
Four for the Fourth on Creative Arts Thursday/Friday

By:  A. Macarthur  •  5 years ago  •  174 comments

Four for the Fourth on Creative Arts Thursday/Friday

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Four new Fotos … 


Red Fox

© A. Mac/A.G.


Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly

© A. Mac/A.G


Larkspur Flowers

© A.Mac/A.G.


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A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
1  author  A. Macarthur    5 years ago

FOR what it's worth … don't feel that FOUR FOTOS or the FOURTH of July have to be incorporated in posts; whatever you post and how many you post is entirely up to you.

Professor Principal
1.1  Ender  replied to  A. Macarthur @1    5 years ago

The fox is beautiful.

Professor Principal
1.2  Kavika   replied to  A. Macarthur @1    5 years ago

The fox is saying, ''Here's lookin' at you kid''...

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
1.3  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  A. Macarthur @1    5 years ago

All four - great shots.

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
1.4  Raven Wing   replied to  A. Macarthur @1    5 years ago

Thanks for your gift of the four pictures for us for the Fourth, they are truly beautiful, Mac. (smile)

Professor Quiet
1.5  shona1  replied to  A. Macarthur @1    5 years ago

Morning...Lovely photo's to brighten a cold wet windy gloomy Winters day here...Always a good reminder to know Spring and summer are not far away...

Professor Guide
2  evilone    5 years ago

Duluth Harbor Sunrise 50mm panorama


Professor Principal
2.1  Kavika   replied to  evilone @2    5 years ago

Beautiful photo EG. I can't count the times that I crossed over the bridge. 

Professor Guide
2.1.1  evilone  replied to  Kavika @2.1    5 years ago
I can't count the times that I crossed over the bridge. 

Do you remember the old wooden Hwy 61 bridge? I sold this print last week to a client.


Professor Principal
2.1.2  Kavika   replied to  evilone @2.1.1    5 years ago

LOL, I do remember it. Now I'm really dating myself. 

Great photo.

Professor Principal
2.1.3  Ender  replied to  evilone @2.1.1    5 years ago

There is a bride in Lake Charles LA. It is on I-10. I go over it going to Houston.

At first it looks like a regular interstate bridge until you look closely at the details. It has a wrought iron railway all the way across that is crossed pistols.


Professor Guide
2.1.4  evilone  replied to  Kavika @2.1.2    5 years ago

LOL! I vaguely remember my step dad taking us across when I was about 5 years old.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
2.1.6  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Ender @2.1.3    5 years ago


Raven Wing
Professor Participates
2.3  Raven Wing   replied to  evilone @2    5 years ago

Great shot EG. Love the radiant colors of the sunrise. Awesome!

Professor Principal
3  Kavika     5 years ago

Siesta Beach Florida.


Professor Principal
3.1  Ender  replied to  Kavika @3    5 years ago

My favorite pic I took of our beach.


Professor Principal
3.1.1  Kavika   replied to  Ender @3.1    5 years ago

That's a beauty Ender.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
3.1.2  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Ender @3.1    5 years ago

That is an EXCELLENT photo, Ender.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
3.2  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Kavika @3    5 years ago

I've never seen great coloured sunsets like that here.  

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
3.3  Raven Wing   replied to  Kavika @3    5 years ago

That reminds me of the beach in Sanabel and Captiva beaches near Ft Myers FL. I have Friends who I visited in Ft Myers a few times when I lived in Warrenton Virginia. The sunsets were were truly Spiritual and breathtaking.

pat wilson
Professor Participates
3.3.1  pat wilson  replied to  Raven Wing @3.3    5 years ago

I've been to Sanibel, there was a lot of shells on the beach.

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
3.3.2  Raven Wing   replied to  pat wilson @3.3.1    5 years ago

Yeah, when I was there too. Not sure if there were dumped by people who were eating them there, or for some other reason and the shells were washing up on the beaches. Captiva was the same. It was hard to walk on the beach without shoes of some sort to keep the shell pieces from cutting my feet. But, the Ft Myers beach was very clear of any shells. 

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
6  author  A. Macarthur    5 years ago

Great posts to start the day!

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
7  Just Jim NC TttH    5 years ago


Cauliflower sky......................

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
7.2  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @7    5 years ago

Dramatic.  Did you use a filter to get the deep colours?

Professor Principal
8  Ender    5 years ago

Ok, time for my fireworks vid.  Haha

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
8.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Ender @8    5 years ago

I really enjoyed watching that, Ender, and the laughter added something to it. 

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
8.2  Raven Wing   replied to  Ender @8    5 years ago

Great vid Ender. Truly awesome.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
9  Buzz of the Orient    5 years ago

I had just posted as an article here a series of photos of the Forbidden City taken by a Chinese Photographer, so now I'll add some of the photos I took when I toured it during Christmas of 2006.


