They are all beautiful Mac, but, the one with the broken tree is very telling. For me, it depicts that, even in the world of nature, life is not a given. And the struggle for survival in the face of imminent death applies to all form of life in our world.
Very nice G. The one thing I really enjoy when visiting marinas and boat docks, is seeing all the unique and often hilarious boat names. Such as the one above that is named 'Hauliday'. (grin)
We are ramping up to our busy season at work now. I had to setup 24 online workshops, with RSVP pages and auto confirmation emails, plus do updates on 2 new laptops. Instead of working...
I'll looking forward to it, but again we are refinancing the house at a super low interest rate so there are many projects to do before the appraiser comes. LOL!
Great photo, EG. It use to be there was a time for working, a time for play, a time for family, and a time heal. Now days, it is very difficult when you have to try to find time to work them all in together.
I hope you have a very relaxing Labor Day weekend.
What a very impressive Wisteria. The colors are so vibrant, and the really looks very relaxing and peaceful. I can close my eyes and see me sitting in a comfy lounge chair under that tree with a cool Mint Julep. Ahh......
Wisteria is pretty but I can't stand the stuff. Very invasive, shoots out long runners everywhere and takes over everything. I have seen them shoot runners underground 20, 30 feet away to take over things.
We never has Wisteria in our yard, but, the lady who lived next food did, and when the wind blew from that direction when they were in full bloom our yard would have a layer of purple all across it, as well as the house on the other side of ours.
The house was eventually sold and it seemed that the new owners so, very awed by the beauty of the Wisteria, fell out of love with it when they had to rack the dead dregs of it from their own yard after a while and cut the tree down.
We kids, who were charged with raking the dregs out of OUR yard stood and cheered as they cut down the tree.
I agree. The mist, sound and the smell of waterfall is a healing tonic for the mind, body and soul. And each one is unique in all of these, with their own story to tell of their source as it travels through time.
Very lovely array of beautiful photos, Buzz. Sometimes I feel that Man and Mother Nature are in competition to see which one can out do the other. (smile)
I hope you're not insulted, but when I first looked at that picture, Dean Martin singing "When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's amore" ran through my mind.
Headed to the mountains and woods with my wife where social distancing is not only possible, it's the norm … black bears, Timber Rattlesnakes, White-tailed deer, Bald Eagles … ahhhhh! Civilized life forms.
Will check in tonight after or before fishing, or both. For now, check these out (and, from me, a retired official of ORGANIZED LABOR … have a good Labor Day).
There was a nice hotel, Château Eza, although we did not stay there. We were staying in Nice. Èze was one of our day trips. There were also a few artists with small workshops.
It would be fun to stay there. All vehicles park below the town. There is only the narrow pathway winding through the village as you climb up the hill.
Most of the ancient villages I've toured in China have become too commercialized, but not all, thankfully. That one (along with the street view in your "urn" photo) appears to be very natural.
The artwork is of a Shaman, dressed in his regalia in preparation to perform a Spiritual ceremony. Most Shaman wear rather frightening regalia in order to scare the evil Spirits around the patient. Some of the regalia is really quite shocking. They dress to challenge the evil Spirits so that they will leave the patient. The ceremonies are very aggressive and challenging. Somewhat like an exorcism.
LOL!! The people that lived next door to my Paternal Grandparents had a Donkey named Spud. When he wanted his carrots, peeled of course, he could come to their window and sit down like a dog and bray until they brought him his carrots. The first time I saw that when I was about 3 y/o I laughed until I could hardly stand up.
They are both beautiful, Mac. The first one is indeed very mysterious. The bright light at the end, seeming to generate an abundance of small sparkles. Very Spiritual.
Well done; not exactly a "double exposure" in the traditional sense, but effectively, the same outcome. In the age of digital, I do it either with "LAYERING," or, replacement of portions of images, then, "flattening" the layers to a single "background".
Thanks Buzz. I am most pleased when my artwork stirs feelings of deja vu, or in your case, music that you enjoy. Thank you for the feedback, I truly appreciate it.
Those two were just having some wedding shots taken on the shore of the Yellow River at dusk, so using my zoom telephoto I was able to sneak that shot.
