Continuing in My "Frame" of Mind ~ CREATIVE ARTS THURSDAY/FRIDAY
Whether one "frames" a question, a concept, or, issues on which individuals and various entities will make important decisions, viable presentation is significant in life and art!
My Masters Degree thesis was entitled, "THE ROLE OF PRESUPPOSITION IN THE PERCEPTION OF ART" -- in other words, the sum total of our experiences in life to any moment in time, determines what we bring, among other things, to creative works, not only how we see, hear, etc. them, but how we "perceive" them … how our expectations about them, as "art", come into play … HOW OUR PRESUPPOSITIONS "FRAME" much of our lives and behaviors.
Pocono Mountain Stream
© A. Mac/A.G.
Candlelight Vigil/Editorial Comment
© A. Mac/A.G.
Abstract Harbor Night
© A. Mac/A.G.
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While always somewhat subjective … many pictures "live" their lives in frames chosen for them by "experts," novices, and/or those who say things like, "I don't know anything about ART, but I know what I like."
Hoping to see the same success we've enjoyed in past weeks … creative works and lively, insightful commentary.
Truly beautiful frames that add the finishing touches of enhancement to the artwork. With the right choice of framing, there can be a vast difference in how the artwork appears. The same artwork can look entirely different simply by adding a frame that not only enhances the primary image, but, also affects the soul of the image.
Very well done!
I used to be a framer and picking the right frame is a must.
But there ARE exceptions to the benefit of being framed.
Buster Keaton? Comedic genius.
Don't frame me bro...
In today's political environment this remains true.
''Broken Promises'' by J D Challenger.
I'm trying to connect the title to the painting, the flag to the meaning. especially the face stripes as if "accepting" the flag, although the facial expression says a lot. Perhaps the facial stripes means more that the flag is disparaging te person, running over him. How would you interpret it?
A very awesome painting. And although there have been some recent long awaited improvements, there are still so many more that still await.
The detailed reality of Mr. Challenger's paintings is truly amazing.
No matter how bad things are, there are always beautiful flowers to bring us cheer.
Gorgeous flowers EG, it's as if I can smell them sitting here. (smile)
Very intense image … reminds me of a painting by 19th C. American painter George Innes …
Taken at a lake house we rented for vacation. I had to lighten it a bit for it to display well on here but that was one beautiful night.............
With your permission, I can "restore" the image send it to you in Private Notes.
It needs very little restoration.
Digital devices that take photographs, unless they can shoot in RAW file format, make decisions about an image before recording it; many times, those decisions result in an image that is not true to what the photographer saw nor expected. So, when I talk about restoration, I sometimes am referring to correcting the information, and/or reinstating the information the device processor took out, usually to save storage space.
Very informative explanation. What I also find interesting is that sometimes when taking a picture with a camera or phone what it looks like on the camera or phone is not how it looks when printed, or when it is saved to the HD of my computer. Colors seem to change, and clarity can change as well. So there is some adjustments that have to be made then as well.
In short, Jim’s photo is much nicer than even the very nice iteration he posted.
Indeed it is.
That is a very nice picture.
An excellent photo - evokes a sense of mystery and reflection.
© G. Gam 2020 A view from the platform on my back hill.
The compliments you have been paying to others are just as applicable, and often more so, to the photos you post. That is only one example.
Thank you very much. You are very kind. I have really been enjoying the pictures everyone is posting the few weeks I have been on here.
Not only beautiful, G, but, very refreshing to look at. It is as if I was standing there looking out from the steps.
Nice! And thanks. I have a bench up there. Sometimes I watch the sunset. Occasionally I get inspired to write haiku. The view in the photo is towards the southwest, but the platform actually faces due west. The orange flowers are Cape honeysuckle. When the Cape honeysuckle is in full bloom there are lots of hummingbirds.
That must be awesome to see. I love to watch the little hummers. They are soo cute to watch. And soo beautiful with their brilliant colors.
It is awesome. They are beautiful and cute all right, but they are also very territorial and can go on the attack. They don't actually make physical contact, but they swoop in close sometimes. The little buggers...
Very true. We hung feeders all around the large front porch of my Parent's house, as my Mother used to love sitting out there and watching the hummers. They never bothered her. But, when my Father sat out with her the hummers would sometimes dart around him.