The Chinese photographer showed a lot of these so I'll follow suit.  The figures, and the number of them mounted on the corners of the roofs, indicate the importance of a building.  This was a very important building.



The Chinese photographer did a lot of photos of roofs.  Here, in my photo indicating that in fact there certainly lots of them.



The buildings were magnificent inside.  This is the Emperor's throne room.



Note how the ceilings are decorated.



Another interior shot.



And finally proof that I was there, wearing my trademark Greek fisherman's cap that I bought at San Francisco's Fisherman's Wharf, and after having worn it constantly for about 30 years it finally disintegrated.

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
9.2  Raven Wing   replied to  Buzz of the Orient @9    5 years ago

Wonderful photos Buzz. Reminds me of some of the shots I've seen on a few of the Chinese dramas I like to watch.

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
10  author  A. Macarthur    5 years ago

The number of high quality images in this article should make each contributor singularly and collectively proud.

Keep them coming!

Professor Expert
11  sandy-2021492    5 years ago

From my walk this evening:


Raven Wing
Professor Participates
11.1  Raven Wing   replied to  sandy-2021492 @11    5 years ago

Beautiful scenery, sandy. 

Professor Expert
11.1.1  sandy-2021492  replied to  Raven Wing @11.1    5 years ago

Thanks, RW.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
11.2  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  sandy-2021492 @11    5 years ago

Looking out to the distant misty hills - very similar to many of my photos.

Professor Expert
11.2.1  sandy-2021492  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @11.2    5 years ago

The misty hills in this case are the Blue Ridge Mountains, showing where they get their name.

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
11.2.2  Raven Wing   replied to  sandy-2021492 @11.2.1    5 years ago

I went through the Blue Ridge Mountains on my way to No Carolina and the Smoky Mountains. I agree that they are beautiful. I was truly amazed seeing the mist slowly crawling over the tree tops of the mountains as we drove along the highway, as if it was in slow motion. 

It was one of the most Supernatural, and Spiritual, experiences I have ever had. 

Professor Expert
11.2.3  sandy-2021492  replied to  Raven Wing @11.2.2    5 years ago

I used to live on top of a mountain in WV.  When a heavy fog came through, it would sometimes roll up the mountain toward you, like white-capped waves climbing up the mountainside.  I really miss that view.  I live on the side of a mountain now, but on the eastward slope, so I don't usually see the weather coming my way.

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
11.2.4  Raven Wing   replied to  sandy-2021492 @11.2.3    5 years ago

I'm what they call a flatlander. I have never lived on a mountain. I have lived near the beach in San Diego CA some years ago, and the fog would come literally rolling in late at night or early morning. Occasionally, it would come puffing in what looked like huge cotton balls, all jumbling together. The weather conditions that caused the fog to appear in that manner was really unusual. I lived upstairs and my front window faced the ocean, so I could sit on my couch and watch it roll in. 

But, after a year of that it got very depressing being so much in the foggy area that I had to move. So I moved inland where there was sun in the mornings, and moon and stars at night. The real world as I knew it. So much for beach life. jrSmiley_85_smiley_image.gif  

Professor Expert
11.2.5  sandy-2021492  replied to  Raven Wing @11.2.4    5 years ago

I love the fog.  I hate driving in it, but if I'm home and don't have to go anywhere, I love a foggy day (or night).  It's so peaceful.

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
11.2.6  Raven Wing   replied to  sandy-2021492 @11.2.5    5 years ago

It was for me too in the beginning. But, it was like I was being smothered by fog, sometimes for days at a time. And I am claustrophobic, and the longer I was encased in fog the more the feeling of being closed in I felt. And driving in it was terrible. When I left home I was totally uneasy, and then coming back and driving into the engulfing wall of fog was like driving into an endless world just trying to find my way home, hoping I made all the right turns, which sometimes I didn't. 

So yeah...fog for me was pretty to look at from a distance, but, not living in it like being in a cloudy box. jrSmiley_29_smiley_image.gif jrSmiley_89_smiley_image.gif

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
11.2.7  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  sandy-2021492 @11.2.3    5 years ago

But if you're on the westward slope, you will get to see the sunsets, and that, too, is very worth while. 

Professor Expert
11.2.8  sandy-2021492  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @11.2.7    5 years ago

I'm on the eastward slope, so I get to see the sunrise.  But those are pretty worth getting up for, too.

