Why Do Generals Worry About Trump?
Jan. 26, 2024 al Jizzerror Fake News
What do generals really think about the prospect of a Trump dicktatershit?
Trump is an existential threat. The donald is also a fucking traitor.
Okay, I know what the TDS* crowd will say (*TDS = Trump Dick Suckers). They will cum to Trump's defense and claim that some generals support Trump's re-election. That may be true. There is one general (a traitor who received a presidential pardon) who still loves The donald. This is a photo of General Flynn having dinner with Trump's boss:
So who the fuck wants Trump to have the launch codes for our nuclear weapons?
We don't need no stinking rules.
I recently saw this on the NewStalker home page:
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Trump even wanted to nuke hurricanes.
"Why Do Birds Sing So Softly, Every Time Dirty Diaper Donnie Drops Another Load on the Road To Destruction?"
We want to know, but we will never know. Only SATAN knows. CALL HIM AT:
the orange menace has already suggested executing one general...
Yep, and everyone that is anyone knows that that "ain't enough".
But Trump knows more than the generals says he but no one else.
T-RUMP is a Genie Arse. He know all kinds of SHAT, and sling it.
"When I was a Child, I SHAT as a child, but when I became a part of the Trump Cult, I SHAT all the time. It is my religious duty to help Donnie, is to Do God's Work.
Our duty (MAGA LOONS) is to clean up after him.