After some time they learned that my Father was not going to bother them and when he sat out on the porch they would fly up to him and look at him in the face. He would talk to them and sometimes filled the feeders, so they learned that he was one of the good guys. But, any other males that came around the porch were given the "This is mine" treatment by the hummers. Even the mail man knew not to stay long when delivering the mail. When the dadies delivered the mail they were never bothered.
Yes, sometimes they just get in my face like that. They're tough...
All of your photos look professional. Really great.
I usually just post shit I snapped from my phone.
Thank you so much. Guess what... my photos are all just stuff I snapped from phone, too!
© G. Gam 2020 "Be Mine" Iris
A couple of beautiful photos G.
Thanks Kavika!
Those are really awesome Iris, G. Such beautiful color, with rich, full blossoms.
Thank you Raven Wing. I was particularly happy with that iris.
Yet again a comment I posted disappeared. What I said was that beautiful flowers cause a joyful feeling, one that is needed during these times.
I agree wholeheartedly.
By the way, anyone who wants a mask that is creative as well as functional … click for literally unlimited choices …
I sold these two black and white prints this week. The customer was specifically looking for black and white winter photos for an office.
From the roof of the building I work at.
Alder cones covered in hoarfrost.
Great photos EG, burrrrrrrr
I'm certainly not looking forward to winter and It's a beautiful 70 degrees here today. I'll have to get the lawn mowed after work.
I think you once posted the top one here before. Do you sell your photos through an agent or a web site? They both do say "winter".
Yeah, I think I posted both of these before. The alder cones/branch image wasn't black and white though. I sell through mostly people I know. Which is to say I sell very very little. It's my hobby and when I start doing it for income it'll be less fun and more work. LOL! My end of year calendar is always popular with friends and family.
There you are! My feelings as well. Creating artwork is very time consuming and tedious at times. But, I love the challenges I run across when am working on them. Learning new techniques and slowly improving my own interpretation. It can at times be disappointing, but, mostly just a great deal of fun and satisfaction. I put my heart and Spirit into my work, and each new artwork I create is a new part of me and who I am. you say, if I started to create work for income, a good deal of that satisfaction and Spirit would soon give way to, "Would someone like this enough to buy it? Would the image be easy enough to interpret?", etc. I would rather my work share a bit of who I am and what it means to me, than concern myself about how much it might be worth.
As long as I am happy with it, and some others enjoy seeing it, I prefer to just keep it as a hobby that I can relax and enjoy with, and lift my Spirits.
But, that is just me. To share them with others who appreciate them and enjoy seeing them, and perhaps learn something about the Native American way of life, customs, traditions and beliefs from them, that is reward enough for me.
'hoarfrost'. New one on me. Had to look that up.
And no, it is not getting turned down by a hooker...
Clear Lake, Northern California
That gets a "WOW!!!" Kavika.
One "WOW" is just not enough, so … "WOW"!
That's great.
An excellent photo for a number of reasons.
Agreed. Subject matter, color, composition, just to begin with. Pretty spectacular.
Beautiful sunset and its reflection on the water. The myriad of colors in the reflections are inspiring.
A little snow at my old house back in PA a few years ago.
Nice. We don't get any of that where I live.
Memories of the beauty of winter - winters I no longer miss - It will be 95 F here today, 98.6 F tomorrow and it will get hotter over the next few weeks.
We don’t anymore either. Retired the old snow shovel in the winter of 2018.
Welcome to the warmer climes!
Umm... what's a snow shovel? (Haha)
I truly love winter artwork, and these photos are great. I am just glad that we don't get that here in So Cal where i live. I a beach bunny, not a snow bunny.
What is that white stuff all over the ground?
I am a beach bunny now too! I used to love the snow, playing in it with my son, the snowmen, sled riding, all great fun. As I got older it kinda lost its zing!
Other than the 4 years I lived in No Virginia I have never lived with snow. And that 4 years was more than enough. I don't like the cold, especially, snow and ice. I can tolerate the heat much easier than the cold. I lived in the South most of my youth, and lived in So Cal for most of my adult life other than the 4 years in VA.
We get snow in the mountains and some desert areas here in So Cal, but, other than that is a rarity.
I have been through Warrenton twice in past 2 weeks, a pretty town
I am just the opposite of you, grew up with snow. Moved to Wilmington NC at 19, Columbia SC a few years later then back to Pa just after my 24th birthday. (Yes that was many moons ago)
IT is one o the Battle Ground towns. The building I lived in was a Historical landmark, as is most of downtown Warrenton. It is also a former Cold War area as well. There is still a great deal of FBI and Black Suits working the area.