In the house on the mountain, the view was panoramic.  Sunrise, sunset, fog rolling in, a thunderstorm coming across the valley - we saw it all.  Even had a few low-level flybys by military aircraft from a local base where I could almost swear I could see the color of the pilot's eyes.  Those actually pissed me off soon after my son was born.  Nothing like getting him down for a nap and having him woken up by a plane skimming the treetops (not really, but seemed like).

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
11.2.9  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  sandy-2021492 @11.2.8    5 years ago

Boy, did I ever misread your comment - new pair of glasses may be necessary.   

Professor Expert
11.2.10  sandy-2021492  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @11.2.9    5 years ago

I'm guilty of that, too.  Except in my case, it's speed-reading, not inadequate glasses.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
11.2.11  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  sandy-2021492 @11.2.10    5 years ago

Actually I am slowly losing my vision.  I take 3 different drops in my eyes a number of times a day. 

As for reading, I've always been a methodical slow reader, which was really necessary in my profession, but I'm starting to make a lot of typo mistakes these days and not noticing them. 

The reason I bump the font of my comments to 14 is because It's hard for me to read the normal 12 font, and then it's easier for me to check what I typed.

Professor Expert
11.2.13  sandy-2021492  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @11.2.11    5 years ago

I'm sorry to hear that, Buzz.  It has to be difficult.

Professor Principal
11.2.14  devangelical  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @11.2.11    5 years ago

I prescribe Nepalese temple balls.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
11.2.15  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  devangelical @11.2.14    5 years ago

Tor replace my eyeballs with?

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
12  Raven Wing     5 years ago

Some of you may remember seeing this one before. Hope you enjoy it this time as well.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
12.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Raven Wing @12    5 years ago

If I did, I'm sure I liked it as much then as I do now. 

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
12.1.1  Raven Wing   replied to  Buzz of the Orient @12.1    5 years ago

Thanks Buzz, I'm glad that you like it. 

Professor Principal
12.1.2  devangelical  replied to  Raven Wing @12.1.1    5 years ago

I'd like to see the entire collection of NA women.

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
12.1.3  Raven Wing   replied to  devangelical @12.1.2    5 years ago

LOL!!  However, there are too many to post here all at once. So I will post one for you each week so you can save them and collect them to enjoy. jrSmiley_9_smiley_image.gif

Professor Principal
12.1.4  devangelical  replied to  Raven Wing @12.1.3    5 years ago

cool. put them down at the bottom where I can see them when I bump this group.

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
12.1.5  Raven Wing   replied to  devangelical @12.1.4    5 years ago

OK...but, you may have to look up for them if someone posts after me at the bottom. jrSmiley_79_smiley_image.gif

By the way...did you see the one I posted near the bottom here?

Professor Principal
12.1.6  devangelical  replied to  Raven Wing @12.1.5    5 years ago

sorry, I meant the bottom of the group page, not the articles.

Account Deleted
Freshman Silent
13  Account Deleted    5 years ago


I use this a screen saver. Shot from the ship on an Alaskan cruise.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
13.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Account Deleted @13    5 years ago

Wow, that is a great photo. 

Account Deleted
Freshman Silent
13.1.1  Account Deleted  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @13.1    5 years ago

I'm surprised I didn't get voted "Most Likely to Fall Overboard While Taking a Photo".

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
13.1.2  Raven Wing   replied to  Account Deleted @13.1.1    5 years ago

You mean you didn't? ??  jrSmiley_97_smiley_image.gif

Account Deleted
Freshman Silent
13.1.3  Account Deleted  replied to  Raven Wing @13.1.2    5 years ago

No but the questionable wisdom of trying to take a photo on a ship going 20 knots into a 20 knot wind - well ...

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
13.1.4  Raven Wing   replied to  Account Deleted @13.1.3    5 years ago

Whew!! Yeah...that would be 'iffy' at best. Glad you stayed safe. jrSmiley_13_smiley_image.gif

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
13.2  Raven Wing   replied to  Account Deleted @13    5 years ago

That is beautiful Adam. And Mt Rainier sitting in the distance is very majestic.

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
14  Raven Wing     5 years ago

Here's one that you have not seen yet...... 

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
14.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Raven Wing @14    5 years ago

Beautiful.  What moire can I say?

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
14.1.1  Raven Wing   replied to  Buzz of the Orient @14.1    5 years ago

Thanks Buzz. In this creation, although the older children are making toys, they are also learning how to sew and other work that they will need to learn to help provide for clothing and other goods for their families. And the older children take care of the younger children while their parents are busy doing other work for their family and to contribute to the Tribe.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
14.1.2  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Raven Wing @14.1.1    5 years ago

What you find here in China a lot is when both parents of younger children have jobs, the grandparents look after the children. 

