons and attributes associated to the Native American portrayals. If possible, I, for one, would like to know anything you'd care to relate regarding your works' iconography.
Mac, as I understand the term, I will try to explain what I aim for in my artwork. As a Native American of the Cherokee Tribe, I try to share the traditions, customs and religious beliefs of the Cherokee, but, also of many other Tribes. Some of the images in the artwork is meant to represent various Tribes, such as their symbols, religious beliefs, Spiritual beliefs, family unity, bravery of their Warriors, and the hardships they have met across the years.
I try to impart these to those who are not Native Americans in the hopes that they will be able to learn the different aspects of the various Tribes, and the ways they are alike, and yet the ways they are different.
Also the variations of their dances and associated regalia. Some of their lifestyles, and in some ways, the history of the various Tribes.
My wish in creating my artwork is to try to help others to learn more about Native Americans, and perhaps their contributions to life in America.
I may not always succeed, but, I do try.
Your trying is not in vain. Speaking for myself, although I have interacted since childhood with First Nations people and Native Americans, the more I learn of their history, traditions and culture, the more I want to know. IMO what you are doing broadens the minds of others (at least those with open minds) - in the right direction.
Thank you so much, Buzz. I try using my creations to generate interest in the Native Americans as well. And like you, the more they learn, the more their interest will grow to learn more. At least that is what I like to think. If I can help others take an interest in learning more about the Native Americans through my artwork, then I feel that I have accomplished something worthwhile.
And there are some who are native Americans, but, don't know much about their own Tribe, or the history of the Native Americans. So if I can help them learn more about their own Native American heritage and appreciate that part of who they are, then I have achieved my goal and the purpose of the artwork. I want it to be not only enjoyable to look at, but, useful to help others learn more about the Native American heritage and history.
Thank you for your very kind words of appreciation and encouragement. They do mean a lot. (smile)
Here is another creation for Friday. It is a Hopi Kachina Doll
Rest easy Larry. I’m sorry for your loss A. Mac.
I had read about his passing in another group.
So sorry to hear that.
What a beautiful floral display! Love the bright color and its variation.
Such colour - absolutely flourescent.
Larry was a proud Navajo and combat veteran. His daughter is married to a Ojibway and lives on Madaline island.
RIP niijii.
May your ancestors guide you on the path of souls.
In your honor my friend.
Beautiful memorial to Larry. I know he would have loved it. He was such a good and kind soul. A person who always asked. "What can I do for you". He will be deeply missed.
Is that somehow connected with the death of a tribe member?
It is an ''honor staff'' and yes it can be connected with the death of a native. This one depicts the units (Airborne), MIA and American flag. Honoring the warrior.
he now soars forever with his forefathers among the mesas, monuments, and sacred mountain. RIP LC
Sorry to hear about Larry. I wish his family all my best.
Here are a few images I have this week...
The last image was taken with my iPhone.
Lake Superior?
Yes. That's past WI Point as far as the road there goes. It was windy as hell there yesterday.
Great photos, EG. The little birds are adorable. And the last one looks like the onset or end of a storm.
Thanks. There was a little rain moving in for some cold breezy weather. It was snowing so hard this morning for a short bit there was a whiteout. It's already melted.
Much the same down here in southern Michigan EG. We didn't get any snow, just lots of wind and rain. Weather map showed a front going all the way back to the Mississippi.
Yeah, we're getting that crazy spring weather. On Tuesday Duluth airport had a high temp of 62 - today we had snow.
Had a bit of narly weather around here in So Cal over the last few days. Lots of on-going rain, and lots of snow in the mountains. Still raining today and looks like there is more to come. It was really cold here as well while it was having heavy rainfall, and still raining and snowing today. However, no one is complaining as we really do need it.
And as they say..."April showers means May flowers."
However, the sad part is, with all the great snow in the mountains, all the ski lodges are closed down and no one is taking advantage of the snow anywhere.
dammit, we suffered through another day in the mid-80s and sunny.
It's really difficult here in the sunshine state. Just last week I had to wear Florida winter weather clothes which are socks with your flip flops.
Oh wait, that was April 1st, no wonder I didn't see anyone else with socks on. They got me. LOLOLOL
Why does the middle photo make me think of the word "Nevermore"?
Actually, Buzz, it's a Crow; Ravens look much the same with the exception of a patch of feathers at the throat … but it's close.
I think all I know about birds is that one in the hand is worth two in the bush. I've been wary of them ever seeing Hitchcock's movie.