For some of you who have never been to Warrenton, it sort of looks like the 1950's. This is downtown Warrenton;
And just up the hwy toward Front Royal is this store which I love the name of;
Yep, that name was good for a laugh.
The first time I saw that building I was driving to Front Royal VA and didn't have time to more than get a glimpse of it. I thought I had misread the sign below, so on my trip back to Warrenton I stopped by and nearly laughed my head off after reading it.
The "Antique Tables" and "Made Daily" combination really through me.
It is still there
Thanks charger. I know that Warrenton had grown and changed a good bit since I left in 2008, as it was beginning to spread out all around. But, I really loved the simplicity of the town.
The original name of the town was "Oxymoronville".
Ya know, it took me all day, but I just now got that....
I kept thinking, who cares if they make tables.
Slaps head....
Just 30 more and Grey will have a meal. Taken Monday after an afternoon on the lake.
How cool.
LOL. Proud as hell of his catch.
Is that your same Grandson? Man he has grown.
He's the oldest one Ender, now 10. He has a 7 year old brother too.
They have both grown like crazy over the last year. My avatar shows them with their sisters a couple of years back.
Well it's Thursday here is my Thursday contribution.
Yes. Beautiful.
Thanks G. I'm happy that you like it.
I have to wait for Friday for your Thursday, but it's worth waiting for to see what you post.
Thank you for your patience, and compliment Buzz. I appreciate both of them. (smile)
Okay is the Friday post for you to see on your Saturday (smile)
I see it and it's only around 6:40 pm Friday here. Aren't you up kind of late (or early)? It's a great picture, but what's happening in it? Is the big bird watching over the little bird while it appears to be hunting and catching its prey? - a parent teaching its young how to survive?
Pretty much so. Birds of various types are Spiritual Totems and Sacred to many Tribes. Like most all things in Nature, there is a higher and lower feeding pattern. And the parents, at least the Mother, of the young, like in the human world, teach their young how to hunt for food, and how to avoid the predators.
And yes, I am having another sleepless night, so I am still up at 6:00 am Saturday day morning.
Very nice Raven Wing.
Thank you G. (smile)
Are those ravens?
They seem to be hawks.
I really like the frame you put on that one.
Thanks Ender. It is sometimes hard to find the right kind of frame for the artwork. Same for the background. One that compliments and enhances the primary subject without detracting from it. And the blending of the background and primary subject to produce a well unified artwork can be very challenging. I am truly glad that you like it.
I was just being nice. I actually hate it.
Just kidding !
I have seen that pic before. New frame? I love the eagle one.
Yes. I wanted to see what it would look like with a different frame.
Did good Sis.
Thanks Ender. Using a different frame and background with the same subject can make each look almost like a totally different image.
Thanks dev.
China is a land of pagodas...
....whether they be large...
...or small.
When entering a pagodo, always look up.... see the ceilings.
Very beautiful pictures Buzz.
Beautiful and interesting.
Totally beautiful Buzz. I think that Chinese artists and architects understand color and pattern better than anyone since Michelangelo.
We're looking good ladies and gents … let's keep it going … and again, I thank each of you for contributing to a civil, enjoyable sharing of talents and ideas.
Thank you for the place to do it. It also gives us a chance to get to know each other better, how much we have in common, and how much we are different that makes us interesting.
Two more from my current FRAME-of-mind.
Philly's All-time Favorite Phillies Player, Mike Schmidt
© A. Mac/A.G.
Cosmos Flower and Bud
© A. Mac/A.G.
The framing really does add a lot. Is there an app you could recommend? "Paint" on my computer does not seem to provide for framing.
Topaz Studio 2 … Photoshop Elements Editor (more recent versions) … they are not intuitive, but worth some of the annoyances.
Thank you! I will check when I have a chance.
Is it free?
Great framing Mac. The gradient frame on the second picture truly compliments the delicacy of the flowers.
I thought it was Mitch Williams. LOL
I would do a Blue Jays collage but their best player, Roy Halladay finished his career as a Phillie.
I much prefer the white clouds than the white snow...View from my lanai this morning.
You have a beautiful view Kavika. Nice setting. Nice clouds!
Thanks G.
Very beautiful Kavika. It looks truly relaxing and serene. The white clouds look like soft white cotton candy. (smile)
It's the rainy season here - unbelievable record flooding this year. Don't know if news videos of it are censored in America. However, I think we had a couple of days that looked like that this past month.