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
14.1.3  Raven Wing   replied to  Buzz of the Orient @14.1.2    5 years ago

There are times when the Grandparents, Aunts, older Cousins or other women in the Tribe will watch the children. Especially, if they are not walking yet and may be too big for the older children to carry and care for. This will also be the case if the Grandparents are not able to take care of the young children. There are always eyes to watch the children and be there for them if needed. 

After a certain age the young boys will go with an Uncle or other male family member who will teach them how to use a bow and arrows, fish, hunt and other important things the young boys will need to learn how to do as they get older. The young girls will go with other women in the Tribe to learn how to pick herbs, make Fry Bread, cook and grow their vegetables, things that they will need to know how to do as they grow up. So someone always has an eye on them.

Professor Principal
14.2  Kavika   replied to  Raven Wing @14    5 years ago

Love this one, RW.

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
14.2.1  Raven Wing   replied to  Kavika @14.2    5 years ago

Thank you Kavika, I'm really glad you like it. 

Professor Principal
15  Gsquared    5 years ago

A tiger swallowtail butterfly visited my garden recently.  I took some photos, but most were just photos of beating wings.  Some of them are very nice though.

All of the photos on here are very beautiful.  Thanks everyone!

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
15.1  Raven Wing   replied to  Gsquared @15    5 years ago
Some of them are very nice though.

Would you mind to share one with us? I have never seen a tiger swallowtail butterfly before. So it would be very interesting to see one. (smile)

Professor Principal
15.1.1  Gsquared  replied to  Raven Wing @15.1    5 years ago

They are in the gallery in a cel phone I had to stop using a few days ago.  If I can figure out how to get them from there, I will be happy to.  There is the posted photo of a tiger swallowtail above in this article.  My photos are nice, but not as clear as the one on here.  It was amazing having it flutter around me in my garden for about 10 minutes or so.  A real treat.  I also recently had a visiting eagle that I took some pictures of at the top of a tree on my back hill, and our resident owl that I often hear hear hooting at night, but had never seen before.  All in the wilds of L.A.!

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
15.1.2  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Gsquared @15.1.1    5 years ago
"It was amazing having it flutter around me in my garden for about 10 minutes or so."

Maybe it wanted to pollinate you.

Professor Principal
15.1.3  Gsquared  replied to  Raven Wing @15.1    5 years ago

256 256

Professor Principal
15.1.4  Gsquared  replied to  Raven Wing @15.1    5 years ago

I just posted 2 photos of the tiger swallowtail butterfly that wanted to pollinate me.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
15.1.5  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Gsquared @15.1.4    5 years ago

I only see one photo.  It's well camouflaged but there it is near the centre of the photo.

Professor Principal
15.1.6  Gsquared  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @15.1.5    5 years ago

You don't see the 2 photos posted side by side?

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
15.1.7  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Gsquared @15.1.6    5 years ago

I see the one I described.  Maybe if you posted one to the right of it, it went right off the comment.  Do others see it?  If so, the probem may be mine.

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
15.1.8  Raven Wing   replied to  Gsquared @15.1.4    5 years ago

LOL!!  Thanks! Yes I see them, and they really are beautiful. The yellow color in their wings against the dark color makes them look like they are trimmed in bright gold. So shiny and bright. Just awesome.

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
15.1.9  Raven Wing   replied to  Buzz of the Orient @15.1.5    5 years ago

Can you see both of the pictures and both butterflies in this picture Buzz?


                       1.                                                       2.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
15.1.10  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Gsquared @15.1.6    5 years ago

Okay, got it.  I was confused because both photos were joined togither, I saw the butterfly to the right but mssed the one to the left.  I guess I thought it was all one photo.  I see both butterflies now. 

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
15.1.11  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Raven Wing @15.1.9    5 years ago

Okay, now I see them.  Thanks for seperating the photos - I thought it was all one photo.

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
15.1.12  Raven Wing   replied to  Buzz of the Orient @15.1.11    5 years ago

You're very welcome, Buzz. Glad to help.

Professor Principal
15.1.13  Gsquared  replied to  Raven Wing @15.1.8    5 years ago

It was amazing and very beautiful.  I did not mean to mislead you, but there was only one butterfly.  It stayed around long enough that I was able to take several photos of it.

In the spring of 2019 we had a butterfly migration come through Southern California.  It lasted for several days.  They were smaller butterflies called Painted Ladies.  At times they came in waves.  A couple of afternoons I sat outside for over an hour and they were everywhere, basically traveling from the southeast towards the northwest.  When I was out driving they were all over the place.  It was one of the most incredible things I have ever experienced.

Professor Principal
15.1.14  Gsquared  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @15.1.11    5 years ago

My fault.  It was my first time posting photos on here and could not get it quite right.

