In the early days of photography, black and white photos were sometimes tinted sepia tone …

Sepia  is a reddish-brown color, named after the rich brown pigment derived from the ink sac of the common cuttlefish  Sepia . The word  sepia  is the Latinized form of the Greek σηπία, sēpía, cuttlefish.

In the Digital Photography Age, images can be converted from their original colors, or, black and white states, to sepia (and any number of other tones).

In my opinion, sepia-tone images take on an aged, dignified look … and with some additional creative image-manipulation … can be damned-well mysterious, enchanting and exciting in ways full color images cannot.

Like f'rinstance …


Mysterious Light in Back Road Thicket

© A. Mac/A.G.


© A. Mac/A.G.


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Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
1  Buzz of the Orient    6 years ago

If I may add some of my examples.

These two photos were taken more than 40 years ago on B&W film, using my 35mm Canon F1 SLR, developed, enlarged and sepia toned in my darkroom, more recently scanned to my computer, where I added the frames with my editing program:



These two photos were taken more recently with my digital camera. They were originally in colour, but were then desaturated, toned sepia and framed with my editing program:



One should take care that when using sepia, it gives the photo a vintage look, so the photo of, say, a 2019 Maserati might not be a good subject for it.