Most of our journalists don't know there is a world outside the US.
And that is truly a shame. They seem to think that the only thing Americans can think of is politics and....well politics. There really is a very beautiful world all around us if we just took the time to enjoy it until one day it is not there anymore. Just being able to remember what it was once like would be extremely boring, and a gross shame on us.
© G. Gam 2020 Cambodia
Great photo - you should do a photo essay on the Discovery group, although it won't be seen by as many members as here.
Thank you. Maybe I will sometime.
© G. Gam 2020 Portrait of a Monk, Wat Krom, Cambodia
Great photos G. I have hundreds of Thailand, Burma but they are the old fashions film. I have to get them transferred.
Thanks Kavika. When you have them transferred we expect to see them! I have been looking at my photos from Thailand to see if there are any that I like for here. I have never been to Burma. That must have been really fascinating. I have old fashion films from some of my trips to Hawaii, and from the trips I took to the South Pacific that we discussed before. I would like to get them transferred, also.
I wonder how much a thai stick is now...
Beautiful photos G. Very inspiring.
Thank you Raven Wing!
That's a painting? Here's "Photo of a Monk" by Buzz, White Horse Temple, Luoyang, Henan, PRC.
No, it's a photograph taken with my cel phone.
Your Monk photo is pretty cool.
Yours is a magnificent portrait - I thought it was a painting.
Well, thank you so much. That is really nice of you.
I think I will just sit here for a while...
That's pretty funny.
"Be my guest." (grin)
It is nice to have a good rest spot.
Just sit back and enjoy the great pics.
Absolutely true. For 4 days out of the week I can just forget all the BS and hate going on in the world every day and just enjoy seeing all the different artwork posted here. No worries of Covid-19, face masks, social distancing, protesters, nameless Fed troops beating and killing people in the streets of some cities, etc.
I can just sit here and enjoy the hard work of others who are looking for the same thing and willing to share it with us.
What? No masks, no social distancing?
When you feel framed in. Haha
That is a perfect example of SINGLE POINT LINEAR PERSPECTIVE, first incorporated into a work of art by Filippo Brunelleschi in 1424!*
* Thanks for one of the few opportunities to demonstrate my knowledge of Italian Renaissance art.
You know more than I do. Ha
I should have squatted down and centered it, I guess.
Things you think of after the fact.
Caption? The never-ending hallway.
Better yet - "Hallway to Oblivion".
© G. Gam 2020 Sunrise near Ko Samui, Thailand
Nice picture. Beautiful sunrise, and a bit of eerie feeling with the fog. Well done!
Man you are like my brother. Been all over the world.
I've been to a few places, but not "all over". We were supposed to visit Scandinavia, the Baltic countries and St. Petersburg, Russia in June and earlier this month, but our trip got cancelled because of the stupid virus. Traveling gets very tiring, but you do see interesting things. I still have a few other places I would like to see, but I don't know how much longer we will be able to keep at it. I also like to be at home.
My brother saw a lot of places from when he worked on cruise ships (before his profession now). He was part of the entertainment so he had the option to site see at all ports of call. Of course he kept up traveling. I think his last trip was to Vietnam.
Sorry to hear about your plans. Damn virus ! The architecture in St Petersburg would be awesome to see.
Our trip to SE Asia 2 1/2 years ago was our first cruise. We enjoyed it. Our trip that got cancelled was also a cruise. We planned it for over a year, and we were very excited about it. It's unfortunate that it got cancelled, but that's the way it goes. Maybe we will do it next yet if things improve. We were going to have 2 days in St. Petersburg and I was really looking forward to it.
That is actually what my hallway pic is from, a cruise ship. That hallway was about the length of the ship.
I was wondering if it was from a cruise ship. I thought it was probably a hotel. So, it was a floating hotel!
With more amenities. Haha
And lots of food!
Oh yeah. There was always a place open.
It was fascinating to me watching them dock.
I was up at dawn every morning taking pictures from the balcony.
Our first night I guess the water was rough. You could feel the ship rocking back and forth. After that I didn't even notice it.
We had a little balcony.
My brother in law figured out you could open the balcony door and the hallway room door and the air would rush through. Clean out a stale room. Haha
Our balcony was maybe about that size, or just inches larger.
We had one night when things were rocking and rolling pretty badly. Scared my wife a bit. Other than that it wasn't bad. We had a lot of fun, except for the really intense heat and humidity, and that was in January/February, which was supposed to be the best time of year to visit SE Asia. Too much.