Professor Principal
15.1.15  Gsquared  replied to  Raven Wing @15.1.12    5 years ago

Thank you for that!

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
15.1.16  Raven Wing   replied to  Gsquared @15.1.15    5 years ago
Thank you for that!

No problem. I am most happy to help however I can. jrSmiley_2_smiley_image.png

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
15.1.17  Raven Wing   replied to  Gsquared @15.1.13    5 years ago

I live in So Calif as well, and we have all sorts of butterflies come through here every year. The Painted Ladies are really pretty. Some are colored like a kaleidoscope. 

I could tell that there was only one butterfly with it's picture taken in differing areas, from different angles. By parting the two photos as I did the butterfly could be seen in both pictures but in different areas. 

If you run into a problem you need help with here in NT you can find assistance from other members here, including myself. Most of us are happy to help if we can. (smile)

Professor Principal
15.1.18  Gsquared  replied to  Raven Wing @15.1.17    5 years ago

I have never seen a butterfly migration like the one last year.  Did you experience it?   

Thanks!  I could certainly I could use the help.  I had no idea how to even separate the pictures.

Actually, in some of the pictures I took of the tiger swallowtail you can see the fluttering wings.

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
15.1.19  Raven Wing   replied to  Gsquared @15.1.18    5 years ago
Did you experience it?   

We did get some here, but, I think there were areas that got more than we did. I am East of Los Angeles, out in Riverside County. It was amazing to see them come roaring in, and then a day or so later they just disappeared. 

And those were very good shots of the butterfly. The one looked like it's wings were in motion.

You can also contact me using the Private Notes if you run into a problem and if I can help I will be glad to. If not, then I can perhaps steer you to someone who can.

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
16  Raven Wing     5 years ago

Here is one for my Friday contribution...something different I tried.  

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
16.1  author  A. Macarthur  replied to  Raven Wing @16    5 years ago

The oval works perfectly around a long pyramidal figure! The horizon is perfectly position on the upper horizontal third while the horizontal background keeps the subject solidly in the foreground.

In a word, “perfect”!

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
16.1.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  A. Macarthur @16.1    5 years ago

Using an oval frame does add a touch of "vintage" to a photo, IMO.  I think of the century-old pictures of my grandparents in oval frames. 

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
16.1.2  Raven Wing   replied to  A. Macarthur @16.1    5 years ago

Thanks for the critique Mac. I did want to add aging to the image, and a bit of old fashion look as well. I had to play with the arrangement and blending of the background and primary subject in order to get them well balanced. Getting the best height and width of both to achieve the best results took a good deal of trial and error to bring the two together that gives both realism and timeliness to the overall creation. 

Your mention of getting the horizon in the background in the best position for keep the primary subject at the fore of attention was indeed one of the more tedious challenges. It is important to get the proper placement of the horizon and earth mounds so that the height of the subject is best defined overall. The balance of the background and subject helps adjust the concept of distance of the subject and the horizon. Getting the horizon too high or too low to the subject can make a great deal of difference in the overall visual appearance. 

I am glad that I managed to get the artwork to look its best. And I am truly pleased that you approve. (smile) 

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
16.1.3  Raven Wing   replied to  Buzz of the Orient @16.1.1    5 years ago

I went through a whole gambit of frame styles and colors before settling on the oval. I think that the oval frame and type of texture of the artwork itself fits the overall appearance of the image. And I did want to achieve the old fashioned, very vintage type of look to the total artwork. I wanted to maintain the moderately young age look, yet, with a rather mature look overall. And I think the oval frame helped to achieve that goal.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
17  Buzz of the Orient    5 years ago

Very nice, as usual.

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
17.1  Raven Wing   replied to  Buzz of the Orient @17    5 years ago

Thanks Buzz. The treatment of the image was something different I have been wanting to try. I'm glad that you like it.  (smile)

Professor Principal
18  Kavika     5 years ago

On this 4th of July this painting is particularly apropos. 

J.D. Challenger,   '' AND JUSTICE FOR ALL''


A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
18.1  author  A. Macarthur  replied to  Kavika @18    5 years ago

What great irony; for those whose lives and property and freedom were stolen by “that flag,” the painting is a metaphor of government hypocrisy, racism, and perpetual rewrites of history.

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
18.2  Raven Wing   replied to  Kavika @18    5 years ago

But...when will Native Americans see any justice?  It cannot be justice for all until that happens. 

Professor Principal
18.2.1  Gsquared  replied to  Raven Wing @18.2    5 years ago

It has to come!

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
18.2.2  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Raven Wing @18.2    5 years ago

The adage is "Justice delayed is justice denied".