Keepin' it going
Red-tailed Hawk
© A. Mac/A.G
Now that is a beautiful hark. Is that a female?
Hard to tell as the coloring is similar between the male and female, but the females are larger and consequently are more "eagle-like", so I'm guessing this could be a female.
That had me puzzled and why I asked the question. Thank you for the clarification.
This is a male Red-tailed Hawk.
© A. Mac/A.G.
Hmmm.....It is hard to tell between them, as one is showing its underbelly and open wings, and the other is only showing its side and closed wings.
But, it is a beautiful bird. Very majestic looking in flight.
You're lucky to have so much access to wildlife. Where I am there isn't much of it, and the pandemic has indicated that maybe it's because so much of it gets eaten.
That's a sharp image! Very sweet.
Getting set for the Hummingbirds. Too cold for them yet but I expect them within a couple of weeks.
Last year, when I set up this feeder, the dog kept getting his leash around it and couldn't figure out how to get loose. This year, I measured the leash and put the feeder about a foot beyond his reach. I told my wife that, when I fill the feeder, I'm going to hang a piece of meat a few inches off the ground just out of his reach. Should drive him right up the wall, especially if the neighbor's cat comes over to eat it.
I had a bird feeder like that as well for the regular birds in hopes it would keep them from trying to fight with the Hummers at their feeders. The problem was not the dogs or cats.....it was the squirrels. One in particular, as it would climb up the post and hang out on the feeder above ground and rake out all the food onto the ground until it found a sunflower seed. That caused the larger birds to hang out under the feeder and eat the food off the ground. And when it rained all the food on the ground would get soaked and the birds would not eat it. So I had to clean it up all the matted food. Ugh!
This one doesn't use seeds at all. It's strictly sugar syrup. The problem with this one isn't squirrels but bees and ants. The bees get all over the place. They figure that they've hit the sugar jackpot with only four flowers. Of course, for them there are dangers, primarily the Hummies themselves. For being so cute, they are really nasty little things. I've seen one of them skewer a bee in mid air when the bee was circling around what the Hummie thought of as his property. They also go after each other for invading their turf. That includes their own offspring. VERY territorial. They don't care much about the ants. Ants are attracted to the syrup but, once they get into the feeding hole, they drown. The pole makes access harder for them. When I had the feeder hanging from the porch rail, I had to clean out a half inch of dead ants every time I refilled it.
Yes, my Hummer feeders contained the hummer feed, or liquid. I made the Hummer food myself as there were 4 feeders and they needed to be filled at least twice a day, sometimes more. So it was best to make my own food for them in large amounts so that I could keep it on hand. The feeder was talking about earlier was for the regular birds, not Hummers. Buying the Hummer food was very expensive, and I didn't like the coloring in it as it was not good for the little Hummers. I got the recipe for the Hummer food from the Audubon Society and the little Hummers really liked it. What was really fun to watch was the little babies learning to feed from the feeders. And to watch the Mothers stand guard while the wee ones ate. They didn't care whose Territory it was, the babies were hungry, and the adults knew not to mess with the Mothers while the babies ate.
I didn't have any problems with bees, but, the ants were another story. So I sprayed around the railings and all along the floor area where they came from to keep them away. One day I found an ant bridge from the tree next the front porch to the roof of the porch and then down to the feeder. So I had to spray around the tree base and the roof to stop the bridges. The ants were determined and were very clever in their attack planning. (grin)
A/noon Raven....Ants hate talcum powder..Can try sprinkling that around and the ants will not cross it...That is what I use here..Works everytime...
I usually use one part sugar to four parts water and boil it for three minutes to be sure it doesn't crystallize or have any pathogens. Seems to work pretty well. I don't bother to put coloring in since the feeder globe is red anyway. I've never been out there at the right time to get pics of the babies. I'll have to spend more time on the front porch with the camera this spring.
Sounds like Shona has a good idea about dealing with the ants. They're easier to control with the feeder hanging on a metal post, but I still get some. Maybe I can use talcum powder and water to make a paste or slurry to put all round the post so they can't climb it. I'll try it and let you know how it works.
Sounds pretty much like the food I made for them. I liked knowing what was in their food as well. I had 4 feeders around the house eaves, so I had to make a large amount of the food every other day.