I never took a cruise. Many years ago I (and my family) toured the Queen Mary where it was docked at (I think) Long Beach, California, and I remember feeling really claustrophobic when I was in its long hall like your photo, so I never had any desire to go on a cruise.
My sister and I stayed overnight on the Queen Mary years ago and I stood in that hall too. I remember I couldn't see the end of the hall due to the curve of the ship.
The only thing about a cruise that could have attracted me.
Background music for your photo - called "Misty Morning"
I do enjoy photos with mist. It's hard to find a day when it isn't misty here - among Chongqing's many nicknames: "Mountain City", "One of the Three Furnaces of China", "City of Bridges", there is also "The Misty City".
The link didn't seem to open on my phone. I will try my computer later tonight.
Another comment I posted disappeared - to repeat...
Tudou is a Chinese movie/music video web site something like YouTube, but not as comprehensive. Some American members of NT have been able to open it, so I don't know why all can't.
Sunset from the deck of our home on Table Rock Lake, MO.
Sunset on the Kona side of the ''Big Island''.
Nice Kavika. I can feel the trade winds blowing...
Where I caught the only deep sea fish of my life, a Mahi Mahi while on the fishing boat Kona Queen.
I once dated the Kona Queen. Wait, what, a momentary lapse of reason. LOL
Actually it was the Queen of Kona
LOL. There are spirits there that watch over those islands. I learned the hard way when I took a piece of volcanic rock home as a souvenir - bad luck for years.
There are spirits that watch over those islands.
Yes, there are.
I think my favorite Hawaiian myth is about the manifestation of a god who is a cloud that floats in the air off the coast of Ha'ena on the north shore of Kauai. The Hawaiians think of it as a Floating Island.
Beautiful sunset photos Kavika. The bottom one reminds me of the sunsets at Sanibel Island in Florida no matter what time of the year.
Beautiful photo.
Let's keep this going into the weekend …
France Pavilion, Walt Disney World
© A. Mac/A.G.
Love the framing, Mac. Lots of bright colors.
Here's a creation to offer for the weekend....
That is another very powerful image. Is it a photograph? It doesn't look like computer-generated art.
I guess he's focussing on visions, rather than seeing through his eyes. Perfect frame to match the picture.
Thanks Buzz. I know you like the wood burls, as do I, and some things just don't look right without a wood burl frame or background.
Okay, one more for the road...since I've been focussing on pagodas anyway.....
Beautiful Buzz.
Florida sunset from my lanai
© G. Gam 2020 Keukenhof, Lisse, Netherlands
Those are awesomely beautiful flowers. Such bright and brilliant colors.
If you ever have a chance to visit Keukenhof, you should. Wonderful place. It is a 79 acre garden that is a showcase for Dutch professional gardeners and growers
At this point in time, my traveling from So Cal to the Netherlands is not very possible. However, if I could it would be a trip well made. The flowers are truly awesome.
If you do ever have the opportunity to visit, I think that Keukenhof is only open to the public for 8 weeks in the spring. Their flowers are awesome. They also had a very impressive orchid collection on display in a large exhibition hall.
© G. Gam 2020 Keukenhof, Lisse, Netherlands
© G. Gam 2020 Keukenhof, Lisse, Netherlands
Your 3 flower photos are a real "Dutch Treat". LOL
Cute... The whole place was amazing, that's for sure. We were there on Remembrance Day, which honors the dead from WW2 and other Dutch heroes who have died since that time. As I recall, they had American and Canadian flags flying along with the Dutch flag at the garden.
The next day was Liberation Day, commemorating their liberation from the Nazis. We went to the Anne Frank House that day. Very touching. Very sad.
The day you don't want to be there is Queen's Birthday, which was just a few days earlier. That was the day before we arrived in the Netherlands, and the canals and streets were full of Heineken bottles. All of the shopkeepers were sweeping up broken glass from in front of their stores.
All right! Saturday is well underway!
Carolina Chickadee
© A. Mac/A.G.
That is nice. Adding the leaf is cool.
Adding the leaf promotes a standard good photo to a unique one.
Very nicely done Mac. And I agree that the leaf does compliment the picture.
© G. Gam 2020 My wife painted this and put it on the door to the garage so I don't forget to wear a mask if I have to go somewhere. It's supposed to be me, but if it is, that's me about 40 years ago... It looks like a mask she made for me.