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
18.2.3  Raven Wing   replied to  Buzz of the Orient @18.2.2    5 years ago
"Justice delayed is justice denied".


Raven Wing
Professor Participates
18.2.4  Raven Wing   replied to  Gsquared @18.2.1    5 years ago
It has to come!

However, as long as there are bigoted people in the WH and our Congress it will likely continue to be postponed indefinitely. 

Professor Principal
18.2.5  Gsquared  replied to  Raven Wing @18.2.4    5 years ago

We have to hope, and believe, that the younger generation, and those following, will get things right.  Based on what we have been seeing recently, I am somewhat encouraged.  Did you see the report about the 100s of elementary school-aged children in a small town in Missouri that participated in a march through their town last Saturday carrying signs and chanting "We are the children, the mighty, mighty children.  Here to tell you, Black lives matter!"?  They estimated that about 700 were involved, including parents.  One boy organized it with his mother.  Children of different races were there, but most were white kids from what I could see in the photos.  Completely fantastic. It made me tear up just reading about it.  The future belongs to them.

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
18.2.6  Raven Wing   replied to  Gsquared @18.2.5    5 years ago
The future belongs to them.

Very true. And what they are seeing now, and have for the past 3 years, will hopefully encourage them and others, to make America truly a country where there is truly justice for all Americans, and that does include Native Americans as well. To have our Treaties that have been written for hundreds of years fully honored and enforced. No more mere lip service and games of "Who Do You Trust" played by lying government, who most certainly can't be trusted.

Professor Principal
18.2.7  Gsquared  replied to  Raven Wing @18.2.6    5 years ago

Of course, it MUST include Native Americans.  All treaties must be honored.  Total respect must be given.  We have had enough.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
18.3  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Kavika @18    5 years ago

There is a movie with that title as well, starring Al Pacino as a lawyer and Robert Forsythe as a Judge. l'll use it for my next quiz. 

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
20  author  A. Macarthur    5 years ago


Caught it this morning … Largemouth Bass … be back at the water this evening.

Professor Principal
20.1  Kavika   replied to  A. Macarthur @20    5 years ago

And this evening a much larger largemouth.

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
20.2  Raven Wing   replied to  A. Macarthur @20    5 years ago

WOW!  That's a very nice catch! And I see why the call them a large mouth. jrSmiley_18_smiley_image.gif

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
20.3  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  A. Macarthur @20    5 years ago

Was it back in the water as well, or was it lunch?

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
20.3.1  author  A. Macarthur  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @20.3    5 years ago

They all go back in the water.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
20.3.2  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  A. Macarthur @20.3.1    5 years ago

Ah, but nothing is so delicious as a fresh fish filet pan-fried in butter within a couple of hours of it being caught. It's the cycle of life. 

Professor Silent
20.3.3  TTGA  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @20.3.2    5 years ago

Here we are Buzz, the cycle of life.  Just back from my brother's, with pictures.  Two male, two female plus mom.  When my daughter went over to play with them, those little tails were vibrating like crazy.  They're about four weeks old.



Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
20.3.4  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  TTGA @20.3.3    5 years ago

The cycle of life - were you planning on eating them?  LOL

Professor Silent
20.3.5  TTGA  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @20.3.4    5 years ago

Some are born and some die.  These ones were born.  Somehow, puppies just have the good luck to always be born cute.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
20.3.6  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  TTGA @20.3.5    5 years ago

People often say when they see beautiful babies or young children, "I could eat him/her/them up".  I think those puppies qualify for such a comment. 

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
20.3.7  Raven Wing   replied to  TTGA @20.3.3    5 years ago

Those are adorable little pups. Lots of fun to be had by all. 

Professor Silent
20.3.8  TTGA  replied to  Raven Wing @20.3.7    5 years ago
Lots of fun to be had by all. 

For all except mom.  She's being run ragged, and will be until they're fully weaned in another week or two.  She gets a high protein diet but not a lot of rest.  Pretty sure she's looking forward to taking a break soon.  Even without having to feed them, she hovers over them, particularly when my daughter went over to play with them.  I think that she doesn't figure that those silly humans know anything about taking care of puppies.

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
20.3.9  Raven Wing   replied to  TTGA @20.3.8    5 years ago
She's being run ragged,

As a Mother myself, I can fully understand how she feels. And I think most Mother's will as well, Being a Mother of most all species in the world have to be on duty 24/7. Even when asleep on ear, if not both, are strongly aware of her children. 

And yes, no one else knows how to take care of one's children, so the Mother's apprehension is always at the fore.jrSmiley_44_smiley_image.gif jrSmiley_18_smiley_image.gif

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
21  Raven Wing     5 years ago

As promised.......here is a post to start the weekly posting of my creations of Native American women. Some many of you may have already seen from prior posts:


Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
21.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Raven Wing @21    5 years ago

Quite hexagonic, even somewhat dreamy.