One day I had to take my Father to the VA hospital for a check up after his eye surgery, and it was a very long wait, consisting of most of the day. By the time we got home we were met by a group of very anxious Hummers. I wasn't sure what the problem was, but, I gathered it was something important for them to be that in-my-face anxious. So after I got my Father safely in the house and in his easy chair, I went out to see what they were so upset about. Then they flew from one feeder, chirpinig loudly as if to say, "See! See!" Yeah...all the feeders were empty and it was getting late and would soon be bedtime for them.
So I ran in the house and grabbed the food and filled up all the feeders as fast as I could to they could fill their little tummies before time to go to sleep with them fluttering all around me as I moved from feeder to feeder, to be sure I did not miss one. Then once they were all done I had to fill the feeders up again so they would have full feeders for breakfast with they woke up. And....not even a 'Thank you'. Brats! (grin)
Thanks for the info shona. I don't get many ants here, but, sometimes in the Spring they will come in. When they come in they go for my kitty's food tray, so I won't use any ant spray in he house. So using talcum powder would be a much better way to fight them. Great idea!!
Have you seen this? I thought it was great. Smart little ones.
Hummingbird builds nest with a roof.
looks like a beach umbrella
How cute! What a clever little bird! Hummer's nests are so small that it can easily find a way to shelter their nests.
Hummin' Right Along
Aawwww......how cuuute!! Their wee heads and beaks lifted upward looking for Mom with some foodies. Just adorable.
And that nest....so tiny, and yet so very well made. Great photo!
You're invoking memories of days spent in the hammock on the deck of my lakeside home, watching the hummers at the feeder that was just like yours hanging overhead. Thanks for pleasant memories.
Hummin' right along …
Female, Ruby-throated Hummingbird
© A. Mac/A.G.
They are really beautiful birds. And after while, they got to know my Father, as he would sit out on the front porch for a while watched the Hummers, and he would talk to them. So they got to know him and the sound of his voice. After a while a few of them would fly hover in front of his face as he talked to them, and kind of cocked their little heads as if they were understanding what he was saying while they listened.
Of course they knew me, I was the food lady and their protector. And when I went outside to work in the flowers around the house they would follow me around, zipping all around and chirping at me. And they would come and hover in front of one of the windows to tell me their feeder was low and needed to be refilled. If I happened not to notice them they would start tapping on the window to get my attention. Smart little birds. (smile)
I learned to never, ever, wear a brightly colored shirt around these persistent little male dive bombers.
Cundiyo, NM
In the mountains of NM.
Yep. On the High Road to Taos.
Great photo Steve. That looks like a very refreshing and serene area. Makes me want a Mint Julep and a hammock, and just kick back. (grin)
This would have been your view from a hammock. It was a very serene place.
Ahhhh.....thank you Steve. that looks sooo relaxing and peaceful. There's even a soft breeze that makes the tree branches dance with glee.
Now.....all I need is a Mint Julep.......
Is it always fair weather
When birds of a feather
Get close together?
sorry Buzz and AMac
i had set my laptop on my separate key bored through my skull, resulting in
0 creativity so to speak
i didn't realize i had accidentally posted it
please remove if someone would
psst: sorry for your loss AMac and fellow poster people
i don't recall Larry, but from comments read, he sounded like a good dude rest in peace
As you wish (Wesley)
thanx Buzz
A/noon...A hibiscus I have growing in my garden...Sorry for the loss of your friend Mac. I also have some news. Head down to Melbourne Tuesday 14th and the return of my stems cells will take place Wednesday April 15th..So I may not be around much for the next 3 weeks or so..and then after that as they say "it is in the hands of the Gods"....Stay put, stay safe and above all stay well...No matter where you are in this world for once we are united against a common invisible enemy...Stand strong and in time, this to will pass...It is a given as the Dawn breaks each morning...Peace where ever you are....
Best of luck, shona. May our thoughts be with you.
No worries Split...It will be right...
"...for once we are united against a common invisible enemy...."
In the movies, when something that has threatened the whole world has happened, you may have seen the whole world working together in a common cause (for example the movie "2012") but sadly there are those in this world who rather than want to work together cooperatively to solve the problem, they would rather point fingers and lay blame, criticize and threaten, incite xenophobia and racial prejudice. If you've not seen that happening you would have to be blind and deaf.
A/noon Buzz..I am neither blind or deaf...Xenophobia and racial prejudice has been on the rise in China for the last few weeks against foreigners as well...You do realise that. So tread carefully there are faults on both sides..And yes we have had incidents of abuse and racial insults against people from Asian back grounds here. Much to mine and everyone else's disgust.That is when you need to put things in perspective and realise it is in the minority thank goodness and treat it as such. The leader of a country is not a refection of everyone who lives in it...far from it. And that applies to the USA, China and any other country for that matter. I think for myself, decipher the crap from the facts and then make up my own mind...I always have...and if we disagree on something fine, I don't have a problem with that..and never will..I ain't going to lose any sleep over it...will you??