The one with the elderly couple snuggling was taken at the Chengdu University campus in Chengdu, a city where we lived for a year before moving to where we are now in Chongqing. The wedding photo was taken on our way back from touring an ancient Buddhist monastery and raspberry juice bottling factory and farm, and having just crossed the Yellow River (just north of Zhengzhou in north central China). So neither were taken near where we are now.
Thanks Buzz. Women are an important part of most, if not all, Native American Tribes and are highly respected. Many of the Tribes are matriarchs, some even sit on the councils along with the men. Some have even become Chiefs of their Tribe.
So yes, some women play a very important part of their Tribe.
Image atop of article … RED TAILED HAWK flyin' high.
It's that time again … show your stuff.
Unique and beautiful art, as always.
Beautiful photos, Mac.
Let's not think of your photos as competition, but as examples to try our best to match.
They are all beautiful Mac, but, the one with the broken tree is very telling. For me, it depicts that, even in the world of nature, life is not a given. And the struggle for survival in the face of imminent death applies to all form of life in our world.
© G. Gam 2020 Rockport, Massachusetts
Very nice, G.
Thanks Kavika
A great photo. Makes me sort of wish I were there.
Thank you very much.
Very nice G. The one thing I really enjoy when visiting marinas and boat docks, is seeing all the unique and often hilarious boat names. Such as the one above that is named 'Hauliday'. (grin)
Thanks Raven Wing. I also love some of the names people give their boats. I thought "Hauliday" was pretty funny.
''End of the Trail'' Top of the Rock, Ridgedale MO.
Great image!
More than just a photo, it tells a story.
Beautiful Kavika. And the photo, taken at that time of the day adds to the story that the heart rendering image represents.
Very well done.
Where is everyone?
We are ramping up to our busy season at work now. I had to setup 24 online workshops, with RSVP pages and auto confirmation emails, plus do updates on 2 new laptops. Instead of working...
I'd rather be...
You and Kobe, chillin'.
Long weekend coming up?
I'll looking forward to it, but again we are refinancing the house at a super low interest rate so there are many projects to do before the appraiser comes. LOL!
You DESERVED a break. LOL
Great photo, EG. It use to be there was a time for working, a time for play, a time for family, and a time heal. Now days, it is very difficult when you have to try to find time to work them all in together.
I hope you have a very relaxing Labor Day weekend.
Looks like he has settled in quite nicely.
Right here!
I was asleep.
© G. Gam 2020 Wisteria, Japan
Love the Wisteria.
What a serene photo.
Thank you
Just "hangin' out" these days? Your photo begs for a caption.
Yeah, and working part time... at home! "Wisteria, Japan" doesn't do it?
Ooops! I missed is receding.
What a very impressive Wisteria. The colors are so vibrant, and the really looks very relaxing and peaceful. I can close my eyes and see me sitting in a comfy lounge chair under that tree with a cool Mint Julep. Ahh......
I like that idea!
Wisteria is pretty but I can't stand the stuff. Very invasive, shoots out long runners everywhere and takes over everything. I have seen them shoot runners underground 20, 30 feet away to take over things.
Very aggressive and hard to control.
We don't have wisteria at our house. I do appreciate them from afar. I guess they will remain someone else's problem!
We never has Wisteria in our yard, but, the lady who lived next food did, and when the wind blew from that direction when they were in full bloom our yard would have a layer of purple all across it, as well as the house on the other side of ours.
The house was eventually sold and it seemed that the new owners so, very awed by the beauty of the Wisteria, fell out of love with it when they had to rack the dead dregs of it from their own yard after a while and cut the tree down.
We kids, who were charged with raking the dregs out of OUR yard stood and cheered as they cut down the tree.
So sorry...please forgive my many typos today.....I started a new prescription and I'm not back up to speed yet.
Natural waterfall in Dogwood Canyon, the Ozarks in SW Missouri.
I remember well our day there … and sadly, the subsequent passing of Melanie who joined us that day.
So do I Mac. Remembering her in that beautiful place is, in itself, kind of a gift.
Just beautiful!
Thanks, G.
It's always gives a great feeling to look at a waterfall.
I agree. The mist, sound and the smell of waterfall is a healing tonic for the mind, body and soul. And each one is unique in all of these, with their own story to tell of their source as it travels through time.
A truly beautiful place. So many steps in the water fall. As I sit here looking at the photo, I can feel the refreshing mist from it.
Very nicely done.
That reminds me of Watkins Glen in New York, similar rock formations.
An assortment of sorts...