Don't forget to wear your mask!
I guess that one always thinks of a person having the appearance of when first met. In other words, perhaps we never age in the minds of those who love us.
It hasn't been quite 40 years, but you may be right...
We have known each other for a little over 27 years. I sent the picture to one of my childhood friends and he's the one who actually said "40 years ago!!!".
But I think your idea is interesting and probably true.
Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly
© A. Mac/A.G
Really beautiful work.
Bet you could get a lot of buyers for that photo.
That's a real beauty Mac. The gradient framing really compliments the colors of the image itself.
Very well done!
© G. Gam 2020 Kinkaku-ji (Temple of the Golden Pavilion), Kyoto, Japan
And since we're talking about pagodas...
LOL. Did you look at the ceiling?
You can't go inside.
It's in a beautiful setting in the hills surrounding Kyoto. As I recall, we visited 3 sites that day that we were able to walk between. A little drizzly and rainy. Really nice.
One more as we may be winding down.
Strawflower Digital Painting
© A. Mac/A.G.
we may be winding down
Maybe if you add "Saturday" to the title? Marketing?
Winding DOWN? We're just getting STARTED.
The "Iron Pagoda" of ancient Kaifeng - one of the dynasty capitals of China. It isn't iron, but the ceramic covering is rust-coloured.
Very cool. I think that I may have some other pagoda photos. Maybe we should have a Pagoda Off...
LOL. No way you could win THAT contest.
I know. I wouldn't stand a chance. Thought it was funny though.
Those are amazing flowers. They look like they are fake flowers, but, are really alive. My Grandmother used to have them in her flower garden, and when I visited as a child I always had to pick one to make sure it was real. Strawflower is a very good name for them.
Beautiful picture and framing Mac.
Lake Itasca headwaters of the mighty Mississippi river. The rock barrier is the end of the lake and the start of the Mississippi. For the first 20 miles, the river flows due north before turning east and than finally south on her journey to the Gulf of Mexico.
Would that be waves breaking on the rocks, or reflection of the clouds?
Water flowing out of the lake and over the rocks causing that, Buzz.
That water must be very cold.
Very cold, G.
Nice to see the other end for once.
I have to take some time to relish all the recent images, I know they're awesome.
Meanwhile, here's an image of roasted beets.
It's sorta framed .
Your using the word "relish" when posting a photo of what could be an ingredient is quite appropriate. LOL. They look delicious, Just give me a knife and fork, please.
Another for Saturday...
Fantastic. That frame really does enhance the image.
Thank you G.
What more can I say?
Thanks Buzz.
Tisa's Barefoot Bar, Alega Beach Pago Pago, American Samoa.
I spent many an evening here..LOL
The only time I was in a bar/restaurant that looked like that was in Barbados, where we had a dinner of flying fish.
Nope, I don't drink alcohol so it was usually tonic water.
Ok Not funny I guess. Sorry Kavika. I hardly ever drink alcohol myself.
I deleted.
No worries G.. You don't have to delete it, I'm familiar with Vailima beer. In fact, it's my understanding that a new local brewery opened in American Samona in 2017.
Kava cured me of ever wanting to drink anything with alcohol in it...LOL
The one time I drank kava cured me of ever wanting to drink kava again...
I smelled and sipped a little to show that I wasn't insulting my hosts...OMG, it was horrible after that everyone on Samoa knew I didn't drink so they would offer me something non-alcoholic.
Whenever I went to Tisa's she would bring me tonic water without me having to order it.
It was gout that got me to almost never drink alcohol again.
Well, it's Sunday and we're still here, so …
Variation on a theme … two for the price of one …
Monarch and Swallowtail Butterflies
© A. Mac/A.G.
Double the pleasure, double the fun.....
Beautiful Mac. Love the gradients and variations. Very nicely done indeed.
That is very nice.
Here's old one for Sunday....
That's a unique way to mount the image onto the frame - and the frame matches and enhances the image's colours perfectly. The picture by itself is also very interesting.
Thank you Buzz. I first thought that adding the background would cause the whole image to be too busy, But, by angling the primary image is seemed to calm it down.
You could not have chosen a better framing for that picture.
I'm very glad that you like it Buzz.
That is very great art.
Thanks G.
Monday morning where I am. Views of two pagodas, taken at the same park on a very misty day. "Two for the price of one." LOL
Great photos Buzz, and beautiful surrounding foliage.