Hi Shona,
During more than 13 years living in China I had only one bad experience - it was with a bus conductor when my wife asked her to find me a seat on a bus packed with students. The conductor had said "No seat for the lowei (foreigner)". so my wife took down her particulars and reported her and I'm sure she got into trouble for insulting me. Other than than I have right up to now treated with the utmost respect and warmth by virtually EVERY Chinese person I have come into contact with. I've been asked to pose with strangers for photos, even once at a wedding party that I just happened to walk by, to stand with the bride and groom during a photo session. I've been treated exceptionally well by everyone from high-ranking government officials and police to farmers and street vendors. I have no fear here.
Perhaps it doesn't belong on this group but I just posted this on the seed about the Director General of the WHO, and saw the shit being piled on him by the members, and I have been exposed to China and the Chinese people being damned and I've been called a "commie sympathizer" and "comrade" (and I am not a Communist).
A.Mac, you can delete this if you don't wish it to appear here.
What is happening today is not a war by a country against another, this is a war of an enemy against all mankind, a true "War of the World" and in such a situation where disputes between countries and partisanship within countries has no place, where a concerted world effort and universal cooperation is necessary to defeat this enemy, and yet what we see is finger-pointing, blaming, racism, xenophobia, delays, excuses, false bravado and partisan politics. IGNORANCE!!! WHERE THE HELL IS YOUR HUMANITY? Good luck everyone. You sure as hell have an incredible desire to lose.
It stays, Buzz; I consider it a "personal experience" and will not allow it to become the point of attack in this thread.
it is ALL OVER AMERICA and RULING over far too many who can't or won't see the truth as they continue to follow and believe one who's mission it is, is to deceive so as his insecurities don't patrol his guarded prison that his damaged mind forces him to have been, all his life as his actions clearly show, the very pitiful world our 'dear leader' truly does live within,
Sorry Mac,
delete this as i just felt the need to answer on the behalf of IGNORANCE, as i'm told by those thinking they are 'right', i am a good representative in deed,
but never my intention to derail a train of thought carrying a lot of Freight and Weight, on your non political seed, just sometimes have to vent my built up anger with those ruled over by ignorance, and have that need
done! delete away
Keep us posted when you can & best wishes.
That is one of the most beautiful Hibiscus blossoms I have ever seen. Love the contrasting colors. Perfect!
Sending good wishes for your pending stem cell return. I feel sure the Creator will make sure that all goes well. We will be waiting to hear from you when you return home to fill us all in on how it all went.
Much love.....
May things go well for you, shona.
Best of luck my friend. Know that your many friends on NT is rooting for you.
Wonderful post, shona1 !
Best to you,
Pat W
Yet again a comment with photos I posted disappeared. It's very discouraging. I'll try again.
Adding to the potpourri - something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue.
Something old. These huge Buddhas carved out of a rock mountain wall are located at the ancient Longmen Grottoes near Luoyang, Henan Province.
Something new. A photo I took in the new mall that recently opened across the road from where I live in Chongqing.
Something borrowed. I borrowed the Nikon and lenses from a friend in order to create a photo to use to head up an article I posted on the old Classic Movies group about photography in movies. The DVDs are from my collection of about 100 movies.
Something blue. One of my favourite photos. That lit up structure is at the base of the Radio and TV Tower in Chengdu, Sichuan Province.
That is a mall? I would get lost in there.
Me and you both! A two story mall is more than enough for me. (grin)
Great photos Buzz. The old statues are really beautiful in their Spirituality.
Thanks RW, and also for all the support you've given me elsewhere on this site.
Great layout on the "something borrowed" pic. You have an eye for design.
Thanks, Pat. That's fhe first time anyone has ever complimented me for having an eye for design.
Design, composition, whatever. You have a talent.
Well, when I was in my mid-teens I was interested in architecture, and designed the floor plan for a new home for my parents, which the contractor did carry through to completion, and composition is certainly important for creation of good photographs.
A couple recent shots of the WI Point Breakwall Light.
Great photos, EG. It's been a long time since I was there in person.
Thanks. I'm hoping to get out soon one of these nights to get the Duluth Lift Bridge with it's new lights.