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
21.1.1  Raven Wing   replied to  Buzz of the Orient @21.1    5 years ago

Thanks Buzz. I like the word 'dreamy', as I was trying to get a kind of supernatural look to it, and the woman is a Shaman conducting Spiritual ceremony.

Professor Principal
21.2  devangelical  replied to  Raven Wing @21    5 years ago

very nice.

Professor Principal
22  Gsquared    5 years ago

Eagle visitor256

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
22.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Gsquared @22    5 years ago

Right on top, showing up on the right day.

Professor Principal
22.1.1  Gsquared  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @22.1    5 years ago

Yes, right on top, but it was not from today.  It was recently though.  I last had an eagle visiting a few years ago.  

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
22.2  Raven Wing   replied to  Gsquared @22    5 years ago

Wow! How fun! There is a falcon that comes around my building every now and then. It's so beautiful, so majestic as it sits atop the trees and looks down at everyone. I can always tell when it's around, as all is quiet and there are no other birds around. And as soon as it leaves the other birds come back chattering up a storm. 

Professor Principal
22.2.1  Gsquared  replied to  Raven Wing @22.2    5 years ago

That is very cool.  We have hawks patrolling overhead all the time.  I love to watch them ride the wind.

By the way, I want to congratulate you on your superb artwork.  Truly excellent!

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
22.2.2  Raven Wing   replied to  Gsquared @22.2.1    5 years ago
I want to congratulate you on your superb artwork.  Truly excellent!

Thank you very much. It is something that I truly love to do. I try to show the ways of living, the culture and religious beliefs of the different Tribes here in America. I am of the Cherokee Nation. My Mother was of the Bird Clan, and my Father was of the Wolf Clan. 

I also enjoy sharing my artwork with my NT family. Even those who are not of Native American heritage also enjoy the artwork, and can learn a bit more about the history of America's first people. 

I am still learning how to create my artwork, as I am still very much an amateur. So the valuable mentoring I get from those here on NT, and compliments such as yours, help to improve along the way. 

I truly appreciate your kind words, and I am very glad that you also enjoy my artwork. jrSmiley_13_smiley_image.gif

Professor Principal
22.2.3  Gsquared  replied to  Raven Wing @22.2.2    5 years ago

I want to know as much about your culture as possible.  I am very interested in the languages.  I also study religions from around the world.  Fascinating subjects.

I come from a family of artists.  I even have paintings by my great-grandfather.  My mother was an incredible artist, and taught high school art before my parents got married.  I have an uncle who was a highly-regarded commercial artist and art designer.  My brother has an MFA.   I can barely draw a straight line.  I have done some art in the past, but it takes a lot of concentration.  I gravitated towards music from early childhood.

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
22.2.4  Raven Wing   replied to  Gsquared @22.2.3    5 years ago
I want to know as much about your culture as possible.

A good place to learn about various Native American ways of life is in the Anishinaabe Group, which is a private group here on NT. Kavika is the owner of the group and one of NT's resident experts of the Ojibwe Tribe. 1st Warrior is also a member of the group and of Native American heritage. I am of Cherokee heritage and also a member of the Anishinaabe group. Perrie, owner of NT, is of Shinnecock heritage and also a member of the Anishinaabe group.

One of the purposes of the Anishinaabe Group is to help others learn more about Native Americans, their ways of life, culture, religions, beliefs and much more. And there are others here on NT who are of some Native American heritage can also help. 

My efforts in my own artwork is to help others learn more about Native Americans. I am but a novice, still learning and hoping to one day be able to be good at expressing myself and sharing my knowledge through my artwork. My Father and Brother were natural artists who never took their talent seriously. I, like you could never draw a straight line, even with a ruler. I truly envied them, as there were so many things I wanted to express using art. But, it wasn't until I learned how to utilize the computer and digitally create my artwork that I have been able to start learning how to express myself through my creations, and hopefully, help others learn about Native American life.

Nowhere Man
Junior Participates
23  Nowhere Man    5 years ago


Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
23.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Nowhere Man @23    5 years ago

The prodigal one returns, and with a magnificent photo.  Glad to see you.  You've been missing my quizzes.

Nowhere Man
Junior Participates
23.1.1  Nowhere Man  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @23.1    5 years ago

I don't know about prodigal brother... I'm too simple a man to be that... Glad to chat at you as well... Not missing your quizzes though... life moves on is what is happening to me now... 

Getting more into researching history rather than current events... that's in my wheelhouse anyway where I'm most comfortable... and I"m at the point in life where I prefer to steer my way around, not drive...