Very lovely array of beautiful photos, Buzz. Sometimes I feel that Man and Mother Nature are in competition to see which one can out do the other. (smile)
Buzz...what kind of building is the 3rd photo down, the one with the two sphere and the towering spiral?
I think it's Shanghai's radio, wifi and tv tower.
Thanks Buzz. It really is different.
The photos are sorta kinda good.
Really nice.
OK.... we'll take a little walk back in time. Hope you enjoy it...
I do remember that piece and it's still quite striking.
Thank you Kavika. I'm glad that you like it.
I like it, too. Very unique and creative. Mystical.
Thanks G. I'm very glad you like it.
I hope you're not insulted, but when I first looked at that picture, Dean Martin singing "When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's amore" ran through my mind.
Not at all. That song was/is one of my favorites. It is such a fun song,
Mount bluejay in the center. They are not portrait sitters.
LOL. Using a magnifying glass, I THINK I saw it. Is it sitting on a branch jutting out to the right about half way up the second trunk from the left?
That's where I see it too. It's really a bright blue.
Headed to the mountains and woods with my wife where social distancing is not only possible, it's the norm … black bears, Timber Rattlesnakes, White-tailed deer, Bald Eagles … ahhhhh! Civilized life forms.
Will check in tonight after or before fishing, or both. For now, check these out (and, from me, a retired official of ORGANIZED LABOR … have a good Labor Day).
Pocono Back Road
© A. Mac/A.G.
For Raven Wing Especially, Shenandoah Starry Night
© A. Mac/A.G.
I'll Explain this One Later …
© A. Mac/A.G.
Be kind to one another.
LOL. I thought there weren't supposed to be any political comments in this group.
That is a WOW! sunset - even THAT could be considered a political comment..
These photos are very beautiful.
Thank you so much for the beautiful Shenandoah Starry Night Mac. It truly is awesome.
Waterfall inside a cave in Dogwood Canyon, MO.
What a cool place!
It' always nice to stop in here and look at everyone's beautiful photography and artwork. Thank you Mac for providing a group that is so special.
Northern flicker eating ants in the grass
That is a really beautiful bird. Love the spots and the red patch on its head
You have a variety of really interesting birds in your area.
© G.G. 2020 Èze-Village, France
Your photos are good enough to URN you some money.
Ha! Thanks
(I only accept cash)
Oy vase Mia.
Ewer both so funny!!!
Think of me as a pitcher of humor.
My cup runneth over with all of your great jokes!
That is a very lovely photo G. It makes me feel that I am there and could just keep walking down that pathway. Very well done.
Thanks Raven Wing. Èze is an ancient village on a hilltop near Nice. It is very picturesque and also has great views of the Mediterranean Sea.
I love quaint little villages like that. It must be a wonderful place to live.
There was a nice hotel, Château Eza, although we did not stay there. We were staying in Nice. Èze was one of our day trips. There were also a few artists with small workshops.
© G.G. 2020 View from Èze-Village, France
Very nice. It would be fun to stay there.
It would be fun to stay there. All vehicles park below the town. There is only the narrow pathway winding through the village as you climb up the hill.
Very nice. And I bet the view is fantastic.
The photo I just posted is showing the Mediterranean but it was sort of cloudy/foggy.
Cloudy/foggy or not that is a great photo, G.
Thanks Kavika!
Most of the ancient villages I've toured in China have become too commercialized, but not all, thankfully. That one (along with the street view in your "urn" photo) appears to be very natural.
It was pretty touristy but very nice. We had a great afternoon there.
Wishing all a very happy weekend. Take care and be well.
How beautiful! A superb work of art!
Thank you G. I'm very glad you like it.
Thanks for the combination of your good wishes and your good creation.
Thank you Buzz. (smile)
love the colors
Thanks dev. (smile) is Saturday, at least for a few more hours. So time to add one of the older creations. Hope you enjoy it.
Is it meant to be scary? If that's a finger to his lips then I assume it's from his other hand.
The artwork is of a Shaman, dressed in his regalia in preparation to perform a Spiritual ceremony. Most Shaman wear rather frightening regalia in order to scare the evil Spirits around the patient. Some of the regalia is really quite shocking. They dress to challenge the evil Spirits so that they will leave the patient. The ceremonies are very aggressive and challenging. Somewhat like an exorcism.