Keeping it going …
© A. Mac/A.G.
One of my favorite places on earth … and until life returns to some semblance of "normal," I will leave it to the native Brook Trout, the Black Bears, and the few humans, if any, who will be able to find it, hear the gentle "music" of the flowing stream, smell the clean air … and feel the spirit in the spot I call "my place of worship".
definitely North of the Lehigh Tunnel
Somewhere between Jim Thorpe and Blakeslee.
before you mentioned 'bears' i thought it was the Pocono's, as there is something a little different in the trees and foilage, i think...
that clue me in.
i grew up close to your northeast philly residence and have gone to Robin Hood Lakes starting when i was 7. My friend and his parents, family friends, moved there when i was about 11. They at one time owned the Gilbertsville Inn. He still lives right there next door in a home he built in RH lakes.
I have good friends who have second homes right near your Pocono home as well. One right off 534 by the Jonas Hotel ( is that open again? used to eat and DRINK there when visiting those peoples) One in Indian Mountain Lakes ( Where you can hand feed the deer)
i have a few friends in Towamencin Trails
but my favorite most visited one is in Jim Thorpe off 903. A Log Cabin kit house that backs up to thousands of State Gameland acres. Not far from where the three river gorge is. Great overlook area there just a short walk through the gamelands.
Used to fish a few streams not far from you, but i'm not an avid angler, as i'm acutely obtuse and never right. It's more of something to do so i don't have to say i'm out drinking, but in cool places in nature.
Cool areas you and i share. It makes your photography so much more interesting to me, as i wonder if i have been to some of those actual spots.
I know Robin Hood Lakes, the Jonas Hotel and Towamensing Trails!
Memories - there were times in my life that I would sit beside a stream in a quiet spot just like that and listen to that music.
Just planted a tree in LARRY'S name.
I have been thinking about planting a tree in my front yard. A spot where a maple, I think it was, fell after a storm. It was half rotted. Luckily fell towards the road.
I was looking around and found a unique one. I want one that will not get huge like the Live Oaks around here.
I thought about this one. It is called The Rising Sun.
Supposed to get about only 15 ft.
I don't think I've ever seen that kind of tree before. If it's called The Rising Sun, is it from Japan?
That is indeed an unusual tree. The way the leaves seem to terrace on the branches is really very different.
It is a Redbud tree. From the eastern states and the plains. Only thing I can find is it is cloned or something.
It flowers every spring and the leaves constantly change colour.
Height I have seen kind of varies from 12 ft to 25 ft.
Bees and butterflies are supposed to love it.
It's outstanding - absolutely beautiful. If I owned a home with a garden I'd plant one of those too.
Before I started looking around I had first thought of a Japanese Maple. Then a River Birch, then even a cherry blossom. Then I found this one. What I can get now is a bare root tree. Not so sure about that.
There was another one I liked and thought would be unique. I call it a Dr Seuss tree. It is actually a Weeping Blue Spruce. Wouldn't do well in our hot and humid climate though.
Sorry Mac. Didn't mean to take away from your wonderful gesture.
looks like the one dudes' head, no ?
Looks like a tree that spent a little too much time in a tavern.
that's my kinda tree !
Careful of the River Birch, they'll get to 70 feet high.
Thank you.
What type of tree Mac?
Have to go back to the funeral announcement to get that info; there are a number of options to honor and remember Larry. I can post a link ... there’s a comment all as well.
Here's Larry's Obituary information.
I have now posted a message to his family on that site. Thanks for providing that opportunity.
I hope others will go to the site; I was remembering some things … more than once I think I sent pictures from my phone of the lake where I usually fish until sunset in the Poconos and if I remember correctly, you, Larry and Kavika would be the simultaneous recipients. A good memory, but of course, now one with sadness.
Yes we were, I remember the photos well.
Here are two of those photos:
Your house in the Poconos.
A lottery win would be a dream come true, but only when we can travel again...
For a while I was buying lottery tickets hoping to hit a winner so I could bring the four of us together for some fishing and a few days of just hangin' out with good friends. I think Larry Hampton was also part of that aspiration as well. I'm sure I'm forgetting one or two names.
Next life maybe.
Long ago I had asked my daughter, who looks after my financial affairs in Canada, to apply 10 or 20 dollars of my monthly pension towards purchase of lottery tickets in order to still keep that dream, and others such as funding an NT Get-together in the USA, alive. We must never give up our dreams.
I'm sorry for the loss of your friend, Mac.