It's all good my friend I'm a lot more relaxed that I ever was before.....

Take care and stay safe my friend...


Raven Wing
Professor Participates
23.2  Raven Wing   replied to  Nowhere Man @23    5 years ago

There you are! Good to see you back again jrSmiley_13_smiley_image.gif

That photo is really beautiful. The reflection of the setting sun on the roadway is really pleasant. Even the street looks quite deserted. Thanks for sharing it with us. jrSmiley_9_smiley_image.gif

Nowhere Man
Junior Participates
23.2.1  Nowhere Man  replied to  Raven Wing @23.2    5 years ago


GOOD to see you still around also!!! That's up around N30th street in North Tacoma looking southwest towards the bridges over the narrows.....

It's a good picture I thought...

Will be touching bases in the future as well...

Stay safe my friend...


Raven Wing
Professor Participates
23.2.2  Raven Wing   replied to  Nowhere Man @23.2.1    5 years ago
That's up around N30th street in North Tacoma looking southwest towards the bridges over the narrows.....

So very good to see you here again. You have been very much missed my dear Friend. (big smile)

I know that area fairly well, as I had a Cousin who lived in Tacoma for years and I used to go and visit her often. Another Cousin lived in Seattle as well and we would all meet in one place or another when I went to visit so I could spend time with them both. 

I thought that place looked pretty familiar, and now that you have described the photo I can place it in my memory as well. While I never saw it that early in the morning, or at night, I can still recognize the area. (grin)

Looking forward to touching bases again soon. And you stay safe and be well too. jrSmiley_15_smiley_image.gif

Raven ~

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
23.3  author  A. Macarthur  replied to  Nowhere Man @23    5 years ago

Great to see you and that spectacular photo! Hope you are well ... stay connected here, please.

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
23.4  author  A. Macarthur  replied to  Nowhere Man @23    5 years ago

Great to see you again and the spectacular photo. It’s been awhile and much in my life has changed since we last dialogued ... please stay connected here regularly.

Nowhere Man
Junior Participates
23.4.1  Nowhere Man  replied to  A. Macarthur @23.4    5 years ago

Hey my friend, yeah it's been a while... A lot has changed here as well... cut loose a lot of ancient history boat anchors, like politics....

Will try to stay connected but it certainly won't be an everyday thing..... Check out Bruce's hobby group to see that I've been devoting my time to..... building things rather than arguing with the brainless...

Much more relaxing my friend...

Besides, I get to spend a lot of time on fora devoted to that kind of activity, history and model building, finger in glove type stuff...

We will catch up my friend... give it time... I hope all has been well with you... 

Your friend,


A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
26  author  A. Macarthur    5 years ago

This week's Thursday/Friday has been a great success … extending into Sunday with both quality and quantity creativity, camaraderie and just plain good feelings. 

In addition to my pix atop the article and the fishing picture, I got some nice butterfly shots and some really nice red fox on a daisy-filled back road; not sure if I'll put them up tomorrow, or, wait until this next Thursday.

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
26.2  Raven Wing   replied to  A. Macarthur @26    5 years ago

Being as this is the last day of the long holiday weekend, and so many great types of artwork and photos shared here during this time, perhaps it will be better to share them later in the week when we will have new works or art and photos to share then as well. 

This has been one of the best articles with sharing of great artwork and exchanges of information among the many members and visitors here, and hopefully, it will be the beginning of more such great interaction and sharing of information. I have truly enjoyed it. 

And one of the great parts this time was being able to meet a new member to our group, and to reconnect with an old member of the group who is a dear Friend of many here, including myself.

I am still enjoying the bliss of this article and all who have participated. jrSmiley_13_smiley_image.gif jrSmiley_81_smiley_image.gif

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
26.2.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Raven Wing @26.2    5 years ago

It is, in my opinion, the best group on the NT site.  

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
26.2.2  Raven Wing   replied to  Buzz of the Orient @26.2.1    5 years ago

I totally agree. It's so great to have a group to enjoy civil and respectful discussions with others, and to share our mutual interests.

It's a place where others offer to help, and share various techniques to help others make their work better, and give praise and encouragement to those who are struggling to improve their own work.

A big thanks to AMac for providing such a peaceful and enjoyable place for us to relax in. jrSmiley_12_smiley_image.gif  

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
27  Buzz of the Orient    5 years ago

Let's see if we can push this article up to 200 comments.


Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
29  Buzz of the Orient    5 years ago

Looks like I'm the only one keeping the home fires burning.

There were carved out of tree trunks - quite a "creative art" in itself.


A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
30  author  A. Macarthur    5 years ago

Way to fuel the discussion, Buzz!


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