I think it's pretty scary. Great though. So, what's the story?
Thanks G. I answered Buzz's question on this above. Shaman normally wear some very scary regalia while performing the cleansing ceremony.
A sundae to celebrate Sunday - and I would like you to know that I ate the whole thing.
Oh yummy! I would never make it through all of that in one sitting. However, it looks delicious. I would sure give it a good try.
Oh my, I'm drooling over that Sunday, Buzz.
Definitely NOT for the lactose intolerant! You have one of those with soy ice cream and almond milk whipped cream?
That was one of the few sundaes I've eaten in many years, and I think they all had the normal contents.
I AM lactose intolerant, but I would still take my chances with one like that.
If I even got near that I would probably be sick for a week.
Do you remember the CCR song, ''Lookin' out my back door''..
This is what one of our neighbors saw when they looked out their back door.
That looks like a very peaceful sight. Very enjoyable.
Yup, the cow was peaceful but was waiting for an apple from them.
LOL!! The people that lived next door to my Paternal Grandparents had a Donkey named Spud. When he wanted his carrots, peeled of course, he could come to their window and sit down like a dog and bray until they brought him his carrots. The first time I saw that when I was about 3 y/o I laughed until I could hardly stand up.
Great. I remember the song... "Look at all the happy creatures dancin' on the lawn..."
Two more to keep it going.
Mysterious Light in the Forest
© A. Mac/A.G.
Coming soon to a Stream near me.
© A.Mac/A.G.
They are both beautiful, Mac. The first one is indeed very mysterious. The bright light at the end, seeming to generate an abundance of small sparkles. Very Spiritual.
Okay, okay, don't keep us "in the dark" - what IS the "mysterious light"?
I don’t know, it’s a mystery.
I know what it is. But if I tell, it wouldn't be a mystery anymore.
It’s a chance I’m willing to take. Feel free to solve the mystery.
Double exposure, a woodland scene combined with the milky way galaxy.
Well done; not exactly a "double exposure" in the traditional sense, but effectively, the same outcome. In the age of digital, I do it either with "LAYERING," or, replacement of portions of images, then, "flattening" the layers to a single "background".
Very well done, Mac. I like the ability to do layering, as opens the door to so many different ways to create images that makes them one of a kind.
I can often use several layers, all blended into one final image. It is one of my favorite techniques.
Bravo bccrane.
For the record, bccrane identified the fundamental aspects of the process of the image’s creation, but not the meaning of the mysterious light.
To be honest, I added the flare to heighten the visual impact and did the same in creating the image title. The ultimate mystery is now revealed.
I made it up under the right of artistic license.
Very beautiful
I'll add one more to carry us through Sunday.
Some of your images have made songs run through my mind. In this case it's "Feelings".
Thanks Buzz. I am most pleased when my artwork stirs feelings of deja vu, or in your case, music that you enjoy. Thank you for the feedback, I truly appreciate it.
Really beautiful. Fantastic!
Continuing with feelings....
In love to see couples spending important time together. The world is now spinning so fast that it is hard to remember a more peaceful time.
The setting and scenery is really lovely. It's calming. Makes one take a deep breath and relax.
Another - to help you take another deep breath and relax.
Those two were just having some wedding shots taken on the shore of the Yellow River at dusk, so using my zoom telephoto I was able to sneak that shot.
They would probably love to have that photo. Very nice.
Very lovely. I hope their lives will be filed with much happiness good fortune.
They'll have the ones that the professional wedding photographer was taking, and they'll probably be better than mine anyway.
Yep, hope so.
Beautiful location. Near where you live?
The one with the elderly couple snuggling was taken at the Chengdu University campus in Chengdu, a city where we lived for a year before moving to where we are now in Chongqing. The wedding photo was taken on our way back from touring an ancient Buddhist monastery and raspberry juice bottling factory and farm, and having just crossed the Yellow River (just north of Zhengzhou in north central China). So neither were taken near where we are now.
It's Monday, no need to stop now.
Very spiritual, and indicative of the importance of women in your culture.
Thanks Buzz. Women are an important part of most, if not all, Native American Tribes and are highly respected. Many of the Tribes are matriarchs, some even sit on the councils along with the men. Some have even become Chiefs of their Tribe.
So yes, some women play a very important part of their Tribe.
800 bottles of wine,
and my old desk top.
Should I salute you or your project?